Forums > General Industry > Illegal use of Images/body



Posts: 18

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Hi All,
So here is my dilema... I finished a film recently where they had to cast a mold of my breasts for a special effect in the film. The producer is now trying to mass produce my breasts for sale as erotic wall art on Ebay. I told him I did not give my permission for this and it is not stated in my contract that his intent was to market, merchandise and mass produce my breasts for re-sale. I called him and told him i did not give my permission to this at all... and his intent was never stated in the contract. He agreed to take it down and cease selling them. Behind my back he contacted the FX artist and told him to continue pouring molds... what do y'all think??

Any info is greatly appreciated.

Jan 06 06 10:40 am Link


House of Indulgence

Posts: 585

New York, New York, US

I say have your lawyer send a Cease and Desist order. Then see if you can have an injunction to halt ant post production work on the film and related properties untill the mater is sorted out. This way you can control his actions and the films progress. NAIL HIM TO THE WALL! smile

Jan 06 06 10:43 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Sue the bitchez!

Without actually seeing the contract (or havin' me one o' them JDs), I can't tell you anything definitive.  Your best bet is to talk to an attorney who specializes in entertainment law.

Jan 06 06 10:43 am Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

You will have to prove they're yours. Even gaining or losing 1 ounce, if it's in the wrong place, and the they may not fit the mold. They can say there anyones breasts. I don't know, but I don't see this as an easy case. At this point they could have already replaced the mold with another similarly built models breast. And, if they have a general release and you got paid, they may have permission already for any image, part or otherwise to reproduce for any reason, including publicity or recouping investment on the project. It's really iffy.

Jan 06 06 10:49 am Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

i agree he is an ASS but the thing is could he say there not hers i know it is a mold but would it not be hard if he know what he was doing to modify them so the mold would not fit or some thing or what would happen if he said that that mold was destroyed and he sculpted the ones that are being sold then it would not be your breasts he is selling how would one prove the case

Jan 06 06 10:51 am Link



Posts: 18

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

I have the FX artist that made the mold as well as cast and crew that know that it is me. He has also posted a nude picture of me as well as my full name on Ebay claiming they are mine.

Jan 06 06 10:52 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Ok, time to call a lawyer who enjoys raw meat.

Jan 06 06 10:57 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Ched wrote:
Ok, time to call a lawyer who enjoys raw meat.

That doesn't narrow it down...

Jan 06 06 10:58 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

House of Indulgence wrote:
I say have your lawyer send a Cease and Desist order. Then see if you can have an injunction to halt ant post production work on the film and related properties untill the mater is sorted out. This way you can control his actions and the films progress. NAIL HIM TO THE WALL! smile

Do you think that may or may not have future repercussions to the young lady's modeling & acting career?  I am really asking -- I don't know.

My personal philosophy is that when you get lawyers involved in a dispute, it'll automatically get nasty.  Thus, lawyers are a last resort.  My advice is to try once more to have a direct, specific, and constructive conversation with the parties involved, clearly outlining the consequences of their continued use of the, umm, materials.  Be clear that you will not be satisfied until the, umm, devices are either handed over to you or destroyed.

Jan 06 06 10:59 am Link



Posts: 1

New York, New York, US

Hey there how are you .. I'm a personal trainer in NYC ... I have been training for 6 years.. and I'm looking for private clients hit me up if you know anyone that is intersted in my services ... i train alot of models and get to where they need to be ... and really cheap too...

Jan 06 06 11:02 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Miss Anthropy

Posts: 223

Portland, Oregon, US

No offense but why would anyone pay or think that anyone else would pay to see your titties? I don't get that but yes the guy is a complete ass.  You don't say if you were actually IN the film or just the boob double but I would think that this would fall under abuse of the contract or AT LEAST In a grey area. I agree with a ceace and desist, to the producer AND the Sfx House and hire a really good lawyer.

Jan 06 06 11:02 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Legend wrote:
Hey there how are you .. I'm a personal trainer in NYC ... I have been training for 6 years.. and I'm looking for private clients hit me up if you know anyone that is intersted in my services ... i train alot of models and get to where they need to be ... and really cheap too...

Hi, there. I'm a spammer.  I post irrelevent ads! If I keep doing it, I'll probably be banned!

