

Posts: 168

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Okay I have another newbie questions, What exactly is a size 4? I figure mainly models will answer this.

I mean is it juniors or misses, I really don't know.

I want to do runway and i know that i have to be a size 4 or less, now I am actually not to much from a size 4 now in juniors I wear a size 5 but in misses I wear a size 4.

I can also use any pointers on the business.

Jun 07 05 03:25 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Hmmm... it would depend on the designer wouldn't it?  I mean, some size 4's are not the same as other size 4's, now are they?

What I would like to know is why are the size 8's buying all the 2's and where the hell are the size 0's and 1's because I need some clothes...

Jun 07 05 07:23 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

And what's the deal with women wearing clothes that are way too small?  Don't they realize that unsightly bulges are a major fashion faux pas?

Jun 07 05 07:24 am Link


Alexandra Paris

Posts: 326

Portland, Arkansas, US

The real question should be what is a size 0 or 00? I agree that sizes very fron designer to designer and personally they should all make up their minds and decide on a universal size chart for everyone. That way when you try on a size 4 from Chanel it should be the same exact size when you try on a size 4 from Versace. But you know they will never do that.

Jun 07 05 07:28 am Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Neither, it's in women's sizes.

In local runway shows like the the kind they'd have in Alabama the rules are usually much less restrictive if they even have any rules at all.

When somone says they "want to do runway," to most that means fashion shows by major designers, generally in the major modeling markets of the world. NY, Paris, London,

Jun 07 05 08:05 am Link



Posts: 168

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Well let me answer you accordingly well that first part of your answer tells me alot in womens i am a size 4 or something like that I actually have to go see cause they are so much bigger than juniors but i think that is what i wear.

I have no intention on staying in Alabama, my focus is getting with an agency in one of the major markets and staying there to work.

I have no problem with doing  commercial modeling of course my dream is to do runway or high fashion which i must say that if i shot with a photog that mainly focused on fashion they would look different, but I have a passion for modeling so where I can get in is where I will fit in

I also want to say thank you for the pointers I really needed these.

Everyone always either thinks I am smaller than I am or bigger than I am, I am about130 all of that weight is mainly on my bottom half so most people tend to think I am bigger than really, this is such interesting to me because you are right I am not runway model skinny which I am trying to be, which I don't think I will be because I will always have muscle definition and mass because how active I am in sports.

I actually planning a trip to NY for a long period of time to see if I can get picked up be an agency and if so I plan on staying there.

I am also working on working with different photogs to get that desired fashion, commercial look for my portfolio.

Anything else you can tell me would be greatly appreciated.

Jun 07 05 08:44 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

For future reference, odd sizes are juniors' sizes and even sizes are women's sizes. Theoretically, the only difference between a size 1 and a size 2 is that the size 2 is cut fuller in the hips for grown-up wimmins.

Of course, there's no universal standard for this crap.  Some companies will start their sizes at 00 and other will start at 4, but they'll be about the same size. Hooray for vanity sizing. Fortuantely, an inch is still an inch.

Jun 07 05 09:06 am Link



Posts: 168

Atlanta, Georgia, US

So since all of my womens jeans and clothes are a 4 than i wear a size 4?

Jun 07 05 09:10 am Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Well, personally it looks to me like you're pretty healthy the way you are and that this is probably close to your natural weight and size. Trying to get, and stay, NY model skinny when it's not your natural size or weight isn't very easy or very fun from what I've heard, and probably less than healthy.

It's also much easier to get steadier decent paying work as a commercial model than in fashion. Not that it's easy, but easier. There is a lot of commercial work to go around. When you're getting gigs in commercial modeling they pretty much all pay reasonably, and some very well. In fashion it's so hard getting started for all but a few. If you buck the odds of getting with a good fashion agency there seems to be a lot more testing, castings, go-sees and building your book than working. You're trying to get a few good tears in fashion mags, there is a lot of competition for them, but they either don't pay or pay very little, even the top mags. Then you hope to parlay those tears and your connections into high paying ads and campaigns. You can book ads without all the great tears too, but that's going to help a lot.

I have a model friend in NY who has everything it takes in looks and build, top fashion agencies have had their eye on her since she was 13 or 14. She's been with a good new agency for, I dunno, since the fall? Well she's 6 grand in debt to them now what with staying in a models apartment for a couple of months plus various expenses related to her career as well as lending her some money to help get her by from time to time. They're taking a gamble on her, but she's gambling as well.

Jun 07 05 09:14 am Link



Posts: 168

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I see your point.

Jun 07 05 09:29 am Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

]This[/url] is Ford's commercial print division.
Notice there are several pages of head shots you can click on, click on the shots and you'll see a few more of each model and you'll get a feel for they kinds and quality of photos they'll want on a comp card

At R & L they show you the actual comp cards (a couple of them are a little fashion-y, but commercial for the most part)

And here's the Lyon's group

Hope that helps

Jun 07 05 09:33 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

My question about women's sizes, when I'm told that something is a "Size 4," is:

"Four WHATS?"

