Forums > General Industry > Two Faced Commenters?



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

Dave Krueger wrote:

It's a ploy to make my portfolio look better.  After reading the profile, there's no where to go but up.  :-) 


If only I had thought of that. Maybe if I added a joke or something creative, people would pay more attention to mine...nah, I just need better pictures. I think I just need something besides the typical white background portfolio shots...I need something more creative in my portfolio...definitely need more creativeness showing...

Jan 20 06 11:06 pm Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

There is a photo in my portfolio of an asian/black girl. It was shot in bright day light and she is asian. It makes her look like she is squinting a lot more than she really was.

Oh, I see Well, like I said, we live and learn.

Jan 20 06 11:07 pm Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Rebecca Alsbury wrote:
I've seen it happen before. Then again, you know my dilemma. That reminds me...I sent an e-mail back to one of the photographers that just must have lost interest...I wonder if I will hear anything back. Sometimes, I like the fact that we can tell when a message is read, and sometimes I hate it...Okay, that was off-topic.

Anyhow, yes, I've seen where a model will get a comment of "That's beautiful" or something to the same que, and the photographer who took the shot will get a comment along the lines of how he did a horrible job, or how the model was horrible...from the same person that posted nice things for the model's shot...It amazes me at times how two-faced some people can be.

C'monnnnnnn Rebecca...

You and I can take honest critiques, but a LARGE share within online sites, accept the accolades and howl over the faintest lukewarm critique. And they then toss out, "It is pure and simple discrimination against me because I am blonde, too short, too tall, too young, too old, a plus size, too skinny, or am multi-racial, white, black, Asian, Indian"...or whateverrrrrrrrrrr. It is a NO win situation.

If a member honestly does not like a shot, and is asked to give their honest opinion, and it is negative or suggesting of corrections or changes...the model/photographer is offended. If the model/photographer posts a photograph and gets 0-200 views but NO comments...the model/photographer is offended. If the model/photographer does not post a shot in their online portfolio...the model/photographer is offended. Forget the fact that it cost the photographer/model $$$ and time to shoot TFP. Forget the fact that the photographer/model get shots without paying an added hourly fee.
It is a NO win situation.

But for the most part, the photographer will be kind, encouraging, and polite to an unknown or green model, whereas they will NOT be so polite, kind, or encouraging to a fellow photographer, whom they assume or expect to take the criticism in stride.

And yes, there are those who freely give a shining or a blistering minute criticism of any and all portfolios they come across WITHOUT being asked. And a few, who live and get "happy feet" and a hard charge over slamming anyone and everyone just because they can...whether they have the experience, talent, or industry insider perspective to do so legitimately.

That is why I do not & never will submit any photo to the online critique forums. That is why I do not place public announcements within the online forums asking for comments.

Because Rebecca...when all is said and done, it does NOT matter whether I (or anyone else) likes a shot, theme, location, wardrobe, styling, or makeup...if I give the photographer and/or client what they need for their project, book, and they are HAPPY...that is ALL that matters.  smile

Jan 20 06 11:29 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I am wondering if I am the only who who has noticed a model getting really cool comments from photographers on their photographs, yet when the photographer who took the shots puts the very same shots up for critique, he is all but ripped to shreds?

C.)   Photographers see other photographers as competition which makes them feel threatened.


Jan 20 06 11:38 pm Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

mollie_lane wrote:

C'monnnnnnn Rebecca...

You and I can take honest critiques, but a LARGE share within online sites, accept the accolades and howl over the faintest lukewarm critique. And they then toss out, "It is pure and simple discrimination against me because I am blonde, too short, too tall, too young, too old, a plus size, too skinny, or am multi-racial, white, black, Asian, Indian"...or whateverrrrrrrrrrr. It is a NO win situation.

If a member honestly does not like a shot, and is asked to give their honest opinion, and it is negative or suggesting of corrections or changes...the model/photographer is offended. If the model/photographer posts a photograph and gets 0-200 views but NO comments...the model/photographer is offended. If the model/photographer does not post a shot in their online portfolio...the model/photographer is offended. Forget the fact that it cost the photographer/model $$$ and time to shoot TFP. Forget the fact that the photographer/model get shots without paying an added hourly fee.
It is a NO win situation.

But for the most part, the photographer will be kind, encouraging, and polite to an unknown or green model, whereas they will NOT be so polite, kind, or encouraging to a fellow photographer, whom they assume or expect to take the criticism in stride.

And yes, there are those who freely give a shining or a blistering minute criticism of any and all portfolios they come across WITHOUT being asked. And a few, who live and get "happy feet" and a hard charge over slamming anyone and everyone just because they can...whether they have the experience, talent, or industry insider perspective to do so legitimately.

That is why I do not & never will submit any photo to the online critique forums. That is why I do not place public announcements within the online forums asking for comments.

Because Rebecca...when all is said and done, it does NOT matter whether I (or anyone else) likes a shot, theme, location, wardrobe, styling, or makeup...if I give the photographer and/or client what they need for their project, book, and they are HAPPY...that is ALL that matters.  smile

I completely understand where you are coming from. Like I've said before...the above incident didn't happen to me, but another model/photographer.

Someone very wise once told me a very important fact: Sh!t happens...Whether we clean it up and move on, or choose to step in it and make things worse...well, that is up to us.

As for good news for something I posted before...I received a response from one of the photographers that I had been in contact with before, and thought they lost interest. A shoot is now in the process of being scheduled.

Jan 20 06 11:50 pm Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Rebecca Alsbury wrote:

I completely understand where you are coming from. Like I've said before...the above incident didn't happen to me, but another model/photographer.

Someone very wise once told me a very important fact: Sh!t happens...Whether we clean it up and move on, or choose to step in it and make things worse...well, that is up to us.

As for good news for something I posted before...I received a response from one of the photographers that I had been in contact with before, and thought they lost interest. A shoot is now in the process of being scheduled.

LOL.......OOOO yeah...Sh*t happens...that is an absolute!
Ain't it fun?

Jan 20 06 11:56 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

No... a bad photo of a good girl.... may well be clearly the fault of an inferior shooter, so therefore there is no point ripping a otherwise good girl for something beyond her control.

It is disengenous to tell a girl that a picture is good when in fact it is not however.

Jan 21 06 12:00 am Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

mollie_lane wrote:

LOL.......OOOO yeah...Sh*t happens...that is an absolute!
Ain't it fun?

Oh definitely. LOL..that should be an idea for a shoot...only use chocolate. Ok, that's just a sick idea...nevermind...

Jan 21 06 12:01 am Link