Forums > General Industry > Approaching women on the street for modeling


Martin Hazine

Posts: 212

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I find it sometimes difficult to get models for TFP shoots at times.  Even ones that don't really come across as professional models. 

Do you think it is an acceptable practice to go up to a girl on the street, show her a few pictures from my portfolio and ask her to model for me? 

The biggest problem I can think with this approach is that it is difficult to fight the stereotypical creepy photographer persona that many people imagine.

I'm also wondering how much of the success of the approach depends on the photographer's looks.  I think if the photographer looks like a model himself then the girls would be more willing to do it.  I also think if it was a female photographer approaching the girls, they would be more comfortable. 

I am ruling out the possibility of approaching guys on the street because I think a lot of guys would get the wrong idea more than women would. 

May 31 05 02:57 pm Link


Photography by Ed Selby

Posts: 418


If you don't ask, you'll never shoot 'em!

Here's my "technique" for when I see someone I want to shoot. I have a business card in hand (one with a recent photo I've done on it) and very simply say while handing her the card, "Hi, my name is Martin. I'm a photographer here in the Atlanta area. I think you have very striking face, and I'd like to photograph you. Here's my card with my website where you can see examples of my work. Take a look, and if you'd like to do a no-cost test shoot, please get in touch with me."

Give her a beat or two to respond. If she just looks flumoxed and flustered, say "Thanks," and walk off. It helps, and I mean REALLY helps if you have a female with you. My wife has been one of my best recruiters.

May 31 05 03:03 pm Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1302

Chicago, Illinois, US

This will be an interesting thread as I'm sure lots of folks will have lots to say about this one. The thing is, it really boils down to how the person feels about how you approached them. There is no method that is always going to work and there is no method that will always fail.

From time to time, I still approach girls on the street but what seems to work best is when I'm not agressive, I make my offer, tell them to think about it, give them a card and I am outta there. Most of the times that I was more successful was when I was either with another woman or my son or they were not alone.

May 31 05 03:05 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

This is my bag!!
Since i dont have anybody that lives around me..
This is the only way to meet future models..
Well except for the internet and as we all know that does not

My portfoilio i dont leave the house without it..
Even to go to the store..
My portfoilio is very big and heavy dont want to count again but i thinks it has 140  8x10s all of my style is in it..
Again i never use Agency so my portfolio is set up the way the ladies like it!!
I have not been refused a shoot in at least 15 years..
I am very confident when approaching future models,I was not very in the beggining..
I try to get the model alone but that is not always possible,
So sometimes i get a pretty big crowd lookin at my work..
But that is really cool cause sometimes i can get 5-6 future models with one showing..
Usually it only takes a couple flips of the pages and they already have thier date setup..
Where are my best spots to search..
#1 city park on sunny day..
Grocery store.
Raves are very good for recruiting,or any big party..
If you can get a crowd going that are looking at your work,it will just keep getting bigger..
In the last 5 years i have been with Dreampretty..
That has also helped cause a male-female team is a real safe bet..
Dream is kinda shy and always says "i asked the last one"
Hmmm ok back to work!!
Buisness cards are a joke dont expect them to call you back after looking at your card!!
Very rarely will that work on its own..
Hmm i seem to have run outa buisness cards!!
As usuall..
Carry your port if you want to attract them..
Im not ugly but i am older..never cramped my style!!
Confidence rules!!!

May 31 05 03:09 pm Link



Posts: 1326

Palm Beach, Florida, US

i agree, being approached by a photographer who a)has a professional looking business card; b)is accompanied by a female; and c)seems 'okay' (intuition here) will get a more favorable response.

however, since "people crazy!" these days, and wasn't Ted Bundy (serial killer?) a  clean-cut, attractive guy, some girls may be hesitant to take the approach seriously.

i personally take the card, check out the site, exchange a few emails/calls, and try to get a feel for the person. ask for a reference (and I offer one who can vouch for me as a model, as well), and then set a time/place to meet and discuss the shoot if not done so already.

of course, it will depend on whether or not i see something i like in their portfolio/website too...


May 31 05 03:25 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by MartinH: 
I find it sometimes difficult to get models for TFP shoots at times.  Even ones that don't really come across as professional models. 

Do you think it is an acceptable practice to go up to a girl on the street, show her a few pictures from my portfolio and ask her to model for me? 

The biggest problem I can think with this approach is that it is difficult to fight the stereotypical creepy photographer persona that many people imagine.

I'm also wondering how much of the success of the approach depends on the photographer's looks.  I think if the photographer looks like a model himself then the girls would be more willing to do it.  I also think if it was a female photographer approaching the girls, they would be more comfortable. 

