Forums > General Industry > What have been the ramifications..



Posts: 6078

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

double-post.  sorry.

Jan 05 06 02:32 pm Link



Posts: 6078

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

. . . . whatever I may do within modeling does not cancel out the other things I do for my family or as a person with living responsibly as possible. It's the cancellation of any other merits I was previously credited with possessing by his family which creates the most pain for both of us.


No less an artist than Joyce Carol Oates -- and far too many others to name -- would cease to work were such an untenable and rigid (pole up butt) position given force.  Mayanlee: as artists and models go, you're the real deal.  Why even think of depriving us--your audience, your photographer's collectors, galleries, publishers, and retailers (if any) of your presence in liberal (isn't that what it is?) contemporary art and illustration?  Now that would be unfair!

Jan 05 06 02:36 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Sanders McNew wrote:
You are wrong.  I was asking about Melvin because I was curious, as a friendly acquaintance of Melvin's, as to his context in making the statement.  I did not -- and do not -- suggest that Melvin would be any more right or wrong by his answer.  I did not believe that anyone who was a parent would ever have made the statement that Melvin made about kids and their invulnerability to the comments of their peers.  But even if he were, I would still have disagreed with the remark as I did.

You should learn to be a more careful reader before launching accusations like that.


If you disagreed with the statement regardless and it wouldn't make him more right or wrong, why ASK then?
This's gone completely off from the topic & I would happily continue it in PM's, but I doubt it would resolve anything.
Your argument was bogus and everything you say to defend the statement reinforces that, but as it's circular in nature I doubt you would ever be able to see that.
Take it as personal if you like, tho that's not my intent, this's MO on the matter & I doubt either of us would sway the other.

Jan 05 06 02:38 pm Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

Now, boys, boys....

Play nice.


Jan 05 06 02:47 pm Link


Sanders McNew

Posts: 1284

New York, New York, US

SLE Photography wrote:

If you disagreed with the statement regardless and it wouldn't make him more right or wrong, why ASK then?
This's gone completely off from the topic & I would happily continue it in PM's, but I doubt it would resolve anything.
Your argument was bogus and everything you say to defend the statement reinforces that, but as it's circular in nature I doubt you would ever be able to see that.
Take it as personal if you like, tho that's not my intent, this's MO on the matter & I doubt either of us would sway the other.

Again, you should learn to be a more careful reader.  Stick to selling wine, if you're any good at that.  Sanders.

Jan 05 06 02:48 pm Link



Posts: 2353

New York, New York, US

theda wrote:
I make it a policy never to do any work I can't show my parents.  So, to an extent, the reason I'm not out there doing softcore porn is because I don't want to hurt or alienate people important to me. Other than that, I'm not likely to make any concessions. 'Cause I'm a bitch.

I am in an especially difficult situation.  My family is evangelical, yet I am super-close to them and they are all I have.  However, they consider even the fact that I show cleavage to be obscene, and my implied nudes would be outright pornography to them.  I take great measures to conceal any work I do from them...and it's tough.

Jan 05 06 02:50 pm Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

commart wrote:
Why even think of depriving us--your audience, your photographer's collectors, galleries, publishers, and retailers (if any) of your presence in liberal (isn't that what it is?) contemporary art and illustration?  Now that would be unfair!

Aah... a statement that would have brought tears to the eyes of Erica Kane (Susan Lucci of All My Children) to know "her public" was out there.

In all seriousness, modeling, in the relative scale of Things To Count As Important In One's Life (a/ka/ The Big Picture) would be lower down the totem pole if I were forced to pick and choose.

Jan 05 06 03:00 pm Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

io wrote:

I am in an especially difficult situation.  My family is evangelical, yet I am super-close to them and they are all I have.  However, they consider even the fact that I show cleavage to be obscene, and my implied nudes would be outright pornography to them.  I take great measures to conceal any work I do from them...and it's tough.

