Forums > General Industry > Can you photograph everyone and anyone?


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Or ... are you prejudice?

The topic about "hiring a Transgender ...would you feel ripped off?" has exposed how many people here are small minded or even prejudice! That question and topic are as petty as asking if you should be upset with a model you photograph who you "thought" was a white person, only to find out that they have an ethnicity that is not Caucasian in them too.

It is very sad and pathetic that so many people are prejudice to the point that they exclude other people based on their fear of the unknown. People who could potentially be good friends are held back by things such as race, sexual orientation, religion, age, physical handicaps, or political parties.

I love people, and I photograph people. When working in retail, I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph many people! It is challenging to me to bring out a persons best features in a photograph. One of the most physically beautiful young ladies I've ever been honored to photograph was legally blind. It's so ironic and heartbreaking to me that she wont ever be able to "see" just how beautiful she looks, however she will never be prejudge towards another person based on how they look.

Many different people have been photographed by me. The huge majority of people I've photographed are multi-ethnic since very few people are "pure" anything nowadays including myself. Some people who have been in front of my camera lens have included physically handicapped children (some very sadly didn't have much time left on this Earth!) I've photographed many people of different ages, sizes, religions, sexual orientations, hair styles (or even no hair!), and political parties without too much of a debate either! There is not much that I'm prejudice towards.

OK, there are some things I don't like. Smoking is one! It is true that I dumped a girlfriend I was engaged to because she told me that she would not quit smoking even though her own mother had died from lung cancer. I don't like smoking, but I don't "hate" on those who do it. I feel sad for them. I even saw John Couger Mellencamp in concert and he was smoking on stage non stop! He later had a heart attack when barely in his 40's after being a 6 pack a day smoker since his teens. Smoking is bad for you ... but it wont stop me from photographing a person if they are a smoker. I just don't promote it!

There are some people I do hate. I do have anger and hatred towards those who commit horrendous crimes such as murder, rape and child molestation. My uncle was a great man from what I heard, but I never was able to get to know him because he was murdered by a criminal with a gun. 

Trying to reach a child or adult who is suicidal because of being broken by rape or molestation is heart wrenching! Even though by all "appearances" she had it all going for her, I lost a beautiful friend who took her life. Because of her life and tragic death, I received some training in suicide prevention and volunteered to answer the crisis hotline.

People who are either homosexual, or transgendered are not living some sort of lie, they are being themselves. No matter how much it bothers you, it is more offensive and wrong to try to make another person seem less a human being than yourself simply because they are different than you. It takes a very brave person to tell others about their differences when they are at risk of harassment or even being killed for who they are.

May 25 05 04:43 pm Link



Posts: 115

Richmond, California, US

You know, Patrick. Each one of us has our own prejudices. I saw the post on photographing models with tattoos and I get the same feeling.

It's preference..but that preference stigmatizes in that same way. I prefer real creamer over flavored...its a conscious choice and something that I am used to. In that same way, people are. We are bred to accept what we accept and feign what we feign. Be it valid or not valid, humane or inhumane, prejudiced or no. Just because we got some dude behind a camera that calls him or herself a photographer..we get to CHOOSE who and what we do. Same with models. Some models I know only work with a certain type of photographers. It's not prejudice then, it's CHOICE. It all boils down to free will. Most people are not open to other's ideas and comments, and opinions (like assholes..everyone has them). I only hope that others can be as open minded as yourself...but I live in my own world.

And its sad how things have become. I don't descriminate..never have, never will. Photographers either.

there is one photographer I know who will not shoot black models..although he himself is black. he says we are too 'trifling'. Now how silly is that?

Sad state...

May 25 05 06:26 pm Link


Glamour Studio /Gary

Posts: 1237

I can honestly say I've probably shot almost every nationality, even on TFP/TFCD and that includes gay, lesbian, goths, and some who couldn't make up their mind what they were.

I don't understand what the problem is here. It only brings in more clients from those nationalities and those wanting a genre other than the so called norm etc.
Being more diverse is vital in this biz.

May 25 05 06:45 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

I pretty much try to avoid photographing children between the about 2 to 12 years old. When I'm doing portraiture, it's one thing, but for most anything else, that's an age range I have a lot of trouble working with. (Lack of inherent visual "character", and (usually painfully) low level of acting ability are difficult for me to overcome.)

