Forums > General Industry > Why do they do that?


Lisa Fortier

Posts: 201

Cocoa, Florida, US

Help me to understand please. 

Why would a photographer build a model up and make her feel like she's got it and will get it. Then drop her like a hot potatoe as soon as they think they got something or someone better to give those promises to?

Yes this has happened to me and it really stinks.  Leaves me wondering why I should bother anymore.  Ya know? Very bad for self confidence.

Jun 11 05 01:54 pm Link



Posts: 9122

People do this all the time in and out of the industry.

Take charge of your career and don't depend on someone else.

Jun 11 05 01:58 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 

Why would a photographer build a model up and make her feel like she's got it and will get it. Then drop her like a hot potatoe as soon as they think they got something or someone better to give those promises to?

Why do models that are being build up and supported by photographers (even for FREE!) suddenly drop the photographer like a hot potatoe, without apparent reason, or even severe almost all ties and mentioning of names?

It goes both ways... it sucks both ways... but what can ya do? Suck it up... and NEXT!

Jun 11 05 02:00 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 
Help me to understand please. 
Why would a photographer build a model up and make her feel like she's got it and will get it. Then drop her like a hot potatoe as soon as they think they got something or someone better to give those promises to?
Yes this has happened to me and it really stinks.  Leaves me wondering why I should bother anymore.  Ya know? Very bad for self confidence.

having never built anyone up..i am more a crusher of dreams being perfectly honest i dont understand why either...

now, in your are a lovely young woman..what fool dropped you like a hot potato? name names...

Jun 11 05 02:00 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Saw the variety in your profile, it appears you shot with more than a couple of talented Photographers. Maybe, you're letting the one guy who dropped you, get to your head when it shouldn't. Perhaps, you're just having a misconceived perception. Perhaps, it's just the full moon.

Nonetheless, I think you look hot. I wouldn't drop you even if Jana Cova herself came my way.

K. Now that I catered to your ego, how about you reciprocate a lil and come shoot with me. wink

Jun 11 05 02:00 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

come on man she spelled it right for ya....

Jun 11 05 02:02 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

come on man she spelled it right for ya....


Jun 11 05 02:02 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

come on man she spelled it right for ya....


my bad..she didn't...i spelled it right however...

Jun 11 05 02:03 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Never happens with me.  I admire and respect all my models equally.  It's not always reciprocated, but I try not to let that bother me.  Some people stay with you forever and some move on after a short time.  It's like any other interpersonal relationship.  Besides, are you trying to tell me you wouldn't cancel a shoot with your favorite local photographer to shoot with Steven Meisel or Sante D'Orazio?

Jun 11 05 02:04 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

come on man she spelled it right for ya....


my bad..she didn't...i spelled it right however...


Doug, Oops! I mean Udo...*grin*, I'm afraid you and my ex-wife had the same English teacher who used to "fire up" in the staff latrine before class. … &va=potato

Don't trip. I used to pronounce "island" as "is land".

Jun 11 05 02:05 pm Link


Wicked Hailey

Posts: 94

Round Rock, Texas, US

I am sure I am as guilty as other photographers for this. It is not the models fault or anything - I just get ideas and I need a new person to shoot. I almost always will go back to the same models over and over again as I find projects that I need her for or get an idea specific to her. I am sorry you let this photographer get to you...just remember there are way more photographers out there that would love to work with you.

Jun 11 05 02:08 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

come on man she spelled it right for ya....


my bad..she didn't...i spelled it right however...

Doug, *grin*, I'm afraid you and my ex-wife had the same English teacher who used to "fire up" in the staff latrine before class. … &va=potato
Don't trip. I used to pronounce "island" as "is land".

ever since that dope VP we had 15 years ago..the word potato is funny to me...

Jun 11 05 02:09 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

come on man she spelled it right for ya....


my bad..she didn't...i spelled it right however...

Doug, *grin*, I'm afraid you and my ex-wife had the same English teacher who used to "fire up" in the staff latrine before class. … &va=potato
Don't trip. I used to pronounce "island" as "is land".

ever since that dope VP we had 15 years ago..the word potato is funny to me...

Doug, I meant Udo. I went back and edited my post.

