Forums > General Industry > Just a child


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

raveneyes wrote:

*bangs head on desk again...*

You're really trying to make me break the top of this's glass you know...I could hurt myself...

Would you not call yourself an artist?

Would not anyone who is a self respecting photographer call themselves an artist?

Hey, I've even heard several models call themselves artists for what they do.

I don't take prescription mood altering drugs...

I don't leave my passion at the door...that's what drives me to be an artist...what drives you?

I never said I was an artist.  What's with you forcing people to be whatever you say and then telling them what they must do to conform to your standards?

Jan 21 06 07:54 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

aye provide wrote:
The first rule of survival is to protect yourself. In doing that one just may get to live another day and to produce more art.....ya dig??????

The bonus round to being a human is we get to make decisions that don't just follow instincts like "survival"

Protecting our rights to make art now protects those rights for the future.  What's the point of "surviving" if we just keep surviving in a less and less free state eventually not being allowed to produce any sort of art...ya dig?????

Jan 21 06 07:56 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Amanda Schlicher wrote:
I never said I was an artist.  What's with you forcing people to be whatever you say and then telling them what they must do to conform to your standards?

I am not forcing anyone to do anything Amanda...I've not threatened legal action nor loss of life nor bodily harm...  If you're not an artist, then what do you care what artists do?  Also if you're not an artist what do you care what I think an artists' obligations are?

Jan 21 06 07:59 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

raveneyes wrote: fault...everyone except for Amanda thinks it would be ok to photograph a 17 year old in an artistic manner, nude, for her husband overseas in a theater of war, to bring him some much needed relief from the lack of loving attention he would be receiving at home if he were here.

Actually, I don't think it's okay either.  Not for any moral reason, but because it just isn't very smart, and I know artists [both famous and not] who have suffered career-ending damage by getting tangled up with minors.  If you want to risk your creative life, that's fine, but seeing how you don't have the nerve to put nudes up here, I doubt you've got the stomach for a real fight.  Say what you want about me, but at least i come through the front door with who i am.

A smart photographer would suggest that the client in question use a digital camera with a timer and a tripod...and send her husband something with a personal touch...Guys love that "amateur look".

Jan 21 06 07:59 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
Actually, I don't think it's okay either.  Not for any moral reason, but because it just isn't very smart, and I know artists [both famous and not] who have suffered career-ending damage by getting tangled up with minors.

Ok, so the qualifier for you to do or not to do something in your art is if it's "smart"?  And by "smart" you mean a good career decision?

I know lots of people who would say proclaiming one self a "pornographer" isn't very "smart"...I know several artists who have suffered career ending damage by being called a pornographer...

Jan 21 06 08:01 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US


Raveneyes is right. The law is much clearer on this subject than many of you seem to believe.

The puritanical fear of nudity saddens me as a professional naked person.

Jan 21 06 08:02 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

theda wrote:

Raveneyes is right. The law is much clearer on this subject than many of you seem to believe.

The puritanical fear of nudity saddens me as a professional naked person.

OK, I was trying to stay out of this, but ... I have to say, the law is clear, but the application is not.  The truth is that in most cases, non-sexual photographs of a minor should be lawful in most places.  The problem is that conservative prosecutors view these laws in the ways which are the most restrictive and they prosecute even when their position is unclear or unsupported.

So if you accept Raveneyes view that you should rebel because the prosecutions are inappropriate, I have to agree with him. The question is whether it is important enough to any particular photographer to give up his freedom or financial security to prove the point.

Aparently Raveneyes feels strong enough to take the risk.  Others do not.  Life would be better if we had a perfect world, but at least now, we do not.

Jan 21 06 08:09 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

OK, I was trying to stay out of this, but ... I have to say, the law is clear, but the application is not.  The truth is that in most cases, non-sexual photographs of a minor should be lawful in most places.  The problem is that conservative prosecutors view these laws in the ways which are the most restrictive and they prosecute even when their position is unclear or unsupported.