Jan 06 06 11:03 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Miss Anthropy

Posts: 223

Portland, Oregon, US

Legend wrote:
Hey there how are you .. I'm a personal trainer in NYC ... I have been training for 6 years.. and I'm looking for private clients hit me up if you know anyone that is intersted in my services ... i train alot of models and get to where they need to be ... and really cheap too...

HiJakking other people's threads for irrelevant and shameless self promotion isn't very nice

Jan 06 06 11:06 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

While I am a licensed attorney, I may or may not be licensed to practice in your jurisdiction, and this is not legal advice.

In Illinois, you'd probably have no case *unless* your contract with the producer somehow addresses the issue.

From 765 ILCS 1075/5, "Right of Publicity Act:"

"Identity" means any attribute of an individual that serves to identify that individual to an ordinary, reasonable viewer or listener, including but not limited to (i) name, (ii) signature, (iii) photograph, (iv) image, (v) likeness, or (vi) voice.

Now, if your *face* were part of the mold, to the point where you could be identified by an ordinary, reasonable viewer, you'd be all set. But unless your breasts are REALLY distinctive, there's no way that an ordinary, reasonable viewer could tell that the art was your likeness, so your right of publicity is not being infringed. The mold was made with your consent, it's now ordinary personal property, the producer owns it, and he can do what he likes with it. You do not have a copyright or other Federally protectable right in the shape of your breasts. I do not see any way to legally prevent this action in my example state.

However, state laws vary widely. The relevant law for the state of New York appears to be N.Y. Civil Rights Law §§ 50, 51, which looks just about as unhelpful. Please consult an experienced attorney in your jurisdiction.


Jan 06 06 11:07 am Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Legend wrote:
Hey there how are you .. I'm a personal trainer in NYC ... I have been training for 6 years.. and I'm looking for private clients hit me up if you know anyone that is intersted in my services ... i train alot of models and get to where they need to be ... and really cheap too...

This was kind of corny and out of place.. but maybe it's just because I'm a fat photographer...

Jan 06 06 11:07 am Link



Posts: 18

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

I was a lead actress in the film. I drafted a letter to him re-stating our phone conversation and how he agreed to stop selling them and take them down. Asked for him to sign and return via fax to me. He basically emailed me and said " I can do what I want and you agreed not to take legal action" the contract states legal action regarding my performance. My breasts have nothing to do w/ my performance. And I can't beleive that this slime ball would have the right to run off copies of my breasts from now to eternity! I also know that he does not at this time have any molds in his possesion as none have been made. He is falsly selling an item that does not exsist yet.

Jan 06 06 11:07 am Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

I think this is the wrong place to ask, period.

The best we can do is telling you that he is an ass.  Talk to an attorney.

I can, however, see that it might be hard to prove if the thing they sell don't identify you as the "owner" of those breasts in anyway.

But then again, talk to a lawyer.

Jan 06 06 11:08 am Link


wishingtree photography

Posts: 1042

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

I agree that you need a lawyer to deal with this.  One thing you can try short term -- preferably through a lawyer -- is to contact ebay and inform them of the dispute.  They might de-list the item.  Good luck.  Cheers.

Jan 06 06 11:08 am Link


JM Dean

Posts: 8931

Cary, North Carolina, US

theda wrote:

Hi, there. I'm a spammer.  I post irrelevent ads! If I keep doing it, I'll probably be banned!

LMAO! Hopefully he put this in the incorrect forum by mistake.

Back to topic. Looks like he is stiil selling them on the film site.

Jan 06 06 11:09 am Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

House of Indulgence wrote:
I say have your lawyer send a Cease and Desist order. Then see if you can have an injunction to halt ant post production work on the film and related properties untill the mater is sorted out. This way you can control his actions and the films progress. NAIL HIM TO THE WALL! smile

make sure you print out the section to have evidence form ebay in color
and you may even want to purchase a unit your self more evidence.

Jan 06 06 11:10 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

StMarc wrote:
While I am a licensed attorney, I may or may not be licensed to practice in your jurisdiction, and this is not legal advice.

In Illinois, you'd probably have no case.

From 765 ILCS 1075/5, "Right of Publicity Act:"

"Identity" means any attribute of an individual that serves to identify that individual to an ordinary, reasonable viewer or listener, including but not limited to (i) name, (ii) signature, (iii) photograph, (iv) image, (v) likeness, or (vi) voice.

