Forums > General Industry > Question??


Mana Malekreaeisi

Posts: 4

Edmonton, Kentucky, US

I have to lose about 10 pounds in about 2-3 weeks because apperently im sonewhat chunky

does anyone know a good way of doing so without starving??

Jan 30 06 03:13 am Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

Cut out dairy and sugar, watch the straches (Your body burns it as sugar). Eat your greens, veggies and fruits. Work out 3-5 days a week. Do mostly cardio!

Don't drink soda's and coffee.
Drink your water, green tea, and hot lemon water. Hot lemon water and green tea, help speed your sluggish metabolism.

When I want to lose weight I drink a glass of hot lemon water or green tea. Eat a cup of asian rice. (Do not eat instant rice like Uncle Ben's, it's not really rice it is made with wheat. Which is a gulton watch is a strach. Go to an Asian food store you can get a 20 pound bag for like 15 bucks) Then I eat my fruits, veggies, and green stuff. If I still feel hungry I drink more water. If still have more veggies.
But this works well.

But exercise is the key to weight lose!

Jan 30 06 03:22 am Link


Mana Malekreaeisi

Posts: 4

Edmonton, Kentucky, US

awsome thank you so much
what about the meat factor should i cut down on that too?

Jan 30 06 03:26 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Exactly what Samantha said and you may want to cut back on eating shoes...High in fiber (carpet fiber)

Jan 30 06 03:31 am Link



Posts: 117

Statesville, North Carolina, US

Try the Special K challenge for real. They say you'll lose 6 lbs in 2 weeks. I've been told by 2 friends they've lost the weight doing that.

Replace 2 meals with a bowl of Special K cereal, use skim milk and eat fruit. Eat your third meal as usual. For snacks eat Special K bars (they are very good) and fresh fruit.

It's not too expensive and its worth a try.


PS..Chunky?? WTF? Don't look it to me..

Jan 30 06 03:31 am Link


Mana Malekreaeisi

Posts: 4

Edmonton, Kentucky, US

oh well ive gotta photoshoot coming up an the photographer thinks im a bit chunky but its all good im down for the challenge

Jan 30 06 03:33 am Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

Mana Malekraeisi wrote:
awsome thank you so much
what about the meat factor should i cut down on that too?

Depends on who you talk to. I say yes, cut back. Has alot of fat, plus it is hard to burn. But if you have to go ahead. I say your better off with chicken and seafood. Seafood has a lot of Omega 3's which help in weight lose.

But I am vegan so, I have no problem with no meat.

I edited my first post alittle for you too. It was too short, I felt! But I believe in keeping weight lose simple. Too many people make it harder then what it is by counting fat, carbs, and calories.

Just consume less then you burn.

Jan 30 06 03:33 am Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
Exactly what Samantha said and you may want to cut back on eating shoes...High in fiber (carpet fiber)


Fiber is good to a point!! But you can get more fiber from green veggies then wheat based and guleton based foods. Oh, watch corn!!! It's a strach!

Jan 30 06 03:37 am Link


Sara Beth

Posts: 487

New York, New York, US

if the photog thinks you're chunky, which you're not...oh nevermind, it's not worth it. just boils my blood a little is all. anyways, if you like fish, eat it. it's the BEST for could try eating sushi too as a variation. but the omega 3's are good for your skin, hair and blood...and if your blood is good (as in, not full of cholestoral, etc...i can't spell at 4:45am sorry), then it won't clog your arteries which in turn creates other problems, like holding toxins in your body. fish and water, and whoever said asian yeah, like i said: SUSHI...if you like it smile

Jan 30 06 03:46 am Link


x Sapphire

Posts: 48

Garland, Texas, US

How can anyone call you chunky?? *honestly perplexed by that*

Jan 30 06 03:53 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Miss Anthropy

Posts: 223

Portland, Oregon, US

And where exactly is he thinking that this ten pounds is going to come from?? When you start losing weight that your body needs, it will come out of what it feels are "non-essential" areas such as your breasts, before it comes off of your stomach or thighs.

Honestly, is this dude paying you because unless this is a paid shoot I'd tell him to sit and spin. Did he see you initially when you might have been bloated or someting?? And what is he gonna do, whip out the scales before he takes the lenscap off ?

Now, if this is still worth it to you, you CAN lose ten pounds in a relatively short period of time but bear in mind that in no way is this considered healthy. 1-2 pounds per week is considered a healthy weight loss. I'd suggest trimspa ( apparently it works by swelling up in your tummy, which compared with other methods of getting skinny seems relatively tame), and pick and choose from what others have tea with ginger FIRST THING in the AM (Just TRY eating after that) and only eating things like salad with balsamic vinegar as dressing (bottled dressings have fat,sugar and salt, which makes you retain water) fresh veggies rice cakes and that sort of stuff.

