Forums > General Industry > Photography vs Your Job


Eli Anthony

Posts: 550

Mentor, Ohio, US

For those of you who have another job besides photography or modeling, do you keep the 2 separated? Does anyone at your work know that your involved in photography or modeling? I've never had an issue with it, I've done some photography work for the owner of the company I work for.

Jan 10 06 02:22 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Eli Anthony wrote:
For those of you who have another job besides photography or modeling, do you keep the 2 separated? Does anyone at your work know that your involved in photography or modeling? I've never had an issue with it, I've done some photography work for the owner of the company I work for.

Always separated.  Got laid off once, partly because of it.

I also once had this following conversation with one HR Manager (an older grumpy lady) who found my website (why she was doing it, I don't know) and brought me into the conference room (Fortune 1000 company, mind you).

HR:  "Leo, I found out that you do photography."
Me:  "Yes, in my spare time, so?"
HR:  "You hang out with models?"
Me:  "Er...sure, I have some model friends."
HR:  "Is your girlfriend a model?"
Me:  "Why are you asking?"
HR:  "Well, our founder is a conservative Christian, and I am quite positive that he would consider models whores (her words exactly).  I would strongly advise you to stop doing photography and stop hanging out with them, or I can't guarantee the consequences." 

Jan 10 06 03:31 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Well, I got laid off the day after Christmas. But, yea some of them knew. I also used my photography as a bargaining tool with my boss. He has a 10 month old baby. Parents are suckers for photos of their kid. So,,,,,,when I needed days off or whatever I sucked up and offered free shoots anytime he wanted,lol.

Jan 10 06 03:34 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

I think they know...


The Babe Ruth/Lou Gerhig poster, the horse, the picture above the C-17 and the sail boats are NOT mine.

Jan 10 06 03:41 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

I had a cubicle like this where I had that HR conversation.  There was this photo of my then-girlfriend, who was fully decently clothed in just a very normal position (nothing suggestive).  The woman next to me claimed sexual harassment.  I claimed jealousy.  smile

Jan 10 06 05:30 pm Link



Posts: 1779

Denver, Colorado, US

I keep the 2 seperated because the 2 are like night and day and mixing them would just now make me happy at all. Work knows about my photography since some of the managers and supervisors have seen me editing pics before work and during lunch. If they like my photography or not I really don't care. It's not for them heh heh smile

Would I ever do photography for my job? Never. The place just does not interest me in any artistic sense no matter how hard I have looked.

Jan 10 06 05:40 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

I used to. Now I just want out of this job. I still don't talk about it much.

Jan 10 06 05:43 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

lll wrote:
I had a cubicle like this where I had that HR conversation.  There was this photo of my then-girlfriend, who was fully decently clothed in just a very normal position (nothing suggestive).  The woman next to me claimed sexual harassment.  I claimed jealousy.  smile

They have "official" photography from very well-known photographers are are more suggestive/revealing than any of those I have pinned up.  They come after me, I go after them. 

What's funny to is my area has become a "tourism" spot as guests are brought by.

Jan 10 06 05:44 pm Link


Bluemoon Photography

Posts: 202

Cranston, Rhode Island, US

lll wrote:

Always separated.  Got laid off once, partly because of it.

I also once had this following conversation with one HR Manager (an older grumpy lady) who found my website (why she was doing it, I don't know) and brought me into the conference room (Fortune 1000 company, mind you).

HR:  "Leo, I found out that you do photography."
Me:  "Yes, in my spare time, so?"
HR:  "You hang out with models?"
Me:  "Er...sure, I have some model friends."
HR:  "Is your girlfriend a model?"
Me:  "Why are you asking?"
HR:  "Well, our founder is a conservative Christian, and I am quite positive that he would consider models whores (her words exactly).  I would strongly advise you to stop doing photography and stop hanging out with them, or I can't guarantee the consequences." 

Jan 10 06 05:48 pm Link


Dan Gallegos

Posts: 75

Little Rock, Arkansas, US

Yeah they know I do photography on my off time. I work for two federal judges as a law clerk and had to get it approved. It was approved and the next day I had a request to do and offical photo. Of course I did not charge for it mainly because it was done during working hours. Both of the Judges are real laid back and have set dockets which makes it easy to take time off or a long lunch to meet with clients.

Jan 10 06 05:57 pm Link


Bini Chohan

Posts: 12

lll wrote:

Always separated.  Got laid off once, partly because of it.

I also once had this following conversation with one HR Manager (an older grumpy lady) who found my website (why she was doing it, I don't know) and brought me into the conference room (Fortune 1000 company, mind you).

HR:  "Leo, I found out that you do photography."
Me:  "Yes, in my spare time, so?"
HR:  "You hang out with models?"
Me:  "Er...sure, I have some model friends."
HR:  "Is your girlfriend a model?"
Me:  "Why are you asking?"
HR:  "Well, our founder is a conservative Christian, and I am quite positive that he would consider models whores (her words exactly).  I would strongly advise you to stop doing photography and stop hanging out with them, or I can't guarantee the consequences." 

