Forums > General Industry > Estee Lauder's New Campaign



Posts: 78

Tampa, Florida, US

What does everyone think of this image of Gwyneth?

(if the image doesn't show up, it's located here): … /intro.jpg

Nov 30 05 06:30 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

wow..thats all kinds of awful....

Nov 30 05 07:03 am Link


Earth Angel 555

Posts: 188

Los Angeles, California, US

too blah for me..simple

Nov 30 05 07:06 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

This one is clearly targeting an older demographic, and if you ask me, poorly. A few weeks ago somebody posted a "huh??" thread about a couple of blurred pictures in an Yves St Laurent campaign when I actually disagreed and thought that they were savvy. This on the other hand is just weak.

Targeting the older demographic they chose to be safe and mainstream. Ok, that's not a problem, that's a carefully thought-out decision. They addressed it by doing... nothing. It's cheap, even. Fire the art director and don't hire that photographer to shoot that sort of concept anymore.

Nov 30 05 07:09 am Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

Something about her face looks distorted and widened- not how she looks in other photos.

Nov 30 05 07:10 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Dreams To Keep wrote:
Something about her face looks distorted and widened- not how she looks in other photos.

I'd go so far as to say that make-up and styling, expression and what looks to be excessive retouching (hard to tell with all the jpeg compression) actually makes her look old and kinda cheap. Wal-Mart as opposed to Neiman Marcus.

And in lacking any other sort of statement, that just gets amplified.

Nov 30 05 07:16 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

rather a manly side of Gwynnie i have to say.

Nov 30 05 07:17 am Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

A photographer got paid to shoot this? I'd fire the art director for wanting a shot like this. Can't blame the photographer for giving the clients what they want no matter what you think of it.

Yea, it's safe and mainstream and Estee Lauder products are geared to older women but having what is basically a portrait seems weak from an advertising standpoint. It is, IMO, not a very good portrait at that - not flattering. Also, why Gwyneth? If your product is geared toward older women, wouldn't i make sense to use an older woman in your ad?

Of course, Estee Lauder may be trying to move into the younger market (30+? 25+?) hence the reason for the Gwyneth photo.

However, the photo still sucks no matter what the reasoning is.

Nov 30 05 07:58 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

I think the photo is a great shot lighthing and composition wise. However, it is NOT a good shot of Gwyneth. Her face looks all kinds of distorted and makes her look older than she actually looks in real life.

Estee may be looking to promote their line to a more middle aged crowd, 30-40 now. But they probably, really could have gotten a better photo of Gwyneth.

Nov 30 05 08:12 am Link



Posts: 676

Miami, Florida, US

i expected a little bit more from estee lauder

Nov 30 05 08:14 am Link



Posts: 78

Tampa, Florida, US

I saw the posters/advertisements in the mall at the cosmetic counter yesterday and I must say it appalled me.  I had to do a double-take to make sure it really was Gwyneth.  IMO, Gwyneth is a beautiful woman, but this photo really made me turn up my nose.  I wonder what she thinks of it herself??  It's not flattering at all.....wanted to see what my fellow MM'ers thought of it too.  Thanks for your opinions, everyone!!!!

Nov 30 05 08:20 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

i thought estee luderwas targeting the drag queen market.

Nov 30 05 08:36 am Link


Ray Savage

Posts: 926

Encinitas, California, US

As has been stated by others....I'm not sure you can fault the photographer on this one.....but the art director should be clearing out his desk.  On the other hand, someone higher up must have bought the AD's pitch.  Bottom line: weak, unflattering shot/ad for a company that certainly knows better.  (But this isn't the first time THAT has happened)


Nov 30 05 08:53 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

The image in whole is good, not great but good.

It appears they are emphasizing that anybody can wear their product by giving her a more normal look, rather than the high end make-up/styling look we're used to seeing her with.

Her eyes look a little whacko….. like someone who named her baby after a tree fruit wink

Nov 30 05 09:13 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Never noticed her eyes were so far apart.  Like a lizard!

Nov 30 05 09:13 am Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

99 out of 100 people don't care what the picture looks like.  99 out of 100 will glance and immediately associate Gwyneth with Estee.  Mission accomplished.  Job done.

What is lost in all these reviews is Gwyneth, as the model, is not important.  What is important is Gwyneth as the smiling happy successful person alongside of Estee is all that matters for planting a seed in the minds of passing glances as being content through product use.

The biggest difference between models working the campaign level and aspirants on the Internet is this:  Working models first and foremost realize it isn't about just them.

Nov 30 05 09:23 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

area291 wrote:
99 out of 100 people don't care what the picture looks like.  99 out of 100 will glance and immediately associate Gwyneth with Estee.  Mission accomplished.  Job done.

