Forums > General Industry > what = hot pictures?? (part question, part rant)


Sara Beth

Posts: 487

New York, New York, US

i'm a little disgruntled, because i was just told my pictures aren't hot enough to make it in the industry by someone who was posting a casting call for something that seemed pretty pedestrian (pedestrian as in, you would want lifestyle models, not bikini girls). so let's have it, from all sides...what makes a hot picture? i kno people are gonna be like "it depends on what you wanna do" we can skip that response smile what *else* makes a hot pic?!

but honestly, i was pretty offended because a lot of (girls of color especially) seem to end up as internet models or "booty"'/video girls and i just don't want that. i want to be with a land based agency i was kinda mad that someone felt the right to tell me my pics weren't hot enough to make it in the industry (yes the ENTIRE industry)...and further, because i do not have said hot pics and do not believe hot pic HAS TO = booty in the air/half naked girl (not always anyways), I MUST know NOTHING about the industry. ugh. that was the rant part...anyways, what do ya'll think...

what are you fav hot (or not) pics? smile

Feb 08 06 08:33 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

if you don't want to be a bootygirl, don't be.  Just because one person wants you to go one way,  your not "hot enough'  dosn't make them right. 

hot isn't necessarily half naked.  with your butt on a car.  it can be, but if it's not you, then you have to find your own 'hot', and then prove it's hot.  smile

Feb 08 06 08:37 pm Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

Ooh, I wouldn't listen to what that one person said. There is always gonna be a sour apple in the bunch that will try to bring us down. You are hot in your own right...I always thought a woman could be sexy without even implying anything sexual. I know that sounds odd, but oh well...I'm odd. I can't really say what is hot, though, because...well, look at my portfolio. I don't know if I have any shots of what you could call "hot". I will get there, though. I just need to find a photographer that will spark that flame and let me show my creativity. When that out! I know that is the same with you. You show us with your work that you can be and are hot, you work the curves well, and you are proud of what you've got. I think that in itself, is what is hot.

Feb 08 06 08:57 pm Link


Sara Beth

Posts: 487

New York, New York, US

aw,'s always nice to have the support. this industry, sometimes i tell ya wink

Feb 08 06 09:01 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Sara Beth wrote:
i'm a little disgruntled, because i was just told my pictures aren't hot enough to make it in the industry by someone who was posting a casting call for something that seemed pretty pedestrian (pedestrian as in, you would want lifestyle models, not bikini girls). so let's have it, from all sides...what makes a hot picture? i kno people are gonna be like "it depends on what you wanna do" we can skip that response smile what *else* makes a hot pic?!

but honestly, i was pretty offended because a lot of (girls of color especially) seem to end up as internet models or "booty"'/video girls and i just don't want that. i want to be with a land based agency i was kinda mad that someone felt the right to tell me my pics weren't hot enough to make it in the industry (yes the ENTIRE industry)...and further, because i do not have said hot pics and do not believe hot pic HAS TO = booty in the air/half naked girl (not always anyways), I MUST know NOTHING about the industry. ugh. that was the rant part...anyways, what do ya'll think...

what are you fav hot (or not) pics? smile

I am sure Angel is not allowed to post because you know what I will say...

look at the source..

You have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. Where does this person fall? And if I quit when someone told me I couldnt' do it, I wouldn't have gotten past that silly photo I posted under Nerlande's thread.

As far as a good photo, I can't tell you in technical terms but I know it when I see one. I think you do too.

Everyone has their "growing pains." I remember after a few professional shoots, someone telling me my pics were not good enough. He was right. However, a few months later he did end up contacting me about shooting for a major mag submission. I passed.

People in all walks of life need to recognize where the opportunities lay, even when it is not so obvious. Woe is to those who don't see that.

Feb 08 06 09:08 pm Link


Sara Beth

Posts: 487

New York, New York, US

haha...Angel is always allowed to post, but Sara may disregard it b/c Angel's too nice wink Just're very right. and at the source...well i'll refrain from defaming anyone, but yeah. it just annoyed me. but yeah, i hear you. speaking of which lady, we gotta chat soon...

Feb 08 06 09:14 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Booty girls?  where?  right on!

Feb 08 06 09:53 pm Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

There'll always be somebody with something to say...

A hot picture is one in which you're exhibiting confidence and sex appeal. But sex appeal is different for everyone- booty girls "do it" for some, but not for all. Just keep on trudging, you'll find someone that appreciates what you have to offer.

Feb 08 06 09:55 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Jesus Christ....

I know who you're talking about, he's a friend of mines. Not trying to be mean, but if you weren't what he was looking for because he felt your pics weren't hot enough (I.E. felt they wouldn't garner any interest from the client), then you weren't what he was looking for. Also, before you even try to slam him on the sly tip I want you to know that the girls that he employ don't work for chump change taking lil $200 internet offers, they get real work.