Male, female, ex-male, ex-female, white, black, green, yellow, blue, brown, tall, short, thin, thick, goth, mainstream, cyber,glam,western--there's opportunities in all of them. (Some are more challenging than others, but it's not always the ones one expects.)

On the other hand, labelling a decision to deliberately limit your subjects as "prejudiced" and "pathetic" without knowing the cause is a prejudicial view in itself.

May 25 05 09:52 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I photograph those who have a look that I want to shoot. I do not shoot those who don't, unless I'm doing them a favor as a friend or it's a paying gig, in which case it's not my call.

It's not discrimination in any terms other than I shoot what I want.

May 25 05 09:57 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
I photograph those who have a look that I want to shoot. I do not shoot those who don't, unless I'm doing them a favor as a friend or it's a paying gig, in which case it's not my call.

It's not discrimination in any terms other than I shoot what I want.

Well said...... agreed.....

I have all types contact me - and if it does not fit the bill - oh well - sadly that is part of the business of modeling - you sell your look and ytour attitude for a specific job...

You woudl truly be amazed how many different types look at the site we are putting together and think they fit the look.... Thou I take all applications and put them in the database - becasue two weeks from now who knows what look I will need...

May 25 05 10:31 pm Link


Shawn Kuck

Posts: 407

Columbia, Tennessee, US

I have only one question for you, at what point do we become too politically correct. I just want to know. At what point does it stop and people can quit forcing other peoples lifestyles down my throat. I'm a straight male and I don't force it down others throats, "You must accept me for who I am!" or choose to be. I have no issues with any race, any religion (and I mean any religion), straight or homosexual (I don't care), age, and politics (except for socialists, lol). But at what point does it stop? Do I have to buy into everyones sick and twisted fantasy world, just to make it ok for you to be who you are. Personally I don't care if you are transgendered. I just don't want to have to hear about it, unless I'm dating you and then there couldn't be enough distance. And don't ask me to support it or pat you on the back for it. The only thing in our modern world you don't have to be open minded about is other peoples opinions. I'm sorry if my opinion makes you sick. That's another thing I don't want to hear about.


May 25 05 10:44 pm Link


Gary L.

Posts: 306

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Shawn Kuck: 
I have only one question for you, at what point do we become too politically correct. I just want to know. At what point does it stop and people can quit forcing other peoples lifestyles down my throat. I'm a straight male and I don't force it down others throats, "You must accept me for who I am!" or choose to be. I have no issues with any race, any religion (and I mean any religion), straight or homosexual (I don't care), age, and politics (except for socialists, lol). But at what point does it stop? Do I have to buy into everyones sick and twisted fantasy world, just to make it ok for you to be who you are. Personally I don't care if you are transgendered. I just don't want to have to hear about it, unless I'm dating you and then there couldn't be enough distance. And don't ask me to support it or pat you on the back for it. The only thing in our modern world you don't have to be open minded about is other peoples opinions. I'm sorry if my opinion makes you sick. That's another thing I don't want to hear about.


agreed 100%

May 25 05 11:40 pm Link



Posts: 223

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Ok I do have one prejudice on Photography, I really hate photographing Vampires with SLR's because they don't show up in the viewfinder. Unless I Rent A TLR or use a viewfinder, I refuse to work with the Undead.

May 25 05 11:45 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by RFAphoto: 
Ok I do have one prejudice on Photography, I really hate photographing Vampires with SLR's because they don't show up in the viewfinder. Unless I Rent A TLR or use a viewfinder, I refuse to work with the Undead.

Dude. Shoot Kodak Portra UC. The "UC" stands for "Undead Compensation" ... didn't you know?

May 25 05 11:52 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

I'm not prejudiced. I hate everyone equally.

May 26 05 12:09 am Link


Glamour Studio /Gary

Posts: 1237

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 
I'm not prejudiced. I hate everyone equally.

Now that's an attitude I understand,lol

May 26 05 12:17 am Link


Glamour Studio /Gary

Posts: 1237

Seriously, and this not "attacking" anyone just hopefully a real life view.