What is lost in all these reviews is Gwyneth, as the model, is not important.  What is important is Gwyneth as the smiling happy successful person alongside of Estee is all that matters for planting a seed in the minds of passing glances as being content through product use.

The biggest difference between models working the campaign level and aspirants on the Internet is this:  Working models first and foremost realize it isn't about just them.

I'll repeat. It's crap. Estee Lauder now looks cheap. Compare to the simple conservative stuff Estee ran of Liz Hurley a few years ago. Much classier. Higher end. More flattering (for beauty products marketed to middle-aged women, it just doesn't make sense to shoot a 33 year old model and make her look 45 than it does to shoot a woman in her 40s that looks youthful and classy). It wasn't super cool but Estee Lauder doesn't need to be super cool, it effectively reached it's demographic with a positive statement. This on the other hand looks cheap and it looks lazy. And this for a brand that sells at the make-up counter rather than the drugstore. (Big whoops!) Regional advertising writ large with a much more expensive celeb instead of a local agency model. Bloody awful art direction.

Nov 30 05 10:22 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

first mistake....It's a spring photo in a winter ad.  Nobody wears pink in the dead of winter...and those pink flowers look cheap and who uses pink flowers in the dead of winter?  Not enough light in the eyes, and whats with the splash of light on the nose? not working in a beauty shot.  It sucks.

Nov 30 05 11:07 am Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

I think they are trying to tap into a newish market, My mom really likes this add and I have to say i love their products. smile

Nov 30 05 12:20 pm Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

If I were Gwyneth, I'd be pissed. She looks like her face is melting off her skull.

Nov 30 05 12:52 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

why are her eyes so small?

Nov 30 05 12:54 pm Link


Lady Bronze

Posts: 3775

Los Angeles, California, US

Gwenyth is my all time favorite actress..

Congrats to her but that picture is less than flattering..she can look much better

Nov 30 05 03:07 pm Link



Posts: 1326

Palm Beach, Florida, US

yep, this ad doesn't look any better in print, i saw it in InStyle or W, can't recall right now which one...

but, it IS Gwyneth; we recognized her; and now, we're discussing the ad, so it worked, i guess.  *shrug*

Nov 30 05 05:37 pm Link


MB Photo 13

Posts: 1181

New York, New York, US


Nov 30 05 06:45 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

And if this is a holiday add why is she holding fresh flowers?  are they trying to make us think of spring or are they trying to get 2 adds out of one shot?

Nov 30 05 08:05 pm Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

mmmmmm..... (can't find words)

yea, it's not a very flattering photo of gwineth but at the same time I've seen worse of her : P

Nov 30 05 08:26 pm Link


giovanni gruttola

Posts: 1279

Middle Island, New York, US

Hmmmm...just wondering...if it wasn't Gwyneth...but just another model here asking for comments...would the response be the same (for the photo, not the ad)

Nov 30 05 08:35 pm Link



Posts: 78

Tampa, Florida, US

Im'age NY (INY) wrote:
Hmmmm...just wondering...if it wasn't Gwyneth...but just another model here asking for comments...would the response be the same (for the photo, not the ad)

Probably not, too much candy coating goes on here.

Nov 30 05 08:38 pm Link



Posts: 99

New York, New York, US

She just looks strange, could also be an awkward retouch. Her teeth look like Chicklets.

Nov 30 05 10:51 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

It's low key and accessible. To me it feels genuine. If they're going after a general demographic then it's perfectly fine.

Dec 01 05 12:25 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

That's a *really* bad photo - the lighting is really poor and it makes her look terrible. And I agree, it does look like her face is melting off. Methinks the photographer didn't bother controlling the harsh light that's hitting her, and the art director... well... shouldn't be an art director. Its really amazing (and sad) what is accepted as "good photography" these days. And to use it to try to sell a "beauty' product is just stupid. I wouldn't buy something that would make me look like that (well, assuming I was a woman or I wanted to look like Gwynth).

  Its a bad portrait and its bad commercial work. "Nuf said.



Dec 01 05 02:48 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Actually, having looked at it again I'm wondering if this was a reasonable portrait that was ruined in post production. It looks like they hit it with far more Photoshop than anyone should be allowed to use. It looks like this one has gone far beyond the usuall "plastic people" post production that's so common in mags these days.

  Er... yeah. I would like to see the original photo just to see what it looked like before post production.


