Forums > General Industry > I had a shoot on Sunday...


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
If you can show me how it could be "foolproof" and that allow for those with negative reports to refute or answer to the accuser, then sure!

Well like I said, there would have to be the ability for Mods to edit or delete comments, as well as a reply to comments option.   Just as there are always two sides to every story, there is always the ability to tell those two sides.

Dec 12 05 08:57 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

I think we all understand how the photographer feels.  Hell its happened
to me too but this model has shot with several well known Chicago photographers.
It really doesn't seem like she's a flake.  Lets not focus on one or two incidents
but is it a pattern?   Consider that she has posted a reponse.  Yes a angry
one but she didn't just let it blow over.  The OP is a excellent photographer and
he will get to shoot with lots of attractive models.  Some of those models will
have issues that may stop them from shooting.  He will have issues at times
too.  Its called life.

Dec 12 05 08:59 pm Link


Eddy Torigoe

Posts: 478

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Patrick Walberg:

Since you're so against a rating system, how do you suggest we establish some form of accountability for both photographers and models?

Dec 12 05 08:59 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

As an uninvolved third party, I'd like to say that I hate getting pulled into stuff like this.

As far as I'm concerned, life can get complicated & stuff happens.  This particular occurrence is a data point -- it doesn't represent a trend. 

Sure, I would have been disappointed and perhaps more than a little bit angry to have a last minute no-show, but a model would have to do that to me multiple times before I'd trash her publicly.  I think using this forum for revenge (and that's how it feels to me) is a bit unprofessional and a bit immature.  Certainly, you are within your rights to talk to her about it -- perhaps she'd make more of an effort to contact you earlier if something like this happens again.  You are also within your rights to put her on your own personal black ball list. 

But trashing her in public is a bit over the line for me.

Dec 12 05 09:00 pm Link


Eddy Torigoe

Posts: 478

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
I think we all understand how the photographer feels.  Hell its happened
to me too but this model has shot with several well known Chicago photographers.
It really doesn't seem like she's a flake.  Lets not focus on one or two incidents
but is it a pattern?   Consider that she has posted a reponse.  Yes a angry
one but she didn't just let it blow over.  The OP is a excellent photographer and
he will get to shoot with lots of attractive models.  Some of those models will
have issues that may stop them from shooting.  He will have issues at times
too.  Its called life.

I agree with you on the fact that we all have issues in life. What I think the photographer is getting at is, why wait until 5 minutes before shoot time to cancel? There seemed to be ample time for at least a phone call to say "Hey, i'm not gonna make it, can we reschedule?" before he drove almost two hours for a shoot.

Dec 12 05 09:02 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

aguynamededdy wrote:

I agree with you on the fact that we all have issues in life. What I think the photographer is getting at is, why wait until 5 minutes before shoot time to cancel? There seemed to be ample time for at least a phone call to say "Hey, i'm not gonna make it, can we reschedule?" before he drove almost two hours for a shoot.

Which is one of the reasons i became a touch irate. because if i drove 2 hours to Cleveland and some model cancelled on me when I got to her door, when she could have called the night before, saving me the trouble....

Oh you'd have heard about it.... Possibly on CNN.

i'm kidding about the CNN thing

Dec 12 05 09:06 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
As far as I'm concerned, life can get complicated & stuff happens.  This particular occurrence is a data point -- it doesn't represent a trend. 

Sure, I would have been disappointed and perhaps more than a little bit angry to have a last minute no-show, but a model would have to do that to me multiple times before I'd trash her publicly.

I find it funny that we are so forgiving in the iWay the real world this one incident would have been enough to get a model black listed from an entire sector of the industry.  Her agent would have dropped their representation.  Other photographers would not shoot her no matter the rate.  Clients would pull their campaigns featuring her.

Yet's complicated & stuff happens...

Just funny...

Dec 12 05 09:07 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

If a photographer does something wrong, we're ready to lynch him.. But if a model does something wrong we make excuses because they're so darn cute. How could anything so cute be wrong?

Meanwhile this photographer is sitting around Chicago with his thumb up his ass.

