Forums > General Industry > What to do when a photographer I met here.............



Posts: 184

Rawlins, Wyoming, US

Jun 03 05 10:23 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Sorry to hear that.

It is SO WEIRD to me that photographers flake-out. In almost 10 years of shooting I have NEVER stood up a model. And I've only cancelled once that I can recall.

And, with all due respect to your homestate, no one living in Wyoming should flake out. I doubt the "talent pool" is very large there.

Jun 03 05 10:29 am Link


Marcello H Photography

Posts: 86

Temple, Texas, US

This is very unfortunate. Getting a model for a shoot is not an easy job for some of us (I'm still shooting relatives!) and to see this type of behavior going on from a photographer is very disturbing.
To prevent this from happening to another model,if I were you, I would just expose him right here on MM. Some people just need a good spanking every once in a while!

Jun 03 05 10:43 am Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Posted by TinajaLove: 
doesn't show after all the expense of getting ready for the shoot?

I'm so sorry to hear that Tina. I am meeting with 2 photographers next week that I met on here. I think this is a great place to meet great artists. But don't let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch!!

Do you mind telling me the name of the photog? I do not want that to happen to me! Oh, and dont' post it in here, cause then it will just turn into a wildfire of postings hahaha. I would really appreciate for my personal wellbeing.

I plan on traveling later on this summer to California! I PRAY nothing like happens to me. Oh, and I'm curious, did your photog. offer to give you any kind of contact/an excuse or anything?! If not then that really sux.

Don't let it get you down pretty,

Jun 03 05 10:44 am Link


Wicked Hailey

Posts: 94

Round Rock, Texas, US

Although I occationally have to cancel a shoot, I always do it with pleanty of notice to the model. I really hate when photographers do this because it makes all of us look bad. I would suggest that you post your story and let others know - it may be a one time incident but it still happened. Make sure others know what you went through.

Jun 03 05 11:08 am Link



Posts: 184

Rawlins, Wyoming, US

Well, It wasnt me, but I was shooting with him next! Im supposed to shoot with him this week, he has not contacted me so I am sure he is a flaker! He has alot of tags to work with him. Should I tell?

Jun 03 05 11:12 am Link


Dan RI

Posts: 137

Providence, Rhode Island, US

Posted by TinajaLove: 
Well, It wasnt me, but I was shooting with him next! Im supposed to shoot with him this week, he has not contacted me so I am sure he is a flaker! He has alot of tags to work with him. Should I tell?

So you are speaking for someone else and you just heard that he missed a photoshoot?  So you are going to EXPOSE HIM even though nothing was done to you?
So tell who was this person that it was done to?
If it was not even you then how are we to know if the photographer did not contact the model. 
Either way,  it should be done privately unless both parties that WERE INVOLVED agree to dish the dirt.
It is unfortunate that this happened to the model in question(not you writing this thread).   But I have my doubts that a photographer with limited access to models would shoot himself in the foot.

Jun 03 05 11:30 am Link


Joe Koz

Posts: 1981

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

hummm .. second hand rumor so far. I prefer to get my rumors first hand.

Could the photographer have had an emergency. Maybe got hit by a bus? I'd reserve judgement until I heard the photographer's side of the story.

Jun 03 05 11:38 am Link


Wicked Hailey

Posts: 94

Round Rock, Texas, US

Oh yeah - second hand knowledge doesn't work for me. Unless he ditches you...then no go. It is not your place. You never know what was arranged and how things went down.
I had a model who misunderstood several times where I was telling her to go and she bad mouthed me about it...turns out she just didn't get what I was telling her (even with a map and specific instructions...)

Jun 03 05 11:42 am Link


Dan RI

Posts: 137

Providence, Rhode Island, US

Posted by Joe Kozlowski: 
hummm .. second hand rumor so far. I prefer to get my rumors first hand.

Could the photographer have had an emergency. Maybe got hit by a bus? I'd reserve judgement until I heard the photographer's side of the story.

I agree with you.  At least if the rumor was from the model in question not from someone who heard about it then it might be at discussable.
Is this junior high school?

Jun 03 05 11:46 am Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Sometimes I think it's grade school...

Posted by !MDF: 

Posted by Joe Kozlowski: 
hummm .. second hand rumor so far. I prefer to get my rumors first hand.

Could the photographer have had an emergency. Maybe got hit by a bus? I'd reserve judgement until I heard the photographer's side of the story.

At least the rumor from the model in question not from someone who heard about it.

Is this junior high school?

