Forums > General Industry > Anyone using any casting services online??


Maggie Shirk

Posts: 92

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I am curious about the successful use of any online casting companies.... such as NYCasting, actorsaccess, etc.  I would love the names of some good ones on the east coast... seems alot of the castings focus on the west coast.  I would love some input from anyone using any of these and their recommendations good or bad.

Feb 05 06 02:53 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

I've tried using online casting for a few projects. I've even tried casting via MM and MySpace.

With limited success. I've given up on it because it's too time consuming. So I am using actual "live" casting agencies because they cuy out a lot of the work.

And not to slam the internet, but I also have found the results simply to be more professional and reliable.

That's just my experience thus far...I am sure others may have had more success.


Feb 05 06 03:06 pm Link


Maggie Shirk

Posts: 92

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Vance, Not that kind of casting.... these are open free forum type things... but real casting services like the ones I listed above.... I primarily want to know if a model/actress has used one and had success.  But thank you for your reply

Feb 05 06 06:01 pm Link


Amy Harber

Posts: 272

Chicago, Illinois, US

Vance wrote:
I've tried using online casting for a few projects. I've even tried casting via MM and MySpace.

With limited success. I've given up on it because it's too time consuming. So I am using actual "live" casting agencies because they cuy out a lot of the work.

And not to slam the internet, but I also have found the results simply to be more professional and reliable.

That's just my experience thus far...I am sure others may have had more success.


Vance, those are casting service used by "live" agencies who usually require that they're talent be listed with them. Of course, listing through these agents is free and you can always list without an agent for a nominal fee ($10 a month in the case of LA Casting and they in return send your profile to agents looking for talent. This is actually how I landed my commercial agent)

NYCasting is the exact same as LACasting. They are both owned by Casting Networks.

Actors Access is the same in both LA and NY. I actually know the guy who runs this service. Great man.

Feb 06 06 12:31 am Link


Amy Harber

Posts: 272

Chicago, Illinois, US

Maggie Shirk wrote:
Vance, Not that kind of casting.... these are open free forum type things... but real casting services like the ones I listed above.... I primarily want to know if a model/actress has used one and had success.  But thank you for your reply

let me put it this way.... according to "Self Management for Actors (second edition)" about 70% of tv/film casting is now done online (through these services)

and about 95-99% of commercial casting is done online according to LA Casting.

Feb 06 06 12:34 am Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

Aimercat wrote:
.....and about 95-99% of commercial casting is done online according to LA Casting......

Gee Amy... that would not seemed to be a trumped-up based factoid would it?!!!  :-)

Let me quess.... "" being the best place to go?  lol.

Feb 06 06 02:13 am Link


Maggie Shirk

Posts: 92

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Thank you AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now I know I have not wasted my $$$$  smile  I signed up for both and have been working like a madman on them.. Just need to get more video up.  Do you have video up on either??

Feb 06 06 06:50 am Link


Maggie Shirk

Posts: 92

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Oh, and Hey Steven Bigler!  We chatted a few years back....

Feb 06 06 06:51 am Link



Posts: 551

Los Angeles, California, US

ive used all of the above and gotten some gigs thru them... they get a LOT of submissions though, and many through agencies... so hence the low reply rate.  totally legit however ;-D

Feb 06 06 07:14 am Link


-CH- Photography

Posts: 37

Des Moines, Iowa, US

Mag's, lets talk video when you have some spare time.

Feb 06 06 05:22 pm Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

I've had equal success and failure rate through LACasting, Backstage, and the rest of them. Worst by far has been through the "3 letter" acronym site, but that was an experiment doomed to mediocrity anyway.

Feb 06 06 06:47 pm Link


Maggie Shirk

Posts: 92

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Cool!  Yes lets Corey!

Feb 06 06 08:59 pm Link


Amy Harber

Posts: 272

Chicago, Illinois, US

Steven Bigler wrote:

Gee Amy... that would not seemed to be a trumped-up based factoid would it?!!!  :-)

Let me quess.... "" being the best place to go?  lol.

No, I've actually verified that figure with casting directors I know

Feb 07 06 03:31 am Link