***Generally Speaking***

Please try to refrain from pissing and moaning, making public spectacles of yourselves because someone said "no" to you. Not everyone is going to be all flowers and candy when they say no, and it's certainly nothing to build a federal case over.

Also understand that this industry is based on sales, and sex, sexy sells. Sure, you can throw in the lil "portrait pic" when trying to sell yourself, But try to remember that you are trying to SELL YOURSELF TO THE CLIENT. If your photos are blah and tame with no sexy images mixed in, you're not going to be able to compete with the girl(s) who do have that mixture in their portfolio. This is the importance of having a comp card showing ALL FACETS of your talents/looks. This is why you're SUPPOSED to have 2 and three different hard portfolios, so you can best sell yourself appropriately to the client.

If your significant other/parents are saying "aw, these are cute" and they're talking about your pics... Start over, because you're not going to wow anybody in this business that are almost dulled to being "wowed" by pics. YOU HAVE TO STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD OR YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME IN THE REAL WORLD.

That is all. Who's up for pizza?

Feb 08 06 09:56 pm Link


Ken Long

Posts: 956


AstraDivaJ wrote:
A hot picture is one in which you're exhibiting confidence and sex appeal. But sex appeal is different for everyone- booty girls "do it" for some, but not for all. Just keep on trudging, you'll find someone that appreciates what you have to offer.

I like her answer.  I always say that a hot picture has an "attitude" to it.  It's something that when someone sees it, it makes them stop and stare.  Yes, alot of people will stop and stare at a booty shot - some because it is that nice, others simply because they wonder how something like that could be photographed.  Bottom line is, put the confidence and attitude into your work, and enjoy the results. 

Oh, and yes, you do have some hot pics in your portfolio.

Feb 08 06 10:03 pm Link



Posts: 5216


What is "hot"
What is "Hot"? What is "Edgy"? What is a "Nude"?
A lot of terms get used in this industry that don't have a clearly defined meaning. If someone says I was looking for something a bit hotter 7 out of ten of us are likly to go off in the wrong directions (yes, the plural form is not a typo). I cannot say with any degree of reliability what brand of "hot" the OP is said to lack. I can say that this is a "hot" girl with a "hot" look. … 30079b69b0

Feb 08 06 10:04 pm Link



Posts: 35

Detroit, Alabama, US

DOn't listen to them. I like your pictures and I feel you have what it takes to make it in the industry. Sometimes I feel that I shouldn't do it because I don't have what it takes.

Feb 08 06 10:12 pm Link



Posts: 486

Bellingham, Massachusetts, US

"i'm a little disgruntled, because i was just told my pictures aren't hot enough "

First of all the remark may have more to say aobut the photogrpahers than you - the remark as you have quoted it is about the images it is not about you.

your simply prjecting the remark to mean something it may not have been intended to mean.

A headshot can be HOT but if it isn't it is not.  Some of your shots are NOT hot - but then again most of the profiles of newer models might fit this description.

Hot is attitude - not bad ass attitude unless you are really good at it, but simply attitude or the exrresson of strong emotion which can be felt by the viewer it is not a but in the air.

Stop complainig and put some of this energy into your shoots instead misdirecting some very important advice because your feelings are hurt.

Feb 08 06 10:18 pm Link


Brian Matthews

Posts: 15

Chicago, Illinois, US

ProShotPhoto I like what you said.

OK - My background is commercial print and I deal with artistic directors and advertising people all the time being here in Chicago.

I looked at you portfolio and sorry it did not grab me. I like the stuff you did with Duane at legwork since it brought out some energy which you really don't have in most of your photos.  I feel your are misguided in the thought that you have to be assed out on the hood of a sports car to be hot.  You need to take your look, place it next to a product that needs to be promoted and seriously ask yourself, would you buy that product?  If your look next to that product does not make you want to go out and buy that product at that instant - you have failed. 

Look at the ads in any major magazine where there is product placement next to a model.  The models look/attitude/camera presence is selling the product along with that products brand name.

This is not all the photogs fault - YOU the model have to practice your camera presence depending on the motivation of the project.  Like was said you need multiple comps and books to cater to the different clients and thier needs.  Do not listen to the opinions of your family or your significant others they don't know anything about the biz. They want you to stay that cute lil grade school girl.

I can go on and on about this.  Bottom line do not blame lingerie clad glamour models for your lack of camera presence.  You need attitude and energy of come out of that image no matter what your wearing. This is a business, you need to stay competitive in a very hostile market.

Feb 08 06 10:50 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Feb 08 06 10:56 pm Link


Brian Matthews

Posts: 15

Chicago, Illinois, US


Look at Angel's portfolio and look at yours Sara.