Dec 01 05 02:50 am Link


Starstruck Foto

Posts: 73

Chicago, Illinois, US

I did a publicity shoot with Elizabeth Hurley for breast cancer awareness month back in the middle of Oct.(for Estee Lauder) and not a word was spoken about Ms.Paltrow taking over as the new face of Estee Lauder,(a big mistake in my opinion) She looks terrible in the new ads,and just as bad in the new commercials if you have had the misfortune to see them yet. Elizabeth Hurley is no doubt laughing her ass off.

Dec 01 05 08:38 pm Link



Posts: 35054

Portland, Oregon, US

Marko Cecic-Karuzic wrote:
I'll repeat. It's crap. Estee Lauder now looks cheap.

100% agree. The intended end result of associating Gwyneth with Estee Lauder is irrelevant to the fact that this is still, from an aesthetic standpoint, utter crap.

Dec 01 05 09:10 pm Link



Posts: 35054

Portland, Oregon, US

Im'age NY (INY) wrote:
Hmmmm...just wondering...if it wasn't Gwyneth...but just another model here asking for comments...would the response be the same (for the photo, not the ad)

Good question! IMHO, were it anything else but a celebrity-associative ad (i.e. leveraging Gwyneth's unmistakeable face to enhance the Estee Lauder name), it would be the most boring ad on earth, unless the photo was of some mind-bogglingly gorgeous unknown (and even then it runs the risk of being utterly forgotten).

As it stands, its only POSSIBLE purpose is to have you see (and hopefully remember) the Estee Lauder name, and Gwyneth made you look. Problem is, when one looks, one reacts negatively... i.e. "OMG what the HELL did they do to Gwyneth???"

Now, if one wanted to get REALLY conspiratorial, and postulate that it's gonna be tough to forget the Estee Lauder name *because* of that horrendous photo, then, in a somewhat perverse way, one could say the ad succeeded.

In the end, however, the true litmus test is whether the ad causes the sales of Estee Lauder products to increase. Offhand, I'd say not. Quite the contrary, in fact. And in THAT respect, the ad is a failure.

Thus, we end up with an ad that is aesthetically off-putting and unflattering to its famous subject, resulting in a negative reaction, resulting in potential loss of sales for the client. Not a good thing, I'd say... smile

Dec 01 05 09:21 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Marcia Dionne

Posts: 282

Frisco, Texas, US

Gwenyth...great actress.  Ad Campaign for Estee Lauder...not so much.  I personally, have never thought of her as a gorgeous gal, but I must admit that I have definitely seen her look a little better.  Not a good look at all, but as stated earlier; it's not the photogs fault and it isn't hers either.  I doubt that Estee Lauder would've chose this image if it wasn't weren't they were going for...

~Marcia Dionne~

Dec 01 05 09:28 pm Link



Posts: 2135

New York, New York, US

ya know it is amazing  everyone  is talking s@%& about this image but the photographer who took it probaly made $250,000 on it , and it is what it is , so if this was your image the only thing that matters is if the clients check clears , Estee Lauder was happy with it , so it must work to some degree.

Dec 01 05 10:11 pm Link


Eddy Torigoe

Posts: 478

Boston, Massachusetts, US

99 out of 100 people don't care what the picture looks like.  99 out of 100 will glance and immediately associate Gwyneth with Estee.  Mission accomplished.  Job done.

What is lost in all these reviews is Gwyneth, as the model, is not important.  What is important is Gwyneth as the smiling happy successful person alongside of Estee is all that matters for planting a seed in the minds of passing glances as being content through product use.

The biggest difference between models working the campaign level and aspirants on the Internet is this:  Working models first and foremost realize it isn't about just them.

you hit the nail on the head. all these "gwyneth looks ugly" and "the art direction sux" folks are forgetting two important things.

A) 30 - 50 year old women are the target market. not male photographers or young interweb models.

B) focus groups are where ads either resonate and or die.

Dec 01 05 10:33 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

"Elizabeth Hurley is no doubt laughing her ass off."

i would love to pick up that piece of ass.

Dec 01 05 10:49 pm Link



Posts: 35054

Portland, Oregon, US

aguynamededdy wrote:
all these "gwyneth looks ugly" and "the art direction sux" folks are forgetting two important things.

A) 30 - 50 year old women are the target market. not male photographers or young interweb models.

which is, as has been pointed out repeatedly, exactly why the ad sucks. 30 - 50 year old women will want to look like Gwyneth looks in her movies, not the way Gywneth looks in this ad. They'll look at this picture and think "if Estee Lauder products make Gwyneth Paltrow look like she just had a bad facelift, I don't want to come near the stuff..."

aguynamededdy wrote:
B) focus groups are where ads either resonate and or die.

Huh? If that were true, 80% of the lame-ass ads out there would never be seen.

Dec 02 05 01:05 am Link