Forums > General Industry > Drunk Model - WTF?


Decerebrate Response

Posts: 55

Seattle, Washington, US

When I met her over coffee right before christmas she didn't seem flakey at all, but when we met up to do a test shoot she was stumbling and dropping things. Part of me wanted to write it off as an extended new years buzz (I've been there), but it was just really awkward trying to direct her.
I made a polite excuse and ended the test shoot way earlier than I meant to. I don't really feel compelled to shoot her anymore but she and I go to a lot of the same places and I know I'm going to see her around. Eventually I'm going to have to tell her something.

Anyone else had to deal with this kind of thing? Is there a graceful way of blowing someone off when this happens?

Jan 02 06 01:45 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I had a model once drop suddenly in the middle of a shoot and go to sleep butt naked on the floor where she remained for approximately 2 hours till we did some investigating. In the bathroom was her purse, and hanging out of her purse was her pipe. And I don't mean Marajuana.

We politely wrapped her in a blanked, put her on the neighbor's porch and called the cops.

We disposed of her stash. We didn't want her to get into too much trouble.

Jan 02 06 01:50 am Link


Decerebrate Response

Posts: 55

Seattle, Washington, US

John Jebbia wrote:
We politely wrapped her in a blanked, put her on the neighbor's porch and called the cops.

That right there is a pretty classic image!

Jan 02 06 02:36 am Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

I had a model booked for a shoot at her friends house (along with her friend) and when I get there, the lady whose house it was was fine and we did that part of the shoot, but the model I originally booked was passed out drunk... needless to say she didn't work that day.

Personally, if a model shows up for one of my shoots and is not completely sober, they get sent away at the door.  If they're not sober, they are, by definition, not competent to sign the release.  I've never had to do that at one of my shoots, but a friend of mine had to do it on one occasion.

Not surprisingly, it was the same model as the one who was passed out...

Jan 02 06 02:38 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

John Jebbia wrote:
I had a model once drop suddenly in the middle of a shoot and go to sleep butt naked on the floor where she remained for approximately 2 hours

You shot with Gia!!! WOW!!!

Now if you were German you would have just kept shooting!  We Germans don't stop shooting for anything

Jan 02 06 02:40 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Buddy, it's hard to work when others are trying to party!  It's the time of year!  Don't take it personal, she'll probably sober up and maybe realize how dumb it is to try to do a shoot while drunk.  I don't even bother to try to shoot during the holidays!  I'm still buzzed right now!  LOL  tongue

Jan 02 06 02:48 am Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

All the better to sniff their butts,  my dear.

Waves hello,
I'm interested.

:he he; giggle:  burp:  oh I am dizzy now:

(Wow,  I am still sober and I write.)

Jan 02 06 02:52 am Link


Michael Gundelach

Posts: 763

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

raveneyes wrote:

You shot with Gia!!! WOW!!!

Now if you were German you would have just kept shooting!  We Germans don't stop shooting for anything

Hehe - this actually came into my mind first... Why did he stop shooting... wink
Think of the possibilities... wink

Jan 02 06 02:59 am Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

John Jebbia wrote:
I had a model once drop suddenly in the middle of a shoot and go to sleep butt naked on the floor where she remained for approximately 2 hours till we did some investigating. In the bathroom was her purse, and hanging out of her purse was her pipe. And I don't mean Marajuana.

We politely wrapped her in a blanked, put her on the neighbor's porch and called the cops.

We disposed of her stash. We didn't want her to get into too much trouble.

yea thats great ....if she had died from an overdose or some sort of mishap would would have on trail for man slaughter...smooth

Jan 02 06 03:05 am Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

lol drugs and alcohol seems to do more harm than help a girl... whether or not she's a model : P

That's why I've never done any drugs,
I never smoke, and I only drink at a rate of... say, about once every couple of months... and NEVER the day before a shoot, whether paid or TFP.

Jan 02 06 04:09 am Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Art Institute hasn't taught you how to do PUI?