Now, if your *face* were part of the mold, to the point where you could be identified by an ordinary, reasonable viewer, you'd be all set. But unless your breasts are REALLY distinctive, there's no way that an ordinary, reasonable viewer could tell that the art was your likeness, so your right of publicity is not being infringed. The mold was made with your consent, it's now ordinary personal property, the producer owns it, and he can do what he likes with it. You do not have a copyright or other Federally protectable right in the shape of your breasts. I do not see any way to legally prevent this action in my example state.

However, state laws vary widely. The relevant law for the state of New York appears to be N.Y. Civil Rights Law §§ 50, 51, which looks just about as unhelpful. Please consult an experienced attorney in your jurisdiction.


I think given that the breast mold is being marketed along with a picture of her face and identified as her breasts, the right of publicity would still apply.  However,she still needs a NY attorney  to go over the contract.

Jan 06 06 11:10 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Rogue wrote:
I have the FX artist that made the mold as well as cast and crew that know that it is me. He has also posted a nude picture of me as well as my full name on Ebay claiming they are mine.


Now we may be onto something. Unless your contract with him gives him that right - and it may very well do so, so don't get too excited - he is now using your likeness for *commercial and promotional purposes.* Unless he's got a contractual relationship with you authorizing him to do that, you can nail him to the barn door.

Get screen shots of everything he does, write down all the auction numbers, etc.

(Again, may or may not be licensed, not legal advice, consult a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction.)


Jan 06 06 11:12 am Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

Rogue wrote:
I was a lead actress in the film. I drafted a letter to him re-stating our phone conversation and how he agreed to stop selling them and take them down. Asked for him to sign and return via fax to me. He basically emailed me and said " I can do what I want and you agreed not to take legal action" the contract states legal action regarding my performance. My breasts have nothing to do w/ my performance. And I can't beleive that this slime ball would have the right to run off copies of my breasts from now to eternity! I also know that he does not at this time have any molds in his possesion as none have been made. He is falsly selling an item that does not exsist yet.

Detroit sells cars that don't "exist" yet either. But your model/actor release will probably cover him to do this. Plus what the lawyer above said, the mold (or resulting product) does not identify you and there is no case. After your talk with him, he probably did talk to his lawyer who asked the relevant questions and he said, "tough titties, I have the right to sell it". (but heavily intended) By the way, I did an Ebay search but only found one item as a possible match but it did not have any personal name or photo on the auction.

Jan 06 06 11:13 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

theda wrote:
I think given that the breast mold is being marketed along with a picture of her face and identified as her breasts, the right of publicity would still apply.  However,she still needs a NY attorney  to go over the contract.

She hadn't said that bit when I wrote my original answer. And it's not "still:" it's "now." Using her face is the offense: what he's using it to sell is still, most likely, legit and doesn't infringe her right of publicity.

And yes, she does, most definitely, need a NY attorney to read the contract. Assuming the contract doesn't have a CoL provision for some OTHER jurisdiction, or wasn't signed in some other jurisdiction, etc., etc.


Jan 06 06 11:15 am Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

Rogue wrote:
Hi All,
So here is my dilema... I finished a film recently where they had to cast a mold of my breasts for a special effect in the film. The producer is now trying to mass produce my breasts for sale as erotic wall art on Ebay. I told him I did not give my permission for this and it is not stated in my contract that his intent was to market, merchandise and mass produce my breasts for re-sale. I called him and told him i did not give my permission to this at all... and his intent was never stated in the contract. He agreed to take it down and cease selling them. Behind my back he contacted the FX artist and told him to continue pouring molds... what do y'all think??

Any info is greatly appreciated.

Does this not boil down to someone making some money from the cast of your breasts, and you not getting any of the funds, that you think you so deserve?

My thoughts are to work out a business deal with the guy selling the wall art. Lawyers are expensive, and most of the time you will not get much more that the arrorneys fees, or the profits from the sales.

If you were my daughter, I would advise her to work out a deal with the other parties.

Jan 06 06 11:15 am Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

I don't know movie contracts, but I'd guess there is some provision in them for publicity (either images, in-person) or merchandising. If there is, that's that.

