Forums > General Industry > How'd he get my phone number?


Ellie Viollet

Posts: 28

Storrs, Connecticut, US

Hey ya'll,

I received a phone call last night from a private number. I answered, he didn't even say hi, all he said was "Are you modeling still?" He sounded kind of sketchy, but you can't judge based on that.  I asked him who he was, he didnt give me a name. I asked him how he got my number and he said he emailed OMP for my information. You enter your number on your OMP registration, but it says it's for their use only. I told him I couldnt talk and if he was interested in working with me could he send an email... and he asked if my email was on OMP, which kind of leads me to believe he doesn't know OMP at all.  What's up with this and does OMP really just give out ur number to random people?

Advice? cuz it kind of freaked me out.


Jan 31 06 11:58 am Link



Posts: 8

Deer Lodge, Tennessee, US

i would contact omp and let them know of the situation. also i would try and find out the number he called from and report and record it for future reference. it sounds as though he will call again. when he does just find out what his number is by the star button.

i wish you luck


Jan 31 06 12:03 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

If your using your real name and real city state it would be easy to look you up with an online white pages.

Jan 31 06 12:03 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

For all the issues with OMP, I doubt they would give your number out. There are many ways to find out a phone number, some take more time then others.. What you might want to do is contact OMP and let them know this occured. Might do something, or they may just ignore it..

If it continues, and you don't get anywhere with OMP, drop me a private message and I'll ask a friend of mine with tight connections with them to help out..

Jan 31 06 12:05 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Why ask here?  Why not ask at OMP or ask OMP?

Jan 31 06 12:06 pm Link


D Fish

Posts: 316

Springfield, Missouri, US

I sent you a email I found out why and where he got it.


Jan 31 06 12:07 pm Link


Ellie Viollet

Posts: 28

Storrs, Connecticut, US

Thank you all... I asked here because I get better response than I do on OMP. That's why MM has my love. lol.


Jan 31 06 12:11 pm Link


Ellie Viollet

Posts: 28

Storrs, Connecticut, US

Thank you all... I asked here because I get better response than I do on OMP. That's why MM has my love. lol.


Jan 31 06 12:11 pm Link



Posts: 146

Seattle, Washington, US

With just your real name I know a few sites that I could pay under 30 dollars where I could get all your personal information including where you live now, where you have lived in the past 7 years - who your parents are and where they live...the list goes on and on.

it's actually kind of scary what kind of personal information about you that people can find on the internet.

Jan 31 06 12:14 pm Link



Posts: 13

Vallejo, California, US

In 2 min I got your phone number, silly girl it's in on your Resume posted on a sit.

E-mail me and I'll tell you so other don't get it.

It has all your info on it.

file Created Monday, November 14, 2005 11:53:00 am

Ow I'll just e-mail it to you.


Jan 31 06 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 13

Vallejo, California, US

You have mail

Jan 31 06 12:20 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

OMP wouldnt give out your info like that. People may not like the site but they are not stupid enough to just hand out someones information because someone asked. He got it from the net most likely. If he is saying OMP gave it to him just because he emailed them and asked it sounds like someone else trying to put more negative light towards OMP.

Jan 31 06 12:34 pm Link



Posts: 13

Vallejo, California, US

Her phone number and address is on her resume posted on another site on the internet.

She posted it a month after joining this site, it was not hard to find seeing how I got It in 2 min or less.

If you don't want people to have infomation then don't post it out on the internet. Because people can tell you they got it from anywhere, and get you into a fuss trying to find out where. But in reality they posted it out on another site in plan view.


Jan 31 06 12:45 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

DigiGeo wrote:
If you don't want people to have infomation then don't post it out on the internet.

This reminds of a model who once replied in one of those" models dont put your IM name in your profile" threads and she was agreeing that models should not put their IM names in their profiles. She had her PHONE NUMBER in her profile,lol.

Jan 31 06 12:50 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Michelle Tardy wrote:
Hey ya'll,

I received a phone call last night from a private number.

In most states phone companies have a code you can dial before the actual phone number you are calling so that their number shows on your caller ID instead of showing as a private number. If you absolutely must display your number on the net somewhere, put that code in as part of the phone number. That way you will at least know what number the call came from.

Jan 31 06 12:52 pm Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

OMP would not give out your info. I had a model who was linked to me as her photographer, and she moved out of town and didn't leave any forwarding info. After some time not hearing back form her, phone disconnected and email bouncing back I asked OMP if they could help me get in touch with her and they said even though I'm the one who put her there they could not give me any of the info currently on her profile. In the end she came back to town and called me, but this tells me it is very likely that this person lied to you about whre he got your number.

