Forums > General Industry > fat cow pics


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

Doctor E wrote:
Sorry...  I'm still trying to figure out what lens or angle could possibly be used to render you into a 'fat cow'.  Although mentioning any livestock and the word render in the same sentence could get ugly...

Kudos to the MUA in the pic posted...  I'd like to see a bit more of your attitude in the photo next time, if you don't mind.

Pardon me, I need to dodge some flying coffee and pastry.

That was my signature blank expression. 

This is what made me FAMOUS!  If you don't like it then you're obviously not a real professional!  Why the hell are you talking to me?!?!??!?!?!?!

*Signals body double to throw the coffee*


Feb 06 06 11:38 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:
That was my signature blank expression. 

This is what made me FAMOUS!  If you don't like it then you're obviously not a real professional!  Why the hell are you talking to me?!?!??!?!?!?!

*Signals body double to throw the coffee*


Oh... Moffitt... we've gotta hang again... and have 'dem compcards ready for moi... wink

Feb 06 06 11:44 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:



Not you hon.... The cow in the photo posted here.  Geezzzz...New Yorkers ;-)

Feb 06 06 11:46 pm Link


Doctor E

Posts: 733

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:
That was my signature blank expression. 

This is what made me FAMOUS!  If you don't like it then you're obviously not a real professional!  Why the hell are you talking to me?!?!??!?!?!?!

*Signals body double to throw the coffee*



[condescending] Now, HONEY... [/condescending] I AM a professional.  Just not a professional photographer!

The body double is a nice touch, but my kung fu is verrrry strong.

Feb 06 06 11:49 pm Link


Jessyca Rayanne

Posts: 8

Los Angeles, California, US

diana...........can i just start out by saying that i totally freakin' love you............gggeeezzzzzzzz

that being said i totally agree with you on this has happened to me as well and it sucks........the problem that i have with the whole thing is that the photog on many TFP's will go through and pick what they like and in turn that is all that you ever see........and then out of what they pick the will use the shots that are most flattering to them for blah blah.....which that is all fine and dandy but when it comes right down too it it really isnt fair because they can post a pic of us that we hate and yet they probably have pics of us that we would like for our ports a lot better than any of the ones they provide us but they dont hand them over because there are things about the shot that they dont care for................hmmmmmmm...........seems to me if they want to be able to use any pic of us from a shot then they should be happy to provide all images and let us use what we want whether they care for the shot or not...............................does that even make any sense..............?? oh hell it is too flippin' late and i should be sleeping...............

NEWAYs.............for me this is a legit diana on the other hand couldnt look like a fat cow if you pigged out for weeks on end and showed up to a shoot with twinkies in one hand and a ho-ho in the other............

but that is just my opinion...................i love ya girlie........good looks and great thats what i am talking about smile)


Feb 06 06 11:51 pm Link



Posts: 55

Brooklyn, New York, US

Did you know that in India the Cow is sacred?

Modeling could learn a lot from that! wink

aw screw it ... gimme rail thin with big boobs anyday ... damn Maxim has tainted me forever



Feb 06 06 11:51 pm Link



Posts: 35054

Portland, Oregon, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:
Haven't you heard?  I am bigger than those bitches!  I killed all of the journalists that tried to use my quotes. 

You wanna know why?  I told him it would cost him 1,000 per word.  Modelmayhem's invoice for my services on this site is HUGE!!!

I love how I was just born fabulous.

Cocaine binges and the front page of the tabloids are just 'round the bend! Congrats!!!! smile

Feb 07 06 01:50 am Link



Posts: 1034

Arlington Heights, Illinois, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:
If I look like a fat cow in certain pics (which I am NOT) is it ok to ask the photog to take it down from their port?  Or am I being a diva? 

Why is it that a photog won't let you post a bad image they took but you look like a diva if it is vice versa?  Just curious...

LOL!  As a joke I was going to comment on you'r BS/Truth thread with something like "Sometimes truth is only present in one's own mind.  No! you are not fat in those jeans."  Then I read this thread.  I know this is only funny to me but come on, what are the odds?  smile

Feb 07 06 01:59 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

Ed Remington wrote:

Most of the men and half the women in the world luv your udders as well big_smile

Ya, for sure.

And my new pet peeve....beautiful Diva models who think they look like a fat cow in any of their pictures.