Jun 11 05 02:10 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by Hailey: 
I am sure I am as guilty as other photographers for this. It is not the models fault or anything - I just get ideas and I need a new person to shoot. I almost always will go back to the same models over and over again as I find projects that I need her for or get an idea specific to her. I am sorry you let this photographer get to you...just remember there are way more photographers out there that would love to work with you.

i keep a small circle of models around me that i always use for my projects..i dont usually let anyone new in, cause when your in, your in..i did however have one move and one theres some vacancies..but on the whole, if i find a good working partner, i hold on to them like grim death...

Jun 11 05 02:11 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Because your usefulness was up... or did you two break up???

Anyway, I had a small circle of models. One retired to go get sexed up all day by her boyfriend, despite being wanted by Playboy and the booty mag circuit, and the other one suddenly found God the day we were supposed to do her lingerie set for Maxim.

Jun 11 05 02:26 pm Link



Posts: 5

San Diego, California, US

It's like a guy who tells a girl he loves her, just to get in her pants.

Jun 11 05 02:34 pm Link


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom

photographers and models is not like a love affair. The unhappy reality of this business is that all none....have a "sell by date".
Make the most of your moment and you will extend your life expectancy and stay away from sweet taking photogs!

Jun 11 05 02:58 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by V_M: 
It's like a guy who tells a girl he loves her, just to get in her pants.

guys do that?...

Jun 11 05 03:01 pm Link



Posts: 1920

Lancaster, Ohio, US

Ya know.....  I can relate to this whole thread.
I did have to let one model go from my "inner circle".  She had some stalker that would take my pics from another site, montage (sp) them, and then attack this girl.  For some reason she felt I was corresponding with this other person.  Got to the point that I had to take all her pics down, and finally tell her to move
Yet, I have another model, that started out with a few webcam pics. I saw potential, waited till she turned 18, then the rest is a great collaboration between us. Got to the point where she considers me her father, (her's left while an infant), and I've done things for her as I would my   other daughters. She has several things going on in her life that could ruin her goals she has set for herself,
*..... edited out a lot of stuff here,,, lol.....*
I wish her enough. She will always have a place in my heart, and my home.  Some of life's lessons are best learned the hard way,,,,,dammit!

Jun 11 05 03:06 pm Link



Posts: 671

Chicago, Illinois, US

I think both photogs and models need to keep the concentration always on the work, and the 'result' of the work. If this smooth talkin' yada yada gets you a few more killer images for your port you can get over the disappointment of the ego brusing, throw the images up and move on down the road. If it isn't making you go 'forward', make it go away. Works the smae on both sides of the camera. ..... Like your beautiful! Don't ever change! (..sic.... I know)

Jun 11 05 03:57 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Posted by Steve  Cottrill: 
I have another model, that started out with a few webcam pics. I saw potential, waited till she turned 18, then the rest is a great collaboration between us. Got to the point where she considers me her father, (her's left while an infant), and I've done things for her as I would my   other daughters. She has several things going on in her life that could ruin her goals she has set for herself,
*..... edited out a lot of stuff here,,, lol.....*
I wish her enough. She will always have a place in my heart, and my home.  Some of life's lessons are best learned the hard way,,,,,dammit!

I went through that back in 2000 till 2002, almost to a TEE. Mines is now living the dyke life in Florida. Sometimes no matter how hard you try to help, you just can't.

Jun 11 05 04:09 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Monsante Bey: 
Because your usefulness was up... or did you two break up???

Anyway, I had a small circle of models. One retired to go get sexed up all day by her boyfriend, despite being wanted by Playboy and the booty mag circuit, and the other one suddenly found God the day we were supposed to do her lingerie set for Maxim.

She found God?  Where WAS he?

Jun 11 05 04:28 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by V_M: 
It's like a guy who tells a girl he loves her, just to get in her pants.

guys do that?...

Don't you feel used, Doug?

I've never had that kind of a relationship with a photographer. It sounds a little too co-dependant for my tastes.

Jun 11 05 05:51 pm Link


Glamour Studio /Gary

Posts: 1237

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 
Help me to understand please. 

Why would a photographer build a model up and make her feel like she's got it and will get it. Then drop her like a hot potatoe as soon as they think they got something or someone better to give those promises to?