Practice practice practice.  You will get there it takes some work.

Feb 08 06 11:11 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

You know, I just HAD to ask him what was said, and this is what he sent me...

I passed your pics on to my Boost Mobile client.

Let me know how goes it.... you really need to get some hotter pics  if you decide to pursue this market.

Now, just what exactly is wrong with this???
Someone please tell me, because i'm starting to think that someone has a taste for the dramatics.

Feb 08 06 11:27 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Monsante Bey wrote:

Better to be doing the "booty shots" and making money than moaning about not getting any work at all. If you're "hot" you're "hot"... if you're not you're not.

Would I pick the OP out of a crowd of models? Yup... probably to say thank you for coming and send her home. Next girl please...

Monsante Bey wrote:
That is all. Who's up for pizza?

I never met a pizza I didn't like!!!!


Feb 08 06 11:51 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

I wouldn't assume that by "hot" the person to whom you submitted meant that you need to turn around, bend over and spread 'em wide.  Especially if the posting was for something tame.  It wouldn't make sense.

Hot can simply mean an image that stands out.  One that turns heads and grabs attention.  Could it be sexiness that does it?  Sure.  I think we typically use it that way, but it doesn't have to be confined to that. 

For me, it's all about attitude and atmosphere.  I like to think that my avatar is pretty hot but it doesn't actually reveal anything.  It's the suggestion.  The hint.  I have a photo of a woman in sexy lingerie on my profile but my avatar still gets the most views.

Push the limits of emotion when you're in front of the camera.  You are in too many different settings to have such similar expressions and that could be why he felt your photos weren't hot enough.  He may have simply meant that they don't "Wow" him, which says nothing of what it takes to wow him.

Don't concern yourself too much with a limited portrayal of a certain kind of woman in magazines as it's only one facet.  If you make it a fixation, you'll notice it all the time, much like noticing your favorite car all over the place.

Feb 09 06 12:03 am Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I don't know what the casting was for that you're talking about, but it sounds like it wasn't anything in the plus arena, yes?  Given your goals, it's actually good that you don't have crazy hot pictures, Sara Beth.  The plus modeling industry is extremely conservative, and you're working on making a fairly mainstream career.  If the casting were specifically for any kind of industry plus work, no one would be telling you your portfolio is too conservative.

If it's for something else, then yes, it probably is too conservative.  You can't be all things to all people, y'know?  That's why there are a gazillion and one models to fill all the jobs out there - different clients, different needs.  I wouldn't take it personally.  Just chalk it up to being a job that is further from your area of interest than you are willing to go.

Feb 09 06 09:45 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

I agree that "hot" doesn't mean "naked". 

To me, "hot" means engaging.  I like images of people who have some kind of expression on their face & in their body language.  Show me movement.  Show me laughter.  Show me intensity.  That's what I find hot.

Feb 09 06 09:52 am Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

A little off-topic here, but hot is almost always about attitude.  With the right attitude, the face and body will follow, leaving nothing but clothes and other props to be sorted out and the film to be exposed.


Feb 09 06 09:58 am Link



Posts: 483

Toledo, Ohio, US

Sara Beth wrote:
i'm a little disgruntled, because i was just told my pictures aren't hot enough to make it in the industry by someone who was posting a casting call for something that seemed pretty pedestrian (pedestrian as in, you would want lifestyle models, not bikini girls). so let's have it, from all sides...what makes a hot picture? i kno people are gonna be like "it depends on what you wanna do" we can skip that response smile what *else* makes a hot pic?!

but honestly, i was pretty offended because a lot of (girls of color especially) seem to end up as internet models or "booty"'/video girls and i just don't want that. i want to be with a land based agency i was kinda mad that someone felt the right to tell me my pics weren't hot enough to make it in the industry (yes the ENTIRE industry)...and further, because i do not have said hot pics and do not believe hot pic HAS TO = booty in the air/half naked girl (not always anyways), I MUST know NOTHING about the industry. ugh. that was the rant part...anyways, what do ya'll think...

what are you fav hot (or not) pics? smile

Sara Beth, I too do not have "hot enough" pictures according to some, but that's not the look that I'm going for.  You do what you are interested in and don't bow down to anyone else's "standards".  Although, you don't seem to be the type of girl who would.  wink 

I think your pictures are very "hot".  Hawt even.  Expecially the head shot by Dee.  and no BOOTY GIRL can replicate true beauty.

Feb 09 06 10:00 am Link



Posts: 483

Toledo, Ohio, US

studio36uk wrote:
Would I pick the OP out of a crowd of models? Yup... probably to say thank you for coming and send her home. Next girl please...


Why do you have to be mean?  She asked a question..."What makes a photo hot?"