Jan 10 06 05:58 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Bluemoon Photography wrote:
F**k em. or sue em'.  Who wants to work for someone like that anyway. I hate christians. Lowercase c. And conservitives. lowercase SOBs.

LOL  Unfortunately, spare-time-work-ism is not a protected category.

I was glad I got laid off, seriously.  Found a better job later anyway.  Their loss.

Jan 10 06 06:03 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

lll wrote:
[HR:  "Leo, I found out that you do photography."
Me:  "Yes, in my spare time, so?"
HR:  "You hang out with models?"
Me:  "Er...sure, I have some model friends."
HR:  "Is your girlfriend a model?"
Me:  "Why are you asking?"
HR:  "Well, our founder is a conservative Christian, and I am quite positive that he would consider models whores (her words exactly).  I would strongly advise you to stop doing photography and stop hanging out with them, or I can't guarantee the consequences." 

Jan 10 06 06:11 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

rp_photo wrote:
Sounds like a religious discrimination case could be made out of this, if you chose do so!

Nope.  Lawyers said I had very little case.  Her words against mine in a conference room with no witness.  It sucks.  But I am over it now.  It's been quite a few years back.

Now my students think I am cool.  smile

Jan 10 06 06:20 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Back in the late 70's, when just about every college student smoked the evil weed (myself included), there were those with whom you could discuss smoking, and those you could not. Those that you could talk about it with were known as "cool".

The same is true with photography in that I have "cool" co-workers. My company as a whole is photographer-friendly, and there are at least two other DSLR owners that I know of out of app. 150 employees. There are about six more avid high-end digital P&S users.

My photo site has a few images that might qualify as R-rated, more likely PG-13. This is my "hottest" gallery:

Everything outside of this one is PG-13 or less.

When I get more into figure-type work, I am going to build yet another page that will be password-protected. On a case-by-case basis, I will disclose the address to those that are "coolest", mostly models and photographers as opposed to co-workers.

Jan 10 06 06:25 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Most of my jobs have been so opposite of photography (litigation firms) that at the very least my employer would be slightly interested in seeing my work but fortunately never threatened.

I could see why some companies would consider photography or modeling a “conflict of interestâ€? especially if they were a huge retailer or highly visible product. 

My present employer could take me full swing into F/T photography (huge graphics company) which would totally blow my mind.

Weird how these things work wink

Jan 10 06 06:25 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

no I don't keep them seperated, I don't have to.  I'm a beatnick, so no one care what i do in my spare time.


Mine's a charmed life.

Jan 10 06 06:27 pm Link



Posts: 349

Berkeley, California, US

mostly separate, but some people in at my day job know that I have side hobbies that include photography.  They don't know exactly what I shoot though

Jan 10 06 06:37 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Almost all of them know, and several of them are part of my critique crew.  A couple have been forbidden by their wives to look at the naked chicks I photograph from time to time, but the guys I work with are happy enough about what I do.  wink  I don't have any photos up - I'm the front desk wench, so it's not really appropriate, not a private enough area.

Jan 10 06 07:08 pm Link


Richard Beebe

Posts: 217

Tracy, California, US

lll wrote:
Always separated.  Got laid off once, partly because of it.

I also once had this following conversation with one HR Manager (an older grumpy lady) who found my website (why she was doing it, I don't know) and brought me into the conference room (Fortune 1000 company, mind you).

HR:  "Leo, I found out that you do photography."
Me:  "Yes, in my spare time, so?"
HR:  "You hang out with models?"
Me:  "Er...sure, I have some model friends."
HR:  "Is your girlfriend a model?"
Me:  "Why are you asking?"
HR:  "Well, our founder is a conservative Christian, and I am quite positive that he would consider models whores (her words exactly).  I would strongly advise you to stop doing photography and stop hanging out with them, or I can't guarantee the consequences." 

Jan 10 06 07:09 pm Link


Eli Anthony

Posts: 550

Mentor, Ohio, US

My boss and I share the same interest in electronics, so our conversations will go from Blu-Ray to HDTV to the newest Nikon, Canon, Olympus, etc. Got offered to help get some of the female co-workers involved in the promotional flyers and web stuff.

Jan 10 06 07:25 pm Link



Posts: 5

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

My job is #1 to me, i keep modelling completely separate from it. I've showed a couple coworkers photos though smile

Jan 10 06 07:31 pm Link



Posts: 457

San Diego, California, US

Mine are basically separate, although lots (most) of the people I work with know that I also do photography, one of the main reasons being that this is what I generally take time off for.  So when I request a week off in June to go to Miami for Fitness Universe, I let them know what it is, so they're aware that it's a SPECIFIC event I'll be attending, and not some random time off to visit family or wahtever, that would be possible to reschedule at a more convenient time for the company.