Yes this has happened to me and it really stinks.  Leaves me wondering why I should bother anymore.  Ya know? Very bad for self confidence.

It's a common occurence when you put all your faith in one person. You shouldn't have to depend on anyone for self confidence, why do think they call it "self" confidence? If you need people to tell you you're good then you don't have any self confidence and if you're going to do this then you must believe in yourself no matter what anyone else tells you.

If you don't start to believe in yourself now then every tiny failure you come across in this biz will crush you and continue to lower your self esteem. If that's the case and you don't believe in your own abilities then stop modeling and get a normal job. This is the truth, I'm not going to console you because some non caring photog dropped you. If you look at this in a positive attitude then you will learn more and be stronger the next time, yes it will happen again and when it does you kick them to the gutter and move on to better things.

The same thing with one person being an agent. I tell my models don't bother because I know as soon as the next hot babe walks thru the door that they won't want to bother with you any longer. Most don't care, there not in this for you, it's for them.

With that said, I cannot understand why such a gorgeous model as yourself doubts your own worth as a model. Look at yourself, you don't need anyone to depend on or hype your ego. If you really have a self confidence problem then maybe classes in building your self confidence might help. Seriously, this photog didn't even say anything to put you down, he only picked up someone new that he can promise the world to just like he told you. As soon as another model comes along he'll do the same to her as he did to you. He's the problem, not you.

There are plenty of us out there that would love to keep pushing you as far as possible as a model because when you make it then we look good too. And a model of your caliber would not be hard to promote, unless you were dependant on compliments to keep you going, then forget it.

Now geez, stop with the self confidence nonsense and just keep going forward.


Jun 11 05 06:02 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

hmmm. what about when the model's and the photographer's egos get so big about what they've accomplished that they can no longer get along?

or when the "newness" wears off? I shot with some people who blew me back by how well they treated me....but after a few shoots, I was just a nobody. Thats fine in the bigger picture, (i'm not famous), but I don't think I deserve to be treated as though I'm totally worthless. They refuse to acknowledge how much I have helped them; they only argue that they "made me"

And Lisa, its nice to have a photographer devote so much time and attention to you. But if they are serious if they say they want to help build your career, they wouldn't be as unprofessional to drop the project before it is finished.

It is hard sometimes on the self confidence. I have to remind myself not to take it personal and that there are so many more talented photographers interested in my look.

Anyway...just some thoughts from a girl having a bad day...

Jun 11 05 06:09 pm Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

Posted by Monsante Bey: 
and the other one suddenly found God the day we were supposed to do her lingerie set for Maxim.

I find that so amusing.

Jun 11 05 06:11 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Posted by Leila: 

Posted by Monsante Bey: 
and the other one suddenly found God the day we were supposed to do her lingerie set for Maxim.

I find that so amusing.

I didn't.

I drove all the way up to Bowling Green on a freakin WHIM so we could do this shoot. Even stayed overnight because she was too busy palling around with her friends till 4AM. So the next day comes, I clean up her place, even hung up my bed netting. I toss out two pieces that I specifically bought for her and showed her on webcam, and she goes "oh these are cute, but i'm not wearing them for pictures. can't we just do my business pics instead?" I ask what's up with that and she tells me she found God. I packed up my stuff and left.

Needless to say, we are no longer friends. Not based solely because she didn't do the shoot, but I had an epiphany on the way home that it was an assortment of things that made me realize that it was just a toxic relationship overall.

Jun 11 05 06:41 pm Link



Posts: 87

Malibu, California, US

I would hope that I keep in touch with any model I work with. It's nice to always be able to call on a model if they fit whatever you're looking for at the moment. It's like any business. You should develop your network of "clients" and treat all of them like they're #1.

Jun 11 05 07:02 pm Link


Lisa Fortier

Posts: 201

Cocoa, Florida, US

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 
Help me to understand please. 
Why would a photographer build a model up and make her feel like she's got it and will get it. Then drop her like a hot potatoe as soon as they think they got something or someone better to give those promises to?
Yes this has happened to me and it really stinks.  Leaves me wondering why I should bother anymore.  Ya know? Very bad for self confidence.

having never built anyone up..i am more a crusher of dreams being perfectly honest i dont understand why either...

now, in your are a lovely young woman..what fool dropped you like a hot potato? name names...

