Forums > General Industry > Picking on the handicapped


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

As I was laughing at a recent post from a 'new' member my very
conservative wife looked at the post.  She noted some of the
reponses and asked me, 'don't you think thats kinda mean.'?  Hey its
in fun I replied.  She gave me that look.  Men know that look it means
shut the fu$% up and listen.  Here it goes, just because someone doesn't get something and is a bit slow.  Like you can be(thats me folks)
doesn't mean its okay to make fun of them.  Nobody means any harm,
I continued... She went back to that look.  I wisely listened.  What if
people made fun every time you said some of that dumb sh$% you say.
Subtle my wife's not.  Well it really doesn't bother me, I said.  Okay but it bothers me.  Well don't read it I said a bit too loud.  The wife look again.  My voice lowers. ' Making fun of people that get it or can do better is one thing but when people are really slow or have limited educations its not funny and I think you shouldn't do it.' 
Okay I won't.  Sometimes I wonder about her though.  She's for
capital punnishment doesn't believe in any welfare of any sort.  Thinks
any and all Black people who aren't working are just lazy and makes
me pick up all my clothes.

Jan 13 06 06:56 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
... and makes me pick up all my clothes.

The nerve of some people!  wink

Jan 13 06 07:01 pm Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

And she's reading over your shoulder right now....DUCK!

Jan 13 06 07:16 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Who are we supposed to pick on? People who could actually *catch* us when we run away?

Jan 13 06 07:21 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I like "teaching" on the Internet.  When someone doesn't get my point, I cut & paste the answer I wrote previously. 

Sure beats wasting precious vocal chord wear and tear.

Jan 13 06 07:48 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

i like your wife

Jan 13 06 08:17 pm Link


B Ellis Photography

Posts: 368

Arlington, Texas, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
As I was laughing at a recent post from a 'new' member my very
conservative wife looked at the post.  She noted some of the
reponses and asked me, 'don't you think thats kinda mean.'?  Hey its
in fun I replied.  She gave me that look.  Men know that look it means
shut the fu$% up and listen.  Here it goes, just because someone doesn't get something and is a bit slow.  Like you can be(thats me folks)
doesn't mean its okay to make fun of them.  Nobody means any harm,
I continued... She went back to that look.  I wisely listened.  What if
people made fun every time you said some of that dumb sh$% you say.
Subtle my wife's not.  Well it really doesn't bother me, I said.  Okay but it bothers me.  Well don't read it I said a bit too loud.  The wife look again.  My voice lowers. ' Making fun of people that get it or can do better is one thing but when people are really slow or have limited educations its not funny and I think you shouldn't do it.' 
Okay I won't.  Sometimes I wonder about her though.  She's for
capital punnishment doesn't believe in any welfare of any sort.  Thinks
any and all Black people who aren't working are just lazy and makes
me pick up all my clothes.

Hey, you got one of those?  I got one of those, too!  Maybe we can set up a playdate for them so we can be "real" men without noisy wives looking over our shoulders!  LOL

Jan 13 06 08:27 pm Link