Forums > General Industry > so what with do you think??



Posts: 150

i have a curious curious mind and would like to know what's with the 'I only do nudes for one particular photographer'- I often hear this from models also professing  they  don't do nudes . And why is it always a female model saying it about a male photographer.  When do you every hear a photographer saying 'I don't do nudes except for with one particular model' !!!  Isn't art about being free, equal, expressing and resisting everyday hegemony and power structures instead of  perpectuating them.

Yes I think it is important, sensible  and its great to be particular with who you shoot nude with - infact in my opinion only there are  probably  only 5% of photographers who can do decent nudes on MM - and 2.8% do happen to be female photgraphers. 

What do you think?? I want to understand  ...

Feb 07 06 06:30 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US


I'm just mad about saffron
Saffron's mad about me
I'm just a mad about saffron
She's just mad about me
They call me Mellow Yellow

Feb 07 06 06:33 am Link



Posts: 7318

Brooklyn, New York, US

CrazyIsabelAurora wrote:

I'm just mad about saffron
Saffron's mad about me
I'm just a mad about saffron
She's just mad about me
They call me Mellow Yellow

now your getting real CRAZY smile you just needto add a little dancer when singing, adds a lot of fun to a song

Feb 07 06 06:35 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

Benny wrote:

now your getting real CRAZY smile you just needto add a little dancer when singing, adds a lot of fun to a song


Benny, you are so crazy!

what;s that website with all the smiley faces again??

Feb 07 06 06:36 am Link



Posts: 150

i hear you benny -- my thoughts exactly -- E lec tric al banana

Feb 07 06 06:38 am Link



Posts: 7318

Brooklyn, New York, US

CrazyIsabelAurora wrote:


Benny, you are so crazy!

what;s that website with all the smiley faces again??

hehehe smile

did you see the new photos on the Crazier Benny profile of RYOBI?

Feb 07 06 06:39 am Link



Posts: 312

Seattle, Washington, US

on the surface, i would simply say these few things, even though im quite certain that ther's a lot more to it than just this:

1 there are a lot of amateurs on this site, it's not all professional level.
2 not all models see their work as art per say
3 not all models (nor all photographers) find nudes attractive and/or nudes aren't in their interest in doing, reguardless of what they may or may not find artisticly appealing.
4 some people are wierd!! smile

also, as a model, who does a lot of nude work... the first time shooting with a new photographer, can sometimes be akward (usually only for the first few minutes or so until the camera and me just seem to click... no pun intended), and a lot of models might not like invading that comfort level, so reserve it only to one, or only a few photographers that they know they are comfortable with. also, a lot of photographers even get a little akward with nudity.

in all, we are all adults, but we don't always act like it. smile

Feb 07 06 06:40 am Link



Posts: 7318

Brooklyn, New York, US

saffron wrote:
i hear you benny -- my thoughts exactly -- E lec tric al banana

how about electric fence?

Feb 07 06 06:40 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

Benny wrote:

how about electric fence?

:eyes wide with amazement:

How do you do that?! You are so cool!

Feb 07 06 06:45 am Link



Posts: 312

Seattle, Washington, US

Benny wrote:

how about electric fence?

i feel bad for that kid and his family. deeply.

Feb 07 06 06:48 am Link

Makeup Artist

Crazier Benny

Posts: 2000

Rochester, New York, US

CrazyIsabelAurora wrote:

:eyes wide with amazement:

How do you do that?! You are so cool!

there is a reason why I am going F-ing Nuts smile images of RYOBI on profile and make comment plase)

Feb 07 06 06:50 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

deadlypoetry wrote:

i feel bad for that kid and his family. deeply.

Oh I dunno...I think he kind of likes it wink

Feb 07 06 06:50 am Link



Posts: 150

I don't know why but i feel at home and comfortable around this discussion group ..they call me mellow yellow ...thats right!!

Feb 07 06 06:51 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

saffron wrote:
I don't know why but i feel at home and comfortable around this discussion group ..they call me mellow yellow ...thats right!!

that's just because we are cool like that

Feb 07 06 06:52 am Link

Makeup Artist

Crazier Benny

Posts: 2000

Rochester, New York, US

CrazyIsabelAurora wrote:

that's just because we are cool like that

and Crazy

Feb 07 06 06:53 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

Crazier Benny wrote:

and Crazy

Hey how did you get out of my purse?!