Dec 12 05 09:12 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
As an uninvolved third party, I'd like to say that I hate getting pulled into stuff like this.

As far as I'm concerned, life can get complicated & stuff happens.  This particular occurrence is a data point -- it doesn't represent a trend. 

Sure, I would have been disappointed and perhaps more than a little bit angry to have a last minute no-show, but a model would have to do that to me multiple times before I'd trash her publicly.  I think using this forum for revenge (and that's how it feels to me) is a bit unprofessional and a bit immature.  Certainly, you are within your rights to talk to her about it -- perhaps she'd make more of an effort to contact you earlier if something like this happens again.  You are also within your rights to put her on your own personal black ball list. 

But trashing her in public is a bit over the line for me.

If she really wanted to make it right with him she should offer to at least split his expenses with him. But instead, she offers a reshoot. As if being graced by her presence should be good enough.

Dec 12 05 09:19 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

John Jebbia wrote:
If a photographer does something wrong, we're ready to lynch him.. But if a model does something wrong we make excuses because they're so darn cute. How could anything so cute be wrong?

Meanwhile this photographer is sitting around Chicago with his thumb up his ass.

Well lets hope he has small thumbs but I truly understand how he feels and
maybe she could/should have called but if true, she really may have not
thought about it.  I also agree with you models get away with all kinds of
crap.  Even if we had a rating list and a model got tons of negative scores some
of our pros would be looking to shoot her.  Count almost everyone if she was
pretty.  Women rule it ain't always nice but its the truth.

Dec 12 05 09:25 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
I think we all understand how the photographer feels.  Hell its happened
to me too but this model has shot with several well known Chicago photographers.
It really doesn't seem like she's a flake.  Lets not focus on one or two incidents
but is it a pattern?   Consider that she has posted a reponse.  Yes a angry
one but she didn't just let it blow over.  The OP is a excellent photographer and
he will get to shoot with lots of attractive models.  Some of those models will
have issues that may stop them from shooting.  He will have issues at times
too.  Its called life.

EXACTLY!  wink

Dec 12 05 09:26 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

aguynamededdy wrote:
Patrick Walberg:

Since you're so against a rating system, how do you suggest we establish some form of accountability for both photographers and models?

Is it really needed?

Dec 12 05 09:32 pm Link


Carrie Johnson

Posts: 3

South Elgin, Illinois, US

Time has past to calm myself.  I agree, a phone call earlier would have been MORE professional on my part - for that I apologize.  However I am not sorry that the situation (which was out of my hands) itself had happened, and I'm not going to apologize for calling to cancel.  I feel that being called a flake is unnecessary and and would never do that to anyone else.  I find that just as unprofessional.  Again, I communicated to Mr. Southard on a daily basis about our shoot over the phone and via e-mail.  He indicated in his initial post that he didn't care about car accidents and sick grandmothers.  I had a photographer who I am working with this saturday tell me some very bad news today that he learned about a family member over the weekend...I told him if he needed to reschedule with me in order to be with family SO BE IT!  Mr. Southard's response might have been something along the lines of, "Tough Shit."

I have maintained FRIENDSHIPS with every photographer I've worked with.  I think gaining friendships is one of the highlights about this industry...the photographers and stylists I've met I've become close with.  I'm sorry that this situation turned out the way it did.  To Mr. Southard:  Sincere apologies for the short notice, and I am fully prepared to compesate for any monitary losses, as I cannot make up for time lost.  You have my contact info - I'd be happy to meet you half-way.
Best Regards,

Dec 12 05 09:34 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Carrie Johnson wrote:
Sincere apologies for the short notice, and I am fully prepared to compesate for any monitary losses, as I cannot make up for time lost.  You have my contact info - I'd be happy to meet you half-way.
Best Regards,

That-a-girl... Now that is professionalism at it's finest.

Dec 12 05 09:37 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

aguynamededdy wrote:

I agree with you on the fact that we all have issues in life. What I think the photographer is getting at is, why wait until 5 minutes before shoot time to cancel? There seemed to be ample time for at least a phone call to say "Hey, i'm not gonna make it, can we reschedule?" before he drove almost two hours for a shoot.