Still I would hardly think it's worth it.

Jan 30 06 04:08 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Miss Anthropy wrote:
Honestly, is this dude paying you because unless this is a paid shoot I'd tell him to sit and spin. Did he see you initially when you might have been bloated or someting?? And what is he gonna do, whip out the scales before he takes the lenscap off ?

Still I would hardly think it's worth it.

Maybe, if he is paying, he somehow believes that he is paying by the pound.

For God's sake I, or any photographer, can take an absolutely skinny girl/woman, one who looks great from straight on, and put her in the "wrong" blue jeans or bikini; then turn her around, and I can point to the flesh inevitably spilling over the waist band. Does that mean that she has to loose weight? Hardly.

Give him a pass - he's taking your photo and it should not be a "guess your weight" sideshow. If he has a problem it is not your weight - it's a control thang.


Jan 30 06 05:44 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Miss Anthropy

Posts: 223

Portland, Oregon, US

studio36uk wrote:
Maybe, if he is paying, he somehow believes that he is paying by the pound.

For God's sake I, or any photographer, can take an absolutely skinny girl/woman, one who looks great from straight on, and put her in the "wrong" blue jeans or bikini; then turn her around, and I can point to the flesh inevitably spilling over the waist band. Does that mean that she has to loose weight? Hardly.

Give him a pass - he's taking your photo and it should not be a "guess your weight" sideshow. If he has a problem it is not your weight - it's a control thang.


I was going to say something like that but didn't want to get flamed as a crazy frumpy feminazi tongue

Jan 30 06 06:02 am Link

Makeup Artist

Meredith VanSickle

Posts: 96

Atlanta, Georgia, US

vegan living.
All dairy, all eggs, all meat and all their by products are nixed.
Rice and vegetables. *be careful eating too many fruits! They are packed with sugars and carbs! Take a couple servings a day, but don't go snacking on them too much if you're dieting*
Walk a couple miles a day.
and drink nothing but the green tea and water *lemon water too*

I'm going to add my 2 cents in with the others...
You are NOT chunky.
You can tell homeslice photographer that Heroin Shiek is very passe' we've moved on as a magazine culture.
Its gross that he would want you sickly thin. While some models are built that way and they honest to god can't help it... I see it as a disturbing trend amongst the masses to make themselves look like a starving child in Ethiopia.

Why don't you make a compromise...
Lose HALF of your goal. If you lose a little more thats cool, but don't set out going "I AM GOING TO LOSE 10lbs BY NEXT WEEK"S END!" because realisticly, you have nowhere healthy to pull from. 

and please, when this is over, DON"T keep eating like a dieter. You are so beautiful, it would be a shame to see it go to waste because some photographer may have given you a complex by the end of this...

Jan 30 06 06:13 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Miss Anthropy wrote:
I was going to say something like that but didn't want to get flamed as a crazy frumpy feminazi tongue

Why would we think that? Agencies are often just as guilty, too. Send in a girl/woman who is already thin and I will bet you a lot of then tell the model - "Oh dear, you will have to loose "x" pounds." You are not a feminazi they are fashionazis.

Some seem to think that if a perfectly normal F body casts a shadow that the girl/woman is too fat. That was part of that whole "heroin chic" thing from a few years ago but it persists in some minds... and in some parts of the modelling biz.

Not me. I prefer a "healthy" look in a girl/woman even if she is a bit round or has a slight tummy or some meat on the butt and legs. Round, but trim and toned, IS normal. Being able to count a girl/woman's ribs from ten paces isn't.


Jan 30 06 07:53 am Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

I dont think you are "Chunky".. however.. if you want to lose some quick yet safe weight.. Stop drinking any soda.  I stopped drinking any and all sodas for two week.. lost 5 pounds. and I was drinking only a diet soda.. The stuff in soda will not just the sugars.. will stay in your body...

Jan 30 06 08:56 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

All those mocha lattes
You gotta do pilates...

Jan 30 06 09:15 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

If you are really 5'7'' and actually weight 115, then if you lose weight you will be clinically underweight. Either:
a) your stats are not accurate
b)that photographer is out of his mind and you are out of your mind for wanting to lose 10lbs while you already weight 115

I would suggest that you see a professional.

A dietician or a fitness expert.

Especially since you do not appear to need to lose any weight.  But if you really do need to and want to lose the weight in a healthy way, a professional would be your best bet

Jan 30 06 09:15 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

CrazyIsabelAurora wrote:
would suggest that you see a professional.

A dietician or a fitness expert.

