Forums > General Industry > Americas Next Top Model Finale


Amy Harber

Posts: 272

Chicago, Illinois, US

I still can't believe they pretty much skimmed over the fact that she was constantly whining....

-the mud on the physical challenge
-the birds on the posing challenge
-the lights being too bright in the final challenge
-having to be force fed her lines in the final challenge.

WTH?!?! Top models don't complain and whine. They shut their mouth and get the job done.

We're not done seeing Nik.

Dec 10 05 04:05 am Link



Posts: 49

Los Angeles, California, US

Mayae wrote:

I agree 100%. I kind of figured that.In the back of my mind,I was saying they are not going to let a minority win this competition three times in a row.However I thought Nik was very high fashion.

Paul Mooney said it best "They won't let us have TOO much fun"

If Nik would have won, every model (trying to be tactful) that didn't "look like her" would swear that Tyra was just trying to let all of us Sista's in the game since its her show. She did the right thing though. Give it to Nicole, she's cute. But put the WINNER in the finals too so we can all debate on who really should have won.

Before anyone goes there, I'm not being biased because Nik is Black. Honestly, I was rooting for anyone but her because she's very similar to Eva, Bre was too "real" (look past the editing people, it's all ratings), the chic with the thick brows wasn't ready to take on being a Top Model, and the chic with the braids just wasn't cutting it for me. Just my opinions (@ forum haters). But notice the similarity of Nicole supporters and those that were rooting for Nik...

Take a look for yourself on the Top Model site and compare Nik and Nicoles photos and just be honest. The only one that I can say Nicole really shined the most was that B&W one they did where her eyes looked AMAZING. But by the time they narrowed it down to about 5, you knew what was going to happen. Again, Nicole is adorable and I hope she does well. She's very Cover Girl, Sixteen, "Insert Cute Girly Name" Magazine. But NIK was eating her up in photos and on that runway. 

But who the hell am I? Tyra never called me back for the show (along with alot of you MMer's), so what the hell do I know?!!

***BTW, why can't Nik be successful on the cover of VOUGE, W, or ELLE??? I guess we MINORITIES should just stick to Ebony, Jet, and Black Tail, right?
I'm sorry, no offense. Just a late night venting.

Dec 10 05 05:37 am Link


CTD- NYC Model

Posts: 969

Fairfield, Connecticut, US

Nik will be in magazines/runway/ect anyway smile along with many other models on the show. So really it doesnt matter

Dec 10 05 05:46 am Link



Posts: 49

Los Angeles, California, US

JadeK wrote:
Me and a group of friends are headed down to the UPN headquaters right now to blow it up. Nicole is pretty and everything. But she looks like the girl next door. There isn't anything about her looks that screams high fashion model to me. I can see her Claire Accessories Spokeperson...but the CoverGirl....naaaaaw.

Even without a stellar personality, Nik proved that she has the look and the talent to be the spokesperson for Covergirl in the final episode. Nicole barked off so many excuses on that final commercial. They had to FEED HER the lines. She couldn't even get the first line right. And this is the girl they picked for their SPOKESPERSON? Wow.

But I believe its a minority thing too. People hate to believe that, but no matter how much the "judges" want a contestant to win, guess what people...its not really in their hands. Whoever the PRODUCERS want to win, will win. Anybody see Ms. Jay throw his flower when they annouced the winner? Thoes judges didn't have control. Producers were all over that. They'd let the minorities win the last two compitions and they needed to appeal to a larger audience. I mean nothing wrong with that...just I don't think the right girl won.

BTW: I respect Twiggy and everything. But Nicole could have came down the runway, tripped, fell, tore her dress and knocked a model off the stage and she woulda have thought that Nicole was a brilliant model. It started to get on my nerves after a while.

You never lied. I noticed Miss Jay Toss that flower too. And your absolutely right. It's already UPN, the producers aren't trying to lose it's fan base!

Dec 10 05 05:47 am Link



Posts: 49

Los Angeles, California, US

Aimercat wrote:
I still can't believe they pretty much skimmed over the fact that she was constantly whining....

-the mud on the physical challenge
-the birds on the posing challenge
-the lights being too bright in the final challenge
-having to be force fed her lines in the final challenge.

WTH?!?! Top models don't complain and whine. They shut their mouth and get the job done.

We're not done seeing Nik.

True, you'd get kicked off of the set. She did bitch alot, huh?
I can see it now...

"Damnit Gilles!! (Bensimone) Could you puuLEEZE turn down the lights? I'm TRYING to find my motivation here!"

Dec 10 05 05:53 am Link



Posts: 256

Nik should have won - no questions asked.

She didn't because other forces told tyra what to do:

1. Race Issues
2. Corporations (elle, ford models)

I've lost all faith in the show. It was an anticlimax to see little miss ditz win, and who really didn't deserve it. Didn't even seem like she cared. Sure she improved, but she just wasn't fierce - she has nothing, and blends in with all the other waif white sticks on that runway.

Venting over......

Dec 10 05 11:16 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

I watched maybe enough minutes of the show the whole season to total one episode.I can`t stand the show and how people think it really represents the industry. However, I will say I can not believe she won. There were so many that were better.

Dec 11 05 01:12 am Link



Posts: 38

New York, New York, US

naima had a pretty strong runway season- i've got a couple friends at ford who said so-

Dec 11 05 12:11 pm Link