First off it's not that easy to just go from only shooting what you like and then shooting for instance your first goth for pay. That client is paying you for shooting the type of style he or she wants. So you're really taking that clients money without ever shooting that type of genre while they are thinking you know exactly what to do, that's unethical business practice. Only a fool would hire a photog that cannot show the kind of work they're looking for.

So what if you have to shoot a few TFP's to get the proper work to show to get their business. That's an investment in advertising not some personal issue of fitting someone's bill, your main concern should be paying the bills.

Not trying to be harsh to anyone but this is a real business, at least to me it is. Just ignore this if you're a P/timer or hobbiest.

A professional photog is hired to shoot what the client wants, the more clients the better. If anyone has any problems shooting something they don't like just send them my way. I really don't care what their sick fantasies are, I'm not buying into it either, they are buying it, I'm only photographing it. If they want to talk about their personal crap during the shoot, that's fine with me too, I doubt it will change my views on anything because nothing can really shock me at this stage. Hell, you might actually learn something instead of remaing ignorant to the real world around you, it's not some utopia, it's quite the opposite. In the end I'm getting the cash and if their friends call for shoots also then that's even better.

May 26 05 12:21 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

You just let me know when as a straight male you find difficulty in being accepted for that, 'kay?

Funny how every time we're presented with the idea of something we may not be comfortable with, it's "being shoved down our throats."

Yeah, your opinions kinda do make me sick, but you don't want different views shoved down your throat, right?

Posted by Shawn Kuck: 
I have only one question for you, at what point do we become too politically correct. I just want to know. At what point does it stop and people can quit forcing other peoples lifestyles down my throat. I'm a straight male and I don't force it down others throats, "You must accept me for who I am!" or choose to be. I have no issues with any race, any religion (and I mean any religion), straight or homosexual (I don't care), age, and politics (except for socialists, lol). But at what point does it stop? Do I have to buy into everyones sick and twisted fantasy world, just to make it ok for you to be who you are. Personally I don't care if you are transgendered. I just don't want to have to hear about it, unless I'm dating you and then there couldn't be enough distance. And don't ask me to support it or pat you on the back for it. The only thing in our modern world you don't have to be open minded about is other peoples opinions. I'm sorry if my opinion makes you sick. That's another thing I don't want to hear about.


May 26 05 01:13 am Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

I'm prejudice.  I admit it.  I don't shoot ugly chicks, even if they paid me.  That's when I refer them to the "other" photographer.

May 26 05 03:49 am Link



Posts: 9122

I think you cannot photograph invisible people or the dead, especially in sexual positions. A guy went to jail for going to a morgue and photographing invisible people in sexually suggestive poses without anyone's consent.

May 26 05 04:37 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

"Living is easy with eyes closed..misunderstanding all the time" John Lennon 1967. So have any of you grown since that time.....I have.

May 26 05 04:40 am Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by Shawn Kuck: 
I have only one question for you, at what point do we become too politically correct. I just want to know. At what point does it stop and people can quit forcing other peoples lifestyles down my throat. I'm a straight male and I don't force it down others throats, "You must accept me for who I am!" or choose to be. I have no issues with any race, any religion (and I mean any religion), straight or homosexual (I don't care), age, and politics (except for socialists, lol). But at what point does it stop? Do I have to buy into everyones sick and twisted fantasy world, just to make it ok for you to be who you are. Personally I don't care if you are transgendered. I just don't want to have to hear about it, unless I'm dating you and then there couldn't be enough distance. And don't ask me to support it or pat you on the back for it. The only thing in our modern world you don't have to be open minded about is other peoples opinions. I'm sorry if my opinion makes you sick. That's another thing I don't want to hear about.


How about not being politically correct or labeling one another and just be ACCEPTING of one another as members of the human race. Maybe if we just ACCEPT our differences instead of drawing undue attention to them this world would be a better place.

And I don't shoot wedding... And Im not PREjudiced against them. I've shot enough of them to know I HATE shooting weddings. =o)

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
I think you cannot photograph invisible people or the dead, especially in sexual positions. A guy went to jail for going to a morgue and photographing invisible people in sexually suggestive poses without anyone's consent.

