Forums > General Industry > Disappearing Models??


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
ok people pony up a few  dollers

and I'll get
Emergency Models Managment
"we fill in where they flake"

you can have a model at your studio door in one hour or less.

All models will be screened and tested and we will have garentee of non flakes

Flake insurance policy, how interesting smile
If there is anyone I would trust to set up such a thing it would be you.

Feb 02 06 03:32 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US


Feb 02 06 03:33 pm Link



Posts: 521

Maricopa, Arizona, US

I can sympathize. I sent an e-mail and a followup to an OMP model several months replies. Out of the blue, she replies back 2 weeks ago apologizing profusely explaining she had accidentally set up all OMP replies to go to the trash rather than a folder she meant them to go and she really wanted to shoot.  After several e-mails back and forth, we got a date set for tomorrow morning. However since then, in the last week 3 e-mails with my address and cell and asking what kind of shots she wants have gone unanswered. At this point, I'm about to write-off tomorrow.

The thing that makes me mad is I am limiting myself to one shoot per week since I have a full-time (non photo) job and family. In this part of the country, there is not enough model availability to just call another model at the last minute for a shoot. Oh well. I guess I will look forward to my shoot with an MM model next week...

Feb 02 06 04:00 pm Link


Sexiest Carly

Posts: 530

Los Angeles, California, US

Lillith Leda wrote:
Maybe she got sick. Maybe she had an enormous relationship issue with a lover and didn't leave. Maybe she overslept. Maybe she had an emergency. Maybe she fell down the stairs and was left unconscious for two days. Maybe ran away to India with a secret lover. Maybe she was abducted by aliens.

Shit happens. Life happens. You didn't have a shoot date, just a meet up date. Don't stress about it, people's lives can draw focus away from things such as planned trips and meeting up with prospective photographers.

if it were a 'real job' and any of those things happened, she would have called in. it's only respectful to expect the same thing. not to mention that word gets around....and god forbid you were being looked at by ford or elite, until one of their photogs told a similar story.....

i've told many a skeezo boyfriend: there's no excuse for not calling.

same applies here.

Feb 02 06 04:42 pm Link



Posts: 12930

Eagan, Minnesota, US

People are so weird.  I really can't understand going to those lengths and then not showing up or calling or anything.  I'm sorry to hear that happened to you.

Feb 02 06 05:29 pm Link


Claudette V

Posts: 188

Hmmm.  Model was on her way to see you - and now has disappeared.  Interesting...very interesting.

Feb 03 06 09:27 am Link