Forums > General Industry > How do you develop a model?


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Does she get a special incubation pod?

Serious question though, I have seen the term floating about.
“This model I was developingâ€? “After two years of developing this/that modelâ€?

It almost sounds like a thinly veiled attempt at managment.
Shooting exclusively = Training = Development or am I wrong about this.

What exactly model development?

Jan 04 06 11:45 am Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

Perhaps they are too Lazy to type, "developing a relationship with"?

Jan 04 06 11:47 am Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

it's when they take you into the dark room and...


Jan 04 06 11:51 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
Does she get a special incubation pod?

Serious question though, I have seen the term floating about.
“This model I was developingâ€? “After two years of developing this/that modelâ€?

It almost sounds like a thinly veiled attempt at managment.
Shooting exclusively = Training = Development or am I wrong about this.

What exactly model development?

It's where you teach a rookie the ins and outs of what you know about the business.
How to pose.
What scams to look out for.
Who to talk to.
Who NOT to talk to (normally the scammers area is covered in that)
What her niche is (because almost every rookie thinks they're going to be doing runway and fashion in NY even if they're 5'6 140)

Things like that. That's why there are sites like NEWMODELS.COM
I don't do the model management thing, it's a headache. But being an advisor is key, especially if you really, truly have the girls best interest at heart.

The first thing that happens when a rookie signs up to a site like this or OMP, if she's cute she'll get 20 requests for lingerie/nudes TFP, and a bad photo will hurt you more than 20 good ones, just like shooting with certain photogs will hurt your chances.

Jan 04 06 11:51 am Link


Eric Messick

Posts: 75

Middletown, California, US

How do you develop a model?

With Dektol, of course!

Oh, wait, this isn't the photographer's forum, nevermind....

Jan 04 06 11:51 am Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

i accidentally developed a model once. im not sure what i did or how i did it. but now she hasn't returned my call and i can't get a shoot with her even though i got her paid work and into all the local mags. :shrug:

Jan 04 06 11:52 am Link


LaMarco Photography

Posts: 117

Somersworth, New Hampshire, US

I have no clue why I am going to, but its wensday and I am bored.

Some models think that being pretty is all they need to do and in fact some people are so awesome at this they can just show up.

For the most part though, it takes more then just showing up. If it did not there would be more working and successful models. So a lot of the time Photographers have to stop and explain what sexy is, what sad is, or more so how we see it. It is like OJT in a way.

Now, I am sure some people use the term just to attract models that might think that this person can show you enough stuff to get you working and paid.

In the end, modeling is in the eyes and you have to be an actress that only gets to use your eyes to act. So write down all the emotions you can and go to the mirror and see how many you can make come alive in your eyes. I think that is what most Photographers mean in this case of the word.

Or maybe they still use film.. HAHA!

Jan 04 06 11:54 am Link


LaMarco Photography

Posts: 117

Somersworth, New Hampshire, US

Angel Tara wrote:
it's when they take you into the dark room and...



I was going to go with that but you took it on me.. LOL

Jan 04 06 11:59 am Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Perhaps, just perhaps, if the photographer who said that has frequent covers in Vogue or Cosmo, if he  has an ongoing relationshiop with a major brick and mortar model agency, ie Ford, Arlene Wilson, etc, then it might mean he was participating in her training and eposure, ie the New York Fashion Week, or something similar. Otherwise it means he's blowing smoke and getting a free model.

Jan 04 06 11:59 am Link


David A

Posts: 373

Pleasant Grove, Utah, US

LaMarco Photography wrote:
Some models think that being pretty is all they need to do and in fact some people are so awesome at this they can just show up.

LOL, and some on OMP don't even realize that they aren't pretty.

Jan 04 06 12:58 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Iona Lynn wrote:
What exactly model development?

12 minutes in D76 followed by a wash and then fixer.


Jan 04 06 01:05 pm Link



Posts: 321

Las Colinas, Panamá, Panama

Angel Tara wrote:
it's when they take you into the dark room and...


HAHAHAHAHahahahaaaaaaa   OOO the dark rooms good times

Jan 04 06 01:06 pm Link


Fantasy On Film

Posts: 667

Detroit, Michigan, US

Angel Tara wrote:
it's when they take you into the dark room and...


And then some of them are under or over exposed.

Jan 04 06 01:07 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Oliver Cole wrote:

And then some of them are under or over exposed.

if they come out with their eyes all wide, they have been OVERexposed...

Jan 04 06 01:19 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Angel Tara wrote:

if they come out with their eyes all wide, they have been OVERexposed...


you so nasty.

Jan 04 06 01:21 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Monsante Bey wrote:

It's where you teach a rookie the ins and outs of what you know about the business.
How to pose.
What scams to look out for.
Who to talk to.
Who NOT to talk to (normally the scammers area is covered in that)
What her niche is (because almost every rookie thinks they're going to be doing runway and fashion in NY even if they're 5'6 140)

Things like that. That's why there are sites like NEWMODELS.COM
I don't do the model management thing, it's a headache. But being an advisor is key, especially if you really, truly have the girls best interest at heart.

The first thing that happens when a rookie signs up to a site like this or OMP, if she's cute she'll get 20 requests for lingerie/nudes TFP, and a bad photo will hurt you more than 20 good ones, just like shooting with certain photogs will hurt your chances.

And so many models need this at first...but, unlicensed assholes have given 'model management; such a bad name that even though I know a lot of things to warn models about, I could never devote such time to helping someone and then being called bad names if I expected to get paid for it.

