

Posts: 1196

Pontiac, Michigan, US

Am I the only one who finds it rude when you email someone through MM and they do not respond?  You cannot tell me that you did not read or see my email, cause when I click "sent mail" and then I click the subject line of what I sent to you, it shows me that you actually took the time to READ my mail.  I'm usually discouraged by this, and I find it quite rude. 

I figure, if I am not your cup of tea, you could atleast let me know ever so graciously.  Maybe they do this to not let anyone down, but a "no" response is way better than nothing at all. 

Sorry, just needed to vent! This is not directed towards anyone in particular.  Its funny cause when I mention this in the announcement box from time to time, I get responses back ASAP LoL...feeling a bit guilty are we?

Jan 11 06 12:37 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

uhm, search for threads before posting them, there are a bunch on this topic...either way, I kinda agree with you, kinda don't but im too tired to type out a katietastic response right now...

Jan 11 06 12:46 am Link


John Pringle

Posts: 1608

New York, New York, US

It happens... Better that they did not waste your precious time...

Jan 11 06 12:48 am Link



Posts: 1196

Pontiac, Michigan, US

i guess i kind of write them off as a NO after about a week or so.

This thing called networking sucks on here if the other party does not respond.

Ooooh and I love it when they contact you first, you respond, and then NOTHING! lol ahh thats one sign that they just might not be what i'm looking for.

Jan 11 06 12:50 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

I wouldn't worry about it, Nikki.  It's something everyone, photographers included, experiences in using sites like these.  There are also a lot of photographers who just aren't interested in working with plus models.  It's not personal, just let it roll off your back. 

Don't let it slow you down, and don't take no for an answer.  By that I don't mean keep emailing them, but chalk the silence up to information gained, and move on to contacting the next person whose work moves you.  Also, keep an eye peeled for the photographers who have a clear art bent - they are generally more likely to be interested in working with someone outside the modeling norm.

Good luck!

Jan 11 06 12:56 am Link



Posts: 1196

Pontiac, Michigan, US

Thank you shyly! I do appreciate the words... I understand that I am not the "norm" in the fashion industry, BUT at the same time, I am what alot of women are.  "abnormal" i suppose.

guess that is what I will have to do from now on...let it roll right off my back. Great advice for 2006! smile

Jan 11 06 01:04 am Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

Soon you will be getting all sorts of emails you your self may not wish to respond to.
Some through here on mm some through myspace email.

Just don't worry about it and move on. sometimes people are busy and then the messagas roll off the screen out of site out of mind.

Just contact the next photographer,

Jan 11 06 01:15 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Photographers face this all the time.  It is rude.

Jan 11 06 10:04 am Link



Posts: 1196

Pontiac, Michigan, US

well i myself, try to answer all the emails that i recieve... its not much so its not hard to answer them all LoL

and i'm pretty sure that photogs go through the same thing... this post was not just for models... i'm sure everyone goes through it.  smile

Jan 11 06 10:06 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

It is rude, but a tell-tale sign of un-professionalism.

Think of it as their little silent way of saying "I'm not worthy of working with someone like you cuz I'll just flake on the shoot anyway"!

Jan 11 06 10:14 am Link


LaVelle Visual Imagery

Posts: 50

Los Angeles, California, US

Jan 11 06 10:25 am Link


LaVelle Visual Imagery

Posts: 50

Los Angeles, California, US

Don't take it as rude per se.  It's just like when you turn in an application at a 9-5 (geesh haven't done that in ages but I remember) you don't hear back from the company.  Just move on.  You feel me?!?  Like others have said photographers have to deal with it too.  "Everyone isn't for everyone" life (personal or business).

Jan 11 06 10:25 am Link


Haleh Bryan

Posts: 72

Shyly wrote:
I wouldn't worry about it, Nikki.  It's something everyone, photographers included, experiences in using sites like these.  There are also a lot of photographers who just aren't interested in working with plus models.  It's not personal, just let it roll off your back. 

Don't let it slow you down, and don't take no for an answer.  By that I don't mean keep emailing them, but chalk the silence up to information gained, and move on to contacting the next person whose work moves you.  Also, keep an eye peeled for the photographers who have a clear art bent - they are generally more likely to be interested in working with someone outside the modeling norm.

Good luck!


Do you honestly think that it is about size and modeling or even photography that draws people here? I am starting to think Tyler is going to hit it off competing with!

