Forums > General Industry > TFCD? How many images?


Thayer Photographic

Posts: 345

Kentwood, Michigan, US

Models: How many images do you expect from a TFCD?

Photogs: How many images do you put on a CD?

Myself, I give the llama an edited version of every photo that I am willing to put my name on, she also gets black and whites, sepias, and photoshop "experiments".  Every image is in the highest resolution possible.  And she gets 2 copies of each shot, one sized approx 15x20 to use for prints, and one sized about 5x7 for use on websites.  I also give the llama a copyright release so she can make prints.  I also edit each photo so there are no blemishes, scars, pimples, or what not.
My CDs usually have at least 50 photos, and most are closer to 100.

What do you do, what are your expectations?

Jan 29 06 05:02 pm Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Michael Thayer wrote:
Models: How many images do you expect from a TFCD?

Photogs: How many images do you put on a CD?

Myself, I give the model an edited version of every photo that I am willing to put my name on, she also gets black and whites, sepias, and photoshop "experiments".  Every image is in the highest resolution possible.  And she gets 2 copies of each shot, one sized approx 15x20 to use for prints, and one sized about 5x7 for use on websites.  I also give the model a copyright release so she can make prints.  I also edit each photo so there are no blemishes, scars, pimples, or what not.
My CDs usually have at least 50 photos, and most are closer to 100.

What do you do, what are your expectations?

FWIW I wouldn't consider doing all that if I got $500 for the shoot.  I don't know what sort of work you are doing, but my art has a value, and I'm not giving it away.

I posted in another post, with film, a model would get 1-3 prints per hour of work, or 1 print per 36/exposures, more or less. 

If the print was 11x14 or 16x20, the number of prints dropped significantly, or might even be only one print per day.

TFP was *not* a way for a model to get 100's of photos of themselves, but a few high quality ones they could use to promote themselves.

With digital, models are promoting themselves on-line, on their websites, and in some ways, your photographs of them are *MORE* valuable now, than before.

I can't belive how many people "give away the farm" and how this is going to come back and bite a lot of people in the butt later on.

The search features here are not great, but I posted on this already, so I'm not going to retype it all.

In short:  At no time, did models ever get every print, or even ANY negatives.  So why would you give away RAW prints, or every print edited or not?    The model's time may be $75 an hour, but my prints are $200-$300 and up, so giving the model 200 prints, is pretty much over kill.  For four hours of her time, 1 print of mine was the comparable value.  So giving her 4 or 5 prints was a great deal.  Even novice photographers got $10 a print, so a model getting 2-3 prints an hour was getting a rate of $20-30. 

The photographer's time and skill is in the images.  Don't under value that.

*THAT* is what is affecting TFP today, not the concepts of TFP itself.

aka Bodyartist

Jan 29 06 05:22 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

My answer is the same as it is every time this comes up:

I want about one or two per look of my choice in a resolution sufficient to make 9x12 prints. Unretouched lo-res proofs on CD are the most convenient way for me to pick my finals.

Jan 29 06 06:39 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

I only do TFI and guarantee three, but usually deliver 10-12.  I don't let the model see the crap images, ever.


Jan 29 06 07:26 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

If I do TFCD, I give the model all of the raw images and some edited ones.  However, in most cases, the models get only a few edited once as most of my shoots are paid shoots.  smile

Jan 29 06 07:31 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

Sometimes I get all raw images (Which I don't even care for) with edited images usually less then 20 and most times just a CD and no prints.

Jan 29 06 10:35 pm Link


Wicked Hailey

Posts: 94

Round Rock, Texas, US

25 images of my choice on CD edited

Jan 29 06 10:39 pm Link



Posts: 591

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

I offer a CD of the best images, edited, in high rez, plus e-mail/forum post size.  I will often add a folder of some of the images in B&W or duotone or just 'shopped up for fun.  None are watermarked.

The last time, I also had a folder of 3 or 4 'fun' images that came out nice, but wouldn't be of much interest to anyone except the the model and myself as a memory of the day.  She appreciated it, and I enjoyed doing it for her.

Currently, I'm also running a special!

Give me TFCD and recieve the above + 2 x A4 sized images of your choice!

