Forums > General Industry > Getting / Staying in shape


Jose Miguel

Posts: 14

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I was just wondering how everyone maintains their figure, or how do you work to get into that figure?

I've been trying to eat right and just dance off the wieght I wanna lose.

May 30 05 02:22 am Link



Posts: 9122

I lie on my back all day working on my laptop.

May 30 05 02:30 am Link


Tina Lee

Posts: 66

San Jose, California, US

i never really stick to any workout plan. they usually last about a DAY! i dont eat right either. i just make sure to eat small portions, find any reason to forget things upstairs and run back up, and whatnot. sports, cheerleading, anything i can think of to move? but i must admit, ive been looking into lypo-suction. ive always had problem areas that i cannot get rid of, even when i used to work out, diet, etc. but i think if i can get it off, i can keep it off.

May 30 05 02:31 am Link



Posts: 168

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I always try to have an active lifestyle, I mean I have a high metbolism so I really don't gain weight but i don't want to either so I stay active from working a job where I am always walking up and down the hall, cheerleading, being a youth coach( which can be very strenuous, you know little kids be everywhere lol) to at least running on a tredmill once a week, I also am trying to loose more weight so I am on a diet which mainly consists of eating smaller portions of every meal I eat and eating a meal bar for lunch, taking multi vitamins everyday. If you go to GNC they can tell you what vitamins and supplements will be good for you to take to lose a little extra weight

May 30 05 11:30 pm Link


Freeze Digital

Posts: 70

Roanoke, Virginia, US

well if your trying to build strength like most guys are gnc sells a safe (to my knowledege) supplement called NO2 which I take. I just try to lift the areas that show, sadly enough. Push ups in the morning sit-ups with legs raised. Curls for your arms, very little benchpress and any back excerise you can think of. Oh and pull ups, just don't be doing a pull up and have the bar come out of the wall, that doesnt feel good at all, now I just need a new pull up bar...

May 31 05 03:09 am Link



Posts: 1326

Palm Beach, Florida, US

3 days a week of circuit training with weights;
4-5 days of cardio, 30-45 mins per session;
abs (crunches, etc) 2 days a week;
modified South Beach diet (but i have fruit and juice for breakfast);
protein shake before workouts;
multivitamin and flax seed oil once a day.

oh yeah, and restrict alcohol to no more than 2 drinks a week.  (as a former bartender, i admit that i like to drink on occasion, but this will slow your metabolism and wreck your skin if you have too much!)

i agree w/ Kavonna on GNC, lots of good stuff there.  M&F (for the exercise ideas) and Oxygen/Shape for the articles...

i also had a personal trainer from last October until 2 weeks ago as i needed to firm up and get some quick results. now i maintain on my own.


May 31 05 08:13 am Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Well, I've lost about 35 lbs in the last year and a half (for reference, I am 5'2").  Sure, it's been somewhat slow, but it hasn't been hard to KEEP off becuase of that. smile

What has worked for me:

* cardio at least 4 days a week (I did 7 for the first few months)
* light weight training 4 days a week (muscle burns more calories than fat)
* calorie counting (make sure you eat less than you burn to lose, but not TOO much less!)

I also let myself have one "free" day a week where I am allowed to eat/drink whatever I want.  It keeps me from getting too crazy.

Before (AAIIEE!):


Jun 08 05 01:25 am Link


Bobby Knight

Posts: 235

Palm Beach, Florida, US

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
I lie on my back all day working on my laptop.


Jun 08 05 11:01 am Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1302

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
I lie on my back all day working on my laptop.

You look good too! lol

Jun 08 05 11:11 am Link


Simply Sonya

Posts: 78

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I do cardio 5-6 days a week & weight train 3 days a week.  Watch my carb intake & try to stay active.  You have to do what works for you as an individual - the same program may not work for the next person.  GREAT articles in Oxygen & additional supplements in GNC!  Also - Zoe made the statement about having a personal trainer - definitely a good idea for those just getting started! 

Jun 08 05 11:18 am Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

Personally I do not trust supplements. My brother uses expensive stuff from GNC and I don't see much of a difference.
I'm pretty lazy so I work out like twice a week.

Jun 08 05 11:45 am Link



Posts: 24

Toronto, Iowa, US

Cardio - 2-3 times a week (treadmill or bike)
Weights - 3 times a week
Pilates, Dancing (Hip Hop, Exotic, Salsa) - 3 times a week (this alternates with Regular Cardio)

I have a really high metabolism so exercising makes it even higher..I'm not into losing weight (cant afford to!) but ive gotten toner and leaner..Which is what I'm aiming for..And exercising gets me off my lazy ass and sharpens my brain!

