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Posts: 121

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

So yeah - is it legit?

Any contract that offers me 'guaranteed work' for 12 months is a bit shady if you ask me.

Did a google, and can't really find anything that SCREAMS scam, but can't find anything that screams legit either.

They also ask for a $249.00 security deposit to guarantee you won't just take the merchandise and never send images....

I dunno..

Advice muchly appreciated.

Jan 30 06 04:58 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

They are complete frauds.
They offer you all that shit but they claim that you have to pay them a deposit (between $360 to $600 or more)  or clothing sent to you. They will also try to have you sell some thing. Used to be vitamins when
they were going by the name "Worldwide" and claiming catalog exposure and all the rest. Now it's Home Shopping Network.

The clients lists are a lie. They even name one company as a client that I know intimately UjENA who didn't even know about these people or that they even existed.

Don't get involved. Stay away. Tell your friends and people you know about them and report them. Maybe this time they'll get the hint. Or maybe they'll just change their name again like last time.

Stay far far away.

Jan 30 06 05:14 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

What he said ^^

Jan 30 06 05:19 pm Link


Crazy Cel

Posts: 243

Miami, Florida, US

Stay far far far away!!!

They give you all these pretend offers. They even link you to their "free" website that you get to pick a bunch of free things.  It's a complete fraud. 

The most recent lady fraud was Linda or something like that. When you tell her it's a fraud and list as to why it is, she usually emails back and sends old pics of supposed recent models with the link. Then you click on the link and it's either not working or the item is already gone.

LOL They are a complete fraud.

Jan 31 06 12:07 pm Link



Posts: 33

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Feb 10 06 03:49 pm Link