So if you accept Raveneyes view that you should rebel because the prosecutions are inappropriate, I have to agree with him. The question is whether it is important enough to any particular photographer to give up his freedom or financial security to prove the point.

Aparently Raveneyes feels strong enough to take the risk.  Others do not.  Life would be better if we had a perfect world, but at least now, we do not.

Very true Alan.

And I can accept that not everyone is ready to risk physical freedom or financial security for a cause, I'm simply appalled that it *is* such a big worry.  The only way I can see of fighting that worry is for more people to follow what they feel is this particular case the OP thought it would be right to do nudes of a minor...he had a reason...he had an artistic vision...he had the desire to do the shoot...he had the law on his side...but being afraid of prosecution caused him to pose the question, and ultimately will probably cause him to not do the nude shoot.  It would be pompous of me to expect him to care what my opinion is, but at the same time he asked for it, so I must express that my opinion is should he decide to not do the shoot for fear of prosecution (as many others expressed would be their reason), it would be a bad reason...  It would also be a decision that runs counter to his artistic nature.

It's a strong position, on what is and isn't an artist, and who can and can't call themselves an artist, but that all plays back into itself...if you don't have a strong position on what makes an artist truly an artist, then the art dies.

By all means, do as you wish...obviously these things are just my opinion, and should you disagree, then as you wish...that's your opinion.  I *personally* just feel there's a line that artists must draw (no pun intended).  Is that so wrong?  I hope not.  I hope that more artists step up to that line, and stand up for their art.  Do they have to?  Nope...I'll do it all by myself if no one else agrees, and that's just fine by me

Jan 21 06 08:21 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

raveneyes wrote:
Ok, so the qualifier for you to do or not to do something in your art is if it's "smart"?  And by "smart" you mean a good career decision?

I know lots of people who would say proclaiming one self a "pornographer" isn't very "smart"...I know several artists who have suffered career ending damage by being called a pornographer...

Being called a pornographer is all good.  Being called a child pornographer is bad.  Putting oneself in a position to be called a child pornographer is just stupid.

Jan 21 06 08:25 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

Being called a pornographer is all good.  Being called a child pornographer is bad.

Not in the catalog/commercial world...

Like I said, being called a pornographer has gotten several people fired...even very recently.

Jan 21 06 08:27 pm Link


Bryan Benoit

Posts: 2106

Miami, Florida, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

OK, I was trying to stay out of this, but ... I have to say, the law is clear, but the application is not.  The truth is that in most cases, non-sexual photographs of a minor should be lawful in most places.  The problem is that conservative prosecutors view these laws in the ways which are the most restrictive and they prosecute even when their position is unclear or unsupported.

So if you accept Raveneyes view that you should rebel because the prosecutions are inappropriate, I have to agree with him. The question is whether it is important enough to any particular photographer to give up his freedom or financial security to prove the point.

Aparently Raveneyes feels strong enough to take the risk.  Others do not.  Life would be better if we had a perfect world, but at least now, we do not.

There is my issue...Raveneyes SAYS he feels strongly about it but he sure isn't taking the risk... he just wants OTHERS to protect his 'artistic' rights while he preaches from up here.

Raveneyes... go take some pics of naked minors (but I am sure by all your rethoric you must have tons already) and publish them.. make sure you let everyone know they are minors and then go fight the 'system' for your 'rights' in court. After that happens you can preach all you want and we will have nothing to say.

Jan 21 06 08:28 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

raveneyes wrote:

Not in the catalog/commercial world...

Like I said, being called a pornographer has gotten several people fired...even very recently.

I don't work in the commercial/catalog world.  I have no plans to.  Anyone who reads my profile can figure that out.  For what my goals are, being called a pornographer is fine and dandy.

Jan 21 06 08:29 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Boy, this took a weird twist. I would just like to point out a few things:

1. According to my lawyer, it is illegal in my state to photograph a minor nude, whether it's pornography or not.  No offense, but I'll take his word over yours.

