Forums > General Industry > Deathly shyness....


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

...the photographer's dark secret?

I'm painfully shy.



Jan 10 06 08:47 pm Link



Posts: 1779

Denver, Colorado, US

Be yourself and have as much as you can no matter how shy you are at the time of the shoot or what not. Sooner or later that shyness will finally disappear when working with models (and meeting new people) in the future.

Jan 10 06 08:49 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

Donley? is that you, Donley?


Jan 10 06 08:53 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
...the photographer's dark secret?

I'm painfully shy.



me too. aren't we cute.  ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Jan 10 06 08:54 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

IsabelAurora wrote:
Donley? is that you, Donley?

I was high school where it all started.  The taunting.  Pretty girls making fun of me.  Oh, the horror...the memories...


Jan 10 06 08:55 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
...the photographer's dark secret?

I'm painfully shy.



And it really shows in face-to-face meetings.

Jan 10 06 08:56 pm Link


Mark Turner

Posts: 46

Manassas, Virginia, US

I'm not shy.  I have a massive inferiority complex.  Or is that the same thing?

Jan 10 06 08:57 pm Link


Sky Above

Posts: 250

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
...the photographer's dark secret?

I'm painfully shy.



OMG...Don this is too dayum funny!!!

Jan 10 06 09:03 pm Link



Posts: 12930

Eagan, Minnesota, US

I'm pretty shy too.  It's not a bad thing, especially if you are aware of it. smile

Jan 10 06 10:03 pm Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:

I was high school where it all started.  The taunting.  Pretty girls making fun of me.  Oh, the horror...the memories...


Stop inducing flashbacks, dammit!

Jan 10 06 10:08 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

who cares if you are shy, your models are not, and that is what counts!!!

Jan 10 06 10:12 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

who cares if you are shy, your models are not, and that is what counts!!!

Jan 10 06 10:16 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Timea Peterfia

Posts: 14

Austin, Texas, US

I worked with a photographer who was really shy and it put a lot of pressure on me to get the model comfortable.  I tend to be shy when I first meet people but once I'm comfortable with them, I open up.  I guess the best way to combat shyness is to get your mind off yourself and focus on your model.  Ask her questions about her work, her hobbies, or whatever.  Talk about TV, movies, anything.  I don't want to promote alcohol, but in worse case scenerio, have a glass of wine before the shoot...its relaxing.   Remember...I said a glass...not a  smile  Hope that helps.

Jan 10 06 10:27 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

I am not shy, but i cant pee in front of people.

Jan 10 06 10:34 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

It is always so interesting to me to see how many photographers who give off this big, fearless aura online really are quiet and bashful in person.  I think it's cute.  It says to me that who that person is, is really close to the surface, so they gotta be careful not to get trampled on.  Once someone like that trusts you, magic things happen between model and photographer.

Jan 11 06 12:59 am Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

used to be shy in my youth, took assertiveness training ,it works.

Jan 11 06 01:00 am Link


Alex Mercatali

Posts: 453

Forlì, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

You should try to work with a pro model that really scares the hell out of you smile
after this, you will be ready for everything!
My personal experience went like this, booked a pro Playboy/Pentahouse model for the usual nude shots, did not sleep at all the night before the shooting because I was afraid I wasn't up to the task, and after this, she came...
God only knows how I was TERRIFIED taking the photo...
but, to my surprise, she was a nice person, funny and not boring.
The dumb one was me, that still being shocked, formatted a CF with picture not yet transfered !  sad
Then after that day, you can tell me that I may be working with an hollywood actress that I don't mind smile

Jan 11 06 01:16 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Shyly wrote:
It is always so interesting to me to see how many photographers who give off this big, fearless aura online really are quiet and bashful in person.  I think it's cute.  It says to me that who that person is, is really close to the surface, so they gotta be careful not to get trampled on.  Once someone like that trusts you, magic things happen between model and photographer.

I could swear that you're talking about me.

I used to by painfully shy, and I'm still very quiet and reserved.  Few people (including myself) believe it when I tell them that I'm a Leo.

