Forums > General Industry > Kate Moss come home....



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna


Police press Moss to return
By Stephen Wright and Emily Cook, Daily Mail
5 January 2006

Scotland Yard last night urged Kate Moss to return to England to face allegations of drug taking. One of its most senior officers issued an extraordinary statement advising her to return for questioning over claims she snorted cocaine.

The 31- year- old model has refused to return home since a newspaper published pictures of her taking the drug with her then boyfriend Pete Doherty at a recording studio three months ago....

[break in text]

...Miss Moss's decision not to cooperate with the investigation is thought to have been prompted by fears of embarrassing publicity.

Police plan to arrest and interview her under caution* in the presence of a solicitor. If she admits taking the drug she is likely to escape with a caution.**

But that would leave her with a criminal record, making it difficult to find work abroad, particularly in the U.S.

* In the UK context this reference to an interview "under caution" is the same as reading her her rights

** This reference is to a "caution" actually means a "police caution" - not to spell it out is sloppy journalism in this article. To get such a non-court "police caution" requires that she admit that she is guilty - there is no jail or fine as a penalty BUT the fact that a police caution was done makes it a recordable offence [a matter of record] and is the same as if it is a conviction of the same offence in court.


I really think, from the rumblings on this side of the pond, that if she doesn't come back on her own, or doesn't want to, or runs somewhere else, the next step the police will take is to try and get an international warrant for her arrest wherever she might be and extradition back to the UK.

Not looking good for Kate.


Jan 05 06 11:57 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US


Jan 05 06 11:59 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

she is at my place.

Jan 05 06 12:00 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

BCG wrote:
she is at my place.

That explains it.

Jan 05 06 12:05 pm Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

Well this is definitely publicity!  No wonder she's got a cover on everything wink  You RUN GIRL RUNNNNN!!

LOL wink

Jan 05 06 01:33 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

As for her having problems being able to come here to work if she has a criminal record. I think if a US based company wanted her, they could just fly the photography team to her or hire one where she is.Personally I can`t stand the sight of her and ya couldn`t pay me to photograph her but thats just me,lol.

Jan 05 06 01:37 pm Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
As for her having problems being able to come here to work if she has a criminal record. I think if a US based company wanted her, they could just fly the photography team to her or hire one where she is.Personally I can`t stand the sight of her and ya couldn`t pay me to photograph her but thats just me,lol.


HAHA smile

Jan 05 06 04:29 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:


HAHA smile

really, I never could stand her.all I see is a skeleton, shes not beautiful to me at all and never ones. Oddly enough, I have not seen a supermodel in about 15 years that I would pay a dime to work with.

Jan 05 06 08:25 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

opposite for me. 

i see kate moss as the ideal woman.  really, as cheesy as it sounds - aesthetically, she's perfect.

and who in the biz doesn't do coke ....c'mon.

Jan 05 06 08:36 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

Your insane Kate is one of the best models ever !

Jan 05 06 08:41 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Terry Breedlove wrote:
Your insane Kate is one of the best models ever !

hype can get you really far, I see a bag of bones in a bikini and pretty hair.

Jan 05 06 08:46 pm Link


GvM Photography

Posts: 28


KATE IS THE BEST EVER!!! smile))))))))))

Jan 05 06 08:46 pm Link



Posts: 239


What crime did she commit other than being seen using drugs? i suppose that would be as bad as being seen swimming nude in the ocean (far worse offense in the states...ok some states). Please, stop the persecusion of people making themseves happy....if it results in noone getting hurt why do we (we meaning government) care? Cigarette smoking definately causes cancer and death..yet its ok (even second hand smoke is bad). So who cares if someone wants to get whackedout of their mind? If there was a tax on it...the governments wouldn't say a word...boils down to $$$.

Jan 05 06 08:47 pm Link



Posts: 239


Au Natural Art wrote:
What crime did she commit other than being seen using drugs? i suppose that would be as bad as being seen swimming nude in the ocean (far worse offense in the states...ok some states). Please, stop the persecusion of people making themseves happy....if it results in noone getting hurt why do we (we meaning government) care? Cigarette smoking definately causes cancer and death..yet its ok (even second hand smoke is bad). So who cares if someone wants to get whackedout of their mind? If there was a tax on it...the governments wouldn't say a word...boils down to $$$.

Oh look!  I'm so drunk on the legal drug C2H5OH (or C2H6O for some of you). Ack arrest me!...drunk computer driving!....
But I digress....


Jan 05 06 08:48 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Au Natural Art wrote:
What crime did she commit other than being seen using drugs?

Having seen some of the video that the police are looking at (it was broadcast) and in that vid she can be seen cutting a few lines and then offering the mirror to a male in the room she could, in addition to a possession and use charge, also be charged with supplying. An all together much more serious charge than mere possession use.


Jan 05 06 09:43 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

BCG wrote:
she is at my place.

Then who is the coked up waif eating froot loops on my couch and why am I wearing half a handcuff and a "ramen rules" t-shirt?

Jan 05 06 11:51 pm Link