Forums > General Industry > Question for those who have modeled/shot jewelry lines



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

I know, this seems weirdly specific, but bear with me!

I've been asked to do the web modeling content for a little jewelry line scheduled to launch later this summer.  Essentially, the designer has said that I can name my price.  My experience is wholly in artistic modeling up until now, and I have absolutely no idea what a fair price would be to ask for such a thing!

What I know at present is that I'd be shooting probably once a month or so, with however many new pieces they have at the end of each month.  Could be as many as 30 or as few as 10, depending.  I'm supposing that, given the varying content and therefore time involved, I should ask for an hourly fee, but I have no idea what's fair.  I don't want to gouge her inadvertantly, or end up feeling taken advantage of down the road because I asked for peanuts.  I'd like us both to feel like we're getting a fair deal.

Are there any kind of guidelines for something like this?



May 24 05 07:47 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Shyly: 
I know, this seems weirdly specific, but bear with me!

I've been asked to do the web modeling content for a little jewelry line scheduled to launch later this summer.  Essentially, the designer has said that I can name my price.  My experience is wholly in artistic modeling up until now, and I have absolutely no idea what a fair price would be to ask for such a thing!

What I know at present is that I'd be shooting probably once a month or so, with however many new pieces they have at the end of each month.  Could be as many as 30 or as few as 10, depending.  I'm supposing that, given the varying content and therefore time involved, I should ask for an hourly fee, but I have no idea what's fair.  I don't want to gouge her inadvertantly, or end up feeling taken advantage of down the road because I asked for peanuts.  I'd like us both to feel like we're getting a fair deal.

Are there any kind of guidelines for something like this?



You sound like you are interested in this project as more than a money thing. An hourly rate could be anything from $20, $200 or even $2,000 and hour depending on how the pictures are going to be used. A local jewelry store probably wont pay ar well as a large chain store.  I would just ask them what they have paid to models in the past. If they have not done so previous, then ask for a reasonable amount that they will agree to and that you are happy with.

Best wishes!

May 24 05 08:01 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by Shyly: 
I know, this seems weirdly specific, but bear with me!

I've been asked to do the web modeling content for a little jewelry line scheduled to launch later this summer.  Essentially, the designer has said that I can name my price.  My experience is wholly in artistic modeling up until now, and I have absolutely no idea what a fair price would be to ask for such a thing!

What I know at present is that I'd be shooting probably once a month or so, with however many new pieces they have at the end of each month.  Could be as many as 30 or as few as 10, depending.  I'm supposing that, given the varying content and therefore time involved, I should ask for an hourly fee, but I have no idea what's fair.  I don't want to gouge her inadvertantly, or end up feeling taken advantage of down the road because I asked for peanuts.  I'd like us both to feel like we're getting a fair deal.

Are there any kind of guidelines for something like this?



If I may offer. I shot a watch ad recently and the model was paid $10,000.00 for showing up on time no less, and several versions of the watch which she ONLY wears cuz they pay her to. The shoot itself took all of about an hour - hour and a half. Now obviously you are not her and the company possibly does not have a budget like that.

I think for something like that a few thoughts could come into play.

1. They are new. So their budget may not be extensive. Nice that they say name your price. I would have said a million dollars and laughed. Or passed out if they said ok. Also forces them to make an offer thereby taking much of the pressure off of you.

2. What is the potential that they might become a major company in the future and appreciate your work and honesty. In addition to the exposure. Some people actually still award honesty and integrity.

3. How much do you normally get paid for the type of modeling you currently have experience in? And how does THIS job differ? If it's less work perhaps you cut your rate in half or at least take 25% off. Especially if your contracting for monthly work. Think long term benefits rather than immediate gratification.

Now what you might also ask for are perks (Since you're cutting your rates). Meaning that you get to keep the jewlery you model. It's promo for them. And that you get a byline as in (Model:Shyly) Unique name BTW.... and interesting for a model who isn't shy. =o)

I hope that this information assists you in making your decision. If you have any other questions feel free to email me.

May 26 05 06:40 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US


Thank you very much for taking the time to respond!  I found your answers very helpful, and we've struck a deal much like you suggested, DJ.  I get a combination of cash and sparklies.  (And, given that I am a sparkle monkey, this works for me.)

Thank you again for your assistance, it was invaluable.  smile

May 26 05 02:12 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

I have shot jewelry. 

For the purposes of modeling,  I do not see a big difference in logic of pricing.  Read views on pricing of freelance modeling in general and I believe you will have the right answer.

You can tweek it a bit but the jewelry to the model is just another product.  Lingerie or bathing suits might be something different but not jewelry.

Sorry,  I do not have time to give more at the moment.

May 26 05 02:44 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by marksora: 
I have shot jewelry. 

For the purposes of modeling,  I do not see a big difference in logic of pricing.  Read views on pricing of freelance modeling in general and I believe you will have the right answer.

You can tweek it a bit but the jewelry to the model is just another product.  Lingerie or bathing suits might be something different but not jewelry.

Sorry,  I do not have time to give more at the moment.

Mark I think she resolved it. =o)

And I am glad that the information was of use to you Shyly. =o)

May 26 05 03:40 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

People often post not just for the one but for the use of all.  For every one question there are many others that may wish to ask the same thing-the lurkers.  If not today then often soon.

Then there are those that just want to learn in general.

(We need a better name than the lurkers.)

May 26 05 05:54 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I have something to matter how lateral it may be. I agree with marksora that more than a specific question can be brought up...obviously too off topic, generate a new thread...which leads me to an idea. I am a cottage jewelry designer, a semi-accomplished shooter(BFA concentration 92')
And an art model. I actually got into modelling by modelling my jewelry. So, this topic is of a lot of interest to me. I would like to hear more about this. is one of the most difficult things to shoot well! I get pro photographers to take pics of me wearing it...therefore cutting out the money aspect in terms of paying photographers and models. However, if I get to the point where I am marketing for a product line and not just handcrafted one of a kind, I will want other models. If I want to retain copyright, have to pay both them and the photographer. Have to think of a new thread...

May 26 05 07:42 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Lapis, to further the lateral-ness, do you have a website where those of us who are confessed sparkle monkeys can see your jewelry?  (And your photography, for that matter.)  smile

May 26 05 08:04 pm Link