Forums > General Industry > WARNING Middle Aged Men who THINK there PHOTOGR.



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

^v^ Cheryl ^v^ wrote:
Ok I can't be the only one that finds this wrong and creepy When these Middle aged Fat creepy guys decide to go online to a nice place set up for REAL MODELS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS and turn it into some really creepy place most of the models that are older and smarter know not to fall into this trap but some of the young and neive girls may so let this be a warning to you and YES it did come from someone on MM in ohio ladies never fall for this no matter how much thay offer to pay you it will almost alway never end up in a good way...  And as for all of you TRULEY AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHERS here at MM we all love you..


This is probably a stupid Q but I will ask it anyway.
Your profile reflects a very Gothic look (My weakness)
Very little in the way of BDSM.
My question is this.. are you in, or do you have a curiousity about the
Like I said it may be a stupid question but I would rather know
than not ask and be left wondering.

Blessed Holiday and Prosperous New Year.


ps If you are planning to attend the NYE *Party Like A Rock Star event at Jillians this Saturday. Look me up. I am also part of the cast for the Sopranos Last Supper which will be playing in the back banquet room...
It is usually in the Lava Lounge of the Tower but for NYE we are moving to the bigger room.
Which also reminds me have you ever thought of doing any acting?? We are in need of another female in the cast.


pps: My name for the show is Johnny Bagahdonuts big_smile

^v^ Cheryl ^v^
12/29/05 7:43 AM
(Message read)     Are we asking about BDSM for personal or professional reasons?...
And no I will not be going to the NYE party sorry....

12/29/05 6:24 PM
    well the question was more along a personal line.. since you would probably not do a professional shoot if you did not have at least a passing interest personally.

Sorry to hear you will not be making it to the NYE party @ Jillians

will keep in touch.


^v^ Cheryl ^v^
12/31/05 5:52 PM
(Unread)     I was asking becouse I'm not like alote of these models That pass between the lines of personal and professional... Also I was trying to find out exactly what kind of photographer you where THERE ARE ALOTE OF LETS SAY "PRETEND PHOTOGRAPHERS" that get on these websites just to try to get layed and well I'm a PAYED, PUBLISHED, PROFESSIONAL model and don't deal well with amateur photographers or play well with them specially the ones that say TFP sorry that does not work well with me I'm good at what I do and I've been doing it for quite a long time and I get payed well to model...

oh yes by the way "I'm a professional and there is no PASSING INTEREST PERSONALLY trust me" I model for amateur's (EXCEPT FOR THE ONES WITH TALENT) for the pay not the shots.

Hey...what is with the fat jokes!!!!

Dec 31 05 08:07 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

bencook2 wrote:

Jilly rocks but you can't pin her down!  NYC no LA no NYC...

Yep shot her once when she happened to be in South Beach the only week I was visiting.  Talks your ear off, but a brilliant writer and artist, and an outstanding model.


Dec 31 05 08:25 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Does he have a picture of a boat on his wall? 

And does he secretly watch you while living in your cubboards?

Then I think we have heard of this man before.

Dec 31 05 08:49 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

^v^ Cheryl ^v^ wrote:
don't drink coffee it's bad for you.

besides cut and past works great from mailbox to forum...wink

Coffee?  Put Baileys in it and it will be fine!  tongue

Dec 31 05 08:53 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Happy New Year!

Dec 31 05 09:01 pm Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:

Yep shot her once when she happened to be in South Beach the only week I was visiting.  Talks your ear off, but a brilliant writer and artist, and an outstanding model.


I shot her back when we both lived in Hotlanta.  You know her and Allison were/are friends.  I did a shoot with the two of them that I have locked in my vault.  HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 31 05 09:42 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

bencook2 wrote:
You know her and Allison were/are friends.  I did a shoot with the two of them that I have locked in my vault.  HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, I didn't know that.  I photographed Ali when I was in Huntsville once.  Beautiful girl.  She's in Atlanta now too I understand.  Been awhile.


Dec 31 05 10:48 pm Link


The House of Lethal

Posts: 472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Paul Brecht wrote:
No offense Cheryl, but this seems to be a personal matter that would be best discussed off-list, not a "we have a disagreement, problem or issue, that I need to tell the world that this guy's a jerk" type of situation...

