Forums > General Industry > the import scene


SCrude Photography

Posts: 388

Los Angeles, California, US

Gustago ang pec pec mo!


May 31 05 03:30 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Christopher: 
Gustago ang pec pec mo!


LMAO. Foolish Mortal.

May 31 05 03:34 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Now hold on there. Just because she is 16 doesn't automatically mean she's not mature or knowledgable enough to handle that kind of a car. Granted, the odds are against it, but I'll give her the benefit of a doubt.

It still baffles me that so many parents run out and buy their teenagers cars. My parents bought me a college education instead. Much better deal.

Posted by DJ Foothill: 
Amen Theda... When I was a volunteer firefighter in the small town I went to high school in EVERY parent who bought their kid a Supra, Celica, 300ZX or any of those sports cars ended up regretting it later. Several of them regretted it because they had to go down to the morgue and identify their son or daughter.

It is irresponsible for a parent to purchase that much muscle for someone who doesn't have the maturity, training or experience to safely use it. And it endangers the safety of other motorists as well. Heck there are even some adults I know who shouldn't have muscle like that. And funny thing is nothing has changed. My ex sister in law's friend was given a Mustang Cobra for graduation, a week later she wrecked it, and I mean TOTALLED it and was lucky to be alive. They got her ANOTHER one!

The lifegaurd says:"OUT OF THE GENE POOL!"

May 31 05 03:34 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by theda: 
Now hold on there. Just because she is 16 doesn't automatically mean she's not mature or knowledgable enough to handle that kind of a car. Granted, the odds are against it, but I'll give her the benefit of a doubt.


Theda, I agree. However, in defense of young Asian chick drivers (my daughter being one), I allowed her at age 16 to drive the family car to her part time job at the mall and she followed the DMV book to the letter. (I know. I followed her, her the first time out in my neighbor's car just to see. Lol)

It still baffles me that so many parents run out and buy their teenagers cars. My parents bought me a college education instead. Much better deal.

True. But, these days, most college bound students need the means of transportation for working part-time with most of those jobs sometimes located in a neighboring city. Public transportation isn't what it used to be. Especially, in the suburban neighborhoods where busses come every 45 minutes, or longer. We're all on Internet time now and 45 minutes waiting at a bus stop is lost money and lost opportunity. A lot of them are passing the word around campus to take up modeling/acting as a means for part time income. That's when having a car is a must.

May 31 05 03:44 pm Link


Contessa HoneyWillow

Posts: 44

Portland, Oregon, US

Well, to get back to the original topic, ever since I was in high school, I've been into the import scene and have been debating on doing some import modeling.  I got an offer from Pacific Rim to do a test shoot for a calender, but I decided against it at the time, as I felt it wasn't lucrative to my career.  I don't mind the idea of import modeling, in fact, I'm all for it.  In other types of modeling, specifically fashion and runway, there is a height requirement that most asian girls have to meet.  Except for the mixed Asian girls, when have you ever really seen an Asian model who was 5'9 or above?  I feel that the import industry gives those of us who weren't blessed with height a chance to "show off our goods" so to speak.  (And by "showing off our goods," I don't mean strutting around naked.)

May 31 05 04:32 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by theda: 
Now hold on there. Just because she is 16 doesn't automatically mean she's not mature or knowledgable enough to handle that kind of a car. Granted, the odds are against it, but I'll give her the benefit of a doubt.

Theda with all due respect... Do you really think that someone who has been driving for at best a YEAR part time no less has the maturity, training, and experience to handle a vehical capable of doing in excess of 140MPH? Would you be willing to bet YOUR life or the lives of your loved ones on that?

I've been driving for almost 20 years have driven in many countries even, been through extensive driving training, racing school... even a registered stunt driver. And one of my cars with a top speed of 175 scares the crap out of me.

It's about respect. Most 16 year olds don't respect anything, let alone the consequences of the power they possess when behind the wheel of a car. And I say this from the numbers of 15 - 20 year olds I've scraped (LITERALLY) off the roads. Invincible, invisible, invulnerable. Parents thinking of putting their kids behind the wheel of something like that should be forced to visit a police station and see photos of what happens to some teens behind the wheels of cars like that. Or worse yet the damage they cause. Sounds like a case of more money than brains.