Hey I didn't go to jail for it. But the invisible person did. The damn dead girl called the cops and filed molestation charges.

But actually in some places it is actually illegal to photograph bodies in the morgue. Guess it has something to do with getting them to sign a release or something.

May 26 05 04:43 am Link



Posts: 115

Richmond, California, US

Posted by Gary L.: 

Posted by Shawn Kuck: 
I have only one question for you, at what point do we become too politically correct. I just want to know. At what point does it stop and people can quit forcing other peoples lifestyles down my throat. I'm a straight male and I don't force it down others throats, "You must accept me for who I am!" or choose to be. I have no issues with any race, any religion (and I mean any religion), straight or homosexual (I don't care), age, and politics (except for socialists, lol). But at what point does it stop? Do I have to buy into everyones sick and twisted fantasy world, just to make it ok for you to be who you are. Personally I don't care if you are transgendered. I just don't want to have to hear about it, unless I'm dating you and then there couldn't be enough distance. And don't ask me to support it or pat you on the back for it. The only thing in our modern world you don't have to be open minded about is other peoples opinions. I'm sorry if my opinion makes you sick. That's another thing I don't want to hear about.


agreed 100%

I don't think we are, actually. We are just stating that we have seen alot of sort of prejudiced forum questions lately. You guys do what you do..and what makes you comfortable. When you air is never pretty.

You don't have to don't have to understand. You do what you do. When you blatantly air it and be opinionated about it, isn't that prejudice? I dunno.

Much Love--

May 26 05 05:42 am Link



Posts: 115

Richmond, California, US

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
I think you cannot photograph invisible people or the dead, especially in sexual positions. A guy went to jail for going to a morgue and photographing invisible people in sexually suggestive poses without anyone's consent.

Well there was a guy in the UK in bizarre magazine that was photographing the dead. Wonderfully, too. There are cases back in the 1900's of people being photographed for identification if they died in some type of pestulence (smallpox, etc) so family could accurately identify them before they were mass buried.

Check out's sick. This photographer photographed this dead guys' head in a jar of some fluid..then sliced it down the middle and photographed it against a mirror to make it look like it was 'double' (twins).


May 26 05 05:45 am Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by Sun Karma: 
You don't have to don't have to understand. You do what you do. When you blatantly air it and be opinionated about it, isn't that prejudice? I dunno.

Much Love--

And I think that thinking we don't have to or shouldn't accept one another is what gets planes flown into buildings and wars started.

I don't understand a lot of things that people do, or even cultures of countries I've visited but I accept that is how they do it and I have a great time and meet great people and learn so much more than I would have. And funny thing I get a greater understanding.

May 26 05 06:14 am Link


Alexandra Paris

Posts: 326

Portland, Arkansas, US

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 
Or ... are you prejudice?

The topic about "hiring a Transgender ...would you feel ripped off?" has exposed how many people here are small minded or even prejudice! That question and topic are as petty as asking if you should be upset with a model you photograph who you "thought" was a white person, only to find out that they have an ethnicity that is not Caucasian in them too.

It is very sad and pathetic that so many people are prejudice to the point that they exclude other people based on their fear of the unknown. People who could potentially be good friends are held back by things such as race, sexual orientation, religion, age, physical handicaps, or political parties.

I love people, and I photograph people. When working in retail, I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph many people! It is challenging to me to bring out a persons best features in a photograph. One of the most physically beautiful young ladies I've ever been honored to photograph was legally blind. It's so ironic and heartbreaking to me that she wont ever be able to "see" just how beautiful she looks, however she will never be prejudge towards another person based on how they look.

Many different people have been photographed by me. The huge majority of people I've photographed are multi-ethnic since very few people are "pure" anything nowadays including myself. Some people who have been in front of my camera lens have included physically handicapped children (some very sadly didn't have much time left on this Earth!) I've photographed many people of different ages, sizes, religions, sexual orientations, hair styles (or even no hair!), and political parties without too much of a debate either! There is not much that I'm prejudice towards.