Now would be unprofessional for me to name names Not that I wouldn't really LOVE to, believe me I would love to. 

Jun 11 05 07:11 pm Link


Lisa Fortier

Posts: 201

Cocoa, Florida, US

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 
Saw the variety in your profile, it appears you shot with more than a couple of talented Photographers. Maybe, you're letting the one guy who dropped you, get to your head when it shouldn't. Perhaps, you're just having a misconceived perception. Perhaps, it's just the full moon.

Nonetheless, I think you look hot. I wouldn't drop you even if Jana Cova herself came my way.

K. Now that I catered to your ego, how about you reciprocate a lil and come shoot with me. wink

Well why do you gotta be all the way on the other side of the US !!!!

Jun 11 05 07:13 pm Link


Lisa Fortier

Posts: 201

Cocoa, Florida, US

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

come on man she spelled it right for ya....


Ok now i'm totally confused, who spelled it right and who spelled it wrong???? wink

my bad..she didn't...i spelled it right however...


Doug, Oops! I mean Udo...*grin*, I'm afraid you and my ex-wife had the same English teacher who used to "fire up" in the staff latrine before class. … &va=potato

Don't trip. I used to pronounce "island" as "is land".

Jun 11 05 07:14 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by theda: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by V_M: 
It's like a guy who tells a girl he loves her, just to get in her pants.

guys do that?...

Don't you feel used, Doug?

...sighhh.....i really thought he meant it....

Jun 11 05 07:24 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 
Help me to understand please. 
Why would a photographer build a model up and make her feel like she's got it and will get it. Then drop her like a hot potatoe as soon as they think they got something or someone better to give those promises to?
Yes this has happened to me and it really stinks.  Leaves me wondering why I should bother anymore.  Ya know? Very bad for self confidence.

having never built anyone up..i am more a crusher of dreams being perfectly honest i dont understand why, in your are a lovely young woman..what fool dropped you like a hot potato? name names...

Now would be unprofessional for me to name names Not that I wouldn't really LOVE to, believe me I would love to.  wink

would naming, names be as unprofessional as building false impressions?..i dont think so..i think it could serve a greater porpose as a warning to others..and you dont have to do it can send it to me personally..chances are.. i know the guy..i might be able to find out the rest of the story..huh? wink wink?

Jun 11 05 07:28 pm Link


Lisa Fortier

Posts: 201

Cocoa, Florida, US

Posted by Monsante Bey: 
Because your usefulness was up... or did you two break up???

Anyway, I had a small circle of models. One retired to go get sexed up all day by her boyfriend, despite being wanted by Playboy and the booty mag circuit, and the other one suddenly found God the day we were supposed to do her lingerie set for Maxim.

Oh no no no....nothing like that at all.  Strictly professional, or it was supposed to be. 

Jun 11 05 07:37 pm Link


Lisa Fortier

Posts: 201

Cocoa, Florida, US

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 
Help me to understand please. 
Why would a photographer build a model up and make her feel like she's got it and will get it. Then drop her like a hot potatoe as soon as they think they got something or someone better to give those promises to?
Yes this has happened to me and it really stinks.  Leaves me wondering why I should bother anymore.  Ya know? Very bad for self confidence.

having never built anyone up..i am more a crusher of dreams being perfectly honest i dont understand why, in your are a lovely young woman..what fool dropped you like a hot potato? name names...

Now would be unprofessional for me to name names Not that I wouldn't really LOVE to, believe me I would love to.  wink

would naming, names be as unprofessional as building false impressions?..i dont think so..i think it could serve a greater porpose as a warning to others..and you dont have to do it can send it to me personally..chances are.. i know the guy..i might be able to find out the rest of the story..huh? wink wink?

good argument you have there  wink

Jun 11 05 08:08 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 
Help me to understand please. 
Why would a photographer build a model up and make her feel like she's got it and will get it. Then drop her like a hot potatoe as soon as they think they got something or someone better to give those promises to?
Yes this has happened to me and it really stinks.  Leaves me wondering why I should bother anymore.  Ya know? Very bad for self confidence.

having never built anyone up..i am more a crusher of dreams being perfectly honest i dont understand why, in your are a lovely young woman..what fool dropped you like a hot potato? name names...