But the topic was anyone with Import experience. I think I clearly stated that I put Autoshows together, and got no response to that.

May 31 05 05:55 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by Christopher: 
Gustago ang pec pec mo!


LMAO. Foolish Mortal.

Pek pek, soy sauce and rice, with a side of chicken adobo and I'm ready to go!

May 31 05 06:23 pm Link


Tina Lee

Posts: 66

San Jose, California, US

hey, you should shoot with pacrim. peter is really talented. im about to do another shoot with him and my main image and a few others are done by him!

anyways, all im hearing is MOST this MOST that. yes im 16. im 17 in a month, but either way im really young. but i do not have the average mindset of MOST people my age. i DO respect what i get, because i EARN it. buying a new car just eliminates the process of buying an old car to practice in. new or old, if i crash i crash. i am also an extremely careful person, as i have many irrational fears. if anyone here REALLY knew me, theyd know that. so how about i update you guys on whether or not ive crashed my car in a couple of years from now, yeah?

May 31 05 06:46 pm Link



Posts: 128

Indian Wells, California, US

Posted by DJ Foothill: 
The lifegaurd says:"OUT OF THE GENE POOL!"

i'd like to thank Mr. Darwin and his theory of Natural Selection.

May 31 05 06:47 pm Link



Posts: 128

Indian Wells, California, US

Posted by DJ Foothill: 

Posted by theda: 
You know, I was an honor roll student throughout and NO way my parents would have bought me a car as a reward. The kids whose parents did buy them cars were pretty spoiled in my expereicne. Then again, I'm old. So maybe the standard of living has gone way up?

Amen Theda... When I was a volunteer firefighter in the small town I went to high school in EVERY parent who bought their kid a Supra, Celica, 300ZX or any of those sports cars ended up regretting it later. Several of them regretted it because they had to go down to the morgue and identify their son or daughter.

It is irresponsible for a parent to purchase that much muscle for someone who doesn't have the maturity, training or experience to safely use it. And it endangers the safety of other motorists as well. Heck there are even some adults I know who shouldn't have muscle like that. And funny thing is nothing has changed. My ex sister in law's friend was given a Mustang Cobra for graduation, a week later she wrecked it, and I mean TOTALLED it and was lucky to be alive. They got her ANOTHER one!

The lifegaurd says:"OUT OF THE GENE POOL!"

like i said before, it all depends on where the kid's head is -- accidents happen. but yes, when you give a kid that much power, naturally, they're going to want to show it off. every day up until i was able to drive my parents drilled it into me that cars are _not_ toys, and i took them seriously. the only accidents i've been in have only involved me [in 03 i had an 02 volvo s40, fell asleep on the freeway somehow and i rolled it twice -- thank god im alive after that -- other one where i crashed the Modena was in the city later at night, and COULD have been avoided but i wasnt a very experienced driver at the time, ended up going up the curb, up a little hill, and hit a wall] let the parents get whatever they want for their kids, so long as they can repsect the power, they'll come out alright.

...but sometimes that's asking too much.

May 31 05 06:58 pm Link



Posts: 128

Indian Wells, California, US

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
Pin0Y p0W3R!

Posted by Robb Radford: 
LMAO You need to be beat over the head with a blunt object for just typing like that. smile

Posted by Cicada: 
i hate filipino time. mother makes us late to _everything_.

'Sus maryosep. I feel so at home now. *smells Chicken-n-Pork Adobo cooking*

Kennay! Sumangput Ka Hah?!

going back home for the summer as i always do -- family just bought and built a house in QC.

mmmm.... sisig. yikes

May 31 05 07:04 pm Link


Myla Chenoa

Posts: 48

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Are 16 year olds good drivers? 16 year old driving habits? Wrong forum and definitely wrong thread.

Back to topic. I was going to do NOPI, they're pretty good pay. I still have my NOPI trading card:)

A lot of the import models are more infamous than Playmates. It can be lucrative. It's about beauty, um but so is all modeling and promo modeling. No brainer there.

There's no rule of thumb that you have to do nudity, same as any other type of modeling. Do you have to get into a bikini or show some skin? Um yeah, just like all types of modeling.

Impmort Tuner's new look is more towards Vogue. They're very fashiony now. I think it's kinda cool. The others are starting follow suit I noticed. I would love to be in Import Tuner.