Jun 03 05 11:57 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US


Jun 03 05 11:58 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

I'd simply contact him to confirm your shoot date.  Given that this is second hand, I'd give the guy a chance before dismissing him.

Jun 03 05 12:13 pm Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

If you're set to shoot with a photographer who's stood up another model you know, I would tell you to ask him to explain his no-call/no-show with your friend and name the model who told you.
This way the photographer will know that it's not a good idea to od this to models as it my affect his future opportunities.


Posted by TinajaLove: 
doesn't show after all the expense of getting ready for the shoot?

Jun 03 05 01:35 pm Link


Joe Koz

Posts: 1981

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by !MDF: 

Posted by Joe Kozlowski: 
hummm .. second hand rumor so far. I prefer to get my rumors first hand.

Could the photographer have had an emergency. Maybe got hit by a bus? I'd reserve judgement until I heard the photographer's side of the story.

At least the rumor from the model in question not from someone who heard about it.

Is this junior high school?

If reserving judgement until all the facts are in is, as you suggest, "high school" ... then I guess I'm "high school".

Jun 03 05 01:49 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

My advice is to contact the photographer and ask for a confirmation by a certain time. If the confirmation does not come email them and tell them the shoot is canceled because of the lack of confirmation. I have had to do this to several models. Sure beats having a no show.


Jun 03 05 01:49 pm Link


WNC Photography

Posts: 26

Hendersonville, North Carolina, US

Posted by TinajaLove: 
doesn't show after all the expense of getting ready for the shoot?

Apparently, based upon another post that you made, you have no complaint against the photographer -- it is a friend of yours that might have a complaint. 

So, I say would say speak for yourself and let your friend speak for herself.  No need to be a busy body and post information, on behalf of someone else, that might, or might not, be an accurate and complete representation of the facts and the issues involved.

Jun 03 05 03:57 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Why woudl someone even waste the time to post for someone else... acusing someone of somthing that person only told them about....


Clarification is needed.

Jun 03 05 09:14 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Posted by Shayuma: 

I'm so sorry to hear that Tina. I am meeting with 2 photographers next week that I met on here. ~Shayuma

You cancelled on me, i'm calling the cops!

lol, just kidding. i'll see you next weekend. Hopefully a Saturday so we can get this MUA on your cheeks.

Jun 03 05 09:58 pm Link


Hel Inferna

Posts: 112

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

i've had photogs not show up, it happens, it sucks, move on

Jun 03 05 10:07 pm Link



Posts: 184

Rawlins, Wyoming, US

I spoke to her several times and today, he has not called here or returned her calls........ not rumors ok..... I never said I was going to expose him, back up hon .. We were just asking opinions and i got yours.

Posted by !MDF: 

Posted by TinajaLove: 
Well, It wasnt me, but I was shooting with him next! Im supposed to shoot with him this week, he has not contacted me so I am sure he is a flaker! He has alot of tags to work with him. Should I tell?

So you are speaking for someone else and you just heard that he missed a photoshoot?  So you are going to EXPOSE HIM even though nothing was done to you?
So tell who was this person that it was done to?
If it was not even you then how are we to know if the photographer did not contact the model. 
Either way,  it should be done privately unless both parties that WERE INVOLVED agree to dish the dirt.
It is unfortunate that this happened to the model in question(not you writing this thread).   But I have my doubts that a photographer with limited access to models would shoot himself in the foot.

Jun 04 05 11:50 pm Link



Posts: 184

Rawlins, Wyoming, US

She is model #7419.Like I said, she asked for help about what to do, so I became INVOLVED, thanks anyway for your opinion.

So tell who was this person that it was done to?
If it was not even you then how are we to know if the photographer did not contact the model. 
Either way,  it should be done privately unless both parties that WERE INVOLVED agree to dish the dirt.
It is unfortunate that this happened to the model in question(not you writing this thread).   But I have my doubts that a photographer with limited access to models would shoot himself in the foot.

Jun 04 05 11:58 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Posted by TinajaLove: 
Well, It wasnt me, but I was shooting with him next! Im supposed to shoot with him this week, he has not contacted me so I am sure he is a flaker! He has alot of tags to work with him. Should I tell?

Really,  Maybe you should learn to use the delete button before using the Reply button.

Jun 05 05 12:11 am Link



Posts: 184

Rawlins, Wyoming, US

Whatever! so much for asking everyones opinion.....

Jun 05 05 12:15 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Thing is, this doesn't make him a "bad photographer." Just means he screwed up. So now you have to look at it like this; who's loss was it, his or yours?

Jun 05 05 08:01 am Link