I am ruling out the possibility of approaching guys on the street because I think a lot of guys would get the wrong idea more than women would. 

It takes practice to develop a professional style. There are times when it's appropriate to do this in public and when it's better to do it at an Expo, or smaller event. The difficulty in approaching someone for modeling is self-consciousness/shyness. Easy to overcome if you put your mind to it. When I first started searching for models years ago, my adrenaline would flow like a sieve, because in a crowd, whenever someone approaches the most beautiful girl, the chatter dies down and all eyes are on you.

Then, I thought, "Man, this is ridiculous. It's not like I'm trying to pick up on the chick and have her babies". So, my style got better after chucking the paranoia and self-consciousness out the wiindow.

I've started approaching guys whose looks have potential in print. Lol, I first started off with, "Dood, don't think I'm gay, but..." After the same realization, I chucked the self-consciousness and paranoia out the window and now I have several good looking guys lined up for TFP later in the year.

May 31 05 03:27 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

I've approached young women while "on the streets" with some success ... but it varies depending on under the  circumstances that we meet. I have ran ad's in my local newspaper with better results! Honestly, running ad's in the newspaper is expensive, but I have gotten far better results than any other place including the Internet.

It helps to be a good writer and know what to say.

Ed is right about "if you don't ask, you'll never shoot them." So be sure to ask and hand out cards on the street too! At first you will feel awkward, but it gets easier as you work on it.

May 31 05 03:28 pm Link


Bruce Caines

Posts: 522

New York, New York, US

Posted by Ed Selby: 
I have a business card in hand (one with a recent photo I've done on it) and very simply say while handing her the card, "Hi, my name is Martin. I'm a photographer here in the Atlanta area. I think you have very striking face, and I'd like to photograph you. Here's my card with my website where you can see examples of my work. Take a look, and if you'd like to do a no-cost test shoot, please get in touch with me."

Give her a beat or two to respond. If she just looks flumoxed and flustered, say "Thanks," and walk off. It helps, and I mean REALLY helps if you have a female with you. My wife has been one of my best recruiters.

Ed's technique is almost exactly my technique. The female partner is very helpful. Once or twice my wife has scoped-out someone and offered to talk to them. Usually she just hangs back and might chime in, "He's for real, he's good...and he's my husband!"  Sometimes you just don't have the female partner to help.

One thing that I find is key is not putting your potential subject on the spot. Don't make them or expect them to give you an answer at that moment--especially if they are with someone.

If your approach is not creepy, and you have professionally printed cards (not off your printer), you will be surprised how many people will call you back or even agree on the spot. (I was.) If you get them to even talk to you about it you've got a good shot at getting a yes. I've approached 90% of the people for nudes and I have a 95% acceptance rate.

May 31 05 03:40 pm Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1302

Chicago, Illinois, US

... oh one other thing. If the girl looks young (under 18) I simply ask if she's interested in modeling, if she says yes, I give her a card and say have your mother call. If she says no, I tell she should consider it and keep moving. That usually works and the mothers seem ok with that when they call.

May 31 05 03:54 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

I admire you guys who can make that work.

I'm interested in a business deal. There's other things in my life that I'm interested in. However, if a stranger approached me, I wouldn't be interested. If they're interested in the types of things I am, then they should be following the proper channels and not harvesting random opportunities.

So it goes with checking out models. I don't wish to intrude on someone's personal space with a personal offer from a person they don't know.  So I don't.  More power to those that do and can make it work.

May 31 05 04:02 pm Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

This could be the kiss of death to some, remember fear of failure. I have never shyed away from going up to strangers in malls or on the streets or in bars, but I also back it up with a business card and I keep a mini portfolio on me at all times when I am out in public. There is a easy task to get to answers..No! or Yes! If you have to question yourself and fear it then don't do it. I have gone as far as to let them stop by the studio on a weekend for a makeover of charge where I will treat them to makeup artist & stylist with no strings attach. You have to make them feel comfortable with you. A business card doesn't assure you of anything, other than that's nice. It's how you realte to strangers will either make you look like a fool or they will take interest in what it is you want to do. Be honest with them in what you are seeking, and don;t go up to someone  with this statement " I want to photograph you naked"....what's wrong with this picture.

May 31 05 04:04 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

What works for me is the card. 4/4 color, dual-sides, gloss coat, 14pt card stock, that any guy with a camera could make - but the guys with cameras *don't*

At a party, or some place where people know me, I find out who the girl knows, and have someone she knows make an introduction. I then tell her what I do, give her a card, and leave it at that. 9 times out of 10, she asks her friend, "Is this guy for real?" and the friend says yes.

