Forums > General Industry > I have a unique question......


Justice Talbot

Posts: 42

Charleston, South Carolina, US

....does anyone (photogs, models, agents, etc) have any idea how i might go about marketing myself in another country? i have spent many years researching the american industry and im currently not represented, but ive been thinking i might be more marketable in europe. i have no knowledge of the industry there or what the big agencies are. i have never even left the usa! any suggestions or websites or anything would be greatly appreciated. thanks!

Jan 05 06 12:17 am Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

The best way to go there (legally) would be to have a US agency sends you over there to their partners, especially when you have never been out of the US.  It would be safer and more likely result in a meaningful trip.

That said, all that I know is fashion modeling over in London (my good friend Christie worked with Storm in London for a while), and for that you may be a little on the short side and not as young as they prefer.  It is not meant to be discouraging, I think you are absolutely beautiful, I am just relaying information I know.

Jan 05 06 01:42 am Link


John Pringle

Posts: 1608

New York, New York, US

You should make friends with those in that region of your choice, then send out contact info there. Watch what turns up. Your pics by the way are awesome...

Jan 05 06 01:50 am Link