Feb 07 06 06:55 am Link

Makeup Artist

Crazier Benny

Posts: 2000

Rochester, New York, US

CrazyIsabelAurora wrote:
Hey how did you get out of my purse?!

like this

Feb 07 06 06:56 am Link



Posts: 312

Seattle, Washington, US

haha it's becoming picture association. i love it!

we tend to play that on the forums of smile very nice.

Feb 07 06 07:01 am Link


No name

Posts: 116

Chicago, Illinois, US

Benny, You're killing me.

Feb 07 06 07:33 am Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

saffron wrote:
i have a curious curious mind and would like to know what's with the 'I only do nudes for one particular photographer'- I often hear this from models also professing  they  don't do nudes . And why is it always a female model saying it about a male photographer.  When do you every hear a photographer saying 'I don't do nudes except for with one particular model' !!!  Isn't art about being free, equal, expressing and resisting everyday hegemony and power structures instead of  perpectuating them.

Yes I think it is important, sensible  and its great to be particular with who you shoot nude with - infact in my opinion only there are  probably  only 5% of photographers who can do decent nudes on MM - and 2.8% do happen to be female photgraphers. 

What do you think?? I want to understand  ...

Enough, children.

What I think is that any models who are only willing to model nude only for other photographers are grievously misguided.  If models feel a need to limit their nude modeling, they should of course limit that to me.  And a few of my dues-paying associates.

Seriously yes, there is some kind of voluntary ownership thing going on, whether the exclusive picture-taker (usually pretty incompetent) is a B/F, "manager" or whatever.  Women, not just models, need to have ownership of their bodies, and I guess that ownership does extend to making choices about who they will do what with.  I can't help but suspect such choices are evidence of the opposite, however.


Feb 07 06 08:11 am Link


J Haig

Posts: 359

Gananoque, Ontario, Canada

What Don said, as usual.

From what I've seen, the majority of this kind of arrangement happens between inexperienced models and insecure photographers.  Any time I see it mentioned in a portfolio, for some reason the phrase "who's your daddy?" pops into my head...

Feb 07 06 09:53 am Link



Posts: 312

Seattle, Washington, US

Vita Brevis wrote:
What Don said, as usual.

From what I've seen, the majority of this kind of arrangement happens between inexperienced models and insecure photographers.  Any time I see it mentioned in a portfolio, for some reason the phrase "who's your daddy?" pops into my head...

very much agreed.

Feb 07 06 09:57 am Link



Posts: 12930

Eagan, Minnesota, US

I think it is a pretty arrogant statement to make, personally.  There are much better ways to word the point these people are trying to convey.  Obviously many women are not confortable with nudity but still want to explore nude photography, in a venue they are comfortable with.

I think a female photographer would be great to work with for nudes!  I don't know why women would be adverse to the idea, unless they just don't know a good female photographer.

Feb 07 06 10:01 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Y'all wanna go grab a cup of coffee with me? I know a GREAT cafe just down the road, and a friend of mine is spinning tonight. *wink*

Feb 07 06 10:10 am Link



Posts: 170

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

deadlypoetry wrote:
some people are wierd!! smile

I wouldn't run Saff, I think she's got that one sussed out just right wink

Feb 07 06 10:17 am Link



Posts: 551

Los Angeles, California, US

I say the models who only model nude for one photog probably have the hots for him.  ;-)  FLAME ME, BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 07 06 10:30 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

saffron wrote:
i have a curious curious mind and would like to know what's with the 'I only do nudes for one particular photographer'

I was fortunate enough to do topless and implied shoots with a model who'd never done them before. She decided to do this work with me after shooting with me several times and assuring herself that my skills were adequate and, more importantly, that she was comfortable being nude around me.

I wouldn't say she only does them for "one particular photographer," although right now I'm the only photographer (to my knowledge) she's done them with. It's more a question of who's earned her trust. If other photographers do so, I'm sure she'd shoot with them too. (And I wouldn't have a problem with it.)


Feb 07 06 10:47 am Link



Posts: 150

What I think is that any models who are only willing to model nude only for other photographers are grievously misguided.  If models feel a need to limit their nude modeling, they should of course limit that to me.  And a few of my dues-paying associates.

