Forums > General Industry > Time Wasters



Posts: 3

Boston, Georgia, US

Due to some recent experiences with a few models with unprofessional attitudes, I've updated my profile with the text at the bottom of this post. Do other photographers and/or videographers out there encounter a lot of time-wasters, or is it just me? No disrespect to the MM models in general; I know most of you are cool, but man, I've been having a hard time lately finding models whose professionalism matches their beauty!

From my profile:

TO THE MODELS I'VE WORKED WITH SO FAR: It's been a pleasure meeting you and working with all of you, without exception. It has been a fun and rewarding experience, and I've been very pleased with the results. Many thanks!

FOR THOSE WHO ARE INTERESTED IN WORKING WITH ME, Or Just Want To Know More: Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, or to offer opinions or criticism. Always happy to hear from new people!

ON BEING COURTEOUS AND PROFESSIONAL: As I mentioned in the above paragraph, I'm more than happy to answer any and all questions you may have about me, my work, my future website, scheduling a shoot with me, or anything else you may think of. You will find me to be friendly, accomodating, and courteous. Although I'm still describing myself as "amateur" at this point due to the fact that I'm relatively new to this (I've done a half dozen shoots so far), I have a professional attitude. I understand that when you are first contacted by a photographer, or videographer, who has requested to work with you, you want to know something about this person and his or her work before you make a commitment. I will happily correspond with you until all your questions and concerns are addressed. If you decide to work with me, great! If not, no problem. Just let me know, yes, or no, either way, we're cool. However, beyond this point......

PLEASE DO NOT WASTE MY TIME!: Please do not bother to contact me if you are not serious about modeling. If you've created a profile here just because you thought it would be cool to pretend to be a model with no real intention of actually doing it, please don't bother to reply to a request to work. I've had my share of wannabes, bullsh*tters, and no-shows, and want to avoid them at all costs. Also, please do not tell me that you would like to work with me after I've answered all your questions and corresponded with you through 20 e-mails, only to tell me that you have a previous commitment to Sooey-size Grrls, or whoever, and therefore can't do it do to contractual obligations. I am very busy, and my time is precious to me, so if you fit one of the above descriptions, please move on. You're not wasting time, it's wasting YOU!

Jan 31 06 12:08 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Dude, it'll be ok. Here, have one of these...

Jan 31 06 12:19 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Wow!  Only six shoots and you're already that bitter?

Jan 31 06 01:03 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Monsante Bey wrote:
Dude, it'll be ok. Here, have one of these...

Muahahahaha!  Reminds me of the oracle in The Matrix.

Jan 31 06 01:05 pm Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

Dave Krueger wrote:
Wow!  Only six shoots and you're already that bitter?

You have only done six shoots??
Stick in there. I think as you  work with more people and your name gets out. You will find more professional models. People who are serious.
Normally, your first handful of shoots you work with unprofessional people.
I know as a model, I have run into a ton of bad photographers when starting out.
But you have to start with something. We all start at the bottom of th bucket!

Jan 31 06 02:08 pm Link



Posts: 3

Boston, Georgia, US

Thank you for the words of encouragement. Great porfolio, by the way. Too bad you don't live in MA!

I should probably elaborate a little on my griping; the six shoots that I've done so far all went great, no complaints. The source of my frustration was not the handful of shoots I've already done, but rather the countless e-mails of correspondence that resulted in nothing, even after a model agreed to work with me. I guess I was expecting a better return on my investment of time, especially considering that I'm offering $$$ to begginers, not TFP.

I guess I'm overreacting, but then again, I'm a beginner too. Much success on your website!

Jan 31 06 02:23 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Paul Sweeney wrote:
Thank you for the words of encouragement. Great porfolio, by the way. Too bad you don't live in MA!

I should probably elaborate a little on my griping; the six shoots that I've done so far all went great, no complaints. The source of my frustration was not the handful of shoots I've already done, but rather the countless e-mails of correspondence that resulted in nothing, even after a model agreed to work with me. I guess I was expecting a better return on my investment of time, especially considering that I'm offering $$$ to begginers, not TFP.

I guess I'm overreacting, but then again, I'm a beginner too. Much success on your website!

Welcome to the internet.  That's how it goes for everyone.

Jan 31 06 02:26 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

No shows are part of this business!  If you shoot TFP and a model gets  paid gig then she/he is gone.

I do not do TFP because I have to eat. I use reliable models for client shoots.

New models / beginning models are 'up in the air'. the airlines have 'no shows'.

Bitter will not fix it: scheduling will

Jan 31 06 02:46 pm Link