Forums > General Industry > Another Curious Question!


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

Okay so I've notice quit a few photographers who say they work for magazines and some will have up covers of a magazine(s) up on their site. Some our magazines I've heard of and some that I've never heard of and onces that wont even come up on a search. Is their a way to find out if these photographer(s) REALLY work for these magazines? And what about the "magazines" that don't even come up on a seach on the net, Is there a way to find out if these are REAL magazines or just ones they came up with Photoshop?

Jun 08 05 12:59 am Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1302

Chicago, Illinois, US

Well, the thing is not all magazines will come up on the web for various reasons. It could be new, might not have a site, discontinued, etc. It could also be a publication for subscribers or members only. Who knows but for things to show up on the web, someone has to place it there first. Just like there are tons of business that have no presence on the web but are legit companies.

As for finding out if they really work for the magazine, that could be a harder chore. You could probably ask the photographer for a reference at the magazine but no offence, if a model asked me for a client reference, I wouldn't give to her. Mainly because this is a client / photographer relationship and it's unprofessional to have a model call for a reference. That's mixing two different worlds. The other thing is you don't know how he was commissioned to do the job. I shot a Mcdonald's ad that ran in Black Enterprise, Ebony, Cosmo, some auto mags, etc. but all through an ad agency. You would never be able to contact the right people that could identify me. Get my drift? The magazine wouldn't know and the client dealt with me indirectly through the ad agency. Sometime you deal with the publisher of a magazine, somestimes the art director, sometimes the editor and in major magazines they have more then one working out of different offices.

Now here's a question for you. Why does it concern you? Is his work up to par? If so shoot with him and if he is lying about publications, that's a foul move but it's his problem. By the way, models do the same thing but I don't hold it agaisnt them.

I have never been asked by a client to provide anything more then my portfolio or additional samples.

Jun 08 05 02:33 am Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

"Now here's a question for you. Why does it concern you? Is his work up to par? If so shoot with him and if he is lying about publications, that's a foul move but it's his problem. By the way, models do the same thing but I don't hold it agaisnt them."

Like my post said I was just curious. I was watching this movie on lifetime where a photographer used Photoshop to make fake magazine covers to show models that's why I was curious. 

Jun 08 05 03:53 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
Okay so I've notice quit a few photographers who say they work for magazines and some will have up covers of a magazine(s) up on their site. Some our magazines I've heard of and some that I've never heard of and onces that wont even come up on a seach. Is their a way to find out if these photographer(s) REALLY work for these magazines? And what about the "magazines" that don't even come up on a seach on the net, Is there a way to find out if these are REAL magazines or just ones they came up with Photoshop? 

You could ask the photographer to show you a copy of his check stub from the magazine.

By the way, what's a "seach"? Lol. Just kidding.

Jun 08 05 04:05 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Oh yes, lifetime has the most realistic portrayals ever of the nefarious plotting, cheating and lying of men.

Jun 08 05 04:33 am Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
"Now here's a question for you. Why does it concern you? Is his work up to par? If so shoot with him and if he is lying about publications, that's a foul move but it's his problem. By the way, models do the same thing but I don't hold it agaisnt them."

Like my post said I was just curious. I was watching this movie on lifetime where a photographer used Photoshop to make fake magazine covers to show models that's why I was curious. 

I see fake magazine ads and covers in 1/3 of the portfolios here from both models and photographers. It's completely lame and doesn't impress anyone worth impressing by the way...

Jun 08 05 04:41 am Link



Posts: 9122

When you say "lame," that is offensive to disabled people. You should choose your words more carefully.

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
"Now here's a question for you. Why does it concern you? Is his work up to par? If so shoot with him and if he is lying about publications, that's a foul move but it's his problem. By the way, models do the same thing but I don't hold it agaisnt them."

Like my post said I was just curious. I was watching this movie on lifetime where a photographer used Photoshop to make fake magazine covers to show models that's why I was curious. 

I see fake magazine ads and covers in 1/3 of the portfolios here from both models and photographers. It's completely lame and doesn't impress anyone worth impressing by the way...

Jun 08 05 04:42 am Link



Posts: 9122

Don't be gay...

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
When you say "lame," that is offensive to disabled people. You should choose your words more carefully.

