Forums > General Industry > Do you embrace change or fight it?


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Internet modeling is still it's infancy ... not far behind the growth of the Internet itself. It is a fact that the modeling industry is changing because of the 'net. The same is true for the music industry as well as many other industries growing up with the 'net.

If you are reading this, then you just might be embracing it!

Many people might not like change so they fight about the relevance of everything from Digital vs. Film, to our most recent long thread on "Internet Modeling, a joke or not?"

I think that digital and film each have a place in the future. The look of film is unique and will never be completely replaced by digital. Learn about both! Embrace both! Why not?

Marketing as a model or photographer is only limited by ones own mind. We should ALL have websites because it is the entertainment center of the future. Embrace the future, but don't throw away the traditional!

May 28 05 06:54 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

I agree 100% while that`s the whole theme of my work and what it stands for.......the beauty and the classic style of the past molded into the woman of today

I embrace change and still live in a world of yesterday

Change is always GOOD if it`s a positive one, negative change well, I`m not there....heheheh!  But the Internet is here to stay, sadly it`s WRECKED the magazine industry and it WILL NEVER BE THE SAME, but I plan on doing MY OWN magazine too someday, even if it just gets two  issues printed at least I can say it was done.....but HELL two issues what am I saying I`m gonna take over the world with Retro!!!  LOL!!!!!!!!!!



May 28 05 07:00 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

A change is comming!!

May 28 05 07:01 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by KoolGirlieStuff: 
...  the Internet is here to stay, sadly it`s WRECKED the magazine industry and it WILL NEVER BE THE SAME, ...

That is a huge understatement! I agree with you! Of all the magazines and newspapers I've shot for, ONLY the ones who set up a website early on are still around.

In the publishing world, it's either get online or be buried!

May 28 05 07:10 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Patrick. That is like editors. Those who made the transition to non linear computer editing of movies are still working. Those who haven't well... aren't. Same goes for directors. Some use cell, while others have decided on digital. In truth I think that eventually film will go the same way that Beta and VHS have and are going. Like LP's (Vinyl records of music) have gone when the CD came out. Give it another 10 - 15 years.

But yeah change can be good. And things ALWAYS change and we have only two choices move with it or stagnate and die.

May 28 05 07:14 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by DJ Foothill: 
Patrick. That is like editors. Those who made the transition to non linear computer editing of movies are still working. Those who haven't well... aren't. Same goes for directors. Some use cell, while others have decided on digital. In truth I think that eventually film will go the same way that Beta and VHS have and are going. Like LP's (Vinyl records of music) have gone when the CD came out. Give it another 10 - 15 years.

But yeah change can be good. And things ALWAYS change and we have only two choices move with it or stagnate and die.

As far as film vanishing, I know it wont totally die because it's a longtime art form that cannot be completely replicated with digital. As long as there are artist around that still like the look of film, it will at least be used in the visual arts on display at festivals, gallery's and museums for a very long time. Of course it has more to do with collect ability and nostalgia. As long as film is considered a "visual art" then it is here to stay a while longer.

You forgot 8 tracks and cassettes! Those were not around long enough to warrant collecting. The audio sound recorded on analog and pressed to vinyl is comparable to film and prints. Vinyl is collected to this day. I have vinyl records myself! The warmth that you get from analog recordings on vinyl is not able to reproduce on digital CD's no matter how you try it. I know music producers who I've talked with about it. Of course it's all nostalgic and Digital CD's have way more advantages than the past recording media. But many of us are going to pull out that old film camera or put a record on the turntable just to reminisce of the times gone by!

Just like Tom, I'm no fool, I'll embrace the future but also hang on to some of my past!

May 28 05 08:02 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by DJ Foothill: 
Patrick. That is like editors. Those who made the transition to non linear computer editing of movies are still working. Those who haven't well... aren't. Same goes for directors. Some use cell, while others have decided on digital. In truth I think that eventually film will go the same way that Beta and VHS have and are going. Like LP's (Vinyl records of music) have gone when the CD came out. Give it another 10 - 15 years.

