Forums > General Industry > Alternative World hoax



Posts: 6

Huntsville, Texas, US

This is to everyone...models and photographers alike.
I was contacted on myspace by a person claimging to be "Sara Dunbar" who was trying to get a site started called Alternative World.  She told me her concept was like that of Suicide Girls, but replace the sexuality with artistry.  She told me that she would pay me $500 per shoot I submitted as a photographer, and $1000 per set I submitted as a model.  Sounds good right? WRONG.
"She" then told me in order to be a model on the site *which by the way wouldnt be launched until August* I had to do a webcam audition IMMEDIATLY which included stripping and self induced orgasm...."but I thought the site wasnt sexual?" I asked and she told me that the purpose of stripping and orgasm was to see what kind of poses and facial expressions I could make...what BS!!
I asked also if "she" would be on a webcam as well, and was told NO....
"She" pressured me for 4 days straight for about 5 hours a day to go out and buy a webcam and "audition"...and after telling her no for almost a week solid, she got the picture I guess.
Questions about credentials, sponsorship for the site, and other important information like that that is normally readily available to models and/or  photographers interested was never given to me.
If "Sara" contacts you, shoot "her" down, ignore "her" or whatever you wish....just dont fall victim and actually do anything on the webcam or even send her photos...
Thats all....just getting that out there...
I know she has invaded myspace....dont know if she has hit here yet or mods: dont approve anyone named Sara Dunbar, Alternative World, or the email address [email protected]


Jan 20 06 11:54 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

Twizted_Innosinz wrote:
If "Sara" contacts you, shoot "her" down, ignore "her" or whatever you wish....

yess there have been many a complaint about sarah

thank you for sharing smile

Jan 20 06 11:58 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

I would have put it on ignore as soon as it brought up the webcam thing. How could you put up with that for a week?

Jan 20 06 11:59 am Link


Time for change

Posts: 26

Lithonia, Georgia, US

I went threw the same thing with sc photography wanting me to do a nude audition on cam ..also been getting IM's from  females and males trying to date me!!!

Jan 20 06 12:00 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Sounds like 'Sandra/Sara' is going after Photographer-models now.

Finally changing her gameplan. Since we've wised every body up.

Haha. S/he must have beereading the forums on here and changed her game plan. Geez...

A suicide girl replaced with Art... haha.
I'l give him/her kudos for ingenuity.

S/he's still an a$$.

NOTE TO SANDRA/Sara/Whatever new/old names you have:
Just STOP....geez.

::wipes sleep from eyes::

Jan 20 06 12:00 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Twizted_Innosinz wrote:
"She" pressured me for 4 days straight for about 5 hours a day to go out and buy a webcam and "audition"...and after telling her no for almost a week solid, she got the picture I guess. -Jojo

What amazes me is the fact that you let 'Sara' jerk you around for 4 days... over 20 hours of YOUR wasted time... telling her NO for almost a week solid... before you decided to blow her off... HELLO... I personally think you wasted 19 hours and 59 minutes... wink

Jan 20 06 12:09 pm Link



Posts: 6

Huntsville, Texas, US

the only reason i actually put up with it for that long was i wanted to see how much bullshit she would actually feed me, to see if she could take bullshit being fed back, and i was insomniatic....and it was someone to talk to lol.
lame excuses i know, but whatever

Jan 20 06 12:19 pm Link


Mark Anderson

Posts: 2472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Did you trace the phone?  The phone company will get involved since it could be considered sexual harrassment.  You might want to give them a call.

Jan 20 06 01:46 pm Link



Posts: 69

London, England, United Kingdom

The fact that you're posting this to warn people about them is the sad part.

Any person who doesn't see red when 'webcam auditioning' is mentioned is pretty stupid or naive or I don't know what sad

You should have reported her latest after the second time 'she' disrespectfully ignored your decision (no)  to the crew.

Those people should have internet on probation or only with a parole officer or not at all big_smile

Jan 20 06 02:01 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Whatever it takes to make money... for some people I guess.

I think you should have called the FBI and have them record and trace all your email/phone conversations...

The next time you have a chance to protect some stupid innocent starry eyed girl who wants to be a model, take it.  Use your intellect to bust losers like Sandra/Sara...

Jan 21 06 04:19 am Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

ok, im just asking a general question and in no way refering to the OP

on what planet would anyone even dream that a legitmate, legal, bonafide company was going to conduct a web-cam interview? and if for some un-godly reason you needed to make goofy expressions simulating an orgasm, YOU WOULDNT really need to have an orgasm to make them dontcha think? i cant beleive people fall for this

NOW even in a real Adult Film, the closeup facial expressions shots are done after the fact and are just acted. (i just happen to be 'acquainted' with a few well know adult film stars and agencies)

Now im totally glad to see that you didnt fall for this B/S

Jan 21 06 04:50 pm Link


Erica Spencer

Posts: 18

Lansing, Michigan, US

Sara sounds like a sick perverted man!

Jan 21 06 08:23 pm Link



Posts: 168

New York, New York, US

Erica Spencer wrote:
Sara sounds like a sick perverted man!

Could really be a woman, but regardless- "she" has been around since the dawn of time on the forums. You would think she would know to go extinct...

Jan 22 06 12:07 am Link


Jessica Loren

Posts: 516

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Honestly, I think the police or something need to get involved. This person or persons is really stepping up their game and just seem to be waiting for new members to join and then whammo...they start e-mailing them and tagging them.
That new model site Modelplace, they are on there too under Q models.
If you're on that site, do a search and you will see them there.
It's just nuts! They never give up.

Jan 22 06 12:13 am Link


Ms Isadora VonPainne

Posts: 57

Columbus, Ohio, US

With serious wanking issues.  I say we all send him a case of ben-gay for lube.

Erica Spencer wrote:
Sara sounds like a sick perverted man!

Jan 22 06 01:08 am Link