Forums > General Industry > OMP and showcases


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

isn't this funny....first let me say that I have worked with the guys (and gals) down there in Fort Lauderdale and they are really nice. But whoever gives away many of those showcases needs to get some...

I just came across a portfolio that has been online for 4 days...and it already has 4 showcases, all of them nude. There are many wonderful pictures in the portfolio, but the nudes got the showcase, LOL.

Ah well...

disclaimer: I know they give away showcases to non-nude pictures. blah blah blah smile

May 31 05 12:02 pm Link


johnny olsen

Posts: 366

Los Angeles, California, US

someday people will realize that there is no correlation between an OMP showcase and real world prestige, or better yet $$$.

this reply would fall under the real world of modeling vs. the internet.

five+ omp showcases and $.50 can buy me a phone call.

May 31 05 12:18 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Nice "hot chick."

May 31 05 12:22 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Posted by johnny olsen: 
someday people will realize that there is no correlation between an OMP showcase and real world prestige, or better yet $$$.

this reply would fall under the real world of modeling vs. the internet.

five+ omp showcases and $.50 can buy me a phone call.

err, ummm....i guess it would. I was just poking a little fun at OMP.

And yeah, hot chick...

May 31 05 12:51 pm Link


Visual Edge

Posts: 155

Fenton, Michigan, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 

disclaimer: I know they give away showcases to non-nude pictures. blah blah blah smile

But a poorly shot nude will often be showcased when a terrific non-nude image is passed up! Most people I know don't give much regard to the showcase process any more.

May 31 05 12:51 pm Link


Visual Edge

Posts: 155

Fenton, Michigan, US

Posted by johnny olsen: 
someday people will realize that there is no correlation between an OMP showcase and real world prestige, or better yet $$$.

this reply would fall under the real world of modeling vs. the internet.

five+ omp showcases and $.50 can buy me a phone call.

Recognition is always nice, but I think the criteria it is based on should be legitimate and based on the quality of the image and not whether the image is nude. For example the shot Johnny posted is a great shot. Not because the model is nude, she could be clothed and the image would still be well done.

May 31 05 12:56 pm Link


Karlton Photo

Posts: 76

Saint Charles, Illinois, US

I have 3 non nude showcases there...

I only thought I would mention how full of the "stuff" they seem to be over at that site.

A friend of mine talked to "B" a couple weeks ago and showcases came up in conversation. "B" claimed that they no longer give them out for nude images...but I know this to be a false claim...seems like they will tell you whatever they want to shut you up or get you off certain subjects!

Ok...time for me to get a cup of shut the heck up now! [_]D

May 31 05 01:01 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I don't pay OMP enough to get a showcase.  Guess I'll just have to live without!

May 31 05 01:05 pm Link


Elin Striga

Posts: 77

Örebro, Örebro, Sweden

When I registered at OMP I immediately got 2 showcases (out of 5 images). I've been on OMP for a year now and haven't got any more showcases. I honestly think it's because I don't subscribe to any higher level of membership. And why would I - I love Model Mayhem. yikes)

May 31 05 01:15 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

The whole Showcase thingee is flawed and really ought to done away with.  OMP has used the showcases for a number of reasons, like getting folks excited about the site, presumably to get them to upgrade their profile... to get people to be quiet when they complain... and certainly as rewards for a wide variety of things.

They don't disclose the identity nor the qualifications of those who do the selecting, also it is very random and haphazard in what is selected(but nudes definately seem to have a priority)... and finally they do have favorites... I know of one fella (identity undisclosed), who paid for an OMP staff member's trip and loo and behold he received showcases by the dozen(many for very mediocre images).

I decided to remove all of my showcases from my profile... I would prefer for folks to judge themselves regarding the quality of lack thereof in my images.  I sincerely hope that MM doesn't come up with their verson of the "showcased image".

May 31 05 01:47 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 
isn't this funny....first let me say that I have worked with the guys (and gals) down there in Fort Lauderdale and they are really nice. But whoever gives away many of those showcases needs to get some...