Your thoughts on Import Tuner's new look?

May 31 05 07:17 pm Link



Posts: 128

Indian Wells, California, US

Posted by Myla Chenoa: 
There's no rule of thumb that you have to do nudity, same as any other type of modeling. Do you have to get into a bikini or show some skin? Um yeah, just like all types of modeling.

personally, i like the kind of women that can wear layers upon layers of clothes in the winter and still look gorgeous. i think i have this fetish for fashion. yikes

Posted by Myla Chenoa: 
Impmort Tuner's new look is more towards Vogue. They're very fashiony now. I think it's kinda cool. The others are starting follow suit I noticed. I would love to be in Import Tuner.

Your thoughts on Import Tuner's new look?

havent seen it, nor have i even taken a look at an import tuner magazine since i was about...14... but if what you're saying is true, then i'm sure they'll regain whatever respect they've lost.

May 31 05 07:30 pm Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

Posted by DJ Foothill: 

It is irresponsible for a parent to purchase that much muscle for someone who doesn't have the maturity, training or experience to safely use it. And it endangers the safety of other motorists as well. Heck there are even some adults I know who shouldn't have muscle like that. And funny thing is nothing has changed. My ex sister in law's friend was given a Mustang Cobra for graduation, a week later she wrecked it, and I mean TOTALLED it and was lucky to be alive. They got her ANOTHER one!

The lifegaurd says:"OUT OF THE GENE POOL!"


May 31 05 07:53 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45354

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Dan Hood: 

Posted by DJ Foothill: 

It is irresponsible for a parent to purchase that much muscle for someone who doesn't have the maturity, training or experience to safely use it. And it endangers the safety of other motorists as well. Heck there are even some adults I know who shouldn't have muscle like that. And funny thing is nothing has changed. My ex sister in law's friend was given a Mustang Cobra for graduation, a week later she wrecked it, and I mean TOTALLED it and was lucky to be alive. They got her ANOTHER one!

The lifegaurd says:"OUT OF THE GENE POOL!"


ALL OF YOU! This is Sooooooooo far removed from the original post that it is ridiculous!  I told Tina that people here were going to focus in on her age and not even what she says. 
Sadly, it happened ...

Just a question for Adults here. How do you expect teenagers to respect you if you don't even listen to a single thing they say? Tina has been in school all day, and look how far this thread has gone without her.

Certainly I have opinions about teenagers driving cars, getting an education, etc. etc. but this has nothing to do with Import modeling, now does it? 

Could there be another area of the forum where we can take this?

May 31 05 08:38 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 
ALL OF YOU! This is Sooooooooo far removed from the original post that it is ridiculous!  I told Tina that people here were going to focus in on her age and not even what she says. 
Sadly, it happened ...

Just a question for Adults here. How do you expect teenagers to respect you if you don't even listen to a single thing they say? Tina has been in school all day, and look how far this thread has gone without her.

Certainly I have opinions about teenagers driving cars, getting an education, etc. etc. but this has nothing to do with Import modeling, now does it? 

Could there be another area of the forum where we can take this?

Patrick I did address the original topic in my first post. And YES her age is a major factor. But what's worse are the people who would hire a minor to do sexually suggestive work in the first place. And that goes for in any avenue of modeling. I swear sometimes regular mainstream photographers are far more sleazy than the porn photographers I've met.

Import modeling is NOT a place for minors. As far as for respecting teenagers. Well when they actually have something mature to say then they earn respect. The post that started this topic was a very valid post. And made sense. We listened and offered information. The tirade which followed was well, something else.

As to her age, the only thing that I initially addressed was the difficulty of someone of that age to really get into the scene on any significant level as a model. That was all.

Jun 01 05 12:37 am Link


Stacey Lee

Posts: 64

San Francisco, California, US

justjoined...guess i have some catching up to do on this posting

Jun 01 05 12:59 am Link


Rob Ryan

Posts: 368

Glendale, California, US

Posted by Stacey Lee: 
justjoined...guess i have some catching up to do on this posting

Stacey..get out while you can.. lol!!
I knew this particular message board would catch your eye smile
  Tina Lee is a soon to be 17 year who has interest in being an import model. Perhaps you can be a big sister to her and give her some advice.

