Forums > General Industry > Bikini Jam Mexico


Kira Jaye

Posts: 49

Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia


Just wondering if anyone can tell me anything or share an experience from Bikini jam?? Been asked over to Mexico from Australia..... any info would be great smile Thanks

Feb 09 06 01:46 am Link


Kira Jaye

Posts: 49

Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

anyone.... photographers who may have been???

Feb 09 06 11:43 pm Link


Kira Jaye

Posts: 49

Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

anyone.... photographers who may have been???

Feb 09 06 11:43 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

It's a good experience and alot fo fun.

If you get a company to sponsor you...I'd say go. It's great exposure and the top 17 models and Top 15 photographers get featured in their catalog and magazine...and they just added a TV website. Adn, there are several monthly newsletters, e-letters that they send out to over 100,000 people each month.
And, the winner wins cover of the magazine....and one year contract modeling UjENA clothing and $150,000 in cash and prizes.

Competing photographers win the cover as well and some additioanl prizes..I'm not sure about what the photographers' prizes are.

So, if you were offered a trip to go..I'd say go.

My only thing...
Check out the person offering the trip to you. Because they may, or may not really be involved.

I actually have to put a thing together before August to send a model out there to compete. And, it ain't easy. So, just check the person out if they aren't a representative for UjENA.

Feb 10 06 11:37 am Link