It's not like she has done this as a habit.  Sure, it's a bummer what happened, but it is an isolated event.

Dec 12 05 09:45 pm Link


J Welborn

Posts: 2552

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:

It also would be wide open for abuse. People working at Yahoo make judgements, E-bay too!  I'm sick and tired of having many online "organizations" judge me aready.  I don't need to be on another one.  Do you?

Well Pat your right--there are abuses but I will take what they give me . Good and bad  because I think it's the bad players we are trying to bring to light . If I get 90 % good fee back that's fine because I know I can't please every one and some people I just don't even care to try. If some one has a 90% bad rating I think I would question their standing.

Dec 12 05 09:52 pm Link


A. K. Southard

Posts: 167

Detroit, Michigan, US

Carrie Johnson wrote:
Time has past to calm myself.  I agree, a phone call earlier would have been MORE professional on my part - for that I apologize.  However I am not sorry that the situation (which was out of my hands) itself had happened, and I'm not going to apologize for calling to cancel.  I feel that being called a flake is unnecessary and and would never do that to anyone else.  I find that just as unprofessional.  Again, I communicated to Mr. Southard on a daily basis about our shoot over the phone and via e-mail.  He indicated in his initial post that he didn't care about car accidents and sick grandmothers.  I had a photographer who I am working with this saturday tell me some very bad news today that he learned about a family member over the weekend...I told him if he needed to reschedule with me in order to be with family SO BE IT!  Mr. Southard's response might have been something along the lines of, "Tough Shit."

I have maintained FRIENDSHIPS with every photographer I've worked with.  I think gaining friendships is one of the highlights about this industry...the photographers and stylists I've met I've become close with.  I'm sorry that this situation turned out the way it did.  To Mr. Southard:  Sincere apologies for the short notice, and I am fully prepared to compesate for any monitary losses, as I cannot make up for time lost.  You have my contact info - I'd be happy to meet you half-way.
Best Regards,

I appreciate your apologies, and with the rapport we have built through emails and phone conversations, I believe you are truly sincere.  My only concern is the time I lost that I could have spent with my wife.  I just wish that you would have called before I had left or driven too far from home.  Other than that, I'm confident in saying you are an excellent model and this was a aberation from your norm.

You are very kind, intelligent, beautifal, and you've added some wonderful new images to your portfolio.  I seriously doubt, sincerely and hope, that this thread won't hinder your future shoots.  In fact, I know that you will have many shoots in the future and great work will be produced during those sessions.

Now I must apologize, because I did not expect this thread to become a powder keg.  My only desire was to document a case where a photographer had been inconvenienced when it could have been easily prevented.  It was very poor etiquitte for me to bring this matter into the forums, and my only excuse is that I have had this happen so many times that Sunday was the proverbial straw on the camel's back.  Again, I'm sorry for handling the matter in this way.

Best wishes and good luck to you.

Dec 12 05 10:00 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

J. Welborn wrote:

Well Pat your right--there are abuses but I will take what they give me . Good and bad  because I think it's the bad players we are trying to bring to light . If I get 90 % good fee back that's fine because I know I can't please every one and some people I just don't even care to try. If some one has a 90% bad rating I think I would question their standing.

Well Carrie has posted again, and it was good to hear her side.  But me bringing up how E-Bay has a ratings system and I don't like them is a bit ironic since it was not too many threads ago that I defended the use of AOL by professionals online as their address. 

The world is not perfect, and the experiences with models I have had just may not be the same for you or the next photographers.  We all have our own perspective!  True  too, is the fact that many of us are forgiving ... umm who was that model busted for snorting coke?  Lost her contracts, went into rehab, and now is out getting new contracts?  LOL 

Ratings are over rated!  Keep ratings for politicians, not artists.  LOL  I agree with you that if I were "rated" at a 90% approval or positive, that would be nice, but I could careless about trying to please the 10% who give me a negative rating.  It is absolutely impossible to please everyone.  If someone's approval ratings drop down in the area between 37 to 42% ... do we still keep him?  wink

Dec 12 05 10:10 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

John Jebbia wrote:

That-a-girl... Now that is professionalism at it's finest.