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
"Now here's a question for you. Why does it concern you? Is his work up to par? If so shoot with him and if he is lying about publications, that's a foul move but it's his problem. By the way, models do the same thing but I don't hold it agaisnt them."

Like my post said I was just curious. I was watching this movie on lifetime where a photographer used Photoshop to make fake magazine covers to show models that's why I was curious. 

I see fake magazine ads and covers in 1/3 of the portfolios here from both models and photographers. It's completely lame and doesn't impress anyone worth impressing by the way...

Jun 08 05 04:43 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Fake magazine covers are usually pretty obvious if you can compare them side by side with a real issue of the same magazine. The graphic designers who come up with say the front cover of Vogue have some serious game, and to replicate that with a different photo would be a major challenge to even someone like me who's been using Photoshop since about 1993 because it's the layout design judgements that make the cover look right.

Jun 08 05 07:30 am Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1302

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
"Now here's a question for you. Why does it concern you? Is his work up to par? If so shoot with him and if he is lying about publications, that's a foul move but it's his problem. By the way, models do the same thing but I don't hold it agaisnt them."

Like my post said I was just curious. I was watching this movie on lifetime where a photographer used Photoshop to make fake magazine covers to show models that's why I was curious. 

Oh I gotcha - Julia Roberts sued I think it was people's magazine for doing something similar. They needed a cover shot of her so they took her head from one shot and put it on her body of another shoot. She had no problem with that part of it but in the final image, her neck didn't appear as long as it really is which is her signature or something. Anyways she won - lol

Jun 08 05 10:14 am Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1302

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by Ched: 
Fake magazine covers are usually pretty obvious if you can compare them side by side with a real issue of the same magazine. The graphic designers who come up with say the front cover of Vogue have some serious game, and to replicate that with a different photo would be a major challenge to even someone like me who's been using Photoshop since about 1993 because it's the layout design judgements that make the cover look right.

Actually it's easily done using a layout program which is what press ready print jobs use.

Jun 08 05 10:18 am Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
"Now here's a question for you. Why does it concern you? Is his work up to par? If so shoot with him and if he is lying about publications, that's a foul move but it's his problem. By the way, models do the same thing but I don't hold it agaisnt them."

Like my post said I was just curious. I was watching this movie on lifetime where a photographer used Photoshop to make fake magazine covers to show models that's why I was curious. 

I would not want to work with someone like that.

Jun 08 05 10:49 am Link


Brian Kirk

Posts: 175

Asheville, North Carolina, US

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
I see fake magazine ads and covers in 1/3 of the portfolios here from both models and photographers. It's completely lame and doesn't impress anyone worth impressing by the way...

I guess my question is "why ?" - I mean making up fake stuff to pull the wool over the eyes of a newbie.  But I guess there are "photographers" who steal work from other photographers to put in their books as well.  I mean don't they think that someone won't catch them at this at some point?

I've only got one cover so far and it is on my mayhem profile.

Jun 08 05 05:59 pm Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Fred Brown: 
Well, the thing is not all magazines will come up on the web for various reasons. It could be new, might not have a site, discontinued, etc. It could also be a publication for subscribers or members only. Who knows but for things to show up on the web, someone has to place it there first. Just like there are tons of business that have no presence on the web but are legit companies.

As for finding out if they really work for the magazine, that could be a harder chore. You could probably ask the photographer for a reference at the magazine but no offence, if a model asked me for a client reference, I wouldn't give to her. Mainly because this is a client / photographer relationship and it's unprofessional to have a model call for a reference. That's mixing two different worlds. The other thing is you don't know how he was commissioned to do the job. I shot a Mcdonald's ad that ran in Black Enterprise, Ebony, Cosmo, some auto mags, etc. but all through an ad agency. You would never be able to contact the right people that could identify me. Get my drift? The magazine wouldn't know and the client dealt with me indirectly through the ad agency. Sometime you deal with the publisher of a magazine, somestimes the art director, sometimes the editor and in major magazines they have more then one working out of different offices.

Now here's a question for you. Why does it concern you? Is his work up to par? If so shoot with him and if he is lying about publications, that's a foul move but it's his problem. By the way, models do the same thing but I don't hold it agaisnt them.

I have never been asked by a client to provide anything more then my portfolio or additional samples. 