I mean, the tone here doesn't seem like a rant, but rather a tyrade. Especially when you write your appendage in all caps, which means you're "SHOUTING @ THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS" to everybody who will read...

Things like this suck, but it also sucks when something like this is just a plain old misunderstanding & then the world gets it yelled @ them. Then when it gets resolved between you two (if it's possible), it will never be resolved for the rest of the MM world...

It's been said that "words are like a thousand feathers, once spoken into the wind, you'll never be able to retrieve them all" That's why gossip & rumors are so harmful. Best is to try & resolve it privately & if that doesn't work, make a complaint @ the complaint dept...


Jan 01 06 12:06 am Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

hey, that sounds like me, ohh wait, i am a photographer, or at least thats what the phone book says.

Jan 01 06 12:16 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
Jillian's giving a party and I'm not going to be there?  Jillian Ann?  Shit!


That would be Ann Jillian

Jan 01 06 12:17 am Link


The House of Lethal

Posts: 472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Paul Brecht wrote:
No offense Cheryl, but this seems to be a personal matter that would be best discussed off-list, not a "we have a disagreement, problem or issue, that I need to tell the world that this guy's a jerk" type of situation...

I mean, the tone here doesn't seem like a rant, but rather a tyrade. Especially when you write your appendage in all caps, which means you're "SHOUTING @ THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS" to everybody who will read...

Things like this suck, but it also sucks when something like this is just a plain old misunderstanding & then the world gets it yelled @ them. Then when it gets resolved between you two (if it's possible), it will never be resolved for the rest of the MM world...

It's been said that "words are like a thousand feathers, once spoken into the wind, you'll never be able to retrieve them all" That's why gossip & rumors are so harmful. Best is to try & resolve it privately & if that doesn't work, make a complaint @ the complaint dept...


im not sure i should comment. but here it goes. ive been living in dayton since 95. one thing ive learnes is that the rumours and gossip are large parts of the culture here. ive had many many models assume that my associates and i are a bunch of pornographers and things of that ilk almost from day 1 and the rumours always hurt and after almost ten years they are still in circulation. this is despite the fact that i have several succesful new york shows under my belt, as well as several magazine layouts. people need to stop and think before publicly bashing anyone. its not a persons appearance that will let you know whether or not they have talent or are legit. only actually sitting down and looking at a persons body of work will do that. many of the models i approached in the 90s want to work with me now after badmouthing for years. do you think im willing to help them? stop the hating!~

Jan 01 06 12:18 am Link


BradyPhotography I

Posts: 464

Gaithersburg, Maryland, US

Powell Design wrote:

I hope you're not suggesting that anyone who shoots TFP, model and photographer alike, are not serious and professional in what they do. You're painting a picture with a rather broad brush, in my opinion.

Signed: Professional photographer/retoucher/advertiser/designer.

Happy New Year!

I think that is exactly what se was saying, I suppose she has been paid from her very first photo!

I understand her plight but to attack others is just uncalled for and discredits her.

Jan 01 06 12:21 am Link


A. H A M I L T O N

Posts: 325

Coventry, England, United Kingdom

Jan 01 06 12:23 am Link


Paul Brecht

Posts: 12232

Colton, California, US

What is that ???

Yoda pimpin' it w/ a turkey on a stick ???  smile...


Jan 01 06 12:25 am Link


A. H A M I L T O N

Posts: 325

Coventry, England, United Kingdom

Jan 01 06 12:34 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

A. H A M I L T O N wrote:
Do not feed the troll't_feed_the_troll

What? The image you posted looks like a leprechaun, not a troll.

Didn't you play AD&D? Haven't you seen Lord Of The Rings?

That's a troll.'Gill%20-%20Better%20than%20seeing%20pink%20elephants,%20I%20guess%20(350w).jpg

That is not.

Jan 01 06 12:43 am Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:

That would be Ann Jillian

I prefer this one!

Jan 01 06 01:07 am Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:
That would be Ann Jillian
Not a troll.  Jillian Ann.
Not a troll either.  Ali.


Jan 01 06 09:20 am Link


Gary L.