My mother is a southern baptist Sunday school teacher...I'm not kidding...I know how it is to have fundamentalist parents nodding in disapproval.  Mom and I have agreed to disagree about what I other words we don't talk about it (lol)...perhaps you can reach the same agreement with your parents one day.  Good luck with it:-)

Jan 05 06 04:28 pm Link

Body Painter

BodyPainter Rich

Posts: 18107

Sacramento, California, US

Well...I think you already know that my career got a late start because my relationship with my wife meant no bodypaint for a long while. Finally she came around and while I am glad that most of my family enjoys my work, she is the only family that I actually care about (and my daughters of course, but they are still little).

Here is the thing...if you are shooting porn for money, you would be selling out your family (or his happiness with his family) for money. Money is really not all that important in the scheme of things. BUt you are not shooting porn. You are a creative partner in some amazing artwork. You are expressing ideas, beliefs, and feelings to the world. Not the least of these ideas is that you can be over 40 and still an object of sexual power, personal beauty, and artistic strength. Now art is an expression of YOU, and YOU have been chosen by your SO who values the very essence of what you are. Your art would appear, at least to me, to carry a very powerful essence of YOU as well. (This is also why I would absolutely LOVE to shoot with you someday soon, you bring some serious intensity and personal power to your shoots and it shows)

Your SO loves you, and is probably REALLY turned on by the you captured in your images. He is a big boy and I'm sure he knew there could be some ramification if/when his family found things out. He has chosen to stand by you (he'd be a fool not to) and that is a great thing. I guess what I am saying is, either he is dumb (which I doubt) or he knew what he was getting into when he signed on with you. He made his choice (to his credit) and while it may be an uncomfortable situation for a bit it is your duty to follow your heart, and his duty to support you or get the hell out of dodge. My bet is he'll stick around!

Jan 05 06 06:53 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

At first I didn't think I should comment on this, cause i wasn't sure, since we don't really do the same kind of work, if what I have to say in this situation really applies.  but i thought about it, and I think it does.  My SO had the same problem with his family a few years ago.  we had been dating forever, and his family loved me, but then one day without thinking, My religion was brought up.  (a religion I was brought up on by my grandmother, and have had my whole life.)  His mother is an extreamly ...  well, catholic woman, And since I am definatly not. all hell broke loose.  Screaming fights, Threats,  My SO was in the most horrible position, but it wasn't something he wouldn't support me in, cause he loves me.  Anyway, his family is very close, so when they called I just didn't talk, then eventually I was commenting in the background, then one day His mother called to ask me what he wanted for Christmas.  (I'm crying right, had to wipe tears off my keyboard.) 

I guess what I'm saying is in anything, people are individuals, and family is family.  If there is a way to not cause antagonism,  (Like just not bringing it up, etc.) everything will work itself out.  Because If it's not right in someone's face, suddenly its not as bad.  It's won't happen right away.  but when it does, it's worth it.

Your SO's family is still his family,  don't say fuck em, just wait.  If they love them, they will come around, and if they don't, well hopefully you do, so what else do you need?

My SO's mother loves me now just as much as she used to, and dosn't give a crap about any of our differences, (though she wishes i would change my hair color), she just dosn't expect me to go to church with her.  When I had my car accident last month she left work to drive from Alabama to see me cause her son couldn't, just to make sure i was OK.  So, well... It's worth it.  Being offended(/angry/snarling mad/want to rip eyes out at the injustice) at other people's biases will only get you so far.  Waiting them out will get you farther. 


Jan 05 06 07:33 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Sanders McNew wrote:

Again, you should learn to be a more careful reader.  Stick to selling wine, if you're any good at that.  Sanders.

I was attacking your logic & reasoning, not you personally.  This personal attack simply reinforces my belief that you were operating emotionally and not rationally.