Also, as a photographer I have my number publicly listed on OMP but I use my cell as even the polive have a hard time getting a name and address from that... and I don't answer unidentified calls. If it's important they will leave a message with contact info.

Michelle Tardy wrote:
Hey ya'll,

I received a phone call last night from a private number. I answered, he didn't even say hi, all he said was "Are you modeling still?" He sounded kind of sketchy, but you can't judge based on that.  I asked him who he was, he didnt give me a name. I asked him how he got my number and he said he emailed OMP for my information. You enter your number on your OMP registration, but it says it's for their use only. I told him I couldnt talk and if he was interested in working with me could he send an email... and he asked if my email was on OMP, which kind of leads me to believe he doesn't know OMP at all.  What's up with this and does OMP really just give out ur number to random people?

Advice? cuz it kind of freaked me out.


Jan 31 06 01:00 pm Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

This happened to be about 3 monthes ago. It was actually one of my fan boys who called. It freaked me out alittle bit. He was really nice. I just didn't say much because I didn't know who I was talking to.
He told me he met me in person at Glamourcon last year. He was very taken away by how good I am to my admirers. He was also glad he could talk to me on the phone. He seemed to know alot of information on me. Where I had traveled to in the last few monthes.And where I was going to be traveling. I learned a lesson. I must be careful what I post anywhere. I use to post my bookings on Model Mayhem. But I no longer do. Because I do not want people knowing that much about me. I am more careful what I say about my personal thoughts as well. This could all come back to me later.
But I did some research in my fan emails. And I found out who it was.He talked simlar to how he writes. I know were he got my number from. Since, I just emailed him and asked. He told me right away.And said I am harmless, but I should watch for who has my personal info. He actually said he was sorry it he sacred me. I haven't heard from him since.

This is why I do not use my real last name when modeling as well. Since, I have a very rare last name. If a search is done you can find every family member in the world with just google. I actually hate that people can get some much personal info from you. That is my only problem with the internet.

I always tell other models as well. Becareful of what you post about yourself. If you have a live journal, watch what you post. Even on my space becareful. Fans and other professionals can get any info on you. Some of the personal data people post in blogs amazes me. I know models who post about health problems and relationship issues. Why do you want the world to know? It's not People magazine.

Jan 31 06 01:09 pm Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

If you own a website, anyone can look up your domain registration as it is a matter of public record and not only get your number, but your street address.

Samantha Grace wrote:
This happened to be about 3 monthes ago. It was actually one of my fan boys who called. It freaked me out alittle bit. He was really nice. I just didn't say much because I didn't know who I was talking to.
He told me he met me in person at Glamourcon last year. He was very taken away by how good I am to my admirers. He was also glad he could talk to me on the phone. He seemed to know alot of information on me. Where I had traveled to in the last few monthes.And where I was going to be traveling. I learned a lesson. I must be careful what I post anywhere. I use to post my bookings on Model Mayhem. But I no longer do. Because I do not want people knowing that much about me. I am more careful what I say about my personal thoughts as well. This could all come back to me later.
But I did some research in my fan emails. And I found out who it was.He talked simlar to how he writes. I know were he got my number from. Since, I just emailed him and asked. He told me right away.And said I am harmless, but I should watch for who has my personal info. He actually said he was sorry it he sacred me. I haven't heard from him since.

This is why I do not use my real last name when modeling as well. Since, I have a very rare last name. If a search is done you can find every family member in the world with just google. I actually hate that people can get some much personal info from you. That is my only problem with the internet.

I always tell other models as well. Becareful of what you post about yourself. If you have a live journal, watch what you post. Even on my space becareful. Fans and other professionals can get any info on you. Some of the personal data people post in blogs amazes me. I know models who post about health problems and relationship issues. Why do you want the world to know? It's not People magazine.

Jan 31 06 01:12 pm Link



Posts: 183

Troy, Michigan, US

OMP would not give out your information like that...Be very careful about this guy.

Jan 31 06 01:16 pm Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

Yes, I guess that is a big one. I wish I knew how to block that information. I most like can't. sad

I am even careful who I give my professional business cards too. I have my phone number and address so photographers can contact me later. I have learned a few of those cards have leaked into the wrong hands as well. A photographer left my card at the dinner table at Glamourcon. A fan found it and took it.After we left. I know because I got a mail letter addressed to me.I later emailed him and asked him how he got my address. He told me as well.The only reason I have my address on the cards is for TPF. So, later on the photographer can send me a CD in the mail.

Now I have 3 sets of cards. My fan cards that have my fan email and web site address.
Photographer cards with just my phone number and email. So, they can call me later if they wish to work with me.
I also still have my complete business cards. Since, they will most likely need my address at one point.But I no longer use the ones with my personal addresss. I have a PO Box now.
I allow fans to send letters and stocking to my PO Box as well now.