I'll try and get at least one image per outfit/location on the CD.  So... I take a couple gig of RAW photos, and you end up with perhaps 8 or 10 edited pictures in high resolution, plus those same pictures in low rez, plus the fun shots & post-processing experiments that work. If you act now, you'll not only add to your package our special offer, but, as always,  I'll buy you bottled water, ice-cream, cup of coffee, or a trendy fresh-blended juice, but I reserve the right to take pictures of you eating ice-cream.

Jan 29 06 10:42 pm Link



Posts: 208

New York, New York, US

Somehow I prefer to give around 6-15 images for the Model, all retouched and based on what my final choices are and how I choose to manipulate them. I have had no complaints about this from anyone because it's in my best interest to put my best stuff out there!

Jan 29 06 10:45 pm Link



Posts: 113

Syracuse, Indiana, US

Depnds what's agreed upon. But usually for me 2-3 images per hour and a CD of 10-15 depending on the shoot and what the shots are being used for. Everything is agreed upon in writing before we go to shooting.


Jan 29 06 11:05 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

theda wrote:
My answer is the same as it is every time this comes up:

I want about one or two per look of my choice in a resolution sufficient to make 9x12 prints. Unretouched lo-res proofs on CD are the most convenient way for me to pick my finals.

When I grow up I wanna photograph you. wink

Jan 29 06 11:14 pm Link



Posts: 168

New York, New York, US

varies from all the photographers I've worked with.
-Some give me everything unedited so I can pick the ones I want edited later on by them
-Some pick out the best of each look and edit/send those on a cd
-Some just email me 3 shots of the overall best

All were sizes big enough for 11X14 atleast.

Jan 29 06 11:18 pm Link


x Sapphire

Posts: 48

Garland, Texas, US

For my TFP I would get a cd of every picture though not editted so I can choose from them, then I chose 20-30 pictures that I get editted and only about 2 or 3 of them are actual prints.

Jan 30 06 01:21 am Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

I only ask for 1 image edited for each look.  Since that's all I would be able to use in my port anyway.

I mean it's tfp I don't expect you to bust your butt over something for free!  big_smile

Jan 30 06 01:25 am Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:
I only ask for 1 image edited for each look.  Since that's all I would be able to use in my port anyway.

I mean it's tfp I don't expect you to bust your butt over something for free!  big_smile

If there isn't already enough reasons for you to be on my Top 10 list on MM, here's another one.  Diana, you just rock.  Educated, fair, funny, and have good taste in lamps.  smile

Jan 30 06 02:48 am Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Bodyartist wrote:
The photographer's time and skill is in the images.  Don't under value that.

*THAT* is what is affecting TFP today, not the concepts of TFP itself.

So what is it?  So photographers are indeed getting paid?  If the value the photographers present is way more than the aspirants, shouldn't he/she be paid for his/her skills?  So which is it?  "Models should not pay photographers" is what you said in the other thread, now you said photographers shouldn't under value their time and skill.  Which is it?

Jan 30 06 02:51 am Link


Jonathan Cain

Posts: 463

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

On TFCD i usually give the model as many as i take in edited pictures... now granted in my release its clearly stated that she can use these for promotional use and at no time sell them or any of that, and i retain complete copyright to the images so i dont feel odd about it. Granted this policy of giving alot of shots away has come back and bit me in the preverbial ass a couple of times as I constantly stay behind on editing, as there are to many to edit quickly.. i would send the raw unedited shots if i thought they were good enough but to me thats like making a great cake and not decorating it, or building a nice car and not painting it. Most of the models ive worked with are cool with the time they waited after they see the results, but it still sucks when they are hounding me for them, and im editing 10-30 a night depending on the photos...then again Im new to the business what do i know?

Jan 31 06 10:53 am Link


JME Digital

Posts: 13

Tampa, Florida, US

It Sounds like the intial poster was trying to gain favor with somebody.
All other suggestions of what to give are pretty equal to what I offer.

3 of each look edited -  1 print of best overall (or models choice). All other raw unedited shots on CD along with the edited on CD.

Jan 31 06 11:00 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

I'm getting more and more shoots and I can't afford the time or the money to be as generous as once I was. smile Good for me, somewhat bad for models.

