Forums > General Industry > Overblown "Artist's Statements"


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Ok, that's it. Wrote a 3rd persion bio. Just had to.

Jan 17 06 08:29 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

I think I'm going to have a nose bleed....

All this and some "artist" still can't shoot.

Jan 17 06 08:30 pm Link



Posts: 28

Atlanta, Georgia, US

MikeyBoy wrote:
p.s. dont forget the ever popular " i dont do TFP under any circumstances, but i will do TFP if an interesting idea is presented"..... hey numbnuts, which is it ? ya do or ya don't smile

Mikey, I think it means I rock at nudes but I don't do headshots very well.

Jan 18 06 03:46 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Ivan123 wrote:
If you have to tell me your photographs are really, REALLY great, something is missing.

Yeah, I'm sick that too, but it's the way of the world.  It comes from watching too much TV.  CNN (the most trusted name in news) and Fox News (the most powerful name in news) constantly tout how incredible they are without so much as a hint as to what makes them so.  Almost all advertising has gone the same route.  Politicians, same strategy.  Hell, even news conferences that the cops have after they've captured a killer is mostly self-directed back slapping and very little substance.

People can't help but think that's the right way to do it.  After all, that many PR firms and ad agencies can't be wrong.  Muahahahahahahaha!

Personally, I try to downplay my talents in my profile so that my pictures seem relatively good.  Check out my profile and see how it SHOULD be done.


Jan 18 06 10:31 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Can a photographers bio and statement be combined as one?I found out about 2 days before the end of last month that I was invited to participate in what this gallery called and emerging artists exhibit which will have me and 5 other photographers.
Everything, including the framed prints, bio and statement are due on the 17th, this coming Monday.It is ow Saturday afternoon and I finally think  I finished the bio. But it looks like a statement as well, in a way. As it mentions what I feel are some of the things art photography should do:inspire creativity in others, provoke thought, get people talking,etc.

Apr 15 06 04:15 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

I'll consider myself a success (in personal terms, not financial), when my bio can be:

"I suck.  Shoot with me please."

And still get models to work on projects with me based on the work.. smile

(The insecure can still be ego maniacs..)

Apr 15 06 05:38 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

I had an interview with a media writer today about the blog and the question came up about "why."  I gave the guy a few reasons and dropped some credits to confirm my...uh...credentials.  He came back with a better wording than I could have.  Gotta give it up for those English Lit. majors.

One thing that seems to work for me is when it gets all serious and shit I throw in a smirk and giggle.  One published artist's statement includes "...his choice of subject follows from his admiration for naked chicks."


Apr 15 06 08:00 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

im all for giving people a little leeway with their bio statements, i mean to each his own, (one mans vinegar and all)

but i really pee in my pants with laughter when i read a guy's bio saying how he's well known in the fashion world, and then every single photograph in his portfolio is close up ass and crotch shots of ulgy girls (you know they're ugly, you just do) in g-strings that you know (ok well i certainly know the difference LOL) he bought in an adult book store (probably while he was looking in the magazine rack for some ideas for poses)

whats make it really really funny (meaning then i shit myself) is the 5 or 6 tags he's got from models proclaiming they'd love to work with him

Apr 15 06 11:25 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

I think I finally finished my first bio and statement. Just moments ago. I want to run it by the curator first. Talk about cutting it close, though. I knew a few days before the end of the month that this and 8 framed and matted images were due by the 17th of this month. I am just getting to the matting tonight ,and I cut my own.My head is killing me from working on this bio and statement. Especially since they said to keep it at 2-3 paragraphs.

Apr 16 06 01:18 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

I say who I am, and why I'm here. And I keep it fun smile

Apr 16 06 02:15 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I know i mentioned this before, but i'm still looking for any and all new things to include in my statement that will make newbies, wanabes, head cases and flakes avoid me like the plague.  My work already scares most of them off, but every now and then one gets through.

Maybe a phony prison record included in my credits?

Apr 16 06 07:55 am Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

Ivan123 wrote:
OK, we mustn't be rude, in public anyway, so we all have to make our own little PRIVATE lists.  But I recently have noticed on some photographer's portfolios that the "About Me" sections is what amounts to a self-description of the work, telling me is it innovative, unique, artistic, sometimes even "edgy," but, all-in-all, it is blow-your-mind awesome.  OK, so with great expectation, I click the avatar, get to the page and am so overwhelmed with boring photos my brain immediately shuts down in self-protection mode and I bruise my nose when my head falls forward onto the keyboard.  My cat usually revives me.  If you have to tell me your photographs are really, REALLY great, something is missing.

who cares. I can see right through the inflated BS placed there for the vulnerable to read and buy.

Im no ones fool or believe in over inflated " You Did it baby you did it, you made omp show case" .  who the hell cares especially when the TFP image sucks.

Be it an actual art gallery or photographers, models profile.

The Images speak for themselves less cheerleader and Coaxed comments.

to many people want to rule the world and control others thinking.

Ron Blake

Apr 16 06 08:25 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Same thing with the guys who have 3 or 4 girly paysites on the net and the first line in their "About Me", is, "Photography is my passion!", and the only images they have in their profiles anywhere on the net outside of their paysites, are chicks!

I kinda do think it's a little sarcastically funny when they write that (made me chuckle a bit), but nonetheless, it's still "frontin", no matter how good their work is, it's bad frontin and personally, I don't like it all that much.

Then, there are the few, the very, very few who know how to front, when to front and do it for the business marketing dog-n-pony show, but they also have very good and distinctive product, wedding, artistic and other commercial shots in their port and profiles. To me, I view these guys (and girls), as very kool photography jazz kats and ones I'd recommend to models who personally ask (whether I'm on speaking terms with any of those photographers, or not).

Das jus how I is.

Apr 16 06 08:28 am Link


Frank Piccolo

Posts: 10

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Ivan123 wrote:
OK, we mustn't be rude, in public anyway, so we all have to make our own little PRIVATE lists.  But I recently have noticed on some photographer's portfolios that the "About Me" sections is what amounts to a self-description of the work, telling me is it innovative, unique, artistic, sometimes even "edgy," but, all-in-all, it is blow-your-mind awesome.  OK, so with great expectation, I click the avatar, get to the page and am so overwhelmed with boring photos my brain immediately shuts down in self-protection mode and I bruise my nose when my head falls forward onto the keyboard.  My cat usually revives me.  If you have to tell me your photographs are really, REALLY great, something is missing.

I agree with much of this and see it from photographers and models alike.

Eric Foltz wrote:
In my experience, it works the same way with "studio" names. The more pretentious the name, the more ordinary the images. If your images are good, you don't need some hokey name to suck people in.

Eric Foltz

I also agree with Eric too... I guess it depends how pretentious the name is.
I believe this is what Eric means... something obvious like I_M_BEST_GWC.

Yes let the work speak for it's self!


Apr 16 06 08:34 am Link