Jun 01 05 01:03 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

I posted this in the thread:  Import Models II...

HIN and the majority of Import / Tuner magazines and companies go through agencies or management companies, like iCliqueModels (kind of like the Ford of Fashion - only the Ford of exotic models). I don't recall having ever seen a minor listed on their sites as I perused their web pages.

A girl that may stand as a "team model" representing a team of suped-up import rice burners, is not the same as an Import Model. She is however the representing hot chick that gets the judges to think twice about who's auto should win "Best in Show." The Team models tend to represent in smaller auto shows - usually unpaid...

Now Import Models, termed for their usually excotic (often times Asian) appearence usually pop up to represent at large automotive trade shows and represent a product and often times a car is shown as well, like let's say, "Valvoline." They get paid anywhere from a piddly $100.00 a day to $3000.00 a day. They stand they look pretty, they let men oggle them and let photographers take pictures of them - or their augmented breasts - whichever... they sell their images on 24 X 32 posters (give or take) for about 15.00 a pop - if one is really nice they'll scribble the generic "Stay Sweet xoxo" on it.

Make no mistake, "Import Models" are indeed getting paid...

Such lovely ladies include Tila Nguyen and Playboy model Lorabel Rey - both representing in HIN (Hot Import Nights)... Anyone who is interested in modeling for this company, please feel free to email me and I will send you contact information IF you fit the description of what my contact is interested in.

Both Tila and Lorabel (The once titled Miss Korea)were of age to model - neither being 16 doning on tight boy shorts and pasties...

Jun 01 05 01:09 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
As soon as I think of something smart to say, I'll stop posting, but I think there is a difference between modeling and doing promotion.

What is the difference between standing in front of a car and striking a pose for ten photographers vs. standing in a studio for one?

Promotional modeling is not necessarily the same as Import modeling...  "Import modeling" is a slang term used for Asian modeling...  It came about because of the Import car shows and the high popularity it had with Asians and the fact that most American people who went to these shows had a fetish or respect for the Asian culture, their silly rice burners and the Asian ladies... 

Jun 01 05 01:20 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

It sounds to me that import modeling is in effect a subset of promotional/tradeshow modeling. Am I missing something?

Jun 01 05 01:23 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Ok - so since we are off topic - what is up with the big 6 " mufflers...

I have a huge car background - and I have to tell ya - when you run a 2" exhaust from the engine to the back and slap on a 6" exhaust tip - it does nothing...

Well it does one thing - agrevates me at the stoplight.. to the point I relieze why Ford gave me a 4x4...crunch...

Man we should really stop posting on this thread - but who bets there will be 3 moore posts as to mufflers..

Jun 01 05 01:27 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

An "import model" = slang "Asian model"

Modeling for an import car show = Import Car Show Modeling or yes, trade show modeling

Modeling for "Super Tuner Magazine (an Import Car Magazine)" same as modeling for any other magazine which makes it standard modeling... (like for playboy - only you know... with ya clothes on...) Import models also model for FHM, Maxim, Playboy... so on and so on...  If anything... Import models are more like glamour (or glammer) models - they sell sex (but with bonus Asian influence).

Jun 01 05 01:31 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Brent Burzycki: 
Ok - so since we are off topic - what is up with the big 6 " mufflers...

I have a huge car background - and I have to tell ya - when you run a 2" exhaust from the engine to the back and slap on a 6" exhaust tip - it does nothing...

Well it does one thing - agrevates me at the stoplight.. to the point I relieze why Ford gave me a 4x4...crunch...

Man we should really stop posting on this thread - but who bets there will be 3 moore posts as to mufflers..

Hmm... I drive a Chevy S10 (2001) so I couldn't tell you - even if I knew something about autos.

Jun 01 05 01:33 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

(with the voices of Lennie and Sqiggy---
Marksora and Hanachan enter.)

Hello,  hello,

We have got nothing to add but just felt left out.

(exit stage left.  Marksora tells Hanachan that he will wait  for the thread as movie as book as book on tape.  We is just too darn lazy to read this whole thing.)

(door slams)
(Reese and Theda otherwise known as Laverne and Shirley sigh loudly.)

Jun 01 05 02:16 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Is this thread officially dead yet??? :0

Jun 05 05 03:51 pm Link