
Torrence Williams

Posts: 247

Dallas, Texas, US

I am curious as to whether a picture of a beautiful model smiling and playfully shooting the bird, is more offensive than say,  pictures of some pubic hair, or a models Vagina lips. (as allowed on MM)

Jan 27 06 12:05 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

This has been discussed a few times in threads specifically about it as well as in threads that turned into bird threads.

To me it has become cliche and absolutely annoying and tacky. I warn most models that if they do it in our shoots the shoot ends immediately.

You have some pretty nice stuff. I would not recommend having shots of the bird in your portfolio. To me that one shot can ruin the whole thing.

EDIT: How would you feel if you were walking down the street, turned the corner around a building, and right there was this lady with her middle finger up staring at you? Kinda put off and insulted? That is how many feel when they open someones portfolio and there it is staring right at us.

Jan 27 06 12:19 am Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

tacky, cliched and just plain rude, model gives me the bird for any reason, GOODBYE. in context pubic hair or ladies bits are fine, the bird is not.

Jan 27 06 12:23 am Link


Torrence Williams

Posts: 247

Dallas, Texas, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
This has been discussed a few times in threads specifically about it as well as in threads that turned into bird threads.

To me it has become cliche and absolutely annoying and tacky. I warn most models that if they do it in our shoots the shoot ends immediately.

You have some pretty nice stuff. I would not recommend having shots of the bird in your portfolio. To me that one shot can ruin the whole thing.

EDIT: How would you feel if you were walking down the street, turned the corner around a building, and right there was this lady with her middle finger up staring at you? Kinda put off and insulted? That is how many feel when they open someones portfolio and there it is staring right at us.

Jan 27 06 01:06 am Link


Torrence Williams

Posts: 247

Dallas, Texas, US

Ok. Thanks for the compliments.  I actually have in in my hardcopy portfolio, and people think its cute.  It wasn't directed toward me (the photographer) it was a more of a "caught in the act" type of thing.  I once picked up a V-Magazine and they had a whole little spread with people shooting the bird...
But "a word to the wise, is sufficient"

Jan 27 06 01:11 am Link


Torrence Williams

Posts: 247

Dallas, Texas, US

Doug Mackay    DMP wrote:
tacky, cliched and just plain rude, model gives me the bird for any reason, GOODBYE. in context pubic hair or ladies bits are fine, the bird is not.

Thanks. The model was actually doing it toward another model off-camera, but it so out of place it is amusing.. But I will listen to your advise...

Jan 27 06 01:14 am Link


Torrence Williams

Posts: 247

Dallas, Texas, US

Torrence Williams wrote:

Ok. Thanks for the compliments.  I actually have in in my hardcopy portfolio, and people think its cute.  It wasn't directed toward me (the photographer) it was a more of a "caught in the act" type of thing.  I once picked up a V-Magazine and they had a whole little spread with people shooting the bird...
But "a word to the wise, is sufficient"

Jan 27 06 01:15 am Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

Every so often I ask the models to flip me the bird during a shoot, usually when they're all tied up and looking really helpless.  It makes for a silly, defiant photo.

The best birdshot I ever got though was from Crystal (MM 44445) who wasn't flipping me of, she was flipping her husband off, and I just happened to catch it on film.

She was all tied up into a ball atop the bed in their hotel room, and just to be silly I told him what I tell all the escorts/husbands/boyfriends, that for $5, I'd leave her tied up after the shoot. Without saying anything, he reached into his pocket, took out his wallet, and pulled out a $5 bill, which cracked me up as well as Crystal, but only after I had got the shot...  big_smile  One of the funniest moments I've ever had during a shoot...

Jan 27 06 07:48 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

I think it is way over done on portfolios.
but as for flipping off a photographer what else can you do at times when you are tied up and twisted in to a human pretzle.
You can't drop your pose so to express humor, angst, defience,  to the person shooting you, you flip them off.
I flipped off GB two weeks ago but I recall he deserved it. wink

sometimes shoots become silly
I've never been offended by pubic hair or lack of it.
as for pink,,well it really depends on the photo. much of what I see is just trash. But some photographers and models are able to pull off a very good pink shot that is not porn for some reason.

Jan 27 06 10:16 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
I think it is way over done on portfolios.
but as for flipping off a photographer what else can you do at times when you are tied up and twisted in to a human pretzle.
You can't drop your pose so to express humor, angst, defience,  to the person shooting you, you flip them off.
I flipped off GB two weeks ago but I recall he deserved it. wink

sometimes shoots become silly
I've never been offended by pubic hair or lack of it.
as for pink,,well it really depends on the photo. much of what I see is just trash. But some photographers and models are able to pull off a very good pink shot that is not porn for some reason.