OK, there are some things I don't like. Smoking is one! It is true that I dumped a girlfriend I was engaged to because she told me that she would not quit smoking even though her own mother had died from lung cancer. I don't like smoking, but I don't "hate" on those who do it. I feel sad for them. I even saw John Couger Mellencamp in concert and he was smoking on stage non stop! He later had a heart attack when barely in his 40's after being a 6 pack a day smoker since his teens. Smoking is bad for you ... but it wont stop me from photographing a person if they are a smoker. I just don't promote it!

There are some people I do hate. I do have anger and hatred towards those who commit horrendous crimes such as murder, rape and child molestation. My uncle was a great man from what I heard, but I never was able to get to know him because he was murdered by a criminal with a gun. 

Trying to reach a child or adult who is suicidal because of being broken by rape or molestation is heart wrenching! Even though by all "appearances" she had it all going for her, I lost a beautiful friend who took her life. Because of her life and tragic death, I received some training in suicide prevention and volunteered to answer the crisis hotline.

People who are either homosexual, or transgendered are not living some sort of lie, they are being themselves. No matter how much it bothers you, it is more offensive and wrong to try to make another person seem less a human being than yourself simply because they are different than you. It takes a very brave person to tell others about their differences when they are at risk of harassment or even being killed for who they are.

I agree it is sad that society has to judge based on looks, gender, handicap or whatever. I say get rid of the labels, stop listening to the media on what is acceptable and actually get to know people before you judge.

May 26 05 06:24 am Link


Alexandra Paris

Posts: 326

Portland, Arkansas, US

Posted by RFAphoto: 
Ok I do have one prejudice on Photography, I really hate photographing Vampires with SLR's because they don't show up in the viewfinder. Unless I Rent A TLR or use a viewfinder, I refuse to work with the Undead.

Then I guess you would really hate shooting with Zombies LOL!

May 26 05 06:26 am Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 
Or ... are you prejudice?
People who are either homosexual, or transgendered are not living some sort of lie, they are being themselves. No matter how much it bothers you, it is more offensive and wrong to try to make another person seem less a human being than yourself simply because they are different than you. It takes a very brave person to tell others about their differences when they are at risk of harassment or even being killed for who they are.

AMEN brother. Same for the "Niggers" "Spics" and "Jews" Oh don't forget the "Towelheads" or are we calling them "Camel Jockeys, Sand Niggers" Oh wait need to not forget the "Gimps" and the "Fatties".

People are people! FUCK! Can't we just get over it and just be freaking PEOPLE!!!!!! Sometimes it makes me sad my daughter has to grow up in a world of such intolerance.

Just reminded about that movie Shallow Hal. What a wonderful message in that.

Now I am prejudice against Zombies and Aliens. Unless it's that green girl from Star Trek or a nice Klingon Warrioress. Or a nice 7 of 9 Borg girl. But those damn zombies... leaving pieces of themselves all over the studio and worse in my bed and on my casting couch.

Alexandra said in jest meant in truth.... if people stopped listening to the media models might be out of a job.

And has anyone else noticed that the artist's rendering they show on the news of the black guy who commited some crime in NYC looks suspiciously like the black guy who commited some other crime in LA? Maybe it's just one black guy commiting ALL the crime in the country.

Black, white, hispanic, asian (Oriental) They all look alike to me. =o) 

OK this is DJ on no sleep and cancer medication. Please excuse me.

May 26 05 07:02 am Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

The headline was whether we photograph anyone and everyone.

I treat everyone equivalently. As someone said, well, people are people.

But I don't photograph anyone and everyone, no.  That's silly. If I want to shoot a lonely, sad girl on the prairie, a stocky goth guy isn't going to cut it.  It has nothing to do with prejudice.  It has everything to do with meeting a particular vision I have.

I don't get a chance to photograph much with people, outside of family and friends. When I get the chance, I'll work with whomever fits the bill. That stocky goth guy probably isn't going to work with me. I'm not in his culture, and other things inspire me more. But on the street, I'll treat him the same as I would anyone else.

May 26 05 07:13 am Link


Shawn Kuck

Posts: 407

Columbia, Tennessee, US

Posted by Sun Karma: 

I don't think we are, actually. We are just stating that we have seen alot of sort of prejudiced forum questions lately. You guys do what you do..and what makes you comfortable. When you air is never pretty.

You don't have to don't have to understand. You do what you do. When you blatantly air it and be opinionated about it, isn't that prejudice? I dunno.