I don't mean to sound rude but WTF are you talking about? Lol, I don't understand anything you just wrote!

First, if you are looking for an actual print magazine you will find it 90% of the time searching the internet. The cases in which you might not find a magazine would be if it were a small non-newstand publication, but to be honest even these usually have websites. There are a lot of people here who claim magazines and show fake tear sheets to try and impress models (or these new "online" magazines that anyone on this site can start!), it is such a joke and I would like more models to realize this. In addition I see photographers saying they shoot for people like FHM and Maxim when in reality they just submit images like anyone else. Then these same people usually have regular shots that say tear sheet for FHM but it isn't from the magazine itself, lol get a fucking clue people!

Anyway if a photographer works with a magazine exlusively or even on a freelance basis you can find their name in the actual magazine. I am listed in 5 magazine mastheads, if you don't know what this is, it is basically the section where it shows the editor, publisher, photogs, etc..etc... 3 are newsstand magazines nationwide so anyone can go to a store and pick one up. The only thing that makes sense to me about this reply was that you can't contact magazines and ask about someone. Normally editors are not going to discuss people if they don't know who you are and you just call them out of the blue.

Jun 08 05 08:39 pm Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Simply ask the photographer for the name of the publisher and you will be able to find out from

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
Okay so I've notice quit a few photographers who say they work for magazines and some will have up covers of a magazine(s) up on their site. Some our magazines I've heard of and some that I've never heard of and onces that wont even come up on a search. Is their a way to find out if these photographer(s) REALLY work for these magazines? And what about the "magazines" that don't even come up on a seach on the net, Is there a way to find out if these are REAL magazines or just ones they came up with Photoshop? 

Jun 08 05 09:06 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
Don't be gay...

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
When you say "lame," that is offensive to disabled people. You should choose your words more carefully.

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
"Now here's a question for you. Why does it concern you? Is his work up to par? If so shoot with him and if he is lying about publications, that's a foul move but it's his problem. By the way, models do the same thing but I don't hold it agaisnt them."

Like my post said I was just curious. I was watching this movie on lifetime where a photographer used Photoshop to make fake magazine covers to show models that's why I was curious. 

I see fake magazine ads and covers in 1/3 of the portfolios here from both models and photographers. It's completely lame and doesn't impress anyone worth impressing by the way...

My dog licks herself what does that mean?

Jun 08 05 09:13 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Posted by marksora: 

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
Don't be gay...

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
When you say "lame," that is offensive to disabled people. You should choose your words more carefully.

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
"Now here's a question for you. Why does it concern you? Is his work up to par? If so shoot with him and if he is lying about publications, that's a foul move but it's his problem. By the way, models do the same thing but I don't hold it agaisnt them."

Like my post said I was just curious. I was watching this movie on lifetime where a photographer used Photoshop to make fake magazine covers to show models that's why I was curious. 

I see fake magazine ads and covers in 1/3 of the portfolios here from both models and photographers. It's completely lame and doesn't impress anyone worth impressing by the way...

My dog licks herself what does that mean?

Don't be gay

Jun 08 05 09:14 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Posted by marksora: 

Posted by marksora: 

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
Don't be gay...

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
When you say "lame," that is offensive to disabled people. You should choose your words more carefully.

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
"Now here's a question for you. Why does it concern you? Is his work up to par? If so shoot with him and if he is lying about publications, that's a foul move but it's his problem. By the way, models do the same thing but I don't hold it agaisnt them."

Like my post said I was just curious. I was watching this movie on lifetime where a photographer used Photoshop to make fake magazine covers to show models that's why I was curious. 

I see fake magazine ads and covers in 1/3 of the portfolios here from both models and photographers. It's completely lame and doesn't impress anyone worth impressing by the way...

My dog licks herself what does that mean?

Don't be gay

Look you judgemental freak where do you think you are Oregan or something?  Get a life and stop complaining about the diversity of life.  Plus your images stink the big one.

Jun 08 05 09:17 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Posted by marksora: 

Posted by marksora: 

Posted by marksora: 

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
Don't be gay...

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
When you say "lame," that is offensive to disabled people. You should choose your words more carefully.

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
"Now here's a question for you. Why does it concern you? Is his work up to par? If so shoot with him and if he is lying about publications, that's a foul move but it's his problem. By the way, models do the same thing but I don't hold it agaisnt them."