I was reading your reply and by the time I got to"you can flip them off I thought of our shoot. Then I saw you mention me,lol. That is probably one of the only situations where I will tolerate the bird,lol.
But I deserved it, huh? just because I chimped once, sheesh!
hrmph! smile

Jan 27 06 11:10 am Link


Torrence Williams

Posts: 247

Dallas, Texas, US

Moraxian wrote:
Every so often I ask the models to flip me the bird during a shoot, usually when they're all tied up and looking really helpless.  It makes for a silly, defiant photo.

The best birdshot I ever got though was from Crystal (MM 44445) who wasn't flipping me of, she was flipping her husband off, and I just happened to catch it on film.

She was all tied up into a ball atop the bed in their hotel room, and just to be silly I told him what I tell all the escorts/husbands/boyfriends, that for $5, I'd leave her tied up after the shoot. Without saying anything, he reached into his pocket, took out his wallet, and pulled out a $5 bill, which cracked me up as well as Crystal, but only after I had got the shot...  big_smile  One of the funniest moments I've ever had during a shoot...

Hey I would like to see the pic in question: Your "bird" pic.
I guess its the type of thing where "you had to be there" to find the humor in it..
My moment was quite comical as well. Its really a great shot...

Jan 27 06 11:11 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

It was because you guys were making fun of me and I couldn't get up and hit you with my fisting fist. wink

Jan 27 06 11:13 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
It was because you guys were making fun of me and I couldn't get up and hit you with my fisting fist. wink

oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, that -chuckle-

Jan 27 06 11:17 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
But some photographers and models are able to pull off a very good pink shot that is not porn for some reason.

There is some photographer on here who has a shot that is a really awesome looking shot that is nothing but a girls bare crotch. I guess it can still be called a pink shot although it is in dark black and white and I believe it was a black model as the skin was dark. I personally think it is a beautiful erotic art shot. I can`t say that about many shots like that. Reminds me of a book I wanted to do.

Jan 27 06 11:20 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

It's trendy for the Club Set generation now. It's a kind of rebelliousness and self expression for a narrow subset who think they are being original and edgy.

Don't worry, it's cool for them and as dumb as dirt for anyone in a different age or culture bracket. It makes them happy and it does no harm to anyone else.

Jan 27 06 11:27 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
This has been discussed a few times in threads specifically about it as well as in threads that turned into bird threads.

I don't think we have ever discussed the relationship between the offensiveness of the BIRD -vs- PUBIC HAIR so I commend the OP for coming up with a topic we have never actually adressed.

The question is whether pubic hair -vs- the bird is something that we really can talk about on an intellectual basis?

Jan 27 06 11:38 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
I don't think we have ever discussed the relationship between the offensiveness of the BIRD -vs- PUBIC HAIR so I commend the OP for coming up with a topic we have never actually adressed.

Yea, I was only half awake when I wrote that reply. I guess I did not read the whole post that time.Oops smile

Jan 27 06 11:40 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

Yea, I was only half awake when I wrote that reply. I guess I did not read the whole post that time.Oops smile

That's OK, it may have been a topic you would have wanted to sleep though.  Just kidding.  The OP was trying to make a legitimate point.

Actually, another good thread would be to discuss whether birds should have pubic hair when being photographed.  I mean, do you find it offensive to photograph a parrot without pubes?

On the other hand, maybe I should go back to sleep.

Jan 27 06 11:58 am Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

This is so subjective.

I'd rather see the bird rather than a vagina or pubs. Vagina pictures are so over done in my opinion.


edit: how would you feel if you turned a corner and saw a beautiful woman sitting at a bistro table, legs wide open, no panties on, clearly aware she is showing her vagina?

Jan 27 06 12:06 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
Bird, on rail road tracks, with a belt acrossed its chest, soakin wet for the wet look, while doing summersaults(for the flipping part) smile

Jan 27 06 12:10 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
Bird, on rail road tracks, with a belt acrossed its chest, soakin wet for the wet look, while doing summersaults(for the flipping part) smile

Now that is a shot I could go for!  I wonder if it has ever been done?

Jan 27 06 12:29 pm Link


Torrence Williams

Posts: 247

Dallas, Texas, US

Angel Tara wrote:
This is so subjective.

I'd rather see the bird rather than a vagina or pubs. Vagina pictures are so over done in my opinion.


edit: how would you feel if you turned a corner and saw a beautiful woman sitting at a bistro table, legs wide open, no panties on, clearly aware she is showing her vagina?