I do feel more protective.

Carlos Arturo Velarde wrote:
If you own a website, anyone can look up your domain registration as it is a matter of public record and not only get your number, but your street address.

Jan 31 06 01:25 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Carlos Arturo Velarde wrote:
If you own a website, anyone can look up your domain registration as it is a matter of public record and not only get your number, but your street address.

Which is why I spend 2 bucks to make my info private.

Jan 31 06 01:26 pm Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

Which is why I spend 2 bucks to make my info private.

It's only 2 bucks!!!! Heck I am on the wagon for that one!

Jan 31 06 01:30 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

There is no doubt that he did NOT get it from OMP!  When it comes to attempting to get information from omp, I had a similar experience happen to me with a model who had me listed as her manager.  She was from way out of State from me and vanished! There was no way to get a message to her, and I still don't know what happened to her. 

Like Carlos, I only post my cell phone number.  In fact, my cell is my main phone because I am in constant motion ... never settling in one place.  I do have some static locations and on occasion a land line number or two that I might be reached at.  Many of the models I shoot with have cell phones that are like a life line to being connected.  It quite often is an effort to get them to turn their phones off during a shoot!  LOL  So I have to agree to turn mine off too! 

Seriously ... get a cell phone!  You can also set the options so that calls that don't show a number will not be able to get through.  Don't post your cell phone number in public areas ... but e-mailing it to potential photographers to work with is acceptable. Most people either hate or love cell phones!  I wouldn't want to be without 'em myself! 

As for addresses ... never post that!  I travel so I don't need to post an address.  Models don't need to have their address on anything ... including domain registrations.  There are ways to get around all that!  Photographers really should not post their addresses either ... at least not on the 'net because you never know who might be casing your place out for some nice equipment!

Jan 31 06 01:46 pm Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

I didn't know you could do that! I have to tell several models I know who have websites and their info is out there for any whacko to find...

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

Which is why I spend 2 bucks to make my info private.

Jan 31 06 01:57 pm Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

Well, because of my "real job" and having my friends over after work sometimes there are a few different Federal uniforms coming in and out of my house at various times so if they want to "case my joint" they are welcome to tongue

Patrick Walberg wrote:
There is no doubt that he did NOT get it from OMP!  When it comes to attempting to get information from OMP, I had a similar experience happen to me with a model who had me listed as her manager.  She was from way out of State from me and vanished! There was no way to get a message to her, and I still don't know what happened to her. 

Like Carlos, I only post my cell phone number.  In fact, my cell is my main phone because I am in constant motion ... never settling in one place.  I do have some static locations and on occasion a land line number or two that I might be reached at.  Many of the models I shoot with have cell phones that are like a life line to being connected.  It quite often is an effort to get them to turn their phones off during a shoot!  LOL  So I have to agree to turn mine off too! 

Seriously ... get a cell phone!  You can also set the options so that calls that don't show a number will not be able to get through.  Don't post your cell phone number in public areas ... but e-mailing it to potential photographers to work with is acceptable. Most people either hate or love cell phones!  I wouldn't want to be without 'em myself! 

As for addresses ... never post that!  I travel so I don't need to post an address.  Models don't need to have their address on anything ... including domain registrations.  There are ways to get around all that!  Photographers really should not post their addresses either ... at least not on the 'net because you never know who might be casing your place out for some nice equipment!

Jan 31 06 02:00 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

I think what people do not understand is that there is no such thing as a truly unlisted number.

The minute you give your number out anywhere, it goes into a database that can be searched......

Jan 31 06 02:30 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

I have a friend that works at the phone company that can get anyone's phone number, even the unlisted ones!  No one is annonymous anymore...except the Government!

Jan 31 06 09:53 pm Link



Posts: 438

Dallas, Texas, US

I would recomend calling your cell phone company and have them find out the # that he called from general rule of thumb I follow...I dont answer unknown calls..If i comes up on my cell as Unknown...and IF if do answer the first thing that comes out of my mouth is..." when you can  call from a normal # and give me a name, Ill talk to you" then i hang up!~

Jan 31 06 11:59 pm Link



Posts: 3

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The same thing happend to me. I got a call at 5:30 in the morning on my house phone and i never give out that number. I always give out my cell. He kept asking questions about the kind of modelling my sister and i do. I asked him where he was calling from because for me it was 5:30 am and he said from Flordia. Then i asked him how he got my number and he said from the whitepages. He then kept asking questions and said he would send me a email so i went and checked my email and nothing. It was totally sketchy:S

Feb 01 06 12:05 am Link