It's important to note that I work for a hi-tech photo-reolated company (photo printers), so there's plenty of photo enthusiats around here.  I've even worked with a couple of other guys in the past who were also part-time pros, like myself.  Of my current batch of co-workers, they're all hobbyists, but a couple are pretty serious.. one of whom I recently sold an old lens to!  The other guy shoots Canon... LOL!

As far as my cube, I dcorated my old one in a different building with some of my work, but NEVER what you'd see in my port!  Random scenic stuff only...  and my current cube is completely bare.  No way I could get away with posting 'girlie' pics.

Jan 10 06 07:52 pm Link


John Van

Posts: 3122

Vienna, Wien, Austria

I currently work from home, so it doesn't matter right now. I wouldn't tell my large corporate client, though, about the glamour photography I do.

At my previous job, a few guys knew I did glamour and we joked about it. They always wanted to volunteer as assistants. Everybody else knew I was into photography, if only because my stuff from B&H would arrive there. I became the digital camera guru, though I found myself constantly telling them that a $400 digicam for the annual vacation pictures was a waste of money...

I'm facing another quandary in a few months, when we're moving to a small country in Europe where my wife will have a job dealing with local bigwigs. Although Europe of course is much more open toward nudity, we're not sure it would be wise for me to shoot glamour there.

Jan 10 06 08:06 pm Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

I've always let coworkers know I do photography as a hobby.  I even use many of my photos to make my area more comfortable.  When I decided to move to AZ, I donated my office photos to my coworkers.

Out here, I let them know I do photography, but only show them my "tame" material (too many puritanical idiots work here).

Jan 11 06 09:53 am Link


alliece james

Posts: 10

New York, New York, US

I only started modeling in september 05 ...It was hard to keep the two seperate because my boss is not a very understanding person and she wanted me to start working on weekends (not getting paid over time) So I quit... these are my final days...Jan 20th is the end of my 6years employment.. The bright side is Ill be able to focus more on modeling an perfect my craft ...

Jan 11 06 10:05 am Link


Dogbone Alt-Process

Posts: 1016

Llano, Texas, US

I think the numerous alt-process prints on my wall at work are enough of a clue. My boss enjoys seeing new work and I get to sneak into the university's darkroom if students aren't using it.

Jan 11 06 11:18 am Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

For those of you who have another job besides photography or modeling, do you keep the 2 separated? Does anyone at your work know that your involved in photography or modeling?

I have something of a web presence, so new employers always end up Googling my name after my resume comes in.  Even though I don't do nudes, it has almost kept me from getting (at least) my current job and the one before it.  In both cases, they went ahead and interviewed me although they had reservations.  In both cases, once they saw what I'm like in person (think mousey computer nerd girl), they were comfortable offering me a position with the company.  (WHEW.)  After hearing about it this last time, I made the modelling and burlesque sections on my website slightly harder to find.
Even with all that, I heard from one coworker that an industry friend of his calls me a "stripper".  Dude has either never been to a strip club, or has never seen a burlesque show and is making uninformed assumptions.  (And we all know what happens when you assume.)

Jan 11 06 05:19 pm Link


MDG13 Dellamorte

Posts: 36

Highland, Indiana, US

my job knows, so ive become the the official photographer of the office.unfortunately they dont give me a separate check for doing it. oh well, keeps them happy.

Jan 11 06 05:26 pm Link



Posts: 229

New York, New York, US

I quit my day job! I was working for Homeland Security, checking for bombs at NY airports.
One day I said "fuck this I wanna take pics for a living" and I never looked back....
it's ok to be jealous smile

Jan 12 06 04:35 am Link



Posts: 272

San Diego, California, US

I work for  huge retailer and some people know about my photography. never an issue since my big boss is a photographer himself. I even have some of my co-workers willing to pose or me. pretty cool smile

Jan 12 06 05:06 am Link


Prose Photography

Posts: 1419

Glendale, Arizona, US

People at work know I do photography and some of them even check out my website every Monday to see what the latest work is.  But other than having my hard-copy portfolio occassionally on my desk (you don't leave that in your car in Arizona) I never have anything openly on display. 

Too many sexual harrasment seminars later I learned that you can get in trouble becuase some got their panties bunched over the most innocent of pictures.  After all, both beauty and porn is in the eye of the beholder.

I've been approached by co-workers who knew of my external job to do work with them.  But any such work I do NEVER gets posted - anywhere.  But I would never solicite a co-worker, no matter how good they looked.

I did have, for a time, a sign in my cubicle stateing "Yes, I'm a photographer and no, I don't do weddings".  That always got a laugh.

Jan 12 06 10:53 am Link



Posts: 14

Miami, Florida, US

Although i do keep them seperate, everyone at my job knows what i do they've seen my website and work in other places, hell i've even had some of the top execs offer to come along on shoots and assist for free.

Jan 12 06 02:09 pm Link