I mean, sure, in physics we have the concept of the dimensionless unit. But it's a pretty rare bird and I can't think that women's dress sizes are comparable in complexity and fundamental unity to, say, the Planck number.

I mean, *women* are easily that complicated, but not dresses. *ducking*


Jun 07 05 09:42 am Link



Posts: 168

Atlanta, Georgia, US

okay that helps

Jun 07 05 09:44 am Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1302

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by kavonna: 
Everyone always either thinks I am smaller than I am or bigger than I am, I am about130 all of that weight is mainly on my bottom half so most people tend to think I am bigger than really, this is such interesting to me because you are right I am not runway model skinny which I am trying to be, which I don't think I will be because I will always have muscle definition and mass because how active I am in sports.

Check out agency sites and look at the stats of the girls to see where you fit in so you have a better idea of where to go. Models have to look good both in pictures but also on paper as well.

Jun 07 05 10:49 am Link


urban prospect

Posts: 216

New York, New York, US

Theda has the gist of it.
Truly what you need to do is get you proper measurments for your own knowledge.
Next if you are a size 5 JUNIOR then for that runway show you may be cutting it close for the size 4 unless it is a
misses lifestlye line.  In that case you can be assured of enough room in the hips and bust.  If the line has a Euro styling slant you can best bet it will be a very body concious cut.
Last tip if you are planning to go for runway get to know clothing cuts  this way you wil know which doors to apply for.  Here is a quick example  when Baby Phat first appeared their denim license was held by LOLA in CA the same people that make XOXO but if you tried a 3 in BP vs a 3 in xoxo you would find a great difference due to the consumer that ewach targeted....lesson  know your cuts  know their markets and fit yourself in where it is good

Sorry for the length and yeah i am probably off base but oh well.

Jun 07 05 07:13 pm Link



Posts: 168

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Actually you are not off base at all, thanks for the info

Jun 07 05 07:40 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

They make a size 4? I've never seen a size 4, You usually see like 0, 00, 1, 3, 5, 7 and so on they skip every other size.

Jun 07 05 08:12 pm Link


urban prospect

Posts: 216

New York, New York, US

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
They make a size 4? I've never seen a size 4, You usually see like 0, 00, 1, 3, 5, 7 and so on they skip every other size. 

That is because you are a junior size.  Misses are even numbers 4 6 8 10

Jun 07 05 08:35 pm Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Posted by urban prospect: 

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
They make a size 4? I've never seen a size 4, You usually see like 0, 00, 1, 3, 5, 7 and so on they skip every other size. 

That is because you are a junior size.  Misses are even numbers 4 6 8 10

But the question is about runway modeling, misses sizes are for girls between 5'5 and 5'7, runway models are 5'9 and up (except for the 1% or less like Kate & Devon etc.)

Jun 07 05 10:22 pm Link


urban prospect

Posts: 216

New York, New York, US

Posted by Aaron_H: 

Posted by urban prospect: 

Posted by CO llama Amber: 
They make a size 4? I've never seen a size 4, You usually see like 0, 00, 1, 3, 5, 7 and so on they skip every other size.

That is because you are a junior size.  Misses are even numbers 4 6 8 10

Actually the oringal poster asked what is a size 4

But the question is about runway llamaing, misses sizes are for girls between 5'5 and 5'7, runway llamas are 5'9 and up (except for the 1% or less like Kate

Jun 07 05 10:33 pm Link



Posts: 168

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I asked what is a size4 pretaining to runway modeling, and after i have read the entire thread i think it is womens

Jun 07 05 11:28 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Honestly, your measurements are a better indication of your place in modeling.  35 inch hips is cutting it a little close for fashion, but not too bad.

Jun 08 05 12:41 am Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

theda is right in a sense, but they are related. Among the top ten agencies that have web links none of them mention dress size in the requirements or submission guidline sections, they mention measurements when they deal with the subject at all, some only mention height. But they often do list dress size in the models online portfolio or comp card. Usually a 4, often a 2, sometimes listed as 4-6. The ideal measurements are 34-24-34, but it certainly varies a little, especially sometimes the taller you are more leeway can be given. But they want the slender appearance and proportions and for you to be able to fit the sample sizes

Jun 08 05 02:11 am Link



Posts: 168

Atlanta, Georgia, US

okay I understand that

Jun 08 05 03:21 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Alexandra Paris: 
The real question should be what is a size 0 or 00? I agree that sizes very fron designer to designer and personally they should all make up their minds and decide on a universal size chart for everyone. That way when you try on a size 4 from Chanel it should be the same exact size when you try on a size 4 from Versace. But you know they will never do that.

Actually, I couldn't agree with you more... It does seem stupid that "designer" sizes are different...

Jun 08 05 10:04 am Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

Its really annoying and arbitrary. I prefer the way mens pants are labeled. I can be anything from a 0 to a 4 depending on the company/design/whatever.

Jun 08 05 10:53 am Link