Forums > General Industry > Raining on the parade

Wardrobe Stylist

Dave the design student

Posts: 45198

Detroit, Michigan, US

rp_photo wrote:
Didn't our teachers/parents/etc always say "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything."?

That really said it all.

Anyway, there are two types of honesty, negative and supportive.  In all of the art forms practiced here there are really only a handful of elements that come together and once you understand the language you can read a photo in less than one or two seconds. 

For fashion it's:  Line, color, texture, silhouette, fit, material selection, wearability, creativity and age and application appropriateness.

For photography its lens, location, lighting, filter, depth, atmosphere, format, processing technique, composition.

Look at a few tens of thousands of photos and it becomes like reading a book written in english or whatever your native language.  The lists are short and go for each art form:  Makeup, Hair, Art Direction, etc. there are about twelve creative departments in putting together an ad.

Instead of going down the list negatively unless of course some asks you to becuase they are not familiar with it yet through usage, why not pick one thing that they can improve on and use your experience to guide them in one or two sentences.

Most peopel are just excited about their progress and want to share it with someone who will acknowledge them.  That's why it becomes obvious who's here for friends, who's here for cash and who's here because their lonely, angry, etc...  Takes all types

Jan 11 06 07:26 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Dave the design student

Posts: 45198

Detroit, Michigan, US

Hey Tony, I'll write you but since at least one person here used to compete, I was Naska #1 & 2 rated and trained with Michael Bernardo (London) and Richard Plowden (Detroit) among others.  Anyone elese reading Tony's statement that agree's or competes should drop a line...

Just to follow up on the previous statement, champions are rarely made by negative training, those people end up dropping out and lives and careers can be destroyed.  It takes true strength to realize that people aren't weak, but they may be fragile.  A weak person is someone who cracks a fragile person. 

Join the dark side Luke...(where's the lord vader emoticon?)

The good thing about public forums is that if a GWC says that every pretty girl is perfect and ignores technical aspects then it will place him within the creative heirarchy for better or worse.    If he's fine with his pole position, then so am I.

I personally don't believe in stating something I wouldn't state twice and believe whole heartedly.  That's why I state one positive thing that is spot on, if I can't fine more than one.

Jan 11 06 07:35 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

rp_photo wrote:
Didn't our teachers/parents/etc always say "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything."?

A lot of psychology is at play here.

Yeah, but then they complained about me being too quiet and they just can't have it both ways.

I don't volunteer unpleasantries, but if someone asks, I might just tell them.

Jan 11 06 11:18 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

...Stacy wrote:
white knight my ass, if ten people told me i sucked, i'd leave.  better things to do with my time.  It's like a public service.  your wasting your time.  do porn, etc.  honestly,  Most people have other things they can do, so if your not 'meant to be'  do them.  I would be a fantastic tarot card reader if the modeling thing dosn't pan out, and i won't feel bad about it at all.

"rain" makes the flowers grow!


If you can read the cards then you can read your future and decide if you are wasting your time can't you??

Jan 12 06 01:30 am Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Hamza wrote:

If you can read the cards then you can read your future and decide if you are wasting your time can't you??

Hmmm...someone doesn't understand the concept of tarot.

Jan 12 06 10:35 am Link