Yes it was. We must not lose sight that this is a business first and foremost to... Judging by the ports, half of us. lol

Dec 12 05 10:12 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

ugh.. no rating system please. This is why we have referals we check before we shoot with someone. Besides if it works anything like Ebay half the time people are too damn lazy to leave feedback.

Dec 12 05 10:12 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

correct me if im worng...but she's a no show..but she calls..

she's on her way, she gets stuck snow and calls..

what more do you want?

shit happens...move on...

rev:01 i was corrected..she was stuck the night before, not on her way the shoot..common courtesy would have her calling before the photog made the long trip..

to the model: it was completely inconsiderate of you to let this guy make the trip if you weren't going to be there......

Dec 12 05 10:28 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Envy wrote:
ugh.. no rating system please. This is why we have referals we check before we shoot with someone. Besides if it works anything like Ebay half the time people are too damn lazy to leave feedback.

there is never going to be a rating system on this site..dont worry about it...

Dec 12 05 10:30 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Now see thats great!  We started with a angry post from a person who
seem to have a real beef.  There was a reponse again a pissed off one
but a reponse then a meeting of the minds.  At times things happen
be respectfull and postive, explain yourself and offer a possible solution.
What I liked was the model didn't just vanish or come with a serious attack
but an explanation of what happened and a very real I'm sorry it didn't

Dec 12 05 10:34 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

the model in question is too cute to have to put up with this dribble and long winded slanderous diatribe....she no with it...if you dont like working with "web" models, go thru an agency...i have not experienced a no show before, but i can tell you i have had a couple of strippper friends arrive a half an hour late, but they bought breakfast tacos from chacho's and all was forgiven...this whole "outing" system stinks of the old nazi shenanigans and should not be considered in a truly civilized forum.

Dec 12 05 10:40 pm Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18922

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

S**t happens! If I got really upset every time a model did not show my BP would be sky high. Models not showing up, photographers taking crappy photos and not sending photos  etc are unfortunately all part of the biz.
If a model calls or emails with a reason Ok I'll take her word about it. Two in a row, no that is more than a coincidence. No call, no show, no response to emails inquireing about the now show.. that is inexcusable.
Franly before I take a long trip to a shoot I would call and confirm before I start the car

Dec 12 05 10:50 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

A. K. Southard wrote:
...and the model cancelled 5 minutes before the shoot.  This was 115 minutes after I drove into Chicago, found parking on snow covered streets, and started setting up the lights.

Here are the facts as she presented them:  She went out Saturday, her friend got stuck in the snow, had to call a tow, and she was too tired and her "voice sound[ed] like shit".

The facts as I present them:  She could have called the night before.We were driving the same distance, and knew what time I had to leave; she could have called before I left for the city.  This is time I couldn't spend with my wife because I wasted it on a flake.  I spent money on fuel and depreciation on my vehicle.  I went out Saturday night as well, but was still on location at the predetermined time.

Now, there is a link below for your edification.  For those of you who think it is in poor taste for me to post it--you might be right, but too damned bad.  Your time wasn't wasted. I'm tired of wasting time on last minute cancellations, so I'm going to start posting them. 

I don't care how many grandmother's die on models, or cars that break down, sudden outbreaks of ebola coupled with acne, or if the model was forced into a harum--I'm posting them.  To be fair, I'll post the facts and reasons, and let you decide if the model is worth your time.

For your viewing pleasure, here is some "lava" that I did instead:

sorry, again, I havent read this thread, I dont have time but my advice anyway

Stop working with webmodels and pay an agency model.  If you can't do that for one reason or another, take the risk, you know it's a risk when you set it always is with a web model.

Dec 13 05 12:29 am Link


Joe Tomasone

Posts: 12619

Spring Hill, Florida, US

I had two models no-show a week or so ago for a casting call for some magazine editorial work.   What's worse, no phone call or email afterwards to offer ANY explanation.   But that's OK...  Guess who I won't be calling when the magazine needs content, or when a client needs me to shoot some models in their clothing?  Quite frankly, it told me what I needed to know - who I can count on and work well with, and who I cannot.