2. All the hypothetical philosophy is nice, but I would be the one sitting in a jail cell and loosing everything I've worked my whole life for. So it ain't hypothetical to me.

3. The bible thumpers own half this town, and most of the town supported them when  they boycotted the deapartment stores to get them to cover up the "pornographic" magazine covers (you know, Cosmo, Maxim, Vogue, etc.).  You don't have to agree with them or let them rule your life, but you do have to pick your battles if you want to do business with anyone in town.  You can call me a coward for acknowleging that reality, but if you're not in the same situation, your opinion just doesn't matter.

4. Anyone who thinks you're not a real artist unless you're willing to go to jail and ruin your life to prove a point over an avoidable technicality needs to grow up.  Idealism and romance are great, but they're not what makes the world go 'round.

Thanks to those who provided constructive suggestions.

Jan 21 06 08:29 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

theda wrote:

Raveneyes is right. The law is much clearer on this subject than many of you seem to believe.

The puritanical fear of nudity saddens me as a professional naked person.

As sad as it makes you, I'm sure it made Jock Sturgess a lot sadder.

Jan 21 06 08:32 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Tim Hammond wrote:
Boy, this took a weird twist. I would just like to point out a few things:

1. According to my lawyer, it is illegal in my state to photograph a minor nude, whether it's pornography or not.  No offense, but I'll take his word over yours.

2. All the hypothetical philosophy is nice, but I would be the one sitting in a jail cell and loosing everything I've worked my whole life for. So it ain't hypothetical to me.

3. The bible thumpers own half this town, and most of the town supported them when  they boycotted the deapartment stores to get them to cover up the "pornographic" magazine covers (you know, Cosmo, Maxim, Vogue, etc.).  You don't have to agree with them or let them rule your life, but you do have to pick your battles if you want to do business with anyone in town.  You can call me a coward for acknowleging that reality, but if you're not in the same situation, your opinion just doesn't matter.

4. Anyone who thinks you're not a real artist unless you're willing to go to jail and ruin your life to prove a point over an avoidable technicality needs to grow up.  Idealism and romance are great, but they're not what makes the world go 'round.

Thanks to those who provided constructive suggestions.

1. Your lawyer is an ass...tell him my lawyer said so...

2. I've sat in a jail cell, you don't necessarily lose everything you've ever worked may put a kink in your plans for the day, but you have both an ethical and legal dilemma that is more important than just you.

3. I've been in that know what? I changed the minds of the bible thumpers.  In the other case that I was in that situation I left the town to rot in it's ignorance.

4. Idealism and romance it's true don't make the world go round...but they sure as hell help make the world a better place.

Jan 21 06 08:39 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

raveneyes wrote:
2. I've sat in a jail cell, you don't necessarily lose everything you've ever worked may put a kink in your plans for the day, but you have both an ethical and legal dilemma that is more important than just you.

Yes, you do.  I know somebody who it happend to.  That's why you'll never see any of his work.  You have no idea what you're talking about.

...Or you're some spoiled rich kid whose dad will buy him out of a beef.  The rest of us don't have that luxury.  Maybe your "idealism" comes from knowing you'll never have to think past the arrainment hearing.

Jan 21 06 08:44 pm Link


aye provide

Posts: 1330

New York, New York, US

Justice.......defined by the size of one's bank account.

Jan 21 06 08:46 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

raveneyes wrote:
1. Your lawyer is an ass...tell him my lawyer said so...

2. I've sat in a jail cell, you don't necessarily lose everything you've ever worked may put a kink in your plans for the day, but you have both an ethical and legal dilemma that is more important than just you.

3. I've been in that know what? I changed the minds of the bible thumpers.  In the other case that I was in that situation I left the town to rot in it's ignorance.

4. Idealism and romance it's true don't make the world go round...but they sure as hell help make the world a better place.

OK, I'll fire my lawyer and tell him an idealistic kid with a cause said he's an ass.  I apologize for not risking my life and livlihood for your cause.  On second thought, no I don't. 