Jan 02 06 04:19 am Link



Posts: 51

Los Angeles, California, US

Retardotron wrote:
When I met her over coffee right before christmas she didn't seem flakey at all, but when we met up to do a test shoot she was stumbling and dropping things. Part of me wanted to write it off as an extended new years buzz (I've been there), but it was just really awkward trying to direct her.
I made a polite excuse and ended the test shoot way earlier than I meant to. I don't really feel compelled to shoot her anymore but she and I go to a lot of the same places and I know I'm going to see her around. Eventually I'm going to have to tell her something.

Anyone else had to deal with this kind of thing? Is there a graceful way of blowing someone off when this happens?

was she doing glamour? one photographer even ENCOURAGED me to drink something before i come to a shoot so i would relax. He says a lot of models do it, its rather sad.

Jan 02 06 05:11 am Link


Michael Gundelach

Posts: 763

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Tati wrote:

was she doing glamour? one photographer even ENCOURAGED me to drink something before i come to a shoot so i would relax. He says a lot of models do it, its rather sad.

If I offer any alcohol on the set to loosen up it will only be a glass champagne... All other would turn the eyes of the model too red...

Jan 02 06 05:14 am Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Try a 10-year old Port.  Works well.

Of course, I am kidding.  Geez.

No guns, pepper spray, alcohol, drugs in my place.

Jan 02 06 05:18 am Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

I had a model in San Francisco on one of my trip shoots.  She stayed out one night and did the party thing until 330am.  She was supposed to be up by 7am.  So I go and knock on her door.  She left the curtains open and I kept knocking and she finally heard me.  She jumps up completely naked, looks around and then falls back to sleep.  When she finally woke up at 3pm she wanted to go out and shoot.  I told her no way and that she was not getting paid for that day.  She was not happy but that is the way it goes.  bs

Jan 02 06 07:29 am Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

Within my first few months of being on the net I hired a very well know internet model to come shoot here in Dallas. 

She was perfect.  We hit it off so good.  Well until she started drinking.  Then it got ugly.  She asked if she could do a few certain things to me and I said no.  She then wanted to show off all of her charms and after she did she again asked if I would....... well you know.  Again I said no.

Then she had to go and use the john.  But she could not get up.  So I had to help her up and I put her on the john.  I had to hold her on the seat or she would of fallen off.  After she was done I got her back on the bed.  Well actually I dropped her on the bed.  She was on her tummy spread eagle and that was how I left her.  I came back 10 hours later and she was still naked, on her tummy and spread eagle.  I do not think she moved the whole night. 

When she refused to shoot on the last day since she was so sick I refused to pay her.  Now she got mad.  But I told her that I did not make her drink.  So I took her back to my house and let her sleep it off until I took her to the airport.  She wasn't so perfect when she went home I am afraid.  bs

Jan 02 06 07:34 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Tati wrote:
one photographer even ENCOURAGED me to drink something before i come to a shoot so i would relax. He says a lot of models do it, its rather sad.

It seems totally appropriate to encourage an under age (19 y.o.) model to drink before a shoot.

I love reading about all the "professional" conduct of the photographers out there.

Jan 02 06 07:59 am Link


Maggie Shirk

Posts: 92

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I had a paid agency shoot the thurs before Christmas and a few of the clients were smoking marijuana outside during the shoot.  I was mortified!

Jan 02 06 08:15 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Maggie Shirk wrote:
I had a paid agency shoot the thurs before Christmas and a few of the clients were smoking marijuana outside during the shoot.  I was mortified!

Unfortunately, I see drugs in this business way too much.

Jan 02 06 08:34 am Link


WCF Productions

Posts: 19

Dillon, Montana, US

I was advised a long time ago, no alcohol on shoots!!! This is a rule maintained,  no exceptions!

Jan 02 06 08:55 am Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

Unfortunately, I see drugs in this business way too much.

i agree WTF do these people understand it gets in the way??

Jan 02 06 08:58 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

This hasn't been a problem for me, thankfully.  I suspect that I wouldn't want to photograph a model who was drunk or stoned, and I wouldn't expect to pay a model who showed up not ready to work.