I just came across a portfolio that has been online for 4 days...and it already has 4 showcases, all of them nude. There are many wonderful pictures in the portfolio, but the nudes got the showcase, LOL.

Ah well...

disclaimer: I know they give away showcases to non-nude pictures. blah blah blah smile

hmpf. None of my nudes got a showcase and I had the "Special K" himself on the phone complimenting me on Tara's pic when it was my main pic. Me sad sad

* sorry folks. had to remove the nudey *

May 31 05 01:53 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Visual Edge: 
Most people I know don't give much regard to the showcase process any more.

Yeah, but consider that most people you're referring to who don't give much regard to showcases are people in the Industry, i.e. other Photographers and Models.

When it comes to clients though, they DO regard it, because they see it as an award and not the way we as competitors do. My first and only showcase falls under the commercial category, which is kind of a cool thought. On my personal web site where potential clients visit, I'm going to town with that showcase distinction. LOL.

Honestly though, the only clients it's brought in so far are the non-paying kind wanting to do TFP.

May 31 05 02:00 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by RStephenT: 
I decided to remove all of my showcases from my profile...

* Jaws dropped. Eyeballs enlarged *

May 31 05 02:05 pm Link


Valerie Rose

Posts: 129

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US

I haVE a modeling profile with many good images on it.. and whenever I post an image there is no showcase... and then the photographer post the same image after me.. lol he gets a showcase. I think omp really dosnt care for me.. for many reasons. whatever screw that effin site, I get most my paid work off of that site that is the only reason I stay... but Model mayhem is soo much more user friendly and more fun.

May 31 05 02:09 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 
I just came across a portfolio that has been online for 4 days...and it already has 4 showcases

That's why I've always been the opinion that the deciding party for showcases should be a panel of members who are in no way shape, or form, affiliated/associated with the company giving away the award. A so-called panel could consist of the following:

- 2 members who are full time commercial photogs *

- 2 members who are full time commercial models *

- 2 members who are full time Academic Professors/Instructors *

- (Optional) 2 members who are Art buyers *

- (Optional) 2 non-industry participating members. These would be people who just enjoy viewing Art and Photography.

* =  who are not a member of any site, like MM and OMP

May 31 05 02:15 pm Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

I have one showcase there which I got when I first created the profile... it's a headshot. Since then I have not had any showcases even though in the opinion of several models and photographers several variations of my images have been copied by the ones getting the showcase!!!
I wish I knew what their cirteria is for the showcases...

May 31 05 02:27 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I honestly think the criteria is simply what they notice. I was speaking with a girlfriend of mine who was down there shooting for the bikini episode of shut up and model. She said she was talking to "C" and she mentioned to him how she had no showcases. The next day, she had about 10 (bikini shots).

"They don't disclose the identity nor the qualifications of those who do the selecting"

well, its not much of a secret because people talk.

And remember, the entire OMP staff is about a dozen people. 2 dozen TOPS!

Hee hee, I will say though that my picture (about 8 feet tall) is on their new van they bought to carry all their SUAM equipment around in. I thought it was kinda cool...but I'm easily amused. smile

May 31 05 02:46 pm Link


MS Photo Chicago

Posts: 387

Chicago, Illinois, US

While everyone doesn't care about showcases it seems that everyone wants them because they are a form of validation for a mass audience. I would like more showcases because they do a great of driving traffic to my OMP homepage so more people get to see my work which is what I care about.

May 31 05 02:52 pm Link


Jeff Bowlin

Posts: 162

Tucson, Arizona, US

Any objectivity about showcases is gone now because the 5 people on OMP who are able to tag something Showcase deal with endless walls of complaints and bitching and whining about showcases.

Just think, if there are message board threads on virtually ever model site bitching about OMP showcases, can you image how what the OMP people must hear?

May 31 05 03:53 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

I agree with Johnny O that in the real world a showcase image on OMP ain't going to buy you snot.  Which is good, because I don't have images showcased over there and if I did I'd be inclined to cash them in and at least buy an iced coffee drink with them.

