Forums > General Industry > outdoor nudes


MS Photo Chicago

Posts: 387

Chicago, Illinois, US

Until now I've only shot nudes indoors for two reasons a) it's been too cold in Minnesota wink b) I'm very concerned about privacy when working outdoors. Does anyone here have any tips for picking spots, what too look out for, best times of day, etc? Minneasota has lots of great state parks and I'd like to use some of those.


Jun 17 05 04:16 pm Link


J Welborn

Posts: 2552

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Shooting outdoors is great because you have such a varied choice of backgrounds.
First ,state parks would not take kindly to your shooting nudes there . I do it all the time and have never had a problem but I am very cautious and never take a chance of shooting where people are.
Time of day is very important . Very early in the morning and late in the afternoon are the best because the contrast is not a problem. The only other good time --actually great time -- is on an overcast day with a full cloud cover so there is no direct sun.
Filtration can be  used to get the color you like because the reflected light is some what cold in the shadows. A gold reflector will also warm the subject and sunset gives a great warm color that is hard to beat.
Nudes outdoors are just natural and make the model relax and do her best.
Have fun

Jun 17 05 04:26 pm Link


George Butler

Posts: 327

Marietta, Georgia, US

Finding a model open to being Nude outdoors will probably be your biggest challenge. That give me an idea, put an advertisement at a nudist colony.

Jun 17 05 04:38 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

I've found that working outdoors is no big deal. If you're quiet when you're shooting you can hear anyone walking up on you a mile away. Just expect to walk a little bit off the beaten track.

Also, expect: bugs, sweat, poison ivy, and be prepared to handle all of the above.

I got really into doing night-time shoots outdoors and in weird places like loading docks and parking garages. Most parking garages are very quiet at 2:00am and parking's pretty convenient! smile


Jun 17 05 04:39 pm Link



Posts: 444

Massapequa Park, New York, US

hahaha yes definantly be careful of poison ivy

Jun 17 05 10:59 am Link


Hel Inferna

Posts: 112

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I've done outdoor nudes plenty of times, and plenty of people have seen me, walking by, no big deal. I mean people are going to see the photos anyways so what if someone walks by and sees the shoot.

Jun 17 05 11:22 am Link


Bruce Caines

Posts: 522

New York, New York, US

Mike, most of my nudes are outdoors. I haven't had any models balk at the idea because so far I've saved the Yankee Stadium shoot for just the right person!  To be honest, doing nudes outdoors really comes down to common sense. Time of day, general traffic at/around the location, condition of the location, and finally how elaborate will your set up be.

Each photographer/model will have a different comfort level and each shot its photographic need. Some models could care less if they were standing naked in the middle of a playground filled with children, nannies and grandparents. Others need seclusion. I've worked with models that just couldn't wait to get naked! That will narrow down your options.

Important to consider: is the property private or public and what will happen if the owner or authorities come upon you shooting? Most of the time they are more concerned about whether you have a permit. (weird) I've had women nude on the beach, but I choose a time of day when the only people out are joggers and hardcore swimmers/surfers. At the right time and location the police will just hang back and enjoy the view as long as your shoot is contained and "respectable." (YMMV) Keep in mind the local attitudes.

I try to scout locations out as much as possible ahead of time to find out (a)the terrain -- hilly? rocky? grassy? glass-filled? thorny? buggy?  (b) is there anyplace to undress/dress other than out in the open.  (c) how are we going to get there (car, walk), where can we put the car and (if we need to) can me make a quick get away?

I usually bring insect repellent since I like to shoot in the woods and I check for poison ivy and other itchy green things. I also have some stuff on hand in case someone finds some poison ivy or an insistent bug with a stinger.  If you're in a tick-laden area make sure your model checks themself or will have someone go over areas they can't see. Also remember sunscreen!! It's likely that large areas of their skin haven't seen this much daylight in eons.

Above all, check with your model and find out her/his comfort level. I'm constantly pushing myself to do something more public. However I just not into the Spencer Tunic mode of naked in public for the sake of doing it. JMHO

Jun 17 05 11:29 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Its like shooting in any public place.

Sometimes you'll attract an audience. Hopefully that audience won't get their panties all knotted up & make you go elsewhere. I've had a couple models (figuratively speaking) get off on their public exhibitionism.