Jan 05 06 11:02 pm Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

SLE Photography wrote:
The 60's & 70's revolutions weren't about doing whatever you want at the expense of others, they were about not limiting yourself due to the simple predjudices & biases of others.
They have at least as much responsibility to try & respect & understand you & your choices as you do theirs.

Well said!

Jan 06 06 12:22 am Link


House of Indulgence

Posts: 585

New York, New York, US

I do what I do. I am still my parents son. My GF's Mom does not  care for some of my work. I tell her not to look at it. She is the one ashamed of it. Not me. I tell her that she needs to reconcile her emotions and her feeling sto my work with herself. I have become comfertable with the work. It is her that has the "issue". She did not like my answer or the fact that I have not "taken it upon myself" to feel the shame and or guilt she has placed upon me.

I told her that my parents know everything I do. Even the unpleasant stuff. Because I feel if they were to die tomorrow then I would not want the guilt of living a die and holding back from them. She felt I was rubbing it in their faces. I told her that the truth is not pretty. That she has truths that her own daughter, my girlfriend may not want to hear but that in the end to hold secrets is just a small way of lieing to people. I am not going to lie to my parents, nor am I going to lie to her daughter. That if she does not like my honesty then she should find a person who will keep secrets from her to make her feel comfortable with her issues instead of confronting them

Needless to say she does not care for my blunt honesty and aggressive attitude. Oh well. I am who I am and I make no excuses for myself. love me or leave me. Either way, stand beside me or behind me but just don't get in my way. ^_^

Jan 06 06 12:33 am Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

BodyPainter Rich  wrote:
Here is the thing...if you are shooting porn for money, you would be selling out your family (or his happiness with his family) for money. Money is really not all that important in the scheme of things. BUt you are not shooting porn.

Well, some (looking pointedly at Melvin) would say that any work that contains images of the female form that creates some kind of arousal is porn. We've seen just in this thread that various people's threshold for what they consider to be porn is very low.  For others, anything that takes away focus of one partner away from their SO, just by the act of looking at it, is porn.  And admittedly, I've done work that seriously skirts the fine line.  I just don't do CHEAP.  tongue

BodyPainter Rich  wrote:
You are a creative partner in some amazing artwork. You are expressing ideas, beliefs, and feelings to the world. Not the least of these ideas is that you can be over 40 and still an object of sexual power, personal beauty, and artistic strength. Now art is an expression of YOU, and YOU have been chosen by your SO who values the very essence of what you are. Your art would appear, at least to me, to carry a very powerful essence of YOU as well.

Yes, that's how I think of it and what I hope to convey whenever I shoot (thanx for that, by the way) but I don't begrudge others their vision regarding sexuality, age, whatever. I'm sorry if they don't get it, but some can be comfortable with the concept, some get jealous and some simply will never be comfortable with the idea that the multi-faceted human makes a whole human being and that's the way we were made to be.

BodyPainter Rich  wrote:
(This is also why I would absolutely LOVE to shoot with you someday soon, you bring some serious intensity and personal power to your shoots and it shows)

Someday... really... I mean it....  smile

BodyPainter Rich  wrote:
Your SO loves you, and is probably REALLY turned on by the you captured in your images. He is a big boy and I'm sure he knew there could be some ramification if/when his family found things out. He has chosen to stand by you (he'd be a fool not to) and that is a great thing. I guess what I am saying is, either he is dumb (which I doubt) or he knew what he was getting into when he signed on with you. He made his choice (to his credit) and while it may be an uncomfortable situation for a bit it is your duty to follow your heart, and his duty to support you or get the hell out of dodge. My bet is he'll stick around!

Yes, he does and to his credit, he is steadfast. It gets away from the original question, but these last couple of days (and seeing so many cogent viewpoints) have morphed the focus somewhat. I'm simply grateful and humbled to know such a man of character.

Jan 06 06 07:15 am Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

Mayanlee wrote:
LOL... Yeah... you should... you'll find Melvin to be a wonderful conversationalist.

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
That's just her diplomatic way of saying that I talk too much.