If the friend has modeled for me, so much the better.

Talking to someone cold is another matter, and that just takes confidence.

I'm making some new cards now that go to a separate URL that has a one-page spiel on who I am and what I do, says that if they're at the page, odds are that I gave them a card, and has 3 or 4 of my absolute best images and a link to my actual portfolio site.

Your mileage may vary.

May 31 05 04:08 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by Alex Alexander: 
" I want to photograph you naked"....what's wrong with this picture.

Nothing as long as your in a strip club!!
Or a nudist beach!!

May 31 05 04:12 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Personal choice - I would never do it.

No need, no want, just no. But then, I really don't do TFP/TFCD, so that's probably why.

May 31 05 04:22 pm Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

Posted by Brian Kim: 
Personal choice - I would never do it.

No need, no want, just no. But then, I really don't do TFP/TFCD, so that's probably why.

The thing is I am not known for TFP/TFCD, but  sometimes I find a face for  not only my personal fine art work, but sometimes I can find a gem in using people I find off the streets for ad or editorial work. I don't make it my prime way of meeting anyone, but it all boils down to fear facture I think with most people.

May 31 05 04:27 pm Link


John Swoger

Posts: 192

Peoria, Arizona, US

I've never approached anyone cold and asked them about possibly working with me. But since I will be moving to a new city where I don't know anyone, I have the idea I'll be doing just that. The advice you have all laid out is most helpful, now all I have to do is move so I can try out what I've learned.

May 31 05 04:27 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

When I first started out, I used to carry a pocket sized 4x6 portfolio with me along with business cards. I would introduce myself, tell them what I do, what I would like to do with them (ALWAYS a fashion shoot. If they wanted more, that was their choice) and tell them to bring a mannerable and respectable chaperone with them, even tell them that they will get a full copy of the shots. if they seem to be into it while looking over the portfolio, THEN I drop them the business card.

May 31 05 04:29 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by Brian Kim: 
Personal choice - I would never do it.

No need, no want, just no. But then, I really don't do TFP/TFCD, so that's probably why.

Sir Brian your so full of it!!lol
Come on even Sir Brian must see 1 beautiful model he would like to shoot..
Even for free!!

Unless he is dead!!

May 31 05 04:31 pm Link



Posts: 115

Richmond, California, US

Hmm. I was approached when I was 16 by a photographer (using the term loosely) with a nice biz card and dressed to the 9's. He even had a portfolio. turns out he was arrested for child molestation 1 week later...using this same was sad. I'm glad I didn't bite...sicko.

I dunno. I suppose it depends on where you are and how comfortable you are with your surroundings as far as going out and 'scoping' models you want to TFP with.

Nowadays its tough with all the craziness that is out there for people to take you seriously if you came up to them like this. But society did it. (shrugs).

May 31 05 04:33 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Since most of my current work is with non-models, I approach women often. Most don't reply, but some do and tht makes it worth while to me. The trick to it is to separate yourself from the trools and predators out there. A quality business card is pretty vital as opposed to the self designed, computer printed versions. 

The secret is to make the aproach non threatening. I pproach with a bus card in my hand, help out to her and introduce myself as a photographer. I menton something about them which attractd my attention, such as "I couldn't help noticing your hair". I'll add that I would interested photographing her and ask that she take a look at my web site nd if interested giv eme a call, at which time we'll go into the details. I'll add that she woild be free to bring anyone she would like with her. Then I'll thank her for listening and leave. No sales pitch and no pressure. There is an old maxim is sales to the effect that after you ask the closing question, shut up, "He who speaks next loses".  So after I make my short pitch, I'll glance at my watch and walk away. I should add that unless she looks to be 20 or more, I just don't make an approach.

The approach should be as though you were making her an offer of something of value, not that you are trying to talk her into something. Of course if she has any questions, I'll offer general answers, but add when she calls me I'll go into details. 

May 31 05 04:56 pm Link



Posts: 42

Newport Beach, California, US

Other than approach ppl on the street, do you guys think posting an AD in the newspaper or local college campus bulletin board work?

May 31 05 05:02 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by Sun Karma: 
Hmm. I was approached when I was 16 by a photographer (using the term loosely) with a nice biz card and dressed to the 9's. He even had a portfolio. turns out he was arrested for child molestation 1 week later...using this same was sad. I'm glad I didn't bite...sicko.

I dunno. I suppose it depends on where you are and how comfortable you are with your surroundings as far as going out and 'scoping' models you want to TFP with.