Now would be unprofessional for me to name names Not that I wouldn't really LOVE to, believe me I would love to.  wink

would naming, names be as unprofessional as building false impressions?..i dont think so..i think it could serve a greater porpose as a warning to others..and you dont have to do it can send it to me personally..chances are.. i know the guy..i might be able to find out the rest of the story..huh? wink wink?

good argument you have there  wink

and i didn't even have to use my jedi mind tricks...

Jun 11 05 08:14 pm Link


Lisa Fortier

Posts: 201

Cocoa, Florida, US

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 
Help me to understand please. 
Why would a photographer build a model up and make her feel like she's got it and will get it. Then drop her like a hot potatoe as soon as they think they got something or someone better to give those promises to?
Yes this has happened to me and it really stinks.  Leaves me wondering why I should bother anymore.  Ya know? Very bad for self confidence.

having never built anyone up..i am more a crusher of dreams being perfectly honest i dont understand why, in your are a lovely young woman..what fool dropped you like a hot potato? name names...

Now would be unprofessional for me to name names Not that I wouldn't really LOVE to, believe me I would love to.  wink

would naming, names be as unprofessional as building false impressions?..i dont think so..i think it could serve a greater porpose as a warning to others..and you dont have to do it can send it to me personally..chances are.. i know the guy..i might be able to find out the rest of the story..huh? wink wink?

good argument you have there  wink

and i didn't even have to use my jedi mind tricks...

Jedi mind tricks ???  me thinks you jest  wink

Jun 11 05 08:21 pm Link


Lisa Fortier

Posts: 201

Cocoa, Florida, US

Posted by V_M: 
It's like a guy who tells a girl he loves her, just to get in her pants.

Ain't that the truth.  wink

Jun 11 05 08:24 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 
Help me to understand please. 
Why would a photographer build a model up and make her feel like she's got it and will get it. Then drop her like a hot potatoe as soon as they think they got something or someone better to give those promises to?
Yes this has happened to me and it really stinks.  Leaves me wondering why I should bother anymore.  Ya know? Very bad for self confidence.

having never built anyone up..i am more a crusher of dreams being perfectly honest i dont understand why, in your are a lovely young woman..what fool dropped you like a hot potato? name names...

Now would be unprofessional for me to name names Not that I wouldn't really LOVE to, believe me I would love to.  wink

would naming, names be as unprofessional as building false impressions?..i dont think so..i think it could serve a greater porpose as a warning to others..and you dont have to do it can send it to me personally..chances are.. i know the guy..i might be able to find out the rest of the story..huh? wink wink?

good argument you have there  wink

and i didn't even have to use my jedi mind tricks...

Jedi mind tricks ???  me thinks you jest  wink

yes actaually, my son just dragged me to the movies yesterday to see that star wars a piece got stuck in my head...truth is..i dont know any jedi mind tricks...except telling women that i love them...

Jun 11 05 08:30 pm Link


Lisa Fortier

Posts: 201

Cocoa, Florida, US

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 
Help me to understand please. 
Why would a photographer build a model up and make her feel like she's got it and will get it. Then drop her like a hot potatoe as soon as they think they got something or someone better to give those promises to?
Yes this has happened to me and it really stinks.  Leaves me wondering why I should bother anymore.  Ya know? Very bad for self confidence.

having never built anyone up..i am more a crusher of dreams being perfectly honest i dont understand why, in your are a lovely young woman..what fool dropped you like a hot potato? name names...

Now would be unprofessional for me to name names Not that I wouldn't really LOVE to, believe me I would love to.  wink

would naming, names be as unprofessional as building false impressions?..i dont think so..i think it could serve a greater porpose as a warning to others..and you dont have to do it can send it to me personally..chances are.. i know the guy..i might be able to find out the rest of the story..huh? wink wink?

good argument you have there  wink

and i didn't even have to use my jedi mind tricks...

Jedi mind tricks ???  me thinks you jest  wink

yes actaually, my son just dragged me to the movies yesterday to see that star wars a piece got stuck in my head...truth is..i dont know any jedi mind tricks...except telling women that i love them...

Naughty !! shame on you.....

Jun 11 05 08:39 pm Link