Forums > General Industry > This is Interesting..


Tina Ginger

Posts: 445

Magnolia, Arkansas, US

Found this surfing the web today...Let's hear what you guys think smile It's a artical out of a online magazine...

I recently saw a paparazzi photo of Andrea Corr topless, all I can say is that she looks far more attractive in her videos, with a dress on.

If I have to choose just one...

Kate Winslet is a curvy middle-sized woman who looks good in or out of clothes.

Being a normal male my ideal woman does not exist, ideal is not one woman but several. If I am forced to specify an ideal physical type then I would have to suggest a woman in the mould of Kate Winslet, who is actually very much closer to the average western woman's shape than most models or stars. If I could pick a harem full of women there would be a couple of petite and cute ones (like Kylie, but with a personality) a few curvy middle sized women like Kate Winslet, a few really big (tall and strong) women like Lucy Lawless and a few much more feminine and, yes, fat. I cannot understand why women strive to be thin. Thin is not attractive. How much do you think Playboy would pay Paula Radcliffe to keep her clothes on?

Geri Halliwell looked fantastic when she was in the Spice Girls and at the time of her first solo album but for a time she has made herself thin, scrawny and muscular. Who wants a thin, bony and assertive woman with small breasts who can only keep that shape by smoking, eating such a poor diet that she needs vitamin injections and exercising all day? In what way can that be attractive? What kind of man wants a woman who would do that to herself? When men show a preference for thin women they are really wanting genuine waifs, teenagers, not self-made wrecks. A desire for a thin woman is partially a fear of adult women.

Is this trend to disparage female fat perhaps caused by the influence of gay men in the arts, music and fashion? I think this is a strong possibility.

Gay men do not find women sexually attractive, they prefer men, when women look more androgynous they get more compliments from gay men. Women don't know what men want, that is almost self evident from observing them, they have to react to the clues they pick up from the culture. As the gay man's fashion image of the tall androgynous figure with token breasts is highly regarded that image is fed back into the system of copying and imitation. There is very little pressure to resist that process because heterosexual men in the world of haute couture either don't exist or have all gone native and might as well be gay as they have to show the same camp tastes in order to get on in the industry. The fashion industry is constantly feeding a stream of images of freakishly tall and thin models into the wider culture, diluting the perception of what is normal and what is desirable with images from the extreme tall and thin end of the bell curve.

You've heard the stories haven't you? Ugly duckling big-eyed lanky teenager who has been teased all her time time in school and never had a boyfriend meets camp Svengali figure in the street who says in effect, you're freakishly tall and thin, you could be a model, sign here. Slap on the foundation, teach her not to smile, and three months later she's on the cover of Vogue.

The cycle feeds off itself. Men want to want women that other men seem to want, for easily understood evolutionary reasons. If all the men around them seem to think that the ideal woman should have 32 golden rings around her neck or blonde ringlets, a plate in her lip or a bone through her nose that is what they find attractive, and they will kill rather than admit that their choice is anything other than their own. And other men must like those women or why else would they be on the catwalk and on the TV? Why else indeed: there is zero input from straight men in choosing which women become “supermodelsâ€?. It is an ideal image created and maintained by the gay men and bitter older women who run the world of fashion: fags and hags. Straight men play no part in the process except as victims.

Feb 03 06 01:01 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

I had to look Andrea up.  I have to say I have never seen or heard of her before,lol. I might have to come back to this thread later. I just got up not long ago. That`s a lot to read right now,lol.

Feb 03 06 01:48 pm Link



Posts: 12

Tampa, Florida, US

Feb 03 06 01:58 pm Link



Posts: 12

Tampa, Florida, US

I think the guy who wrote this is an idiot...
I'm one of those skinny girls with small breasts...I'm not anorexic by any means, but naturally thin...ask anyone who knows me-  I can eat with the best of 'em...can't help the breast issue-  I take what was given to me and put it to good use and haven't had any complaints     I am so tired of hearing people bitch and moan about "skinny girls."   Some of us can't help it...just like some larger people can't help it...what's this guy's point?   Should everyone have Kate inslet's body type to be "attractive"   not too big, but not too small...(personally I like Kate, so this is by no means a dig at her)...I think this guy is just unhappy with his life or the people in his ife and needs to take a breath and move wonder people have poor self-images..idiots like this spouting off...I say be happy with what you have, and flaunt it!!!

Andrea H.

Feb 03 06 01:58 pm Link


Cardillo Photography

Posts: 1360

Palm Coast, Florida, US

Im not sure what this guy was really trying to say...but as far as my photogrpahy goes, I look to shoot women of all types.  I have no preference.  My nusiness clientele is of the average person majority.  so for me I find that it is sometimes harder to get a skinny woman to pose in more sexy revealing photos.  Especially if they have ribs showing and no cleavage.