You obviously have no concept of being part of a community, of having roots, of living somwhere because your spirit belongs in that land, of living with the world instead of against it.  If you can just pick up and move because of what other people think, you're not a real human.  You're just a pitiful wandering soul. 

When you grow up and look back on life, I hope you take a moment to reflect on how silly you sounded today.  For now, just shut the fuck up, you arrogant, idealistic little boy.

Jan 21 06 08:51 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
Yes, you do.  I know somebody who it happend to.  That's why you'll never see any of his work.  You have no idea what you're talking about.

...Or you're some spoiled rich kid whose dad will buy him out of a beef.  The rest of us don't have that luxury.  Maybe your "idealism" comes from knowing you'll never have to think past the arrainment hearing.

Hrm...interesting concepts there Melvin...

No, I'm not some spoiled rich kid.  My mother is independently wealthy, but she has never supported me in legal matters of any kind...this goes back to highschool when I got in trouble for publishing a "zine" that contained a text description of a lesbian relationship, and a separate article using the word "fuck". (yes I've been fighting this fight for a L O N G time...)

In both cases when I've ended up in jail, it was due to community expectations, and disapproval...both times the police decided the easiest way to take care of the problem would be to harass me...and both times I got out of jail with my own money, paying the very small bail amounts, and getting the cases thrown out, without use of a lawyer, by speaking clearly and succinctly to the judge.

Jan 21 06 08:53 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

aye provide wrote:
Justice.......defined by the size of one's bank account.




And Bingo was his name-O.

Raven, I just bet you did "leave the town to rot." Who cares if they (the court of public opinion there) viewed you as a pedophile because you took nude pics of some kids... Not once, but twice. Hey, you're just doing so to protect your rights to do so, right? Circumstances be damned, because you can do what you want to do in the name of art.

BTW, a girl with a dildo in her mouth can be viewed as art or porn, depends on the eye of the beholder. I personally think Ken Marcus work is erotic art, but some people might call it really good smut.

Eye of the beholder.

Jan 21 06 08:59 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Tim Hammond wrote:
OK, I'll fire my lawyer and tell him an idealistic kid with a cause said he's an ass.  I apologize for not risking my life and livlihood for your cause.  On second thought, no I don't. didn't say he was an lawyer did...he said "Tell anyone that thinks photographing nude minors they're an ass" I'm just passing along the message big_smile

Tim Hammond wrote:
You obviously have no concept of being part of a community, of having roots, of living somwhere because your spirit belongs in that land, of living with the world instead of against it.  If you can just pick up and move because of what other people think, you're not a real human.  You're just a pitiful wandering soul.

Hrm...well... I guess you told me... What ever shall I do Obi-wan?

Seriously...I know what it is to be part of a community...have you *seen* how much community stuff I'm involved in?  My community is art.  I can move physical locations, and still find artists who are the same as the ones I used to know, but I rarely ever lose communication with the people I have grown to love.

Tim Hammond wrote:
When you grow up and look back on life, I hope you take a moment to reflect on how silly you sounded today.  For now, just shut the fuck up, you arrogant, idealistic little boy.

When you grow up and look back on life I hope you take a moment to figure out if the world is a better place because of your actions and words or if it is a worse place for the same reasons.  It is my fervent hope that your actions and words truly made the world a better place.  I also hope that you realize how silly it is to call someone an arrogant, idealistic, little boy over an internet forum just because he happens to think you're cow-towing to a court of public opinion shouldn't be required.

Jan 21 06 09:00 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

I met a man last year at his showing at the Benham gallery in Seattle. He makes his living photographing children, preteens and teens naked. His name is Jock Sturges. JOCKS WORK I would shoot with her.

Jan 21 06 09:07 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Monsante Bey wrote:
B-I-N-G-O  Guess I'm just a spoiled little rich kid who lives a life of inconsiderate excesses...  I'm sorry... I guess I shouldn't have burdened you poor souls...