I have long been an observer, particularly of people.  I love to watch how they move, how they interact.  This is one of the traits that lends to my photography.  And the fact that photography (at least of people) is social by nature has strengthened my understanding of and empathy toward people, which has bettered both my professional life and my social life.

I'll be absolutely honest and say that I do need more work on assertiveness, but I can't imagine what my personality would be like without photography.  I really don't think I'd like myself very much at all.

Jan 11 06 04:57 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Becoming a cook and having to deal with customers and such on a daily basis really got me over my shyness about 15 years ago. The more you have to deal with people the less shy you should be over time.

Jan 11 06 04:59 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

So am I, at times. Go figure.

Jan 11 06 10:59 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

theda wrote:
So am I, at times. Go figure.

And then there is that bridge you are trying to sell.

Jan 11 06 11:15 am Link


John Van

Posts: 3122

Vienna, Wien, Austria

I think I'm sometimes shy, but people don't believe me when I tell them that...

Jan 11 06 11:17 am Link


Steele Photography

Posts: 40

Madison, Alabama, US

I’m shy as well, but that’s why I bought a camera to hide behind.

Jan 11 06 11:18 am Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

For the most part, I'm laid back, and sometimes a little boistrous, but last night, I was at Best Buy, and the girl at the CS desk helping us was so cute, had a great smile, and interacted really well with the people she was working with, and I wanted to ask her if she'd thought about modeling, but I completely choked! I couldn't even bring myself to get my wallet with my business cards out. Maybe that's shyness at self promotion, or maybe I have a secret shyness that no one knows about. *shhh, don't tell!*

I think being shy is very cute in a guy. My hubby used to be SO introverted; the sterotypical computer programmer. It's so attractive to think that there's something else underneath that you/they are hiding. big_smile

Jan 11 06 01:13 pm Link



Posts: 521

Maricopa, Arizona, US

I was painfully shy until I got conned into being the extemporaneous speaker for our high school speech team. We were given a topic to speak on when we arrived at the meet and had 1 hour to prepare a speech to be given in front of 20-60 people. I was terrible, but I knew that this was probably one of the worst public speaking situations I could ever be in. I came out of it much more confident in myself. Wouldn't recommend it for everyone, though..

Jan 11 06 01:15 pm Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

Oh, this is only about shyness and not other "dark secrets"? Cool. I didn't want to have to reveal where the bodies were buried.

Jan 11 06 02:30 pm Link


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I have a pretty outgoing personality, but I used to be very shy about meeting new people.  Before I graduated from school and started networking and going on job interviews I would get really nervous about things like making phone calls or setting up meetings.  In fact, the whole first year I was doing photography I never shot any people because I was too shy to set up meetings with models. 

So I guess, I wouldn't say I'm a shy person, but I have my shy moments.

Jan 11 06 02:45 pm Link



Posts: 3004

Toledo, Ohio, US

Shyly wrote:
Once someone like that trusts you, magic things happen between model and photographer.

Shyly you could never be MORE right than that....Unfortunately the model I had this relationship with, I no longer work with.. sad

I have what I consider to be social anxiety...It really sucks and it is one of the hardest things to live with because it literally turns me into a stresses out ball of goo...I finally have overcome the fear of shooting people for the most part...Doing their hair and makeup is a little difficult for me because I have to be so close to them and I dont know them...

here is my little secret...used to happen before but not so much reccently...

before every shoot I hopedand prayedhat they will cancel...but when they didnt I would just buck up and put on my game face...when they did cancel I regretted not shooting with them and got mad at myself for hoping they would cancel..

What a nutbag huh?

Jan 11 06 02:53 pm Link



Posts: 3004

Toledo, Ohio, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
I could swear that you're talking about me.

I used to by painfully shy, and I'm still very quiet and reserved.  Few people (including myself) believe it when I tell them that I'm a Leo.

I have long been an observer, particularly of people.  I love to watch how they move, how they interact.  This is one of the traits that lends to my photography.  And the fact that photography (at least of people) is social by nature has strengthened my understanding of and empathy toward people, which has bettered both my professional life and my social life.