I'm not opposed to the idea of showcasing per se....if the actual award of a showcase meant something.  There are enough of us at this point who have actually seen the buddy system at play (we know who these photog are) who could put up the world's most ill-conceived and contrived work and get a showcase.  We've seen the poorly crafted works featuring a buxom 21 yo mary lou, with the high satin (seam fully visible) backdrop, babies toys, dog tail, postman delivering the mail, in the margins of the shot, but mary's 44DD mounds of joy prominantly featured in the middle, and WE KNOW why the image got a showcase.  I've personally seen someone bitch in a chatroom long enough and 2 showcases were magically awarded within 20 minutes.   So, with this kind of system in place, it's amazing that good shots actually do get recognized.

I kinda wish they'd get their act together and do something like Joe suggested, a committee of non-interested parties that actually had an art or photography backround reviewing work.  But me thinks that the current system probably has enough perks in it for OMP staffers....especially since it allows/encourages even the lowest common denominator to keep plugged into the OMP cash cow.

May 31 05 04:35 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

I had a showcase shot, I have since deleted it because I have posted better work. It's a waste to me, really.

May 31 05 04:43 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

wow...well I knew showcases had alot to do with titties and ass, but since I don't spend anytime on their msg boards or in the chat room, i didn't know about the bitchin to get a showcase.

hmmm...well I've got one showcase that I got months ago. Guess I didn't do any bitching when I was in FL. too easy going, lol

learn something new everyday.... yea!

May 31 05 05:11 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I've always held the beleif that to get a showcase image on OMP, there are two requirements.

1.  The image has to be by a photographer who pays for a gold or better subscription.

2.  The model has to be a member paying for a gold or better subscription.

When I first joined OMP, [and nobody had to pay] I was photographer of the week three times in a that I'm just a bronze  Not that I care, I can count the number of models I've reached through OMP on one hand so who needs it?  I've already shot with three models from here in a month!

May 31 05 05:26 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 
wow...well I knew showcases had alot to do with titties and ass... 

Funny you all mentioned that, because my showcase image was a bare ass shot.

May 31 05 05:35 pm Link


[ b ] e c k e r

Posts: 52

Saint Louis, Missouri, US

i OMP showcase thing cracks me up. i have been on there for 4 years now and i have just a handful of my 240+ images in the showcase. i think many of my images that aren't in the showcase are much stronger than the ones that are. i don't know who i judging that crap but they should pull their collective heads out of their collective asses. i see some other photographers that have many showcase images and most of them are crap. it's all political. good thing i don't care what others think of my work.

[ b ]

May 31 05 06:07 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

OMP is biased when it comes to showcases.  Kiss thier ass and they will give you showcases.  They also love nudity.  There is only 1 admin who actually gives out showcases for creativity.  That person was the one who gave me showcases.  The rest of the admin don't like me very much and could care less about me.  Kind of like how some of the photographers on here feel about me.  lol

I've deleted 3 showcases so far.  2 images have been chosen in the past for photo of the day.

May 31 05 06:15 pm Link


D Fish

Posts: 316

Springfield, Missouri, US

I have been a member there for 5 1/2 years and just a few months ago I got 2. I know my images don't suck that bad. On the other hand my images on Models who pay for the Platinum get more. My 2 cents

May 31 05 08:35 pm Link


John Paul

Posts: 937

Schenectady, New York, US

Posted by johnny olsen: 
someday people will realize that there is no correlation between an OMP showcase and real world prestige, or better yet $$$.

this reply would fall under the real world of modeling vs. the internet.

five+ omp showcases and $.50 can buy me a phone call.

Yep!  :-)


May 31 05 08:44 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by  © David Fish: 
I have been a member there for 5 1/2 years and just a few months ago I got 2. I know my images don't suck that bad. On the other hand my images on Models who pay for the Platinum get more. I feel its a joke. My 2 cents

Wow David your an old dude!!

I hate OMpee and they hate me!!
I just recently started payin since then i have gotten 1 showcase!!
Before i payed them they hated me!!
yet they still gave me 20 showcases!
Why would anyone in thier right mind give me so many showcases when they hate me??
Damn i was so broke!!