Posts: 306

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

a wannabe model telling other wannabe models to watch out for wannabe photographers.  what a joke.....  wasting MM bandwidth and pure BULLSHIT!!!!

Jan 01 06 09:25 am Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

^v^ Cheryl ^v^ wrote:
Ok I can't be the only one that finds this wrong and creepy When these Middle aged Fat creepy guys decide to go online to a nice place set up for REAL MODELS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS and turn it into some really creepy place most of the models that are older and smarter know not to fall into this trap but some of the young and neive girls may so let this be a warning to you and YES it did come from someone on MM in ohio ladies never fall for this no matter how much thay offer to pay you it will almost alway never end up in a good way...  And as for all of you TRULEY AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHERS here at MM we all love you..

What about us late 20's fat men that do the same thing. If you fall for the bullshit, isn't it shame on you? No one ever blames the hooker, everyone blames the PIMP?

Jan 01 06 09:30 am Link


Mark Key Photography

Posts: 1346

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Gary L. wrote:
a wannabe model telling other wannabe models to watch out for wannabe photographers.  what a joke.....  wasting MM bandwidth and pure BULLSHIT!!!!


Jan 01 06 09:35 am Link



Posts: 89

Port Orange, Florida, US

These pretzels are making me thirsty.........

Jan 01 06 12:12 pm Link


Rick Harris

Posts: 56

Watauga, Tennessee, US

Darn, It almost makes me want to hide the fact that I'm a overweight middle aged guy with camera that likes to shoot naked chicks TFP. Maybe no one will want to shoot with me any more. I hate the sterotyping. We all shoot what we like, be it models or landscapes. And sometimes we all go in a new direction, this is called growing. I make 100% of my income from photography and I have been published nationaly several times, this makes me a professional by most definitions. I think that I can hold my own with anyone in breaking news or sports and I have the awards and check stubs to prove it but I am still a neophyte when it comes to model photography. I realize that I have a lot to learn and I am willing to pay the right model to help furthur that education. BUT I will not pay every wannabe model that thinks it's her right just because her boyfriend tells her how she's the most beautiful thing on the planet. To paraphrase Cuba Gooding Jr, Show me your references and experience, then tell me you charge $100 an hour. I shoot Nascar and the NFL and I command a decent day rate from my clients now. But I shot for free my first few assignments to get the experience. I have seen some spectacular images from folkes who don't know what an F-stop is. And I have seen some trash from well known photographers who have all the toys. There are jerks in all walks of life, most of the time we just shake our heads and walk away. By the pics in your portfolio you have chosen to model in an area that is more adult related and by it's nature will draw more of the jerks to approach you than would approach a  fashion model. That's the price you pay for your choice of style. But grouping us middle aged fat guys together is like saying that all fetish and BDSM models are sluts. It's wrong. People stand on their own merit, deal with the jerks and don't judge to fast. Sorry about the rant and spelling guys.

Jan 01 06 12:18 pm Link



Posts: 2398

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

You know reading what the guy said did not in fact sound to unprofessional, in fact he has a point when he said if you don't have an interest in that type of lifestyle then you're probably more apt to not want to do a photoshoot like that. Its not like the guy said show me your tits.  Also, you don't work with amatuer photographers???? Well judging by most of your shots thats exactly what you've done, especially with such a timeless photo as the girl hugging the guitar.. ahhh its a classic... kinda like the mullet of photography pictures.  All i've ever done is tfp by the way.  I wouldn't be so quick to call the guy a pervert, yeah his port isn't anything special but by the looks of it he's just starting out.

Jan 01 06 02:29 pm Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
Not a troll.  Jillian Ann.
Not a troll either.  Ali.

Not a Troll here either.

Jan 01 06 03:03 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

ok so I read the emails and quite frankly, I didn't really see anything obviously dirty old manish. 

I have often asked models I've never met, questions which might help me determine what kind of work I can do with them, beyond just the obvious photo taking part of the shoot.   I don't know how else one is supposed to get this info unless you ask....

Jan 01 06 03:06 pm Link



Posts: 182

Los Angeles, California, US

retphoto wrote:

NO, but you can make sure that you take an ESCORT to every shoot, and ANY photographer who feel that they are ABOVE shooting a Model who feels they need an escort should get a Grip on reality!