Better she should see a professional photographer


Jan 30 06 10:46 am Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

Miss Anthropy wrote:
Honestly, is this dude paying you because unless this is a paid shoot I'd tell him to sit and spin. .......

Still I would hardly think it's worth it.

"Sit and spin!" (she said sweetly).  [smile] I like your attitude and your phrasing - straight to the point.

Jan 30 06 11:04 am Link


John Hurley

Posts: 30

Salem, Massachusetts, US

I have to ask what is the shoot for? is it a job or just a ftp? You look fine to me. Drastic weight loss in a short period of time is not healthy and almost always gained back. What is the photographer basing his judgement of you being a little chunky on. If it is not a real job tell him you are allright with the way you are. If you do need to lose a few pounds, do it over a period of time and in a healthy manner. You are more important than any shoot. I am sure I will take heat for saying that but it is the truth.

Jan 30 06 11:15 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Mana Malekraeisi wrote:
oh well ive gotta photoshoot coming up an the photographer thinks im a bit chunky but its all good im down for the challenge

Tell that photographer to go to hell for calling you chunky!  You are perfect right now!  I would shoot with you in your current shape now.  You are currently slim if the stats are correct, and from looking at your pictures, I don't think you are over weight by any stretch of the imagination.  That's my opinion.  If there are any medical doctors or nurses that know more about proper weight and height ratios, please comment on this ... I don't want to see another Karen Carpentar situation here! 

Yes, do eat right for your own health, not for losing weight.  Eating more fruits and vegetibles is good.  Less meat is also helpful.   Work out at least 3 times a week if not more often, doing cardio too!   That is all good information.  But stay off the scale.  I have weighted about the same ever since high school ... feel about as healthy too!   Four words come to mind if you are healthy and happy ... "Don't worry about it!"   Best wishes to you!

Jan 30 06 01:09 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

x Sapphire wrote:
How can anyone call you chunky?? *honestly perplexed by that*

She is chunky for what the photographer wants, therefore she is chunky...
What's the big deal?

::edit:: Maybe she gained weight from what her pics are in her port, we just got over the holidays, she may have gained... give the photog some benefit of the doubt!

Jan 30 06 01:17 pm Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

studio36uk wrote:
Why would we think that? Agencies are often just as guilty, too. Send in a girl/woman who is already thin and I will bet you a lot of then tell the model - "Oh dear, you will have to loose "x" pounds." You are not a feminazi they are fashionazis.

Some seem to think that if a perfectly normal F body casts a shadow that the girl/woman is too fat. That was part of that whole "heroin chic" thing from a few years ago but it persists in some minds... and in some parts of the modelling biz.

Not me. I prefer a "healthy" look in a girl/woman even if she is a bit round or has a slight tummy or some meat on the butt and legs. Round, but trim and toned, IS normal. Being able to count a girl/woman's ribs from ten paces isn't.


I am not thin at all. And you can see my ribs. I have a small body with noticable ribs. Depends on the body.But I have a smaller waist. But look at most X shaped curvy swimsuit models. They have small waist, bigger hips, and cheast. I don't know why the ribs happen. Even when I was over weight they were still there.
I am 5'4 130 pounds, 36-26-36. Funny how people are.

I just looked at your port too. You have no reason to lose weight. I have had people tell me I need to lose weight. Because they read I weigh 130!!! But they look at the number and think that. But if they actually saw me in person they would think I was in better shape then most. I say keep on working out and eatting healthy. You might be how I was 3 years ago when I was 19. I had alittle baby fat on my waist. Heck I still kind of do. But don't worry about it. You have great measurements. Great curves. I don't want to see you lose the X shape!But alittle cardio and it is gone in like a month. I actually gained 10 pounds working out more.Muscle out weighs fat. You will notice also alot of fitness models weight alot! Look at the ports of most of them. Alot of them have numbers like me!

Jan 30 06 01:18 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Samantha Grace wrote:
I am not thin at all. And you can see my ribs. I have a small body with noticable ribs. Depends on the body.But I have a smaller waist. But look at most X shaped curvy swimsuit models. They have small waist, bigger hips, and cheast. I don't know why the ribs happen. Even when I was over weight they were still there.
I am 5'4 130 pounds, 36-26-36. Funny how people are.

I meant be able count the ribs individually not merely see the outline of a ribcage. As for you individually - the package, as a whole, is fine. Nothing to complain, much less worry, about.


Jan 30 06 02:55 pm Link



Posts: 591

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Yeah, tell the photographer to adjust his monitor, he's obviously getting some barrel distortion.