I did have one model show up with a bottle of wine for sharing, and we did.  Extenuating circumstances:
   >>>  I've worked with this model 5 times before.
   >>>  She was of legal age.
   >>>  It was only one bottle of wine for two of us.
   >>>  I knew that she wasn't driving anywhere afterwards.
We had an unusual sitting.  The pace was slower than usual, and we made fewer exposures than usual, but the portraits came out very good.  In fact, at this moment, one of those pictures is my current avatar.

The closest I came to having problems was that I had a model start to feel faint.  I didn't blame her -- it was 112 degrees outside, and we were inside with no air conditioning; it was very hot.  We had talked earlier that day & discussed postponing the sitting, but she wanted to work, so we gave it a try.  But when she started feeling faint about two-thirds into the sitting, I called it quits.  (I was doing nude photographs, and I really didn't want to have to deal with a passed out nude model.)  In this case, she got dressed, I made sure that she drank some juice & was feeling better (the juice helped a lot), and paid her for the full sitting.

Jan 02 06 10:57 am Link



Posts: 12930

Eagan, Minnesota, US

drinking during or prior to a shoot seems pretty unprofessional to me.  It's obviously not okay for the photographer to drink since they need to be alert and able to take good pictures, why on earth would a model think it is okay to drink or do drugs??

Jan 02 06 11:28 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I absolutely never...never...never allow drugs or alcohol at my shoots.  The last thing I need is some 20 year old telling everyone in town about how she was "all f*cked up" when i was taking photos of her naked in saran wrap.  In all seriousness, the work i do is very intense and very sensitive, requiring that all involved be totally focused and alert.  This goes for any escort/friend/whatever the model happens to bring.  A few years ago, I terminated a shoot when the escort whipped out her pipe and started smoking pot in my workspace.  It's a photoshoot, not a party when I'm working.

I know, I know...a drug/alcohol free pornographer -- my image is ruined.

Jan 02 06 11:28 am Link



Posts: 12930

Eagan, Minnesota, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
I know, I know...a drug/alcohol free pornographer -- my image is ruined.

Ruined??  Hardly.  COnsidering the type of work you do, it makes perfect sense.  SSC and all.

Jan 02 06 05:52 pm Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

Unfortunately, I see drugs in this business way too much.

mm-hmm!  yep there's a lot of that.  Thankfully to this date, no one has forced me to join.... just have me do the job, I'm outa there.

Jan 02 06 05:53 pm Link



Posts: 51

Los Angeles, California, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

It seems totally appropriate to encourage an under age (19 y.o.) model to drink before a shoot.

I love reading about all the "professional" conduct of the photographers out there.

you mean like this?

Jan 02 06 06:00 pm Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Sweeeeeeet merciful heavennnnnnnnnnnnns!
My jaw has slowly dropped until it hit the dang keyboard,
as I read.

Now, I readily admit that after show parties can be lively,
and some people indulge in legal and illegals, some more than
others, but to show up for a shoot, a show, or a project hammered,
or wasted on indefensible and unbelievably unprofessional.

Heck, I do not even accept a date or go out the night before a job/project.
I stay in and go to bed early so I will not look like a hag the next day.
WHO are these people? And WHAT are these people thinking?


Jan 02 06 09:46 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

mollie_lane wrote:
Sweeeeeeet merciful heavennnnnnnnnnnnns!
My jaw has slowly dropped until it hit the dang keyboard,
as I read.


mollie_lane wrote:
Heck, I do not even accept a date or go out the night before a job/project.
I stay in and go to bed early so I will not look like a hag the next day.

Keep opening your mouth that far and you'll get offered a LOT more dates!


Jan 02 06 09:53 pm Link


Seth Mitchell

Posts: 1457

Long Beach, California, US

If I want to get really wild and crazy before a shoot I'll have a chocolate bar...maybe even a Reese's. wink

Jan 02 06 09:57 pm Link



Posts: 55

Brooklyn, New York, US

I like to drink some Earl Grey Tea, followed by a nice shot of espresso ... I find that the soothing flavors of the Earl Grey puts my mind at ease ... then the espresso get's me up for the shoot ...