May 31 05 08:58 pm Link


CD Knight

Posts: 117

New York, New York, US

Just about everyone on the planet knows how I feel about OMP and how they allowed an amateur photographer from California named Jaime Escalante to talk BS about me in their chatrooms...which led to me telling Jaime where he could take a long walk on a short pier somewhere and then I asked to be taken off of OMP ASAP..........any site that allows a fool like that to get away with what he did and is probably still doing deserves exactly what they get... nothing but GRIEF IMHO!


May 31 05 09:05 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45354

San Juan Bautista, California, US

I've been on OMP for much too long! Since 3/01 ... when it was free. I have NEVER gotten a Showcase there. sad

Someone on there TOLD me that they don't like me ... "Now pay us some more money!"  I have even posted some nudes ... still no Showcase! I gave up on ever getting a showcase anyway.

May 31 05 09:11 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I have so been waiting for that thread. I have bitched for hours and hours about the unfairness of it all. Yet, I plan a campaign to contact them when I shoot with a few more 1,000,000+ hit photographers...

May 31 05 09:15 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I have so been waiting for that thread. I have bitched for hours and hours about the unfairness of it all. Yet, I plan a campaign to contact them when I shoot with a few more 1,000,000+ hit photographers...

May 31 05 09:16 pm Link



Posts: 9

Shoreham, Michigan, US

On OMP, do photographers get rewarded by submitting nude pics? A Showcase is like a prize, right ?

May 31 05 09:25 pm Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

Posted by johnny olsen: 
someday people will realize that there is no correlation between an OMP showcase and real world prestige, or better yet $$$.

this reply would fall under the real world of modeling vs. the internet.

five+ omp showcases and $.50 can buy me a phone call.

It is true that showcases aren't worth money...
But I have found that a number of showcases is often an indication of the brilliance of a photographer's work...
Or even a model's work!

Showcases are a great thing I think we should have them here, because you can find a lot of great artists by looking at the showcases. Showcases are chosen by many different people probably, and judged by whether the photos really **Stand Out** you know? Probably a lot of them are nudes, and a lot are the same old butt shots or whatever, but usually they're pretty good. Although I do often say, "why did they pick THAT one?" I guess that just goes to show there's no accounting for taste...

I guess I'm saying, the idea is good and it's nice to have somewhere to go for the really hot work. But sometimes the results are ridiculous.

And what is "real world prestige"? Is that like the Dalai Lama, or Paris Hilton, or George W?

May 31 05 09:27 pm Link


John Paul

Posts: 937

Schenectady, New York, US

  This guy, OMP 20145 has 9 Showcases!..

  What do you all think of those selections for the "Showcase Gallery"?   

  Good selections or poor selections?

  I say poor.


May 31 05 09:31 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Posted by John Paul: 

  This guy, OMP 20145 has 9 Showcases!..

  What do you all think of those selections for the "Showcase Gallery"?   

  Good selections or poor selections?

  I say poor.


I looked John Paul. I agree with you; they are poor IMHO.

May 31 05 09:46 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Well not one showcase for me on OMP and I have the stupid Plat. level membership...

But the models I have shot with have recieved them with my photos - so to me that even better..

May 31 05 09:47 pm Link


Stuart Photography

Posts: 5938

Tampa, Florida, US

the whole thing is silly. try going to an agency or gallery and have a jury judge your work. they do not have qualified people doling out these showcases. its just a cute thing they do that many people have latched on to.

that said, i have no problem with omp either. plenty of work comes from there. yes. paid work.

May 31 05 09:52 pm Link


Ascending Phoenix

Posts: 418

Lexington, Kentucky, US

I renamed them ShowShits...Ive had several deleted them all.Have Models that have recieved them.I care less about them.If it makes the Models feel special great.Glad Ive contributed to helping them love what they do.

When started seeing out of focus PS crap and out of focus Non PS images awarded thats when I deleted mine.

Im just a guy with a camera.A passion to create images and touch peoples lives.If I have succedded at that.THAT is all that really mattered in the first place

May 31 05 10:16 pm Link