Like my post said I was just curious. I was watching this movie on lifetime where a photographer used Photoshop to make fake magazine covers to show models that's why I was curious. 

I see fake magazine ads and covers in 1/3 of the portfolios here from both models and photographers. It's completely lame and doesn't impress anyone worth impressing by the way...

My dog licks herself what does that mean?

Don't be gay

Look you judgemental freak where do you think you are Oregan or something?  Get a life and stop complaining about the diversity of life.  Plus your images stink the big one.

You freak lover you.  Plus let us remind Amber that though we love her threads a good title would help much.

Now assume the position!!!

Jun 08 05 09:19 pm Link



Posts: 164

West Hollywood, California, US

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
Okay so I've notice quit a few photographers who say they work for magazines and some will have up covers of a magazine(s) up on their site. Some our magazines I've heard of and some that I've never heard of and onces that wont even come up on a search. Is their a way to find out if these photographer(s) REALLY work for these magazines? And what about the "magazines" that don't even come up on a seach on the net, Is there a way to find out if these are REAL magazines or just ones they came up with Photoshop? 

If they are representing themselves as working for a magazine, with the impression that you will be in that said magazine write back and ask for the companies full address and contact the company.
If it's a magazine you've heard up before you can look up the address yourself and contact the company directly and just ask if John Doe works for their company.
If it's not one you've heard up before you can besides contact the company (since you don't know if the info is legit), contact the bbb and also you can find out if the magazine has an office in that state or a business license.

As in anyone that is hired, when I check previous employment it's common place for a company to receive phone calls and are very helpful in giving you that information. If you are being contacted to be in said magazine you can ask if that photographer is able to represent the company in hiring models for shoots.

If he's just doing freelance work tho that has nothing to do with the company that is a totally different scenario.

Don't feel afraid to ask what ever you want of a photographer regarding their intent in a shoot. Ask as much as you want to feel comfortable. You have a right to know exactly what you are getting yourself into so talk to the photographer. I find that helps when you finally meet that you both are on the same page of what a shoot is about.

Photographers don't bite.. well most don't lol

I have one of those fake magazine covers. Got it at Magic Mountain. I'm in Oakland Raiders uniform and my sis is in a 49ers uniform. Of course we were 4 and 1 at the time lol I think if people put up fake ones they should state they are and the couple I have seen on here have done that in the caption part. Nothing wrong with a little fun if not falsly represented.

Jun 08 05 09:51 pm Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1302

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by ( ANT ) Mgaphoto: 
I don't mean to sound rude but WTF are you talking about? Lol, I don't understand anything you just wrote!

Actually it was rude but it was your response thus a reflection of you. smile

Let me switch hats for a moment. In addition to being a photographer, I am also an accomplished graphic designer who happens to do page layout. I have had several clients that were guess what, magazines! Alot of them were start up magazines by non profit organizations, churches, hospitals, faternity organizations, or divisions within a company. For instance, the NTA Journal is a publication that I have done which is published by NASA. It's distrubution is to scientist and engineers all over the world. They've been around since 1925. Ever heard of it? Let's see another magazine that I did was the One Hundred which was a national magazine as well but was exclusively for it's members that included Tavis Smiley, Bill Cosby, Dennis Archer and the list goes into the tens of thousands world wide. By the way, they have a fashion section. Hm... Let's see one other that comes to mind, Urban Influence Magazine - ever heard of any of them? I seriously doubt it.

So what am I saying? Simply what I have already said. There are tons of publications - oh by the way, yes I know what a masthead is but you only gave part of the definition. Perhaps you gave only what you knew. Anyways, the title of the magazine is also referred to as the maskhead so when you are working with publishers and press houses, you have to be clear as to which one you are referring to.

First, if you are looking for an actual print magazine you will find it 90% of the time searching the internet.

At what percent of publications? Or are you only referring to again, what you know. Because that's all I did. Show me your data and I'll show you mine before I flat out say that you are wrong.

Not only do I do grapic design, I also do web design. What "you missed" is that not all publications are for profit therefore the publication itself does not required a website. Usually the orginazation might have one. Hm...

Anyway if a photographer works with a magazine exlusively or even on a freelance basis you can find their name in the actual magazine.