I'll be absolutely honest and say that I do need more work on assertiveness, but I can't imagine what my personality would be like without photography.  I really don't think I'd like myself very much at all.

Hmm..Brian I feel ya..that is me described to the tee!!! Except I am scorpio...

It is great to see I am not the only nutbag out here!!!! tongue

Jan 11 06 02:54 pm Link


Cassandra Panek

Posts: 1569

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:

I was high school where it all started.  The taunting.  Pretty girls making fun of me.  Oh, the horror...the memories...


funny. that makes most people turn into psycho killers, not photographers....

or is there something you aren't telling us?

Jan 11 06 02:56 pm Link


T R Willmitch

Posts: 7173

Normal, Illinois, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
I was high school where it all started.  The taunting.  Pretty girls making fun of me.  Oh, the horror...the memories...


Wait a minute... that wasn't when I was in high school.  That was this morning!

Take care,
(The painfully shy) Tom

Jan 11 06 02:58 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

I shoot with shy photographers all the time.  Just don't be afraid to make suggestions-- quiet is one thing, but we really do need to know when a chunk of hair is doing something weird, or we're posing in a way that causes unsightly things to happen. :p

Jan 11 06 03:17 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Dee wrote:
Except I am scorpio...

Me too.  A very shy Scorpio.


Jan 11 06 06:04 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:

Me too.  A very shy Scorpio.



Jan 11 06 06:08 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Scorpios are my favorite sign....and my specialty is shy ones.

However, back to topic....I think that almost all of us that are bigmouths (fastfingers? what is the literary version...i forget) online are quite a bit shyer in person. It is actually quite funny. If you took all the most loquacious (there, found the word) people on this site and stuck them in a room together, there would be a huge uncomfortable silence....until someone brought out a lot of liquor. lol.

My problem is that I am uncomfortable until I can align myself with people (usually a few hours to a few days) and until then i am a nervous talker. I manage to make myself sound like a much freakier person than I am. Really I am pretty normal. But my belief is the biggest posters are the biggest nerds.....

Jan 11 06 06:11 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Lapis wrote:
But my belief is the biggest posters are the biggest nerds.....

Screw you! It's not true! It's not...


It is true.

Never mind.

Jan 11 06 11:15 pm Link



Posts: 295

Killeen, Texas, US

I'm perfectly fine when it comes to work situations. When I have to be professional I remember that I'm there for a reason and that's what gets me through. Outside of that type of situation I've had to work really hard to cure my shyness. I hit my height really early and got picked on alot at school by classmates and at home by my mom and didn't become more comfortable with it until a few years ago. I still have days though were the thought of being around new people terrifies me.

Jan 11 06 11:26 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Dee wrote:

Shyly you could never be MORE right than that....Unfortunately the model I had this relationship with, I no longer work with.. sad

I have what I consider to be social anxiety...It really sucks and it is one of the hardest things to live with because it literally turns me into a stresses out ball of goo...I finally have overcome the fear of shooting people for the most part...Doing their hair and makeup is a little difficult for me because I have to be so close to them and I dont know them...

here is my little secret...used to happen before but not so much reccently...

before every shoot I hopedand prayedhat they will cancel...but when they didnt I would just buck up and put on my game face...when they did cancel I regretted not shooting with them and got mad at myself for hoping they would cancel..

What a nutbag huh?

I can totally relate to this - I think I have some form of social anxiety. But tis getting easier to deal with new people and situations the more I have to do that sort of thing. But I can totally relate to hoping someone would cancel before a shoot; I've had that experience many a time. With me, I'm so paranoid about doing a crappy job as a photographer I get nervous now mostly because of that. And if I get a paying client I'm extremely nervous before, during and after a photo session. Hopefully that will get easier to deal with too... Maybe I should switch to product photography smile.


Jan 12 06 12:22 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

theda wrote:

Screw you! It's not true! It's not...


It is true.

Never mind.

Yeah, we have evidence in the Star Trek thread.  tongue

Jan 12 06 02:02 pm Link



Posts: 457

San Diego, California, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
I'm painfully shy.


Could'a fooled me, Don!  : D


Jan 12 06 03:16 pm Link