But you have to take it to the next level.  Bravo... sad

Feb 09 06 10:05 am Link



Posts: 68

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

It sounds as if the photographer was being callous and indifferent.  I agree with a lot of the comments: it is not that you have no place in the industry, instead it is that particular photographer's opinion that, for whatever reason, do not fit this particular shoot.  Maybe the casting call was inaccurate.  The bottom line: the industry is huge, it's growing, and there will always be room for more.  All those Dove commercials have allowed a growth in "average" model exposure.  Clothing stores for plus-size people require models of again a different sort.  Yes, Playboy, Maxim, etc, (or some variation) will always be part of the industry, as will porn.  Of course, there is a growing demand for fetish stuff as well.  Then there's all the fashion stuff and commercial stuff, not to mention stock photography.  People with the right attitude, with versatility, can make a great career for themselves, without "prostituting" themselves.

Forget this guy and move on... there are plenty of other opportunities!

You do not have to be NAKED to be BEAUTIFUL (or HOT) ... that's so COOL !!!

Feb 09 06 10:06 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
A little off-topic here, but hot is almost always about attitude.  With the right attitude, the face and body will follow, leaving nothing but clothes and other props to be sorted out and the film to be exposed.


Hear hear!

Feb 09 06 10:12 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

studio36uk wrote:
Would I pick the OP out of a crowd of models? Yup... probably to say thank you for coming and send her home. Next girl please...


Suzi wrote:
Why do you have to be mean?  She asked a question..."What makes a photo hot?"

But you have to take it to the next level.  Bravo... sad

If you think I'm being mean read:

As for taking it to the next level? No... I am taking it from some fantasy world to the real world. If the OP walked in with her pictures as they are here on her MM page she would be walking right back out. That's not mean that's the reality.


Feb 09 06 08:41 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

But most of us are told to go home. I have been told that plenty of times. To say the OP would be sent home isn't really saying much. Not many among us get every gig they apply for, or even close.

Feb 09 06 09:12 pm Link



Posts: 483

Toledo, Ohio, US

studio36uk wrote:

studio36uk wrote:
Would I pick the OP out of a crowd of models? Yup... probably to say thank you for coming and send her home. Next girl please...


If you think I'm being mean read:

As for taking it to the next level? No... I am taking it from some fantasy world to the real world. If the OP walked in with her pictures as they are here on her MM page she would be walking right back out. That's not mean that's the reality.


I've read that post before and I don't think that's mean.  The OP didn't ask "what would you do if I walked in to a casting call and you were the decision maker?"  She asked "what makes a picture HOT?"

Feb 10 06 12:24 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Suzi wrote:
I've read that post before and I don't think that's mean.  The OP didn't ask "what would you do if I walked in to a casting call and you were the decision maker?"  She asked "what makes a picture HOT?"

"Hot" is a subjective term, like asking: What is porn? From my subjective point of view the pictures on the OP's picture page are NOT "hot" and apparently also from the point of view of the photographer that originally told the OP that same thing too.

They are dull, lacklustre, uninteresting, emotionless, uninspired, ordinary and don't stand out, or make the OP stand out, in the least = NOT HOT!

There 'ya go Suzi... I can't define "hot" for 'ya... but I can define "not hot"


Feb 10 06 12:58 pm Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US


One of the most difficult FIRST things a person who WANTS to model
must ask themself and then discover is..."WHAT is my niche? WHAT are
my strengths? WHAT is my appeal? WHAT market tier do I live near and
WHAT do their clients WANT and/or NEED?

And once you discover that NICHE then you need to have ALL your photo work
MEET that niche. And you then HELP the photographer capture that NICHE by
using your face, your eyes, your hands, and your body to give the emotion,
energy, life, & attitude to SELL that niche.

And what SELLS in one niche...RARELY sells in another. That is why it is
SOOOO important to seek out, submit, & audition for projects where YOUR niche
and strengths are desired.

And it is also the MAIN mistake we as models make in the early days, we think
that we SHOULD be able to fit into every niche. And we take it PERSONALLY
when we are rejected for a project. Do NOT take it personally. It is NOT meant to be.

What we would LIKE to do in the modeling industry and what we CAN do are rarely the same. The same goes with a shot being considered "Hot".

I agree with others that "being hot" is a relative term. And it DOES depend upon and is different for every viewer. I also agree that being perceived as a "hot shot" depends more OFTEN upon attitude, look, and body language...more so than the amount of flesh visible.

Your MM portfolio is heavy on headshots...but your expression and body language
in the majority is the same. Keep shooting and try putting more of yourself into your eyes, face, smile, body language, and attitude.  I think you and potential clients will
be pleased with the outcome! wink

Feb 10 06 03:24 pm Link