Much Love--

I'm not saying it's even my place to accept or approve of anyones place or station in life. All I'm saying is I'd just rather be blissfully ignorant. I think it's just too much info.


May 26 05 11:12 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US


The only people I would NOT photograph are KKK members and similar organizations. With me shooting portraits, I'd be giving them publicity and I don't do that... however, if a magazine is writing a critical documentary and they want me to shoot the interviews etc. then, as a photo journalist, I'd do it.

Otherwise, I photograph anybody who wants me to be their photographer, especially if they pay...

May 26 05 11:53 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

I'm not predjudice... I'll gladly take anyone's money and not give it a second thought.

May 26 05 11:55 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

With the exception of children, i hope to work with everyone and anyone before it's all said and done.  It's part of what my work is all about.

May 26 05 03:16 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Hell ill shoot anybody if they get in my way!!

May 26 05 03:27 pm Link



Posts: 54

Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
I'm prejudice.  I admit it.  I don't shoot ugly chicks, even if they paid me.  That's when I refer them to the "other" photographer.

LoL...agreed...2000% its so simple i only shoot ppl i find appealing visualy i do my best work wise...wen im doing editorial or journalism work hell ive shot sum ugly mugs

May 26 05 03:40 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Farreno Ferguso: 
LoL...agreed...2000% its so simple i only shoot ppl i find appealing visualy i do my best work wise...wen im doing editorial or journalism work hell ive shot sum ugly mugs

You know what I'm saying?  Why settle for anything less?  Some people will shoot anyone.  Photographer sluts.

May 27 05 06:44 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Thank you to all those who posted on the topic I started. 

Sun Karma,  I like most everything you write!  If we make any "Coastal" adjustments to our locations in the near ... I would love to shoot with you! A few tattoos don't scare me! LOL

So it is true that many photographers will not shoot with models based on what they see, but the transgender issue is not as obvious a factor. For example if you were to cover up all your tattoos with MU or PS in your pictures then surprise a photographer who didn't expect you to have tattoos. I could see a problem with that! But looking at pictures of someone who by all appearances fits the needs of a model job, but then on finding out they are transgender the photographer is asked "do you feel ripped off?" seems aimed at provoking hatred towards that model.

In some cases, I understand how it could possibly jeopardize a photo job for a selective client. But transgenders have been doing commercial work in the mainstream before. Of course I also think it makes a difference when we are able to choose who we photograph.Some photographers may be picky as to the appearance of the models they shoot.  However, I look at photographing diverse people and "doing it well" as a challenge.

I mentioned that I don't like smoking. When a model is smoking, I am afraid they are too HOT and about to catch fire so I run for an extinguisher!  LOL  Smoking is a bad habit that I personally dislike and it can cause me to have biases against someone who does smoke. My own older brother smokes, although I don't like the smoking, I do accept and love him as my brother. The smoking may keep him from living as long a lifetime though.

Pretty much we all photograph anyone who appeals to us OR are paid enough to make it worth while. As far as this involving political correctness, I have seen plenty of posts here and on other boards that were negative or even hateful towards various models regarding everything from size, age, tattoos, drinking, and sex, but we have not even gotten to politics yet!

So to Shawn Kurk, NO ONE is pushing you to photograph Transgenders. Your opinion does not make me sick. You are honest and that is fine. I just think you are over reacting for someone who says "I don't want to hear about it."  I am NOT attempting to force anything down your throat!  All I'm suggesting is that a previous post about "feeling ripped off by Transgenders" was inciting intolerance towards those people. But I think you better reread Theda's comment to what you wrote;

Posted by theda: 
You just let me know when as a straight male you find difficulty in being accepted for that, 'kay?

Funny how every time we're presented with the idea of something we may not be comfortable with, it's "being shoved down our throats."

Yeah, your opinions kinda do make me sick, but you don't want different views shoved down your throat, right?