My new standard deal is one print per look (any size up to 11x14, if it comes to that) and six of the best digital images per look on CD (although in practice I'll just name a number for the whole shoot and let her pick whatever she wants) big enough to print on comp cards or use for any conceivable online purpose. If she wants more prints I'll sell them to her for a reasonable price: if she wants files big enough to make book-size prints that'll cost the same as three prints.

This is, of course, subject to change for models who do really good work or who I get along with really well. It's the base package, not the final word. smile


Jan 31 06 11:38 am Link


Scott Aitken

Posts: 3587

Seattle, Washington, US

Michael, I can't imagine doing that much work or giving away copyright for a TFP/TFCD. I don't even do that much for a paid shoot, unless they pay an awful lot. That's crazy.

I typically offer 2 prints, up to 9x12. Models choice (unless I think it is too hideous; I reserve the right to overrule them if they pick a truly bad photo). I create a complete set of unedited small proofing images (batch process the digital files to 600 pixels on the long side), so they can make their selections. After they make their choice, I'll give them 5 or so edited hi-res images. I grant rights for personal use and promotion only, never commercial or resale rights.

Anything beyond that, they need to pay for.

I'm generally an easy going guy, so my standard offer is flexible under some conditions, particularly if I know the model well and I've worked with them before or something. Even then, I'm not giving away the store.

Jan 31 06 02:34 pm Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

I guarantee five images, normally deliver 10 or more if I'm anything like happy with the results and have time.  Usually it's web ready jpgs and full size tifs of each image, scanned from the negative.  If the model asks, I'm happy to let them review the full set of proof sheets, but with film it's obviously not practical to scan anything but the best negatives.

At least two people on this thread apparently place very little value on their own time... hopefully they won't be offended when models don't value it, either.

Jan 31 06 02:45 pm Link


Stephen Delas Heras

Posts: 15

New York, New York, US

Usually around 200 or so. Then I do a best 10 images folder as well.

Jan 31 06 03:08 pm Link


Loren Scott Photography

Posts: 180

Valley Center, California, US

I started out spending days pouring through all of the images doing tedious edits to almost all of the "keeper" shots.  These edits included eliminating wrinkles, stray hairs, adding glow and selective blur, fancy borders, black & white or sepia, and other wild PS effects, etc... I would then give the model a CD (or two or three or ...) of all of the images (raw and edited), both in hi-res w/o my logo and lo-res for the web w/ my logo on them.

Then, after a few months of that hell, I started only editing about half of the keeper shots in the same way.

That was still too much effort.  PLUS, by giving them all of the images, including the ones that I did not edit in any way (including simple color-correction), I found the models would sometimes post one of the unedited images on their portfolio instead of one of the ones I had spent time polishing up! 

So, finally, I settled on my current workflow.

After the shoot, I run a batch process in PhotoShop that resizes all of the images down to 600x400 and applies a "PROOF" water mark on the image (which also includes my copyright, just in case).  All of these images (minus any ones that are just pure mistakes) are uploaded to a private page on my web site.  I send the model a link where they can view the proofs and select a dozen or so that they like the best.  Then, I only spend time editing those images. I may also edit up a couple other images that the model did not select, if I want to use them on my portfolio as well. Then, I e-mail the edited lo-res images back to the model to use online ASAP and mail out a CD of the dozen or so hi-res images as well.

This is WAY more efficient for me, and the models get the exact images they want from me much faster than the old way.

Feb 02 06 07:32 pm Link


Captive Reality

Posts: 17

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

ahd a model on this very site do a TFP. Right after the shoot she asked for a cd of some ofthe unprocessed images (i assume because she assumed i wants going to provide her with the pics as the contract stated). being the nice idiot that i am, i gave her some of the images on CD (which were in agree ment to the 2 shots per outfit we agreed upon in writing). well since she wasnt provided with the worked pics within 2 days (like i had nothing else to do) she decided to post one of the worked pics up here that i provided her with and REMOVED THE COPYRIGHT/WATERMARK on the image. and also made sure not to leave any credit at all. this rant is basically to say, DO NOT be too generous and whatever number you decide to stickw ith, STICK WITH IT. NO MORE NO LESS. and get it in writing.

Feb 02 06 07:41 pm Link