Nice wish...

Someone tell me when I get the car and the house in the Hamptons and the bank account I didn't have to work for???

Jan 21 06 09:07 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

raveneyes wrote:  Guess I'm just a spoiled little rich kid who lives a life of inconsiderate excesses...  I'm sorry... I guess I shouldn't have burdened you poor souls...


Nice wish...

Someone tell me when I get the car and the house in the Hamptons and the bank account I didn't have to work for???

I didn't make that claim.

Jan 21 06 09:09 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

Can't forget Sally Mann either GALLERY of Sally Mann

Jan 21 06 09:14 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Monsante Bey wrote:
BTW, a girl with a dildo in her mouth can be viewed as art or porn, depends on the eye of the beholder. I personally think Ken Marcus work is erotic art, but some people might call it really good smut.

Eye of the beholder.

Actually least in my opinion.

This is the very reason I have such strong views on what is and isn't art...what does and doesn't qualify someone as an artist.

I despise the happy happy joy joy "post modern" concept that art is whatever the artist says art is and an artist is anyone who says they are an artist.  Photography has, almost for it's entire existence, lived in this post modern art world...which is why it's such a stagnated one pushes, everything is all's all art.  Bullllllll pucky...

Different conversation though I suppose, but thanks for bringing it in and rolling it in there...

Jan 21 06 09:15 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Terry Breedlove wrote:
I met a man last year at his showing at the Benham gallery in Seattle. He makes his living photographing children, preteens and teens naked. His name is Jock Sturges. JOCKS WORK I would shoot with her.

Ah, but let's not forget Jock Sturges went through a living hell in the early 90s when the Feds confiscated a lot of his property looking for evidence that he broke the law.  I think it was retruned when a grand jury refused to indict (but I'm relying on memory, so don't take my word for it).

On the other hand, I think he was able to quit his day job and do artistic photography for a living after the raid made him into a national hero... 


Jan 21 06 09:26 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

Yea you have it right and his photography takes place in France in fact he was planning another trip there when I met him.

Jan 21 06 09:45 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Terry Breedlove wrote:
Can't forget Sally Mann either GALLERY of Sally Mann

Yeah, they had a Sally Mann exhibit at our art museum several years ago.  The public response was just short a mob actually showing up outside carrying torches and farm impliments.   That was the last "provocative" exhibit they had.

If they had the exhibit now, it would violate Alabama law, but I don't know what the law was back then. 

The Alabama Attorney General (who is now on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals) prosecuted Barnes and Noble for selling the Jock Sturges book, Radient Identities.  Ultimately the case failed, but I can't remember the detals. 


Jan 21 06 09:46 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

raveneyes wrote:

Actually least in my opinion.

This is the very reason I have such strong views on what is and isn't art...what does and doesn't qualify someone as an artist.

I despise the happy happy joy joy "post modern" concept that art is whatever the artist says art is and an artist is anyone who says they are an artist.  Photography has, almost for it's entire existence, lived in this post modern art world...which is why it's such a stagnated one pushes, everything is all's all art.  Bullllllll pucky...

Different conversation though I suppose, but thanks for bringing it in and rolling it in there...

Eye of the beholder, dude.

Jan 21 06 09:52 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Monsante Bey wrote:
Eye of the beholder, dude.

See, leaving it up to the eye of the beholder, that leaves the interpretation of porn up to I know it when I see it.

*beauty* is in the eye of the should be defined by artists

Jan 21 06 09:56 pm Link



Posts: 30

Manitowoc, Wisconsin, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
A smart photographer would suggest that the client in question use a digital camera with a timer and a tripod...and send her husband something with a personal touch...Guys love that "amateur look".

That's worth saying again. smile

Jan 21 06 10:09 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Tim Hammond wrote:
All the hypothetical philosophy is nice, but I would be the one sitting in a jail cell...

Hey, I hear it's not that bad anymore.  There are fewer criminals and a lot more regular people like you and I.