I whole heartedly agree with you.. So it can' tbe a GUY thing!!

Jan 27 06 12:37 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Angel Tara wrote:
This is so subjective.

I'd rather see the bird rather than a vagina or pubs. Vagina pictures are so over done in my opinion.


edit: how would you feel if you turned a corner and saw a beautiful woman sitting at a bistro table, legs wide open, no panties on, clearly aware she is showing her vagina?

I would actually rather not see either the bird or the ... the ..., I can't think of a delicate term appropriate for a bistro, but if I had to see one or the other, it would be a bird.  Although Ihave been to some pretty expensive restaraunts with parrots and mccaws.

Your point is well taken although muffin shots are being overdone these days.  There you go, "Muffin" works for a bistro.

Jan 27 06 01:09 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

I would actually rather not see either the bird or the ... the ..., I can't think of a delicate term appropriate for a bistro, but if I had to see one or the other, it would be a bird.  Although Ihave been to some pretty expensive restaraunts with parrots and mccaws.

Your point is well taken although muffin shots are being overdone these days.  There you go, "Muffin" works for a bistro.


coffee anyone?


Jan 27 06 01:29 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Angel Tara wrote:
edit: how would you feel if you turned a corner and saw a beautiful woman sitting at a bistro table, legs wide open, no panties on, clearly aware she is showing her vagina?

I'd feel a strong urge to buy her a drink.

Jan 27 06 01:37 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Torrence Williams wrote:
I am curious as to whether a picture of a beautiful model smiling and playfully shooting the bird, is more offensive than say,  pictures of some pubic hair, or a models Vagina lips. (as allowed on MM)

None of those things are offensive to me.  We're talking about pictures here, after all.  I don't subscribe to the concept that a person can possibly incur some kind of mental injury simply by looking at a picture of something which exists in nature and is all around us.

If I take offense at something, it will be something a lot more deserving than any of those.


Jan 27 06 02:15 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Angel Tara wrote:
edit: how would you feel if you turned a corner and saw a beautiful woman sitting at a bistro table, legs wide open, no panties on, clearly aware she is showing her vagina?

I live in what I and many others call "no panties town" full of lots of women who go commando, lots of hippie types, college girls. Let`s just say seeing that is a daily happening around here. Some ladies just shouldn`t wear certain things if they know they are going to have to ride a bicycle around town,lol.Why, one lady was wearing a very thin material skirt that was flippin in the breeze as the biked down the road grinning the whole way.

Jan 27 06 03:46 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I live in what I and many others call "no panties town" full of lots of women who go commando, lots of hippie types, college girls. Let`s just say seeing that is a daily happening around here. Some ladies just shouldn`t wear certain things if they know they are going to have to ride a bicycle around town,lol.Why, one lady was wearing a very thin material skirt that was flippin in the breeze as the biked down the road grinning the whole way.

Haha. I don't think I've worn underware since the 60's.

But then, what else would you expect from Click Hamilton? I don't think I'm wearing anything under my coat most of the time anyway.

The blue button on the side of my hat says "I'm not wearing underware"

Maybe I should be a model.

Jan 27 06 10:06 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Angel Tara wrote:
edit: how would you feel if you turned a corner and saw a beautiful woman sitting at a bistro table, legs wide open, no panties on, clearly aware she is showing her vagina?

Mikel Featherston wrote:
I'd feel a strong urge to buy her a drink.

Mikel, under that circumstance, what kind of drink would be appropriate for a gentleman to offer a lady?

An upper quality Irish whiskey comes to mind, because of the smooth warmth it imparts.

I wouldn't mind an invitation for a shot of good Irish whiskey myself.

Jan 27 06 10:14 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
The blue button on the side of my hat says "I'm not wearing underware"

At least you give them advanced warning for them to know they should cross the street when they see ya comin smile

Jan 27 06 10:24 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

I live in what I and many others call "no panties town" full of lots of women who go commando, lots of hippie types, college girls. Let`s just say seeing that is a daily happening around here. Some ladies just shouldn`t wear certain things if they know they are going to have to ride a bicycle around town,lol.Why, one lady was wearing a very thin material skirt that was flippin in the breeze as the biked down the road grinning the whole way.

oh my...I guess I live a sheltered life! And I thought I was wordly...LOL



Jan 27 06 11:27 pm Link



Posts: 1107

Belleville, Michigan, US

Like everything else...sometimes it works...sometimes it don't.

Jan 28 06 02:27 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Angel Tara wrote:
oh my...I guess I live a sheltered life! And I thought I was wordly...LOL



Come West, Young girl.

Jan 28 06 02:28 am Link