Posted by Shawn Kuck: 
I have only one question for you, at what point do we become too politically correct. I just want to know. At what point does it stop and people can quit forcing other peoples lifestyles down my throat. I'm a straight male and I don't force it down others throats, "You must accept me for who I am!" or choose to be. I have no issues with any race, any religion (and I mean any religion), straight or homosexual (I don't care), age, and politics (except for socialists, lol). But at what point does it stop? Do I have to buy into everyones sick and twisted fantasy world, just to make it ok for you to be who you are. Personally I don't care if you are transgendered. I just don't want to have to hear about it, unless I'm dating you and then there couldn't be enough distance. And don't ask me to support it or pat you on the back for it. The only thing in our modern world you don't have to be open minded about is other peoples opinions. I'm sorry if my opinion makes you sick. That's another thing I don't want to hear about.


Without bringing politics into the mix, it's hard enough for models to get work regardless of ones race, height, weight, sexual orientation, or other things like tattoos. Sometimes I'm an Angel but most of the time I'm a vampire, so I became a photographer because so few people know how to photograph me! I have such a love/hate relationship going with my cameras! Why should I worry if the model is perfect or not?

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
I'm prejudice.  I admit it.  I don't shoot ugly chicks, even if they paid me.  That's when I refer them to the "other" photographer.

Hey man! I happen to know many of those "perfect" LA models have had surgery and then there is a lot of Photo Shopping going on! LOL  I don't know what your taste is as to "what is beautiful?" but I consider everyone to have something attractive or beautiful about them and as a photographer I find it challenging to bring out the BEST in every person that goes in front of my camera. If every model I shot was "perfect" then what value is there in shooting pictures?

May 27 05 05:05 pm Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

Posted by theda: 
You just let me know when as a straight male you find difficulty in being accepted for that, 'kay?

Funny how every time we're presented with the idea of something we may not be comfortable with, it's "being shoved down our throats."

Yeah, your opinions kinda do make me sick, but you don't want different views shoved down your throat, right?

Posted by Shawn Kuck: 
I have only one question for you, at what point do we become too politically correct. I just want to know. At what point does it stop and people can quit forcing other peoples lifestyles down my throat. I'm a straight male and I don't force it down others throats, "You must accept me for who I am!" or choose to be. I have no issues with any race, any religion (and I mean any religion), straight or homosexual (I don't care), age, and politics (except for socialists, lol). But at what point does it stop? Do I have to buy into everyones sick and twisted fantasy world, just to make it ok for you to be who you are. Personally I don't care if you are transgendered. I just don't want to have to hear about it, unless I'm dating you and then there couldn't be enough distance. And don't ask me to support it or pat you on the back for it. The only thing in our modern world you don't have to be open minded about is other peoples opinions. I'm sorry if my opinion makes you sick. That's another thing I don't want to hear about.


Theda, I'll just blame it on your youth.  I tend to agree with Shawn.  Whatever happened to good old fashioned "live and let live?"  When did we stop being entitled to preferences? 

As an African American baby boomer, I can tell you all about prejudice.  I even grew up hearing my southern born relatives tell stories about lynchings.  Some of the worst racism I ever experienced was suffered during the Vietnam era when I wore a U.S. Air Force uniform and had my butt on the line for this country.  Now I get to deal with having the Christian Right's stuff shoved down my throat after I protected their freedom of religion and expression.

Think about it, Theda, and lighten up!     

May 27 05 05:45 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Herb Way: 

Posted by theda: 
You just let me know when as a straight male you find difficulty in being accepted for that, 'kay?

Funny how every time we're presented with the idea of something we may not be comfortable with, it's "being shoved down our throats."

Yeah, your opinions kinda do make me sick, but you don't want different views shoved down your throat, right?

Posted by Shawn Kuck: 
I have only one question for you, at what point do we become too politically correct. I just want to know. At what point does it stop and people can quit forcing other peoples lifestyles down my throat. I'm a straight male and I don't force it down others throats, "You must accept me for who I am!" or choose to be. I have no issues with any race, any religion (and I mean any religion), straight or homosexual (I don't care), age, and politics (except for socialists, lol). But at what point does it stop? Do I have to buy into everyones sick and twisted fantasy world, just to make it ok for you to be who you are. Personally I don't care if you are transgendered. I just don't want to have to hear about it, unless I'm dating you and then there couldn't be enough distance. And don't ask me to support it or pat you on the back for it. The only thing in our modern world you don't have to be open minded about is other peoples opinions. I'm sorry if my opinion makes you sick. That's another thing I don't want to hear about.