Feb 03 06 02:06 pm Link



Posts: 227

Los Angeles, California, US

I guess the writer may be looking at too many art fashion magazines.  This has been an problem since the start of high fashion. It is that way to sell the clothing. Renaisance art depicted larger women and many painters were gay.

Feb 03 06 02:28 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

I think I've read that before, and I just take it to be further evidence that each person has physical characteristics in the opposite sex that they find attractive.  Some men prefer slender women, some men prefer athletic women, some men prefer curvy women, and some men prefer fat women.  There are a few, like this guy seems to be, who might find some women in each category attractive, but I think we each generally have certain parameters within which we find someone attractive.

I am an advocate for fat people, and as such I encounter a lot of men who are attracted to fat women.  It isn't such an unusual thing, as it turns out, though as he says in his article, there is definitely a "closet" for a man to come out of who prefers his women with extra padding.  If I had a nickle for every guy who wanted to sleep with me, but not introduce me to his friends...!

In the end, I wish all the body fascism would just stop.  We are never - ever - all going to be the same size or shape or proportions.  Hooray, diversity.  I don't look at thin women and presume bad things about them, and I wish people would stop looking at me and presuming bad things about me.  Instead of demanding that everyone be thin, or everyone be curvy, or everyone be athletic, or whatever, can't we just be who we are, and leave it at that?

It seems so simple to me.

Feb 03 06 03:10 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I had to look Andrea up.  I have to say I have never seen or heard of her before,lol. I might have to come back to this thread later. I just got up not long ago. That`s a lot to read right now,lol.

Andrea Corr, MBE - youngest of the Corr sisters in The Corrs (the Irish poppy band).  She is also known to be the "prettiest".

I think she is beautiful.  I disagree that she doesn't look good without the dress.  She is not freakishly skinny at all in the tabloid photo (I just found it), I would call that "fit".

There is a current trend to justify excessive obesity (not "fat", so I am not disagreeing with Shyly) with inaccurate words like "curve" and even I heard it once "fat is beautiful".  Kate Winslet is not obese, nor "fat".  She is on the chubby side, but she is also very well toned.  Comparing her to people who eat popcorn, sit on their couch with beer watching Nascar is not accurate.  Don't justify the laziness to stay fit.  It is not attractive by itself.

There is a new editorial in "French" magazine that I picked up last month.  A model from Ford (Paris?), who is easily a size 8 or 10 (if not a little more), was the lone model in the editorial, nude.  It is a sight to behold.  She is gorgeous.  I held my breath as I flipped through those pages.  There are two images that I would consider unattractive personally (poses show creases in her body), but overall it was a great editorial, especially the parts with her face taking the emphasis.

Feb 03 06 04:08 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

I've seen that girl from the  "Scream" movie series topless...


Feb 03 06 05:14 pm Link


Tina Ginger

Posts: 445

Magnolia, Arkansas, US

Monsante Bey wrote:
I've seen that girl from the  "Scream" movie series topless...


I don't know who she is...

Feb 03 06 05:19 pm Link


Fantasy On Film

Posts: 667

Detroit, Michigan, US

Now you can understand why, "the bruthas ALWAYS liked the sistas!!"(and Brittinay Spears too!)

I do agree, a real WOMAN has curves and some meat on her bones.

Just my 3 cents.


Feb 03 06 05:24 pm Link


Tina Ginger

Posts: 445

Magnolia, Arkansas, US

Haha!!You guys are so

Feb 03 06 06:29 pm Link


Les Sterling

Posts: 439

Palm Springs, California, US

lll wrote:

Andrea Corr, MBE - youngest of the Corr sisters in The Corrs (the Irish poppy band).  She is also known to be the "prettiest".

Andrea Corr was awarded an MBE?

Feb 04 06 01:05 am Link



Posts: 54

London, England, United Kingdom

Side Effects Studio wrote:

Andrea Corr was awarded an MBE?

I know! Thats shocking! The Corrs weren't that great!
Maybe Euan Blair (Tony Blairs eldest son) had a big poster of her on his wall when he was 15, and his Dad saw the poster as he wandered past one day whilst thinking up that years MBE's!

Feb 05 06 08:54 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Tina Ginger wrote:
....Gay men do not find women sexually attractive, they prefer men, when women look more androgynous they get more compliments from gay men. Women don't know what men want, that is almost self evident from observing them, they have to react to the clues they pick up from the culture.....

Obviosly the author of that article has never been to a gay club.  The small and large of it is that the proverbial fag hag runs the gammut from being the small, svelte to the glamorously large.  Straight women and gay men can relate on many levels - whether it is in dealing with men, finding acceptance in what is primarily a hetero male's world, or in just making peace with the day to day.  A compliment from a gay male to a straight female is going to be (for most of the sane world) devoid of any threat.  I've noticed that the women in my life gravitate towards that.  Women are more receptive to that, more open to that, and I think they look for that in their own hetero relationships.

Feb 05 06 09:33 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

All I know is Gay men love my breasts, and they are large.


Feb 06 06 12:23 am Link