Jan 11 06 01:37 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

well if you send out a nice e-mail and you dont get a respone dont worry there are 100's of others who you can e-mail later, I belive in Karma and everything happens for a reason so dont worry about it , just keep at it , nobody ever said this was an easy industry to get into..

Jan 11 06 01:59 pm Link


studio L

Posts: 1775

Oakland, California, US

Nikki S. wrote:
Am I the only one who finds it rude when you email someone through MM and they do not respond?  You cannot tell me that you did not read or see my email, cause when I click "sent mail" and then I click the subject line of what I sent to you, it shows me that you actually took the time to READ my mail.  I'm usually discouraged by this, and I find it quite rude. 

I figure, if I am not your cup of tea, you could atleast let me know ever so graciously.  Maybe they do this to not let anyone down, but a "no" response is way better than nothing at all. 

Sorry, just needed to vent! This is not directed towards anyone in particular.  Its funny cause when I mention this in the announcement box from time to time, I get responses back ASAP LoL...feeling a bit guilty are we?

I agree with you completely-it is both rude and unprofessional to not provide a simple response of some sort (even an autoresponder is better than nothing).

Jan 11 06 02:34 pm Link


studio L

Posts: 1775

Oakland, California, US

Shyly wrote:
I wouldn't worry about it, Nikki.  It's something everyone, photographers included, experiences in using sites like these.  There are also a lot of photographers who just aren't interested in working with plus models.  It's not personal, just let it roll off your back. 

Don't let it slow you down, and don't take no for an answer.  By that I don't mean keep emailing them, but chalk the silence up to information gained, and move on to contacting the next person whose work moves you.  Also, keep an eye peeled for the photographers who have a clear art bent - they are generally more likely to be interested in working with someone outside the modeling norm.

Good luck!

Yeah-do keep that sharp eye out. (ahem)


Jan 11 06 02:39 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

At least you know they read them.

I just chalk it up to them not having time or disinterest. Don't take it too personal;.

Jan 11 06 02:45 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Sometimes people don't reply right away because they are busy, or are doing something like checking messages from their cellphone/PDA and want to wait until they're at a computer with a keyboard to respond.  Or maybe they're living more exciting lives than some of us, and can only get online once a week. smile

I generally give people 5 days to respond.  If they don't in that time, but have read the message, I send them a followup message in the same thread, letting them know that if they are NOT interested, to please say so so I can continue my search elsewhere.  Usually that is enough to prompt people who are, but are busy/lazy/whatever.

Jan 11 06 03:58 pm Link



Posts: 601

Columbia, Alabama, US

Pick up the phone and call. Most photogs have a number listed on their profiles. Dial #67 then their number and they wont see yours....

Jan 11 06 06:15 pm Link



Posts: 1078

New York, New York, US


   The vast majority of the messages I send to models go unanswered, that's just the way it is, welcome to the internet.  Yes it is rude.  Worse than that, it is stupid.  People who don't answer LEGITIMATE inquiries shut the door on many future opportunities.  This may fly on the web, but get out into the real world, into a competitive market and let's see how long these people last with their attitudes.  Don't let it bother you, this is how your competetition shoots themselves in the foot...

Jan 11 06 06:23 pm Link



Posts: 12930

Eagan, Minnesota, US

I agree with you.  I will always respond to every e-mail I get.

Jan 11 06 08:01 pm Link



Posts: 650

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
Photographers face this all the time.  It is rude.

Yeah, that's probably true.  If you're okay when it comes to criticism and someone doesn't reply to you, I think it's okay to contact them again asking why they were not interested in working with you and what they look for in particular, and maybe if there's anything that they did or didn't like about you.  I mean, as long as you're not rude and don't sound really angry with them.  You could say you honestly wanted to hear it from other people to help your career/modeling.

Jan 12 06 09:48 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

i think its extremely rude, and ive put those people on my 'list' too

Jan 12 06 10:18 pm Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

No response can often be construed as arrogant.  I always respond to emails on MM and I try to give as many critiques as I have time for.  And many here have been kind enough to help me.  That's what makes a forum work.  If I see that someone doesn't respond to my e-mails, it just tells me that they are immature and unprofessional - and probably someone that I or my clothing company would not want to work with anyway.  I have zero-tolerance for blatant rudeness but excuse the occasional "way too busy to respond right now".

Jan 12 06 11:01 pm Link