Theda, I'll just blame it on your youth.  I tend to agree with Shawn.  Whatever happened to good old fashioned "live and let live?"  When did we stop being entitled to preferences? 

As an African American baby boomer, I can tell you all about prejudice.  I even grew up hearing my southern born relatives tell stories about lynchings.  Some of the worst racism I ever experienced was suffered during the Vietnam era when I wore a U.S. Air Force uniform and had my butt on the line for this country.  Now I get to deal with having the Christian Right's stuff shoved down my throat after I protected their freedom of religion and expression.

Think about it, Theda, and lighten up!     

Herb, I hear you! Let's drop the labels! Live and let live is where it's at. God bless you for fighting for this strange place we call the United States!

May 27 05 05:54 pm Link



Posts: 115

Richmond, California, US

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

The only people I would NOT photograph are KKK members and similar organizations. With me shooting portraits, I'd be giving them publicity and I don't do that... however, if a magazine is writing a critical documentary and they want me to shoot the interviews etc. then, as a photo journalist, I'd do it.

Otherwise, I photograph anybody who wants me to be their photographer, especially if they pay...

I'd shoot the KKK...oh, you meant with a camera...


I actually think ignorance is humorous. I did an extended research project on the resources of the history of the KKK..had to call all these museums, even called the headquarters and they happily sent me info.

IF ONLY THEY KNEW I WAS A MUD BABY....muahhh ha ha...(evil laugh)

I guess being blissfully ignorant helps, unless, like DJ said..a building gets plowed down by a plane.


May 27 05 06:14 pm Link


Alexandra Paris

Posts: 326

Portland, Arkansas, US

Unfortunately, the media makes people ignorant too and that's very sad.

May 27 05 06:20 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Sun Karma: 

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

The only people I would NOT photograph are KKK members and similar organizations. With me shooting portraits, I'd be giving them publicity and I don't do that... however, if a magazine is writing a critical documentary and they want me to shoot the interviews etc. then, as a photo journalist, I'd do it.

Otherwise, I photograph anybody who wants me to be their photographer, especially if they pay...

I'd shoot the KKK...oh, you meant with a camera...


I actually think ignorance is humorous. I did an extended research project on the resources of the history of the KKK..had to call all these museums, even called the headquarters and they happily sent me info.

IF ONLY THEY KNEW I WAS A MUD BABY....muahhh ha ha...(evil laugh)

I guess being blissfully ignorant helps, unless, like DJ said..a building gets plowed down by a plane.


Education is freedom. It was ignorance of a President being "out to lunch" while the planning was going on for 9/11, but that is another story I wont get into here!

"I'll shoot the KKK!" That is a hoot, Sun! I know what you mean about speaking with someone on the phone ... what does the color of ones skin have to do with the way one speaks on the phone anyway? Hmmm...!!!! I wont go there either! (at least for now!)

I learned about the difference between "passive" and "aggressive" methods of  prejudice taking place in our society today. There is more of the passive prejudice taking place in California while more of the aggressive methods still are in practice in the South. 

For those who may not know what I'm talking about, I'll give an example.  Going into a restaurant and not being seated or waited on (Umm ... excuse me but are we invisible?)  That is passive. Burning a cross on a lawn is aggressive. But in an event like bombing the trade center or 9/11 when they finally brought down the building ... there is no discrimination as to who dies.  Muslims and Jews died along side Christians. 

Knowledge is the answer! I think that the more people learn about each other and the more we will learn to love each other. After all, people fear the unknown, but they can learn to love one another when they begin to understand each other. Love you Sun!

May 27 05 06:49 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 
Hey man! I happen to know many of those "perfect" LA models have had surgery and then there is a lot of Photo Shopping going on! LOL

Not just LA, but all over the world.

I don't know what your taste is as to "what is beautiful?" but I consider everyone to have something attractive or beautiful about them

True, true.

as a photographer I find it challenging to bring out the BEST in every person that goes in front of my camera. If every model I shot was "perfect" then what value is there in shooting pictures?

God, that sounds like work.  I hate work.


May 28 05 04:57 am Link