Jan 21 06 10:09 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

raveneyes wrote:

See, leaving it up to the eye of the beholder, that leaves the interpretation of porn up to I know it when I see it.

*beauty* is in the eye of the should be defined by artists

Thank you for twice proving my point. *THUMBS UP*

Jan 21 06 10:13 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US


One day I took my two daughters to the beach they were about 6 and 8. It was a really nice warm sunny day and the sand was so warm the girls wanted to play in the water but we didn't have their swimsuits so I let them strip to their underwear. All was good in fact there was a couple near by and they did the same with their little girl when they saw mine playing in the water. Well I had my camera and took some shots of my girls playing and when I got the film back my wife their step mom exploded. She was furious I let them play in public with nothing but their underwear on and god forbid took pictures ! She grilled me like she was a 20 year NY cop veteran. Did people see them, did anyone say anything bla bla bla. I divorced the dumb #$*@ a year later .  smile  What it is about tasteful and artistic nudes that bothers people is beyond me but man it does.

It isn't just nudes though. One day I showed up to my studio and there was this lady feeling the glass with her fingers and talking to her husband. She was complaining because on the other side of the glass I had a photo displayed and the model was showing her belly button! Now this lady was an artist and had her own studio upstairs directly above mine. When belly buttons get you in trouble you know it is time to open shop in another town. Here is the belly button that so upset her.

Jan 21 06 10:14 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

So....I've read this entire thread and I can't believe that it is yet another discussion on whether or not it is okay to photograph a minor nude.

The law is clear only to the interpretation of the one reading it at a time and place where they are trying to apply it to an advantage that would benefit themselves and a specific belief.  That is the truth.

You can photograph a minor nude, providing it does not depict any sexual act, touching of themselves, or anything else that can be construed as sexually arousing.

However, even that is subject to the person who is applying the law and what their personal views on "sexual" are, and they might be more puritanical than your views. You might find yourself in jail for photographing your kid standing naked in the bubble bath because some one hour photo clerk who just found Jesus decided that was porn because you can see the kid's "private" area. That's far fetched, but a similar situation happened here years ago.

Not a lot of people are willing to take that risk, even for a 17 year old married woman, but that's their prerogative. It doesn't make them wrong, any less of an artistic person, or a bad person for making that choice.

Me? I wouldn't do it either. But then, it's not anything I feel compelled to do.

Jan 21 06 10:32 pm Link



Posts: 1037

Arlington, Virginia, US

I told you so.

(see post #7 in this thread.  MM is SOOO predictable.)

Jan 21 06 10:44 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

Ivan123 wrote:
I told you so.

(see post #7 in this thread.  MM is SOOO predictable.)


Yes you did.

Jan 21 06 10:48 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:
You can photograph a minor nude, providing it does not depict any sexual act, touching of themselves, or anything else that can be construed as sexually arousing.

Sounds like you're referring to the definition put forth under Federal law in 2256.  I don't have the benefit of having read the entire thread, but I thought the discussion was mostly about the law in Alaska which might be different.

I don't know the Alaska laws, but in Alabama all it takes is "breast nudity" or "genital nudity" (but the age is 17).

I think one could make a case that the Alabama law wouldn't stand up to a First Ammendment challenge, but I won't be the one to test it.

In any case, I wouldn't advise the guy who started this thread that he's in the clear without knowing what his local laws are.


Jan 21 06 10:54 pm Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Tim Hammond wrote:
2. All the hypothetical philosophy is nice, but I would be the one sitting in a jail cell and loosing everything I've worked my whole life for. So it ain't hypothetical to me.

You know what, this is what it comes down to. It doesn't matter what so and so's views are on minor-nudity, he's going to do what his morals, values, desires, convictions, and beliefs lead him to do. In that same respect, each and every one of us who create art/photos/whatever will do what we feel is right. There's no point in getting into an upheaval about something like this, because you're not going to change anyones mind, no many how times you say it, or how many capital letters you use.

Jan 21 06 11:04 pm Link