However, I am not going to post their names.  As has been said here, there are two sides to every story, and there's no reason why I should be believed more than anyone else -- unless you know me and believe that I will tell you the truth.  If a fellow photographer asks me about one of those models, I will be honest and say that she was a no-show.  However, I think that posting a message and "outing" the model, especially when you DID get some form of explanation and apology, is over-reacting.   Reschedule.   If she flakes again, then good riddance.  If not, then perhaps you can put a bad first-step behind you and make some kick-ass images.

I took their time slots to do some work at the studio that needed to get done anyway.  No sense getting riled about it.

      - Joe

Dec 13 05 02:35 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Please tell me no drinking was involved in the accident

Dec 13 05 02:39 am Link


Carrie Johnson

Posts: 3

South Elgin, Illinois, US

Star wrote:
Please tell me no drinking was involved in the accident

Absolutely not.  I do not go out and party before I have to be up for a shoot - nor does my schedule -  working full-time, student, modeling allow for much of that anyhow. 

Thanks Alan for the return apology.  I wish you all my best as well.

Dec 13 05 05:57 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Right. Here's the deal - You two have acted very professionally and cool after the anger has subsided. So, I suggest (strongly) the two of you get together and make some awesome photographs and then post them in your ports. You've both shown how this should be handled; I can certainly understand getting upset with a noshow, and the model posting an angry rebuttle. But I think the two of you have handled this well.

  My first no-show happened a few years ago with a model who was driving from Fargo/Moorhead on a modeling trip (she was going to work with several photogaphers in Minnesota and Wisconsin). I had my camera loaded with film, everything packed up for the location, and was ready to go -- I was just waiting for her to arrive. She never arrived, and I was really pissed. So, I sent her an angry email and let her know *just* how unprofessional she was and how she had ruined my entire life! (Really, it was an angry email.) A couple weeks later I received a letter in the mail from the model, who apologized and explained that she had been run off the road by a pickup truck just south of Saint Cloud. The driver of the truck didn't stop, and she wound up in the hospital. Luckily they caught the hit and run driver, and she wasn't injured badly and soon recovered. But I felt like complete crap for sending her that email. And her letter was written very professionally and without any hint of anger... It showed me just who the true professional was. Anyway, we did end up shooting together later and all was well with the world once again. So now I always give a no-show the benefit of the doubt, and if the reason for the no-show is lame I simply choose not to work with them again (I had one of those as well). If a shoot is a larger production I choose people who have proven themselves to be reliable. I guess that's what test shoots are for.

  Pat - I totally agree - we don't need a ratings system. What we need is better communication, and people who are able to deal with this sort of thing happening. Maybe its true a "no-show" model would be banned in the "real world," but the world of internet modeling isn't the "real world." If we choose to find models and photographers through internet sites then we need to be aware of the fact that there will be no-shows and unprofessionalism. And a ratings system won't fix or prevent this; it will simply lead to he said/she said arguments and flaming.

  Anyway, time to let this one die. Let us know when you have the new photos!


Dec 13 05 07:48 pm Link



Posts: 2135

New York, New York, US

Luther wrote:
Sorry for your bad experience man.  I've been there before.

I think all of us photographers need to charge a non-refundable fee even for TFCD shoots.  If the model shows up and it's TFCD shoot, then refund the money.  This is what Paypal is for.

I have thought about doing this too , I just might try it!

Dec 13 05 08:41 pm Link



Posts: 2135

New York, New York, US

The way I see it I have heard from both sides of this issue from the two parties and I would say that I take sides with the photographer, the only thing I suggest is you call the model BEFORE you drive 115 minutes in the SNOW. you will be a lot happier next time it happens , but we all know that it won't ( Yeah right!)

Dec 13 05 08:51 pm Link



Posts: 1187

Nelsonville, New York, US

Points to you for the courage to expose another iresponsible behaviour by a model!
Her story does NOT stick,yours does.
If we all start posting our experiences, good and bad, with fellow MMs things will
finally improve ....
Your "lava" looks much better than the model anyway ...

Dec 13 05 10:00 pm Link