I tell it this way: you are definitely going to be your worst critic. The photo is probably not even that bad.

Feb 07 06 02:08 pm Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

byReno wrote:

LOL!  As a joke I was going to comment on you'r BS/Truth thread with something like "Sometimes truth is only present in one's own mind.  No! you are not fat in those jeans."  Then I read this thread.  I know this is only funny to me but come on, what are the odds?  smile

I love making your brain tick wink  I am on this planet to amuse thee....tongue

Feb 07 06 11:28 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Normally I would take the stance of telling the DIVA to relax and go aon a diet if they thought they were that fat..

But in this case, I really must side with the model..

Though I think it's a great shot, I see where you are coming from..


Feb 08 06 12:20 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

I am only playin know you are a hottie.!!!!!!!!

Feb 08 06 12:24 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Vance wrote:
Normally I would take the stance of telling the DIVA to relax and go aon a diet if they thought they were that fat..

But in this case, I really must side with the model..

Though I think it's a great shot, I see where you are coming from..


You know Vance... I had exactly the same idea last night when Diana started that... have enough images of her to do that... but didn't do it in the end... lol... something about minds thinks alike or so... big_smile

Feb 08 06 12:24 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

UdoR wrote:

You know Vance... I had exactly the same idea last night when Diana started that... have enough images of her to do that... but didn't do it in the end... lol... something about minds thinks alike or so... big_smile

Sexy legs though, ya think?

Feb 08 06 12:40 am Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

Vance wrote:
Normally I would take the stance of telling the DIVA to relax and go aon a diet if they thought they were that fat..

But in this case, I really must side with the model..

Though I think it's a great shot, I see where you are coming from..



Feb 08 06 07:59 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:


Back at cha! MooooooWahhhhhhh! HAHAHAHA!

Feb 08 06 01:07 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Dammit, I hate when I look fat in my photographs!

Feb 08 06 01:16 pm Link


Elaine Dunn

Posts: 1463

New York, New York, US

Oh, Diana, cutie...I don't think you could ever look like a fat cow.

Feb 08 06 01:20 pm Link


Prose Photography

Posts: 1419

Glendale, Arizona, US

Though I've never been asked, if it were a TFP shoot and a model requested that I remove a photo that she objected to, I would.

If I paid the model for her time we might have to talk about it...

But the bottom line, don't be afraid to ask.

Feb 08 06 01:28 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

FreddyB wrote:

I dont see a fat cow in any of your shots lol

But here is one if you find one in one of your shots

Holy Crap!  THAT is a FAT cow!

Feb 08 06 01:32 pm Link



Posts: 348

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Fred Prose wrote:
Though I've never been asked, if it were a TFP shoot and a model requested that I remove a photo that she objected to, I would.

If I paid the model for her time we might have to talk about it...

But the bottom line, don't be afraid to ask.

I agree - I am sure that the photog won't kill you - the worst that can happen is s/he will say "nope!" 

It makes sense that they would want to post what shows their work the best, and since you are your own worst critic, I am sure that whatever it is isn't as bad as you think...

For the shoots you've had in the past, all you can do is ask.  For shoots in the future (pretty much only TFP ones) you can ask to have something about veto power written on the model release - so that both you and the photographer can make sure that your worst work isn't out giving you a bad name!

Feb 08 06 02:08 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

I actually got paid by some models for their portfolios, where those images became the best in THEIR portfolios, but myself, I sorta cringe seeing my name associated with the model... sounds bad, huh?

What I mean is that the photos are technically flawless, but, let's say the images are in a style that I shot only because it was requested to be shot (kinda glam-stylish, which I personally don't do)... so, I am uneasy when suddenly there are images with buttshots, where the model is proud of them and I am like... "I hope nobody who knows me sees them... " LOL

Like when you were young and had sex with an ugly girl, but would be embarrassed that someone knows about it... big_smile

P.S.: Diana... you know that YOU are NOT one of the models I am talking about... you are one of my favs! wink

Feb 08 06 02:14 pm Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

Shyly wrote:
Dammit, I hate when I look fat in my photographs!

Ah, so do do I...

Some day, I'm going to get a big tub of lard and take a picture of it....That way, if I get the "fat tub of lard" comment, I can just show them that and say, "Um, this is the fat tub of lard. I am a fat human!"

Feb 08 06 02:55 pm Link