Nowadays its tough with all the craziness that is out there for people to take you seriously if you came up to them like this. But society did it. (shrugs).

See what i have to contend with!!
This does happen and i know it and they know it!!
Still i will not stop spreading the happiness!!
I will not give up!!

May 31 05 05:08 pm Link


Bruce Caines

Posts: 522

New York, New York, US

Posted by Monsante Bey: 

and tell them to bring a mannerable and respectable chaperone with them,

That goes a long way with anyone. If you suggest it first--either in your face-to-face or other communication, you've probably knocked the "potential creep" factor down to about a 2.

I thought about the mini portfolio a long time ago, but it's a pain in the ass to carry. If I don't have my backpack I don't want anything in my pockets other than my wallet and a Metrocard. I'm not approaching that many people on the street for shoots. If I do it once in two months, that's a lot.

May 31 05 05:13 pm Link


David Holloway

Posts: 713

Liberty Lake, Washington, US

I also carry a business card with images I have shot. I usually go up to the woman I would like to shoot and introduce myself, hand my card to them and tell them they look great and would love to do a test shoot with them. I tell them that they do not have to give me an answer right now and I wont even ask your name or for a contact number (that usually relaxes them a bit) but to check out my portfolio online and if they are interested to contact me. I have gotten a few shoots that way..

Wifes are definately a great help.. I have given a few cards to hotties who have looked at me kinda funny and my wife jumps in and states "He really is a photographer and wants to photograph you".

When giving out the card just don't ask for contact info let them call or email you, I think that puts them at ease and the realize your not trying to pick them up.

May 31 05 05:21 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I haven't had to do it in a while, but when I was just starting out, I almost always carried a 4 x 6 or even 8 x 10 portfolio book [the kind you can get at Ritz Camera or Utrecht or wherever], as well as a business card with my phone # and web address on it.  Even if they're caught off guard, the sight of someone who has their act together helps the situation.  And it's always nice if you have a female friend to do the heavy lifting for you.

May 31 05 05:22 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by NH: 
Other than approach ppl on the street, do you guys think posting an AD in the newspaper or local college campus bulletin board work?

AS I mentioned earlier, that has been the most productive method of getting many potential models to come to me!

May 31 05 05:23 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Posted by Bruce Caines: 

Posted by Monsante Bey: 

and tell them to bring a mannerable and respectable chaperone with them,

That goes a long way with anyone. If you suggest it first--either in your face-to-face or other communication, you've probably knocked the "potential creep" factor down to about a 2.

I thought about the mini portfolio a long time ago, but it's a pain in the ass to carry. If I don't have my backpack I don't want anything in my pockets other than my wallet and a Metrocard. I'm not approaching that many people on the street for shoots. If I do it once in two months, that's a lot.

Dude, you're on the bus???? You should be running out of business cards every week! When I lived in Atlanta and had to take the train, I was giving mines out like an infection. For every 10 given out, I would get at least 3 shoots. Trust me, it's worth carrying around a pocket portfolio, how else do you expect to "wow" them? lol

May 31 05 05:26 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Here's a question: Is there any WRONG venue to promote, recruit, or advertise? I don't think there is. I have gotten great responses from women on the street, and even better from ads placed in newspapers. ESPECIALLY college papers around the holidays. Those girls will beat the hell out of your wallet around then.

Don't ever be afraid to ask anyone and everyone. Keep in mind each woman has friends. Thing is once you have some successes more will come to you ESPECIALLY if the models you shoot have a great experience with you. Often they will send you their wild ass butt nekkid girlfriends.

However if you look ANYTHING like Patrick it might not be an issue as they will run from you screaming "What is that thing!!!!" LMAO...

Runs from the Wrath of Patrick.

May 31 05 05:43 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

I hand them a business card.  If they call, they call.  If they don't.  Oh wells.

May 31 05 06:20 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
I hand them a business card.  If they call, they call.  If they don't.  Oh wells.

Oh!! I get it you are only a tough and confident Guy in the Forums!!


May 31 05 08:42 pm Link


Elemental Photo

Posts: 124

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

I haven't done this yet because I don't have a site up and running at the moment, but when I do, I had planned on getting some nice cards done up, numbering them on the back, and approaching any girls with the kind of look I want where ever I happen to spy them. I won't ask their name or anything, just tell them I am interested in shooting with them, give them the card, and make a note later of where I saw them and what they looked like and the corresponding number on the card. That way if I give out a ton of cards, I won't be wondering who the hell I am chatting with over e-mail later on.
And I think it will definately help that I am a little girl. tongue

May 31 05 11:23 pm Link