Forums > General Industry > PET PEAVE with comments and critiques on photos



Posts: 5187

Tampa, Florida, US

i just have to say...and i hope its not only me who feels this way....but people making comments and critiques on photos need to stick with what theyre supposed to be looking at!!

I LOVE comments, suggestions,  critiques etc.  BUT  if you're on my profile,  youre only supposed to comment on my modeling (pose, expression, makeup, hair, etc) 

its of no help to me to criticize the photographer (lighting, clarity, focus)  i can not just go up to my next photographer and tell them what to do. 

like wise ive been criticized on a friends photographer profile cause i was just sitting there in a blank expression.  because i was literally just sitting there,  we were testing lighting and i was the victim so i wasnt even modeling for real as much as being the dummy. 

SO PLEASE if you want to offer help to someone,  make it help the person could improve with. 

i dont mind the general "good photo", or "need a better photographer"  cause those are things i can do by taking the pic off, or putting up others like it,  or trying a different photographer.

so HOW MANY PEOPLE  get comments like these, or messages that dont really pertain to them?


Feb 01 06 12:58 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Comments on lighting, composition, etc can at least give you an idea what to look at when you choose what photos to present in your portfolio. Having someone say 'that is a bad photo' tells you to take it down... having someone say 'that is a bad photo because the lighting is wrong' tells you how to judge other photos before you post them in the first place.

Feb 01 06 01:13 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

I see what you're saying.  Here's my take on it, though.  While those comments would be most useful if directed at the photographer, I can still learn from them.  It behooves a model to learn about photography, because it helps us select good photographers, and it helps us know why they are good photographers.  Particularly for internet models who don't have agents directing and advising their careers, knowledge is power, and the most successful and interesting and dynamic models invariably know how to select successful and interesting and dynamic photographers.  So, I figure if I get a technical critique like that, that it can still do me some good, because I can factor it into how I choose which photographer to shoot with next, and why.

Feb 01 06 01:14 pm Link


Sonya Marie

Posts: 592

Tucson, Arizona, US

I dont get very many comments *thinks to self,is that bad??*

But I have seen those types of comments in other profiles and I think it makes sense to stick to critizing that specific persons talent or lack there of. Like you said as a model you cannot tell the photographer what to do (for the most part) and as a photographer it doesnt help to tell him the models imperfections he/she cant help that besides to use another model.

Feb 01 06 01:18 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

So you're upset 'cause the person/people leaving the comment isn't talking about YOU?

There are many things that can make an awesome image. Your pose, etc may be great, but are knowledgeable people not allowed to post an opinion on the whole photo?

You're overreacting.

Feb 01 06 01:18 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

Orias Bastet wrote:
i dont mind the general "good photo"

That tells you nothing about why it's "good", or what makes the person prefer that image over another.

...but I guess you don't want to know why

Feb 01 06 01:21 pm Link


Sapphire Blue

Posts: 27

Bristol, England, United Kingdom

I actually don't mind people making comments about the lighting etc on my images.
As others have said it has actually helped me to work with photographers that can give the lighting that my skin tone and face needs to be shown off correctly.

Thats not saying that the photographers lighting methods are crap, just that they're not right for me.

I don't really have any peevs about comments as all comments I take on board to help me grow and learn.

Feb 01 06 01:21 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

You don`t want to know if you are in quality images or not?Sometimes we think we have good images, then someone points out something from the other side of things that gives us another view and it makes us realize the image is not as good as we thought.

Feb 01 06 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Orias Bastet wrote:
but people making comments and critiques on photos need to stick with what theyre supposed to be looking at!!

OK!! You have perky little b(o)(o)bies and a a nice-looking butt.
There ya go - some feedback that's all aboutchoo!


Feb 01 06 01:23 pm Link


Scott Aitken

Posts: 3587

Seattle, Washington, US

Sure, as a model, I suppose you are most interested in how you look. That is what you are promoting. However, the quality of the photography is important as well. A well done photograph can make a mediocre model look great. A bad photograph can make a supermodel look like shit. A lot of times when I see mediocre quality photos in a model's portfolio, I'm guessing it is because they don't know that much about photography, and maybe don't know that the photo isn't all that good. I hope that if I point out defects in the photography, the model might learn a bit about what makes a good photo, and perhaps either choose better photographers in the future, or be more selective about which photos they choose to put in their portfolio.