I know of 2 cases(one on each coast, on in Pa fairly recently) where a Model was KILLed by her Photographer!! They were not some GWC, but established Photographers.

I have shot models with and without accompanying escorts, and I never had any problems with an escort being in the way.

a Models Safety is first, and any photographer's EGO who is too frail to deal with an ESCORT shouldn't be doing this!

Well said!!! I agree 100 percent!! smile

Jan 01 06 03:12 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

TheModelMaya wrote:

Well said!!! I agree 100 percent!! smile

oh thank god.  our first escort thread of the new year!

Jan 01 06 03:16 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Paul Brecht wrote:
No offense Cheryl, but this seems to be a personal matter that would be best discussed off-list, not a "we have a disagreement, problem or issue, that I need to tell the world that this guy's a jerk" type of situation...


While we're on the topic of professionalism, public bashing of someone who is not actually doing anything illegal or overly shady/dangerous/etc is... well, not very professional.

There are sites for stuff like this.

Jan 01 06 07:06 pm Link



Posts: 2398

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Josie Nutter wrote:


While we're on the topic of professionalism, public bashing of someone who is not actually doing anything illegal or overly shady/dangerous/etc is... well, not very professional.

There are sites for stuff like this.

so true

Jan 01 06 09:56 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Josie Nutter wrote:
...While we're on the topic of professionalism, public bashing of someone who is not actually doing anything illegal or overly shady/dangerous/etc is... well, not very professional...

And seeing that it was probably her very first post on MM, I find it rude.

Jan 01 06 11:47 pm Link


Mac Wolff

Posts: 3665

Litchfield Park, Arizona, US

Whats with singling out Fat Guys ???   GESH

Jan 01 06 11:53 pm Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

i not fat
but i can be creepy.....if you want me too

Jan 02 06 12:04 am Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

John Jebbia wrote:
G'damn! Use some punctuation.. My eyes hurt now!

[email protected] head AND eyes hurt! She totally lost me after "middle-aged fat creepy guys"...  smile

Jan 02 06 12:14 am Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Doug Swinskey wrote:
oh sure..what did you just see my casting notice i'll be in ohio?

[email protected]
If you EVER wrote such an incoherent, run-on, ADD/ADHD convoluted
bit of messaging...I would take you to the nearest ER and have you tested
for the presense of a crystal meth, speed, and cocaine cocktail! smile

Jan 02 06 12:17 am Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

lll wrote:
And seeing that it was probably her very first post on MM, I find it rude.

What do you expect from a model that requires that if you tie her up, you must tie her up for no less than three hours, unless she is naked, then its OK to untie her at the end of two hours, and if you will let her get naked, the rates will be lower. smile

Jan 02 06 12:21 am Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
Due to all the over use of caps and underuse of periods, causing the longest runon sentences in history, I really did not even make it half way through your post. But let me tell you this. There really is no way to keep the creeps away. There will always be some to get in. You can not screen 80 thousand members to see if they are creeps or not.

[email protected]!

You MISSED her point...

She is NOT worried about ALL photographer creeps...just middle-aged, fat, & creepy photographers...Now does anyone dare to ask what kind of personal industry standards constitute fat, middle-aged, and creepy. ((grinning))

Jan 02 06 12:24 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Kiss it!

Jan 02 06 12:26 am Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

You contacted him on his page with a tag claiming  "Nice Work wink
Then you said

^v^ Cheryl ^v^ wrote:
No your right you can't screen all photographers.  You can see if thay even have any real work in there gallery or not other than the same pic 3 times of some trees with the colors changed by digi. and a webcam pic of them.....

Not everyone who contacts you with questions about BDSM is a predator. From the context of his message it appears he's wanting to shoot this style and was asking a sincere question based on his response "since you would probably not do a professional shoot if you did not have at least a passing interest personally" .

Get over yourself. Calling people fat and creepy just because you didn't approve of the question proposed to you only makes you look like an ass.

I'd also like to suggest for your profile and future posts. It's overflowing with typos. This is something no "professional model" should be without.

Jan 02 06 12:32 am Link



Posts: 37

Tampa, Florida, US

so is it ok if your skinny

Jan 02 06 12:45 am Link