Jan 04 06 01:23 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Lapis wrote:

And so many models need this at first...but, unlicensed assholes have given 'model management; such a bad name that even though I know a lot of things to warn models about, I could never devote such time to helping someone and then being called bad names if I expected to get paid for it.

Which is why I don't manage.

Jan 04 06 01:25 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Monsante Bey wrote:


you so nasty.

it beats coming out laughing...


Jan 04 06 01:26 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Angel Tara wrote:

it beats coming out laughing...


All work and no play makes bey a dull man...
All work and no play makes bey a dull man...
All work and no play makes bey a dull man...
All work and no play makes bey a dull man...
All work and no play makes bey a dull man...
All work and no play makes bey a dull man...

You get the point.

Jan 04 06 01:30 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Monsante Bey wrote:

Which is why I don't manage.

If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve. -William Tecumseh Sherman

Jan 04 06 01:35 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Good points. it is along what I had thought thanks for the input and laughs.

Jan 04 06 02:01 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
Serious question though, I have seen the term floating about.
“This model I was developingâ€? “After two years of developing this/that modelâ€?

I have yet to see a photographer have the ability to "develop" a model.  Anyone that says they have that ability is a hack and doesn't have a clue about the modeling industry...even at the 'net or adult levels.

There is far too much out there for any one photographer to have a complete perspective.  The lone exception is one that owns and operates a legit agency and does photographer on the side.

Jan 04 06 02:32 pm Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

The comment about eyes wide open has been OVERexposed is priceless.  LMAO

Anyways my perspective if your talking about a professional career focus would be all factors from teaching her to pose properly up to getting her gigs and being her manager to an extent both are happy with. This would also include promoting the model as well.

As stated above this is no 30 day thing and its not 2 hours a day either, its hours upon hours of work, practice and wait and see. This would truely be a real managers job, no one pretending to do this will be able to do all of it correctly. A real manager will have no problems at all doing all of it correctly and 24/7, if you make it then he makes it, its a full time job.

EDIT: You did leave out one important factor..."Contract".

Jan 04 06 02:43 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Has anyone ever heard of a FEMALE photographer developing models?

Jan 04 06 05:37 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Very good point. star I do have a female photographer that I have worked with and I don't think she has ever used that term with me.
she is a great resourse though in the knowlage she has provided as well as what other photographers are terrific and what ones may be lacking in skills (photography and or otherwise)

Jan 04 06 08:48 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Star wrote:
Has anyone ever heard of a FEMALE photographer developing models?

No, and I think having some female 'model developers' might be a very very good idea.

Jan 04 06 10:14 pm Link



Posts: 228

Picayune, Mississippi, US

Ilona, in the real world of advertising, this is what development means;

There are photographers that will help models along their career path. There are any number of reasons that they will do this. Some are purely selfish, and some completely altruistic. Most fall somewhere in between.

The photographers that can help develop a models career are those that work in the industry. Really work. Every day. Make their income from it. Pay their bills doing it. The ones that know people that make decisions about agency representation, that hire models themselves for real advertising or editorial jobs, that know people that hire models for real work in the advertising business. Photographers that can walk into an agency (or agencies) and have their favorite booker meet a new  prospect. Photographers that hire models for clients, not some guy that pays you out of his pocket so he can work on his portfolio, and not some small-time shooter that does $100 jobs twice a year, and not some shooter that makes his money from selling portfolio shots, but full time fashion or commercial photographers.

Most photographers can not do this. Only the ones that deal with the clients or agents regularly. Those photogs know what the industry demands, and can weed out the "models" that can or will not cut it in the business. They are very selective, because it's their reputation on the line if they bring in someone that doesn't cut it when it comes crunch time.

There is no school for modeling, but there is a lot that a prospective model needs to know.

Helping a prospect get from wannabe to working model, that is model development.

I hope this helps a little. It can be confusing. It's a big world, and there aren't many road signs.


Jan 05 06 03:10 am Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Another one step missing: acting lessons.  smile

Jan 05 06 03:17 am Link



Posts: 228

Picayune, Mississippi, US

Lapis wrote:
No, and I think having some female 'model developers' might be a very very good idea.

Star, I have.

Lapis, in NYC, there are.

Both kinds. Both ways.

Jan 05 06 03:30 am Link



Posts: 571

Los Angeles, California, US

i think, realistically speaking now, that there are a lot of girls(and doods) that wanna try out modeling but really don't have the capacity, yet, to be one.

girls(or doods) that are too shy, or too sheltered to get out of her(his) shell.  we photographers have met them, you models know'em, they're just not emotionally ready.

so some people think that they can be that fatherly/big brother and guide them forward and perhaps later on try out some incestuous.. nevermind..

but seriously, if a girl isn't ready, there's nothing to develop.  people need to understand that if someone isn't ready, nothing is going to move them into a direction that'll make them that way.

i thought people learned this in sunday school in "how to convert non-believers 101".

---and yes, i'm some over middle-aged deadbeat fellow who's divorced with three kids and developing models all the time.


Jan 05 06 03:39 am Link


nish 24

Posts: 45

Dallas, Texas, US

my current photographer, Satat, which happens to be my wife lol has kinda gotten me to come out of my shell a bit. Before her I would have never thought to model ( which I would kick myself for now ).

I hope to get more out there to work with some other photographers though, Satats fun to work with but daaaamn is she a freaky artist type lol

Jan 05 06 04:39 am Link