I don't understand why you wouldn't want to know if you have poor quality photos. You are not likely to get real modeling work if your portfolio is filled with crappy photos, regardless of your looks. Poor portfolio photos scream: amateur, inexperienced, doesn't know what they are doing, even if you are good looking.

When I am making critiques, I try to be clear whether I my criticism is directed toward the model or technical aspects of the photography. I also try to point out if a photo can be salvaged by better post processing, or if it needs to be reshot. You are always free to ignore any advice I might give.

What I find useless are comments that simply say "hawt!" or some such. What good is that? Ego gratification, to be sure, but hardly instructive.

Feb 01 06 02:51 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US


People tend to provide feedback on what jumps out at them.  If you proudly present an image to someone who sees lighting issues, you could learn a thing or two from the comment.  It'll help you be aware the next time an unflattering situation comes around.  Knowledge of what happens on the other side of the lens can help us all make better photos. 

People typically say, "I want completely honest feedback" but the moment they are justifiably ripped a new asshole, they go straight to the delete button.  Because of that many people probably tend to provide critical feedback that is slightly diffused:  perhaps they feel the image is shit, so they point out aspects beyond your control so you don't feel so bad.  It could be they feel they lack the expertise on the aspects that you feel are important but want to comment nonetheless.  Perhaps they have no desire to tell you that you look great in a photo that has so many other issues working against it.

Or maybe they're just incompetent.  Dummies, thinking that you care anything for lighting composition, setting, or anything else that might affect the photo around you.  Idiots!

Feb 01 06 03:17 pm Link


David Linke

Posts: 488

Woodville, Ohio, US

Orias Bastet wrote:
i just have to say...and i hope its not only me who feels this way....but people making comments and critiques on photos need to stick with what theyre supposed to be looking at!!

I LOVE comments, suggestions,  critiques etc.  BUT  if you're on my profile,  youre only supposed to comment on my modeling (pose, expression, makeup, hair, etc) 

its of no help to me to criticize the photographer (lighting, clarity, focus)  i can not just go up to my next photographer and tell them what to do. 

like wise ive been criticized on a friends photographer profile cause i was just sitting there in a blank expression.  because i was literally just sitting there,  we were testing lighting and i was the victim so i wasnt even modeling for real as much as being the dummy. 

SO PLEASE if you want to offer help to someone,  make it help the person could improve with. 

i dont mind the general "good photo", or "need a better photographer"  cause those are things i can do by taking the pic off, or putting up others like it,  or trying a different photographer.

so HOW MANY PEOPLE  get comments like these, or messages that dont really pertain to them?


However; you did make the decision to place those images in your portfolio.  If you feel that they are substandard, remove them.  If you feel the images are of quality, ignore the comments.

Feb 01 06 03:20 pm Link


Steve M

Posts: 114

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

Orias Bastet wrote:
like wise ive been criticized on a friends photographer profile cause i was just sitting there in a blank expression.  because i was literally just sitting there,  we were testing lighting and i was the victim so i wasnt even modeling for real as much as being the dummy.

But the viewer of the photography doesn't know that, they'll just see a blank expression and if that's the look the model is giving then surely it's down to the photographer to encourage something different?

Feb 01 06 03:33 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

Right On David!
This sight is mainly infested with bored little boys in cubbies, waiting for the bell to ring so they go home........ so take the comments by considering the source.. if it's a photographer with a solid body of work, consider the comment, likewise with a model who has outstanding images on her site... but, again, beauty is in the eye of the whomever... please yourself and keep on keeping on..
btw, nice body

Feb 01 06 03:40 pm Link



Posts: 348

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

It made me smile the other day to see that someone complimented me on my model's legs...  Haha - I am the model, silly!  Do I really look like a bunch of different people in my port?


Feb 01 06 03:44 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Mandie wrote:
Haha - I am the model, silly!  Do I really look like a bunch of different people in my port?

That happens to me all the time!  People contact me via my website to compliment me on "all the lovely ladies" on the site.  Makes me grin every time.  I take it as a compliment - it means I'm improving as a chameleon.

Feb 01 06 05:03 pm Link



Posts: 330

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

I get a lot of comments like that too, usually followed by "for just 300$ an hour i'll do your whole portfolio."

Feb 02 06 04:47 pm Link


Burgos Photography

Posts: 641

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I just delete comments--either good or bad-- from the GWCs with crappy work in their portfolios. I have no interest in their opinion. I'm a jerk like that.

Feb 02 06 04:56 pm Link