A drunk model ... haven't had the pleasure ... I'd probably tell them to come back sober ... just a thought ... don't know until it happens.



Jan 02 06 10:06 pm Link


T H Taylor

Posts: 6862

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I had a model tell me to stop in the middle of make-up because she had to go to the John (for 20 minutes to be exact)...  she came back cool but, after about ten minutes, began to shake (so much i couldn't do her face).  15 minutes later, she totally G'd out... I mean mush-mouthed, twitching incoherant speech and then, BOOM!  passed out.
What I did:  When she first started showing signs of the drug, i began to take pics of her; every five minutes i'd shoot more (until i got the ones where she was passed out).

After she came to (three hours later), I sent her home.
The next day, I showed her the shots... She immediately went to re-hab.

She keeps those photos to this day... They are frightening.

Jan 02 06 10:39 pm Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Eric Muss-Barnes wrote:

mollie_lane wrote:
Sweeeeeeet merciful heavennnnnnnnnnnnns!
My jaw has slowly dropped until it hit the dang keyboard,
as I read.


Keep opening your mouth that far and you'll get offered a LOT more dates!


I see you are STILL MAD because I will not date or marry you...huh?

Jan 02 06 10:44 pm Link



Posts: 760

Orlando, Florida, US

wow a drunk model .lol thats funny.

Jan 02 06 10:59 pm Link



Posts: 127

Pol-e H̱umrī, Baġlān, Afghanistan

i'll pass on the drunk modeling (not only because im way underage even for Ontario) but because its just unprofessional. if i dont go to school drunk which is boring, why would i go to a shoot drunk when it's so much more fun?

Jan 02 06 11:23 pm Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

T H Taylor wrote:
I had a model tell me to stop in the middle of make-up because she had to go to the John (for 20 minutes to be exact)...  she came back cool but, after about ten minutes, began to shake (so much i couldn't do her face).  15 minutes later, she totally G'd out... I mean mush-mouthed, twitching incoherant speech and then, BOOM!  passed out.
What I did:  When she first started showing signs of the drug, i began to take pics of her; every five minutes i'd shoot more (until i got the ones where she was passed out).

After she came to (three hours later), I sent her home.
The next day, I showed her the shots... She immediately went to re-hab.

She keeps those photos to this day... They are frightening.


Jan 03 06 07:10 am Link


Lance Nichols

Posts: 199

Markham, Ontario, Canada

ReneeFavron wrote:
i'll pass on the drunk modeling (not only because im way underage even for Ontario) but because its just unprofessional. if i dont go to school drunk which is boring, why would i go to a shoot drunk when it's so much more fun?

Now that's an interesting take on it!

Jan 03 06 10:01 am Link


Infinite Eye

Posts: 300

New York, New York, US

Drunk to the point of passed out is tacky, unhealthy and unprofessional, however-

A model that is of age having one or two drinks at or before a shoot is by no means a tragedy.  It does help some to loosen up, and otherwise it's essentially a non issue.  Call it sad if you like, but if someone is giving me 60% better images after a cocktail, I'm all for it.

Marijuana to a large degree and most certainly other drugs have too many odd and/or debilitating syptoms for me to have to deal with while I'm trying to work/create.

Alcohol, unless the person is "Saturday night at the club" drunk, is no big deal.

Jan 03 06 10:22 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

I had a model (the Sarah Model Stalker) offer me head for meth.
I have her mentioning the meth usage on tape, too.

(It's always a good idea to record your photoshoots)

Jan 03 06 10:26 am Link


Jerry Bennett

Posts: 2223

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

was she doing glamour? one photographer even ENCOURAGED me to drink something before i come to a shoot so i would relax. He says a lot of models do it, its rather sad.

That's ok, it works to relax the face , but you're not supposed to get drunk. Just a glass of wine or two.

Jan 03 06 10:36 am Link