Jun 08 05 11:46 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Leila: 
Personally I do not trust supplements. My brother uses expensive stuff from GNC and I don't see much of a difference.
I'm pretty lazy so I work out like twice a week. 

Yeah, my boyfriend swears by those damn supplements... He takes like 15 pills before each workout and drinks protein shakes like they're candy... :::GAG:::  He takes a lot of those testosterone boosters...  Which explains his male ego issues...

Jun 08 05 12:54 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Josie Nutter: 
Well, I've lost about 35 lbs in the last year and a half (for reference, I am 5'2").  Sure, it's been somewhat slow, but it hasn't been hard to KEEP off becuase of that. smile

What has worked for me:

* cardio at least 4 days a week (I did 7 for the first few months)
* light weight training 4 days a week (muscle burns more calories than fat)
* calorie counting (make sure you eat less than you burn to lose, but not TOO much less!)

I also let myself have one "free" day a week where I am allowed to eat/drink whatever I want.  It keeps me from getting too crazy.

Before (AAIIEE!):


Wow... that's crazy... what was your before weight?  You look really great in that after shot. Very curvy...

Jun 08 05 12:57 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I do cardio once every couple weeks whether I need it or not.  On second thought, maybe that's why when I get nekkid and turn sideways I look a lot like a "Q".

Jun 08 05 01:02 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US


Jun 08 05 01:04 pm Link



Posts: 3

Petaluma, California, US

500 crunches 3-4 times a week
cardio weight lifting 2-3 xweek, combined with ballet barre
yoga almost every day
aikido 3-4x week
always take the stairs & walk wherever possible, with ankle weights...

very low fat diet with allowances for monthly ice cream, been taking CLA for a couple of months to combat "hormonal spread" but its not entirely effective, trying to substitute one meal a day with whey protein & juice.

But my middle continues to thicken and I am about to panic, since a short-waisted person Needs a good waistline! any other suggestions?

Jun 08 05 03:19 pm Link



Posts: 104

Newtown, Pennsylvania, US

I hate excercising, but I know that because I do it, it will keep me from getting flabby in different places.  My troubles spots are my thighs and arms (my stomach muscles also need a little more shaping, but I am slowly working up to a 4 pack - which is wonderful for me!)

I excercise daily for a total of 20 to 30 minutes.  I do very light work ranging from curls with 2 pound weights, some work on my inner and outer thigh areas, as well as light ab work.  I also try and use the treadmill for a total of 30 to 40 minutes each day (which has helped to shape my thighs a little more and keep my stomach slightly flatter).

I also keep to several small meals a day - because, I'm sorry...I LOVE food!  I eat lots of fruit and steamed veggies, as well as tuna fish and an occasional soda as a treat for being a good girl.  I like natural sugars (from fruits, for instance) so I also keep to plenty of water and juices.

Jun 08 05 03:37 pm Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

I lost 20 pounds with Weight Watchers points system. (Gained some weight after I graduated because I was used to having dance class five times a week, plus some other factors.) Now I use it to keep track of how much I'm consuming and where/when I need to cut back.

I vary my workout routine quite a bit. Dance class is preferrable, but when I can't make that happen I usually do a hybrid ballet center barre/Pilates/weight training/Yoga workout or do some stuff with my exercise ball.

Jun 08 05 04:24 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by Reese: 
Wow... that's crazy... what was your before weight?  You look really great in that after shot. Very curvy...

Thank you! big_smile  Gotta love corsets.  (Although the one in the before photo certainly wasn't helping much, heh.)

I was 160 lbs in my before photo, and 125 now.  My current goal is 115 @ 21% bodyfat.

Jun 08 05 11:46 pm Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I tend to do cardio about four or more times a week. Until recently I took a cardio-kickboxing class which was GREAT for the whole body. I'm also fond of Carmen Electra's striptease videos, they're fun and challenging.

But I swear by both hatha and kundalini yoga. They're wonderful for the mind and the body, and will give you the flexibility to get through a shoot with minimal soreness afterwards and the confidence that will let your personality shine through.

Jun 09 05 12:52 am Link



Posts: 4

New York, New York, US

I, of course, get all my info from!  I buy all my supplements there too! wink

Jun 18 05 04:34 am Link