Forums > General Industry > Does any one know about MAAI? Have you been? . ..



Posts: 6

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US

Does any one know about MAAI? Have you been? Is it worth it? I just was asked to go

Dec 06 05 06:20 pm Link



Posts: 844

Murrieta, California, US

maai? never heard of it?
what is it?
if they ask for any money whatsoever, run fast and run far!


Dec 06 05 06:27 pm Link



Posts: 6

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US

Its this Big Convention In New York for actors and models

Dec 06 05 08:45 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

I know of one model and one singer who attended in the not too distant past.  Both said it was a BIG waste of their time and an even BIGGER waste of their money, as both of them were on the west coast, and traveling expenses were a BIG factor.  The major celebrities, big name agencies and management companies that were promised to be in attendance were NOT there.  Instead, they had local 'small time' agencies and some old, washed up TV and film actors that no one in their generation could remember.  Neither one of them received call-backs or agent assistance, and in my opinion, they both had some pretty strong potential... wink

They (MAAI) claim to be a 'Non-Profit' organization, and as talent seeking conventions go, they are probably the most reasonable in cost, but they are NOT cheap, as expenses for this will easily run you well over $1000, especially if you are on the west coast.  DEFINITELY stay away from IMTA... easily the BIGGEST rippoff convention in the model and talent industry.  IMTA's fees for participation can run you well over $3000, and their 'success rate' for participants runs at around 2%.  Both of these conventions provide NO guarentees of success, and for well over 90% of those who participate, that guarentee will be met... wink

Dec 07 05 10:47 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Its a waste of time and money.  If you want to go to N.Y. thats
great fun though.  Consider this lets say a agency in New York liked
you.  Are you going to move to N.Y.?  Would you have a job waiting
with money because New York is expensive.  Save your cash.

Dec 07 05 11:01 am Link



Posts: 1078

New York, New York, US

From everything I have heard, it is a complete waste of time (and money)

Dec 07 05 02:33 pm Link