Seriously yes, there is some kind of voluntary ownership thing going on, whether the exclusive picture-taker (usually pretty incompetent) is a B/F, "manager" or whatever.  Women, not just models, need to have ownership of their bodies, and I guess that ownership does extend to making choices about who they will do what with.  I can't help but suspect such choices are evidence of the opposite, however.


This is exactly as i suspected regarding ownership of the body and  power relations -- well said

Feb 07 06 02:01 pm Link



Posts: 150

MadamePsychosis wrote:
I say the models who only model nude for one photog probably have the hots for him.  ;-)  FLAME ME, BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!

Mme P let us model nude with praxis and Irainian love godess -smile) now that would be some bonfire -smile) which  photog shall we pick?? who is our DADDY!!!

Feb 07 06 02:09 pm Link



Posts: 180

Los Angeles, California, US

I think folks just like tooting their own horn.  So often people shoot nudes and they flat out have nothing going on but a really attractive person, no other positives, and then there are those that go out and proclaim I will not show my body but for this one person, so hear me roar(and the pictures suck).  Give me a break, don't be satisfied with the obvious and go beyond.  I appreciate the genuine idea about being comfortable and shooting with only certain folks, but people need not  rant and rave.

Feb 07 06 02:13 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

saffron wrote:

Mme P let us model nude with praxis and Irainian love godess -smile) now that would be some bonfire -smile) which  photog shall we pick?? who is our DADDY!!!

Me! Me! Me!

Feb 07 06 02:13 pm Link



Posts: 702

Portsmouth, Virginia, US

I personally dont understand why models limit themselves to one photographer for nudes because alot of the time the person that you work with on the regular is not the best person for the job! When I did do nudes I noticed that not everyone can do them and they look tasteful, worthy of magazine coverage so I had to move on the the next and as I moved on I found they got better and better.....

wait this is turning dirty isnt it...get your mind out of the gutter Im talking professionally here! LOL!

Feb 07 06 02:26 pm Link



Posts: 1292

Los Angeles, California, US

StMarc wrote:
It's more a question of who's earned her trust.

I agree with that

As to why models have nude pics up but don't shoot nude...well you should probably ask them! wink

In my case I have done a few implied nudes, some of which are in newspaper and magazine ads, company brochures etc (it's popular with jewelry, perfume, massage, etc.) I have a great body for it, but including those photos in my profile... well people seem to get the wrong idea!

As for other models, it may be because it's a marketing tool (well known that nude pics, cheesecake, etc attract more hits...even if it is a webcam nekkid shot versus a great commercial or fashion shot with professional photographer, MUA, styilst, etc)

It may be that they don't want to do nudes, maybe they want to do something different or have always wanted to do something different but found their way "in" was shooting nude

* shrugs *

It's all hearsay

Feb 07 06 02:57 pm Link


Scott Aitken

Posts: 3587

Seattle, Washington, US

On a site like MM, there are artists, there are GWCs, there are pros, there are flakes, there are decent respectful people, and there are pervs. And if a model posts nude (or even semi-nude) photos in their portfolio, they will get inquiries from every perv within 500 miles, and some of them feel that if a model posed nude once, they are somehow obligated to pose nude for every GWC in the state. TFP of course.

It only makes sense to me that a model would want to be very selective of who they are willing to pose nude for.

I work with nudes in much of my art photography. Some models give me an enthusiastic yes. Some models say "not in this lifetime". Sometimes a model is hesitant until they can feel assured that I'm not a perv. Whatever. It is a free country, and they are free to make whatever choices they want. If one says no, I just move on till I find another one that says yes.

Feb 07 06 07:45 pm Link



Posts: 551

Los Angeles, California, US

Saffy heres one vote for JMG! ;-)

Feb 07 06 10:07 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

saffron wrote:

Mme P let us model nude with praxis and Irainian love godess -smile) now that would be some bonfire -smile) which  photog shall we pick?? who is our DADDY!!!

Get a grip.  That's sooo obvious.

-D. Brian Nelson

Feb 07 06 10:14 pm Link



Posts: 20

MadamePsychosis wrote:
Saffy heres one vote for JMG! ;-)

I agree with Madame Psychosis!  JMG is the way 2 go!

Feb 09 06 10:55 am Link