Forums > General Industry > Where should I print out Head Shots?



Posts: 19

Gainesville, Florida, US

Where should I go to print out head shots to send into an agency?  Can I just print them off at the Walgreens or do I need to go to a professional printer?
Thanks for your help!

Feb 09 06 01:45 pm Link



Posts: 3367

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Better to go to a pro, but try sample prints first, you might find that the local Walgreen's produces the best print.  It all depends on the person running the lab and how dedicated they are to quality and keeping their equipment up to specifications.  You would think a pro lab would print the best print and usually they do, but sadly this isn't always true.

Also talk to the pro shop and try to get a deal on price.  I print a lot of large size prints for the local tourist trade and the list price is $15 a print but I went in and talked to them and got a deal for $5 a print, I was expecting a discount but not that much and was pleasantly surprised.

Oops, Edit, also check with the agency to find out exactly what is the standard size and finish they are looking for, sometimes it varies locally and if they already signed you they may want their logo and contact info on the print as well as your name tagged on the image.

Good luck.


Feb 09 06 01:50 pm Link



Posts: 138

I would say walmart to start.@ just 2.84 an 8x10 or 9x12 thats great and the quality is good for me. you can decide on a matte finish or gloss. or Duane Reade if you have one of those. @ 2.99 an 8x10 sheet.
Its whats around.
And it also go by what the agency is looking for. I hope i aws of some help to you.

Feb 09 06 09:48 pm Link



Posts: 121

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Dana Newman wrote:
Where should I go to print out head shots to send into an agency?  Can I just print them off at the Walgreens or do I need to go to a professional printer?
Thanks for your help!

Ironically enough, I get all of my prints done from Walgreens.  They're A) The cheapest by far, B) Damn good quality for what it is and C) easy access.  I can upload to the web, pick them up an hour later.  SOMETIMES you get hassled about copyrights, but not often, especially if youy know the people in the photo department (I got to be REALLY good friends with them when I was going weekly to print pictures of my son off my digital camera).  Plus, my best friends dad is a WG manager.

I've had them printed for $5.00 a sheet througha professional, and really, the quality wasn't THAT different.  Just ask that your photographer send you the JPEG image to send to Walgreens, b/c they can't accept TIFF images on their system.

Feb 09 06 10:31 pm Link



Posts: 121

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

aisanartbytranasia wrote:
I would say walmart to start.@ just 2.84 an 8x10 or 9x12 thats great and the quality is good for me. you can decide on a matte finish or gloss. or Duane Reade if you have one of those. @ 2.99 an 8x10 sheet.
Its whats around.
And it also go by what the agency is looking for. I hope i aws of some help to you.

Walmart has COMPLETELY f*ed up every single image I've ever tried to print there.  Perhaps it's just the rednecks at my local branch, but they're either grainy, crooked, smeared, ripped, uneven or in the case of some 35mm film, TOTALLY DESTROYED! Yes, Wal-Mart destroyed FOUR ROLLS OF FILM from a trip I took to San Francisico.  they overexposed EVERY image, aside from like, 12 on one roll.  I could have beaten someone to death with a spork.

Feb 09 06 10:32 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 472

New York, New York, US

I've ordered all the prints in my book from Adorama in NY.
they are cheap, fast and easy. And a better print that anyone I've found locally.

my .02c

Feb 09 06 10:35 pm Link


Brandon Ching

Posts: 2028

Brooklyn, New York, US

Costco is $1.49 for 8x12 (or 8x10) if you upload the image in store, 8x10 (only) if you upload on the web.

Feb 10 06 05:56 am Link


Trevor Meeks

Posts: 81

Sonoma, California, US

I use an online professional lab called Mpix. Their website is

Their prices are great, the prints are beautiful, and they process orders FAST!

Feb 10 06 06:00 am Link