Jan 30 06 04:14 pm Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

OMG I'm 5lbs away from chunky!! yikes

Jan 30 06 04:21 pm Link


C Hansen Photography

Posts: 306

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

AllenA wrote:
Yeah, tell the photographer to adjust his monitor, he's obviously getting some barrel distortion.

I second this motion.  You aren't "chunky" by no means...if your info is up to date.  I know a girl that is 5'6 and 110 and she looks just fine.

If you're up for the challenge by all means go for it.  Just be safe about it.

Jan 30 06 04:23 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Cut your diet to small portions of fish and fresh vegetables. Something like 3 oz fish and 1C vegetables. Have this in the morning to get your furnace burning. Mix it into modest size salads, no dressing. Cut your total calories to about 500-800 per day, with 20g carbohydrates or less. This isn't much, so you have to budget your nutrition to get the most bang for the calories you are allowed. Increase protein, cut carbs, cut portion size. Modest exercise. Vitamins. No bread, no rice, no sugar, no processed foods. NO junk food, no hamburgers, no fast food, no candy, no cookies, no chips, no bagels, no ice cream, no pizza, no alcohol. No restaurants.

No problem. Losing a pound a day is reasonable.

Jan 30 06 06:17 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

adrienne of Zswana wrote:
OMG I'm 5lbs away from chunky!! yikes

It's all those half pizzas and cookie-dough...

Jan 30 06 08:04 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Mana Malekraeisi wrote:
I have to lose about 10 pounds in about 2-3 weeks because apperently im sonewhat chunky

does anyone know a good way of doing so without starving??

In fairness, what Hamza said is right, you are chunky to this photographer.  If this is a contracted gig and you got cast under the condition that you lose the pounds, well then this is completely understandable. 

Here's my thing: apparently this "chunkiness" is news to you.  If you fit your profile's stats and are happy with your weight and body cut, then seriously question whether this shoot is worth the lbs you need to drop in 2-3 weeks.  Again, if this is a contracted gig, that's one thing.  However, if you two have agreed to shoot on your own terms and he off-handedly said you were chunky and should lose 10 lbs, well... that's up to you.  Unless your changes are permanent, once you come off the diet after the shoot, those lbs will come back.  Sure, you can try to do it over and over each time you need to drop some weight but that's not exactly good for your body.

Jan 30 06 08:16 pm Link



Posts: 328

BRONX, New York, US

Angie_P wrote:
Try the Special K challenge for real. They say you'll lose 6 lbs in 2 weeks. I've been told by 2 friends they've lost the weight doing that.

Replace 2 meals with a bowl of Special K cereal, use skim milk and eat fruit. Eat your third meal as usual. For snacks eat Special K bars (they are very good) and fresh fruit.

It's not too expensive and its worth a try.


PS..Chunky?? WTF? Don't look it to me..

You'll also want to pass out by noon....did this and it lasted a week my co-workers didn't want to be anywhere near me when I was doing it...I thought I was a Bitch prior...wait till you do the Special crash dieting isn't healthy, you might as well starve yourself.

Jan 30 06 08:19 pm Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

studio36uk wrote:

I meant be able count the ribs individually not merely see the outline of a ribcage. As for you individually - the package, as a whole, is fine. Nothing to complain, much less worry, about.


Oh, Okay I get what you mean. I misunderstood what kind of sticking out ribs.

Jan 31 06 12:21 am Link


x Sapphire

Posts: 48

Garland, Texas, US

Hamza wrote:

She is chunky for what the photographer wants, therefore she is chunky...
What's the big deal?

::edit:: Maybe she gained weight from what her pics are in her port, we just got over the holidays, she may have gained... give the photog some benefit of the doubt!

Ahhh thats true. Holiday weight, forgot about that.

Jan 31 06 12:28 am Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Someone mentioned above to see a professional.  I couldn't agree more.  As much fun as it would be to give her a cut and dried solution, the truth of the matter is that some of the things mentioned could do just as much damage as some of the fads.

If you want to lose weight (and make sure it is because YOU want to lose it) then seek out the help of a nutritionist.  Just as you would not ask your automechanic to take photos of you, I wouldn't ask us what to eat (or not eat).  Their job is to make certain that what you are ingesting is going to benefit all of you and not just a for the moment solution.

Jan 31 06 12:48 am Link


Mana Malekreaeisi

Posts: 4

Edmonton, Kentucky, US

thank you to all for all of the advice

Jan 31 06 03:39 am Link



Posts: 26

Los Angeles, California, US

Pilates, Yoga, brown rice + vegetable regime...cut out red ok..balance everyday in regards to eating.
have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time everyday.

Walk daily one hour and shoot for 40 minutes of cardio every second day.

Also balance mind and spirit if possible.


but smile

Brightsoul Photography

Jan 31 06 03:45 am Link