Jan 06 06 11:17 am Link



Posts: 18

Knoxville, Tennessee, US … dZViewItem

This is the link to what he has posted on Ebay

Jan 06 06 11:17 am Link


William Kious

Posts: 8842

Delphos, Ohio, US

Talk to a lawyer.

If you signed a contract - and I hope you did - read all of the fine print.  Was the molding/casting process mentioned in the contract?  How about the use of the molds?  Make sure there weren't any loopholes that granted him permission to use the molds after the project was completed.

If nothing was mentioned about the molding/casting process - or what would happen to the molds after the fact - then I'm not sure what you can really do about it.  Again, talk to a lawyer.

If you ever do something like this again, have it in contract that the molds are to be destroyed.

Jan 06 06 11:19 am Link



Posts: 18

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Also to clarify... he keeps ending the sales and then opening them again to try to get new bids on the items. He told me he has done this several times already. So even though it says its a closed auction. He will put it up again and start all over.

Jan 06 06 11:21 am Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

Rogue wrote:

This is the link to what he has posted on Ebay

When I went to the link, I found that the seller is no longer registered to sell on ebay.

Jan 06 06 11:22 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Rogue wrote:
Also to clarify... he keeps ending the sales and then opening them again to try to get new bids on the items. He told me he has done this several times already. So even though it says its a closed auction. He will put it up again and start all over.

It appears that eBay is onto him: his account shows as "Not a registered user." The actions you allege he claims to have done, assuming they actually occurred, are in violation of eBay's TOS.

The auction you link to shows as having been won, however. That means he's legally obliged to provide the goods once they're paid for.


Jan 06 06 11:24 am Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

I found it on the movie website but not on Ebay.
I would bet dollars to donuts that her contract for her acting part in the movie gives permission for any merchandising and publicity for the movie.

Jan 06 06 11:24 am Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

i have a ?? dus this fall under move memorabilia ie.... costumes worn by people in star wars example the prosthetics of the guy that played Chuee ect... just wondering

Jan 06 06 11:25 am Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

wait, it say's they are selling the original mold, but you said they are making copies, (FX is to continue to recast.) Mass market, one of a kind false avdertising.  That's fcked up!  (well, less fcked up than selling them at all of course, but...  I't odd, the things that occur to me....)  never mind.

Jan 06 06 11:25 am Link



Posts: 321

Las Colinas, Panamá, Panama

Three words  "Sue his ASS"

Jan 06 06 11:26 am Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

nathan combs wrote:
i have a ?? dus this fall under move memorabilia ie.... costumes worn by people in star wars example the prosthetics of the guy that played Chuee ect... just wondering

It would i think if it was the original, and not copies they are making of it.  Like One of marylin's dresses or something, it's the actual dress thats mem, not a copy of it, thats a replica.

so it's kind of like taking a still from the movie and putting it on coffe mugs to make money/market.

Jan 06 06 11:30 am Link



Posts: 18

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

My contract does not state anything about merchandising. And yes he is selling it as an original... but is asking the fx guys to make copies...

Jan 06 06 11:30 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

...Stacy wrote:
wait, it say's they are selling the original mold, but you said they are making copies, (FX is to continue to recast.) Mass market, one of a kind false avdertising.  That's fcked up!  (well, less fcked up than selling them at all of course, but...  I't odd, the things that occur to me....)  never mind.

That's not what it says.

This item is cast from the original mold used in the film. It is the only mold made.

The mold is the negative impression formed by covering her body with some sort of material: the casting is the positive impression made by filling the mold with some other sort of material. While it's very misleading, if read and parsed logically it says, "We only made one mold: we made the casting you're bidding on from it." It doesn't say they won't make more castings or that you're buying the mold.


Jan 06 06 11:31 am Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US


well, still shady all around.  take him out behind the barn and beat the sht out of him.

Jan 06 06 11:33 am Link



Posts: 18

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

I have no issue with him selling the original. That is technically a prop. He can sell the shit out of that. My issue is he thinks he has the right to mass produce them and sell as erotica. Which is not in my contract nor do I give permission for it. He is a sleazy guy that has continuously broke contracts with several of the cast and crew regarding payment, reimbursements and other actions. Mine is not the only legal issue he is racking up.

Jan 06 06 11:33 am Link