Forums > General Industry > The Power Of The Word "No"


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

The word "NO" is quite powerful, especially used in the proper context. It puts to halt a lot of things and is often in the company of "bitching" and "complaining" and "whining." Sometimes "crying" tags along, but it depends on how desperately the person doesn't want to hear that word.

Some people get told no and accept it, then move on. That's the adult thing to do.

Some people try out for things, get told no, then they want to slam the people that they wanted to work for/with. That's a childish trait.

Some people don't know how to use the word no, even when they really truly should say it, and become regretful about it later.

Some people are told no, but then they become enraged and just take what they want. That of course leads to a court case... Most times.

As a model, you have to know how to use the word.

As a photographer, you have to know how to use the word.

It's not rocket science, it's just one of the most powerful words ever spoken.

Jan 23 06 09:51 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

As a person, you have to know yourself enough to know WHEN to use the word NO.

Jan 23 06 09:53 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Monsante Bey wrote:
As a model, you have to know how to use the word.

I agree with the total of your post.  I quoted that sentence for a particular reason.

Teaching a model to say "no" is noe of the hardest things in this business.  Models are afraid to use the word because they think there are consequences.

When properly used, it is one of the most important words in a models vocabulary, not just for her safety, but for her success.

Jan 23 06 09:56 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Teaching a model to say "no" is noe of the hardest things in this business.  Models are afraid to use the word because they think there are consequences.

When properly used, it is one of the most important words in a models vocabulary, not just for her safety, but for her success.

Indeed. That's why context and usage are so very important.

Jan 23 06 10:07 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

I agree with the total of your post.  I quoted that sentence for a particular reason.

Teaching a model to say "no" is noe of the hardest things in this business.  Models are afraid to use the word because they think there are consequences.

All actions have consequences. Failure to understand or accept this causes most of the problems most people have, in my opinion. However, deciding not to act is also an action. Not saying no is not the same as saying yes, but it's not the same thing as saying no, either. When no needs to be said, say it and in no uncertain terms.


Jan 23 06 10:17 am Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

This thread is too negative.:-)

Jan 23 06 10:21 am Link



Posts: 348

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I think it is also important to understand the word "no."  Because I am a model, this goes more towards photographers...  But if you ask me to do something that I am not comfortable with, and I say "no," you need to respect it. 

Look at my portfolio.  There are NO nudes.  There are NO topless pictures.  What makes you think that you are going to be the first person out of about 25 photographers that I have worked with so far that I am not going to say "no" to when you ask me that?  Are you really that charming?



Jan 23 06 10:25 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

I've always believed what I was told when I was 7 years old; No means Yes and Yes means No.

Which probably accounts for 99.9% of the bitch slappings and ass kicking’s I've received since then wink

Jan 23 06 10:29 am Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

Mandie wrote:
Look at my portfolio.  There are NO nudes.  There are NO topless pictures.  What makes you think that you are going to be the first person out of about 25 photographers that I have worked with so far that I am not going to say "no" to when you ask me that?  Are you really that charming?

edit: Whoops, I just realized that this paragraph should go with the one you typed above it and I took it out of context.  Sorry, never mind.

Jan 23 06 11:49 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Men in general are taught to be agressive.  We start all the wars and most of
the fights.  In fact books have been written on how to get past no. 
We should respect no but I think about Spike Lee in his movie 'She's gotta
have it'.  Remember his chant,  'Please baby Please'  I think about my wife who
wants me to buy some expensive ass piece of jewelry to add to her queens
collection.  I say no but in a day or two I'm going in my wallet and she's giving
me that smile...

Jan 23 06 11:54 am Link


Old Ska Punk

Posts: 2677

Crivitz, Wisconsin, US

Mandie wrote:
I think it is also important to understand the word "no."  Because I am a model, this goes more towards photographers...  But if you ask me to do something that I am not comfortable with, and I say "no," you need to respect it. 

Look at my portfolio.  There are NO nudes.  There are NO topless pictures.  What makes you think that you are going to be the first person out of about 25 photographers that I have worked with so far that I am not going to say "no" to when you ask me that?  Are you really that charming?


Still wouldn't try make you do anything you didn't want to do. The pictures would suck. All good photographers know this.

Jan 23 06 12:25 pm Link


The Photo Chick

Posts: 213

Fayetteville, North Carolina, US

It's okay to ask...but you have to know how to answer truthfully and not get upset about the question. Unless it is asked repeatedly by the same person. If it is being asked by different people, there's no need to get mad at the fourth one because you are tired of the last three. Be nice and professional.

One day, when those photographers need a model for what you do, then they will remember how gracious and honest and professional you were and give you a call.

Jan 23 06 12:29 pm Link



Posts: 15650

New York, New York, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:
As a person, you have to know yourself enough to know WHEN to use the word NO.

i no!

Jan 23 06 12:44 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

Lens N Light wrote:
This thread is too negative.:-)


Jan 23 06 01:24 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

I tell models that they should be sure to let me know if they ever feel uncomfortable with a pose.  In fact, I try to remember to repeat it once or twice.  In addition, I try to make sure they understand they aren't going to hurt my feelings if they reject a pose.  That I'm used to rejection (Boy, am I).

So far, I've never had a model reject a pose.  I don't know if that means I'm not getting my point across or none of them have ever had a problem with a pose I asked them to do.

It's the not knowing that scares me.  The stress of it, you know.  And then, never being sure just how close I'm getting to the breaking point where I suddenly snap and start wearing panty hose and writing poetry on bridge abutments and stuff...

Oops.  Forget that last part.


Jan 23 06 02:32 pm Link


Richard Beebe

Posts: 217

Tracy, California, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:
As a person, you have to know yourself enough to know WHEN to use the word NO.

understanding "no" (like the fun CapitalOne TV ads) is part of the Serenity Prayer threesome - "God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the Courage to change the things I can; and the wisdome to know the difference."
(I've always enjoyed the powerful thoughts behind this short, simple little blessing)

Jan 24 06 06:29 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Arlington Heights, Illinois, US

Mandie wrote:
Look at my portfolio.  There are NO nudes.  There are NO topless pictures.  What makes you think that you are going to be the first person out of about 25 photographers that I have worked with so far that I am not going to say "no" to when you ask me that?  Are you really that charming?

Well as stunning as you are I am sure 5 or 6 times that number of men have propositioned you.  Has anyone ever succeeded?   Was he really that charming?  Oh you know he was.  smile  smile  smile

Jan 25 06 12:40 pm Link


T H Taylor

Posts: 6862

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

My thoughts are that we shooters don't give models enough credit.  Bloody hell... A thread has to be started explaining the proper ways and situations in which a model need to or should say no....???

Come on... this is getting way out of hand; we are not children and neither are they... We are adults.

Models:  if you don't know how to say no... get out of this business right now.
Photographers:  you should never have to place a model in a "no" situation because, there are a million models (no exaggeration) that will say, without hesitation or compunction... yes.

P.S. sorry to post such a negative statement on the "no" thread!  wink

Jan 25 06 09:55 pm Link