Hm... you said IF. Does that mean that's the only way a photographer can get published? Hm... careful my friend. In my experience, staff photographers or contributing photographers are listed in the maskhead, not all of them. But I noticed you said "IF" which means there is another possibility out there. Perhaps this is where you don't know what I'm talking about simply because, you don't know.

I am listed in 5 magazine mastheads

Cool, I've only been listed in one masthead, not as any of the above positions that I mentioned but as the Art Director. Anyways neither of our listings have any bearings on the question at hand. I gave a perspective and you gave another one. I won't argue yours but I can defend mine -- cheers

Jun 09 05 12:19 am Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Fred Brown: 

Posted by ( ANT ) Mgaphoto: 
I don't mean to sound rude but WTF are you talking about? Lol, I don't understand anything you just wrote!

Actually it was rude but it was your response thus a reflection of you. smile

Let me switch hats for a moment. In addition to being a photographer, I am also an accomplished graphic designer who happens to do page layout. I have had several clients that were guess what, magazines! Alot of them were start up magazines by non profit organizations, churches, hospitals, faternity organizations, or divisions within a company. For instance, the NTA Journal is a publication that I have done which is published by NASA. It's distrubution is to scientist and engineers all over the world. They've been around since 1925. Ever heard of it? Let's see another magazine that I did was the One Hundred which was a national magazine as well but was exclusively for it's members that included Tavis Smiley, Bill Cosby, Dennis Archer and the list goes into the tens of thousands world wide. By the way, they have a fashion section. Hm... Let's see one other that comes to mind, Urban Influence Magazine - ever heard of any of them? I seriously doubt it.

So what am I saying? Simply what I have already said. There are tons of publications - oh by the way, yes I know what a masthead is but you only gave part of the definition. Perhaps you gave only what you knew. Anyways, the title of the magazine is also referred to as the maskhead so when you are working with publishers and press houses, you have to be clear as to which one you are referring to.

First, if you are looking for an actual print magazine you will find it 90% of the time searching the internet.

At what percent of publications? Or are you only referring to again, what you know. Because that's all I did. Show me your data and I'll show you mine before I flat out say that you are wrong.

Not only do I do grapic design, I also do web design. What "you missed" is that not all publications are for profit therefore the publication itself does not required a website. Usually the orginazation might have one. Hm...

Anyway if a photographer works with a magazine exlusively or even on a freelance basis you can find their name in the actual magazine.

Hm... you said IF. Does that mean that's the only way a photographer can get published? Hm... careful my friend. In my experience, staff photographers or contributing photographers are listed in the maskhead, not all of them. But I noticed you said "IF" which means there is another possibility out there. Perhaps this is where you don't know what I'm talking about simply because, you don't know.

I am listed in 5 magazine mastheads

Cool, I've only been listed in one masthead, not as any of the above positions that I mentioned but as the Art Director. Anyways neither of our listings have any bearings on the question at hand. I gave a perspective and you gave another one. I won't argue yours but I can defend mine -- cheers

This is boring me because you make no sense but hey I will reply. First, she wrote the following "Okay so I've notice quit a few photographers who say they work for magazines" which is why I stated "if" a photographer works with a magazine like she asked then he would be listed in the masthead. Did you actually read her original topic?

Second, you are on Model Mayhem so no shit I don't know and could careless about some Nasa magazine or any of the others you mentioned and I think the goes for most models. Do you think she was talking about a photographer pretending to shoot for a Nasa magazine to impress her? LOL that would be classic actually and I hope someone does it yikes) I can see it now, check out my new shots of Mars, doesn't it make you want to work with me, haha!

Jun 09 05 12:48 am Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1302

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by ( ANT ) Mgaphoto: 

hahahahaha yeah that is funny almost as funny as you. You know how many publiscations that are not fashion magazines have style sections, fashion reviews, editor's picks, let me answer that for you.


Jun 09 05 12:52 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Posted by Fred Brown: 

Posted by Ched: 
Fake magazine covers are usually pretty obvious if you can compare them side by side with a real issue of the same magazine. The graphic designers who come up with say the front cover of Vogue have some serious game, and to replicate that with a different photo would be a major challenge to even someone like me who's been using Photoshop since about 1993 because it's the layout design judgements that make the cover look right.