Almost all my music is on vinyl. I still don't have a real CD player. I guess I won't accept change?

May 29 05 02:37 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by theda: 
Almost all my music is on vinyl. I still don't have a real CD player. I guess I won't accept change?

Wow Theda! maybe you're just an old fashion kinda gal? I dig ya! Say ... if you are ever in a used record store and find some Beatles records with the name "Patrick" written on the album cover in crayon ... THAT'S MINE! Please send them back to me. My big sister got mad at me for playing her records so I put my name on them. So she sold 'em!

At this time I can do many things with my film cameras that I can't do with digital so I'm sure I'll keep 'em around. At least for now I'm getting into digital and it's like going through the learning curve all over again. I will use BOTH film and digital in the future depending on what I'm shooting for.

The vinyl records were so cool for us photographers because creating the covers and sleeves was an art in itself!

May 29 05 03:47 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

You guys heard the saying that the only two constants in life are Death and Taxes? But, so is Change. It's a constant alright.

Funny thing is, they shouldn't call it Internet modeling, because modeling is still modeling in the traditional physical aspects. The Internet is just an advanced communications medium which combines voice, data and images in a central location.

A better and more qualified description should be Independent, or Freelance Modeling, which we all know has been around for ages since the first Artist picked up a low tech device called a paint brush.

May 29 05 03:49 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

I used to fight change. I remember when I thought using gels was considered "gimmick photography," but now I use them all the time. So change can be good.

May 29 05 06:19 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by Monsante Bey: 
I used to fight change. I remember when I thought using gels was considered "gimmick photography," but now I use them all the time. So change can be good.

I think they said that about Digital Cameras also!

Change is the best thing!!
But i dont throw anything away!!

May 29 05 06:38 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

I have always been on the forground of change, just there before most. It's a desire to not stay ahead of the game, but makes those behind me embrace that which only makes us all grown. Remember I was a A/V geek back in 1968 when the video recorder was the  size of a VW bus.....I was in the computers when the mainframe was the size of a room...played witht he prototype for Photoshop, when it was just an idea in AnnArbor, Mich.. So being at the font of embrace is to think what if I do this..change does happen..there is no bandwagon to jump upon if you lead by example.....try this......think    in ten years time.....where  visual communications will be and hoe easp and simple it will cost for us all to be part of it.....guess what we are almost there now.

May 29 05 06:42 am Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

Change is good.
I love the real world too, walking through a bookstore etc., but the Internet is where I expect to really grow and learn.

May 29 05 06:43 am Link


Alexandra Paris

Posts: 326

Portland, Arkansas, US

Depends on the change.

May 29 05 09:25 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 
I think that digital and film each have a place in the future. The look of film is unique and will never be completely replaced by digital. Learn about both! Embrace both! Why not?

Agreed, but some people will never embrass it because they are just too cool.

May 30 05 04:59 am Link



Posts: 23

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Agreed.  Things change.  People need to change.  To do otherwise is to live in ignorance and deny reality.

May 30 05 04:24 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Brennan Cheung: 
Agreed.  Things change.  People need to change.  To do otherwise is to live in ignorance and deny reality.

That is so true! Sometimes a person can cling to an old idea so hard that they can't see when change has taken place.

May 30 05 04:40 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 
That is so true! Sometimes a person can cling to an old idea so hard that they can't see when change has taken place.

You mean like "internet modeling"?


May 30 05 04:42 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 
That is so true! Sometimes a person can cling to an old idea so hard that they can't see when change has taken place.

You mean like "internet modeling"?


Really Joey, now where did you get that idea?  Excuse me while I have a laughing orgasm! 

May 30 05 06:02 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 
I think that digital and film each have a place in the future. The look of film is unique and will never be completely replaced by digital. Learn about both! Embrace both! Why not?

Agreed, but some people will never embrass it because they are just too cool.

I am sooo Cool!!


May 30 05 06:12 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

But not as cool as me...

May 31 05 09:30 am Link


John Swoger

Posts: 192

Peoria, Arizona, US

I don't embrace change just for the sake of change. I embrace better.

May 31 05 09:36 am Link