Jun 17 05 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

I do a lot of outdoor figure work; here in N. Calif with our dramatic landscapes it does seem like a very natural thing to do.  Some precautions though...  make sure you are comfortable with the site location if a model selects it.  I tend to be very cautious and conservative in my choice of locations; a few of the folks I've worked with didn't have that same sense of caution nor respect for others and I have found myself in some difficult situations. 

I like dramatic locations with dramatic light... for us on the west coast the last 4 hours of the day is a good time to be working.  Always be mindful of the location's dangers and be prepared, and always be aware of the conditions both of you are working in.  Sometimes the potential picture makes putting up with a difficult setting meaningful... just make sure your model agrees... and just have fun.  Every area has it's unique aspects... I do have to admit thou that shooting in underground garages at 2am does sound

Jun 18 05 12:06 pm Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

Agreed, it's fairly easy to do in northern California, many models are very comfortable with nudity, the occasional random hiker generally does not freak out, and even the authorities are pretty laid back about it, assuming a little common sense in choice of location.  The weather is usually good, the bugs aren't bad, and there aren't too many noxious plants to worry about.

I've also shot nudes in industrial parts of Chicago and Ohio, usually on Sunday mornings, and we use a lot more caution there.  People just aren't as accustomed to encountering outdoor nudity so reactions are less predictable.  Natural settings are tougher there also, too cold or too mosquito infested for much of the year.

Jun 18 05 12:22 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Then there was three weeks ago, when we were shooting topless out at the old Preston mill. A motorcyclist almost went off the road, craning his neck.

Then a family drove up to park for a hike. They didn't care at all, but Grandpa was watching and Grandma smacked him across his head! Classic!

(shot in my profile of Vienna outside was from that shoot)

Jun 18 05 12:29 pm Link



Posts: 1

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

sometimes it is also good for the shoot and the models if you were to find a place "in the middle of nowhere."  meaning you have a great setting to shoot and you have privacy cause no one is out there.

Jul 04 05 07:00 am Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I've done some outdoor/public nudes. It was fun, but you have to be in the right frame of mind. Depending on the amount of people traffic, and how uptight an environment you live in/shoot in, you will get gawkers.

They're unlikely to be cops. And those who object, well, what's the worst they can do to you. If they phone the police, just bugger off. They won't be putting up any roadblocks for some random naked person.

And yes, sunscreen and bug spray are essential. And a towel is a good idea, to fold up for sitting on unfriendly surfaces. And water of course, but that's for any shoot.

Jul 04 05 07:36 pm Link



Posts: 163

Northampton, Massachusetts, US

While some photographers may not care who sees them photographing an attractive, naked female, I as a model do not dig public nudity. Public nudity creeps me out. Luckily, there are enough beautiful and secluded places out here that I can be naked and not have to worry about much. 

Everyone should bring bug spray! I never go to an outdoor shoot without bug spray, I barely go outside without it. No matter how much I put on, I still manage to go home with a few bites. Photographers usually end up borrowing mine, which means that they should bring thier own.

Most locations are quiter during the week, due to the majority of people being in work and such. So I usually like to plan my outdoor work for a weekday, and early in the morning. Less chance of running into anyone.

Jul 05 05 09:11 pm Link



Posts: 864

Taipei City, Taipei City, Taiwan

True, Maxine.  I did my last shoot on a Monday morning in a secluded park in NYC, and almost no one was around.  We heard a couple of joggers long before they saw us.  (Actually they didn't see us at all, because we both took cover.)

Jul 05 05 09:15 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

After i took this shot i looked up to see a crowd of tourists watching the shoot--They enjoyed it very much! (:--

Jul 05 05 09:24 pm Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I'm not sure i've ever done an outdoors shoot that didn't draw a crowd. My avatar was shot over the weekend and we were shooting under the 95 freeway. People actually pulled over to watch!  I've only done one nude outdoor shoot and it took place only about 25 feet off the street. As someone mentioned earlier depending on where you're shooting you should normally have no problems.

Jul 06 05 10:35 pm Link



Posts: 1292

Los Angeles, California, US

Posted by Brian Rawson: 

hahaha yes definantly be careful of poison ivy

Good thing I don't react wink same deal with poison sumack and poison oak... there are lots of things to watch out for - and nudity isn't a requirement for reaction (think of the many hikers, boy scouts, etc.)

Jul 07 05 01:01 am Link