Actually it's easily done using a layout program which is what press ready print jobs use.

Yeah, but they often have proprietary fonts and other tricks just so no-one can replicate their cover.

Jun 09 05 02:14 am Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1302

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by Ched: 

Posted by Fred Brown: 

Posted by Ched: 
Fake magazine covers are usually pretty obvious if you can compare them side by side with a real issue of the same magazine. The graphic designers who come up with say the front cover of Vogue have some serious game, and to replicate that with a different photo would be a major challenge to even someone like me who's been using Photoshop since about 1993 because it's the layout design judgements that make the cover look right.

Actually it's easily done using a layout program which is what press ready print jobs use.

Yeah, but they often have proprietary fonts and other tricks just so no-one can replicate their cover.

Yep you're right. In fact, alot of the times, they simply change the perspective of the font in Illustrator then save as an ESP to use in the layout program.

Jun 09 05 08:17 am Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Ched: 

Posted by Fred Brown: 

Posted by Ched: 
Fake magazine covers are usually pretty obvious if you can compare them side by side with a real issue of the same magazine. The graphic designers who come up with say the front cover of Vogue have some serious game, and to replicate that with a different photo would be a major challenge to even someone like me who's been using Photoshop since about 1993 because it's the layout design judgements that make the cover look right.

Actually it's easily done using a layout program which is what press ready print jobs use.

Yeah, but they often have proprietary fonts and other tricks just so no-one can replicate their cover.

It would take less than an hour to edit any of the fonts they started with (universe, helvetica, skia) to replicate their "custom" font (i.e. Vogue Sans).

They do it to differentiate themselves from the competition.

The have lawyers to protect themselves against copyright infringers like the ones who make fake ads and covers on here...

Jun 09 05 08:33 am Link



Posts: 20642

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

"Now here's a question for you. Why does it concern you? Is his work up to par? If so shoot with him and if he is lying about publications, that's a foul move but it's his problem. By the way, models do the same thing but I don't hold it agaisnt them."

A 'fake magazine' is exactly that... FAKE! BOGUS! BUPKISS!
For that reason alone nobody will be impressed, and a model WILL actually LOSE legitimate jobs simply for associating with someone who creates those types of photos.

Why?  Because most LEGITIMATE hiring organizations (model agencies, PR firms, Ad agencies) have a reputation to uphold and maintain.  The agencies feel that if a person resorts to making 'fake magazines' they are either scammers -or- too ignorant to realize that they're associated with a fake magazine.

Scammers and dummies are NOT something that legitimate hiring organizations want to have working for them... so there's no need to PROVE that you fit into one of those categories even by associating with one of those fake publications.

Jun 09 05 08:40 am Link



Posts: 20642

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by AshleyDanielle: 
...since you don't know if the info is legit), contact the bbb and also you can find out if the magazine has an office in that state or a business license.

Actually, the BBB is not a very good source of information.  The BBB is a private organization and not affiliated with any government or law enforcement agency, it's just a group of people that claim to be business professionals.

Unfortunately, the original INTENT of the BBB was honorable, but has been diluted throughout the years. The BBB normally will not disclose bad business practices of it's own members.  Many scammers will join and use their BBB affiliation to carry out even larger scams. 

Alot more information about the reality of the BBB can be found in a rather brazen but truthful series of reports at:

Jun 09 05 09:46 am Link



Posts: 67

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

I actually have one of these. And though I agree that fake covers are hilarious and stupid I choose to put this one up on MM because:

1) It is very obviously fake. The mag is called ModiX and has spelling errors.

2) A "fan" created it and I thought it was so funny, sweet and very well done. I added it not as a part of my businessportfolio but...(see 3)

3) I've found that MMers have a great sense of humour so what the heck... have one on me. smile

But making fake copies of real mag covers is just beyond my understanding. Unprofessional is an understatement to say the least. I don't really understand how they expect to get jobs when they're showing a portfolio stuffed with copyright infringement. As a photographer I would be quite worried as to what may happen to the images produced in any collaboration as far as respect for copyright is concerned.

[For the record I am a bit tired atm so either it all sounds right or I'm making no sense at all. Have mercy on me. ]

Jun 09 05 10:02 am Link