Hee hee... you know, I probably talk to much too.. my models don't, but that's because of the photos I take.  wink

Of course, one day I hope Mayan will visit my studio for my camera...  big_smile

Jan 06 06 09:39 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

This sucks. But understandable. Indeed nobody lives in a vacuum. You were one of the most interesting people I ever met online and I barely got a chance to shoot you. Take care, girl!

Jan 13 06 06:28 pm Link



Posts: 429

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Well I always support the underdog in family squabbles and I think I read most of the posts, but, can someone tell me why her profile is now denied?  Love to see it.

Jan 13 06 09:00 pm Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Zunaphoto wrote:
Well I always support the underdog in family squabbles and I think I read most of the posts, but, can someone tell me why her profile is now denied?  Love to see it.

Check out MODELS forum... "Mayan Lee sends her regards..." :'(

Jan 13 06 10:06 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

mollie_lane wrote:

Check out MODELS forum... "Mayan Lee sends her regards..." :'(

I got nothing except,  I need to have coffee with Miss Mayan lee soon and doesn't Mollie's new avatar look great.  What a beauty.

Jan 14 06 01:01 am Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

MHana wrote:
I got nothing except,  I need to have coffee with Miss Mayan lee soon and doesn't Mollie's new avatar look great.  What a beauty.

Awwwwww always bring a smile to my face and heart!

As for Mayan, I am sure you have her email, so drop her a note. I know she would love
coffee and conversation with the King of the Land of No-Nonsense. wink

And, WHAT are you still doing up, Sport?
It is WAYYYYYYYYY past your bedtime.
WHERE is Hanachan?
It is time for her to drag you off to bed...Mr. Sandman is waiting!

So be a good boy...
And say Nightie night now!

Night Night Markiesan!
Sweet Dreams...
The King of the Cwazy Wand of No-Nonsense needs rest...LOTS of it! smile

Mowrie Wane

Jan 14 06 02:42 am Link



Posts: 6129

Mayanlee wrote:
One of the more interesting concepts in today's society (or maybe it's roots really came from my generation and even a little earlier with the 60's) is the notion of only doing what makes us individually happy... all others must either a) heel, or b) screw off. I've often wondered whether it isn't the burgeoning prevalence of that attitude which hasn't seriously crippled society's feeling of community as a whole rather than a set of special interest groups.

I'm certainly grateful he defends and stands by me, but there's always that residual feeling that family is family; you stick together no matter what.  Perhaps it's cultural altho I certainly couldn't be said to toe the family line on anything, so who knows.

Thoughtful as ever, Mayan. It does seem we are, and become more so, a self absorbed group of spoiled 5 year olds as we "evolve". Is community important? (it appears so - even if that community has moved online.)
Agrarian society plummeted into the industrial age and while still not caught up plummeted again into the technology age. debit cards and cybersex. hard to feel connected to the value of the work you do when the reward comes direct deposit and you never get to hold the green in your hand (let alone eat what you have grown).
I fear at this stage, there are none to be true to other than ourselves individually... I feel the difference. I wonder if this is apparent to those younguns just coming up?

Jan 14 06 02:58 am Link



Posts: 429

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

The only thing that will be apparent to the young ones is us being a parent.  I am, 2 boys.  They receive the benefits of my worldly education and experiences.  I tell them what is wrong in the world now.  They will tell me, eventually. 
     Families are the ultimate clique. Acceptance of people without necessarily accepting their opinions.  That's hard.  I take the easy route, I don't see them much.  which means they grow in different ways without me.  Which makes them strangers. 
     I much prefer my friends, we have chosen each other, nothing is arbitrary.  Much prefer the meeting of the minds.  I am saddened that the pressure Mayanlee felt was too much to continue in the area she chose for herself.  I cannot comprehend that happening in my life.  Thank you Mollie for pointing me to the thread.

Jan 14 06 11:41 am Link