Forums > General Industry > I need your advice!


Angie Rae

Posts: 99

Lawton, Iowa, US

Hi all. My name is Angie Rae, for those of you who don't know me. I have a dilemma that has to do with this business and I don't know what to do and am very confused. There is a man in Austin, TX., who says he has an agency type business for models and also manages a dance team. He really likes my look and wants to manage and promote me..and shoot better pics of me. The problem is..I don't trust him. I agreed to discuss this on the phone with him the other day, and he asked me alot of personal questions. I don't know if he was just trying to get to know me better or if he was trying to come on to me. No offense to anybody, but I just don't trust men very much. I was married to a very abusive man for 14 long years is the main reason why, I guess. He tells me I am gorgeous and am capable of shooting way better pics than I have. He doesn't have a website for his business, so I can't even see a portfolio. He asked me to go on a trip with him, so he could take me to some shing-dig they're having at the Playboy Mansion in the middle of June, so he could introduce me to some "people". He did tell me a few things about Hustler magazine, in which I took pictures for last month, that nobody else would know but somebody in this business. His business is called Babydollz....has anybody from Texas heard of this business? I wish I knew somebody in Austin, so I could have them check him out before I go down there. I am supposed to go meet him in June. He says he wants to shoot me in a hotel at first, so I can build my trust up with him. He says he prefers to be around alot of people..such as in a hotel, so I will feel safe, for our first shoot. He started out asking me to be a spokesmodel for Babydollz, and he said he had hundreds of models apply for the job..and I was at the top of his list. I never applied for this job, he found me somewhere on the internet and e-mailed me about it. What should I do? I am scared to death. Am I just being overly paranoid? How can I verify his legitamacy?? I really need a manager, because I know I am capable of shooting some awesome pictures..and need better exposure, but this business does not mean enough to me to risk my life or get raped or assaulted. I have to give him an answer about coming down to Austin, in which he said he will pay for...but I have to respond to him ASAP. Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

May 24 05 02:34 am Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

it's not worth the risk if you can't confirm his credentials...

not to mention asking you on a trip without every actually meeting or working with you??? who does that???????

and finally, i've been living in austin for fifteen years...i've never heard of babydollz...

May 24 05 02:40 am Link


Glamour Studio /Gary

Posts: 1237

I can't find a trace of anything like that in all of Texas.

This has more red flags than flag day in China.

"I am scared to death."
Well geez, don't do it. That's absurd thinking.

With some of your credits it's easy to see why he asked you.

Who are these "people" you're being introduced to at Playboy?

You're being very vague here about everything that one would need to know to help.

Does this mystery man have a name? Can't really get much info without that. You're scared to death? You want help? Then geez Angie Rae, the name!!

A "man" just doesn't cut it.

May 24 05 03:15 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Angie, I agree with Chapa and Gary ... don't go with this guy! You are feeling some kind of nervousness about this person. Go with your gut instincts. You are better off not taking the chance when you see so many bad signs early on.

Best wishes!

May 24 05 03:20 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Posted by Angie Rae: 
[...] The problem is..I don't trust him. I agreed to discuss this on the phone with him the other day, and he asked me alot of personal questions. [...] He doesn't have a website for his business, so I can't even see a portfolio. He asked me to go on a trip with him, so he could take me to some shing-dig they're having [...]  He says he wants to shoot me in a hotel at first, so I can build my trust up with him. [...] I am scared to death. [...] but this business does not mean enough to me to risk my life or get raped or assaulted.

If you read your own words, you'll see you know what to do...

A hobbyist without a website is one thing; a photographer/manager/agent without one is unusual.

If you can't trust him, it wouldn't matter if he were 100% lilly-white pure boyscout--you're not going to fit together. And, as noted, there's more than enough BIG red flags to make you justifiably nervous.

Pass on this.

May 24 05 03:26 am Link



Posts: 164

West Hollywood, California, US


I looked up in the yellow pages in TX for Babydollz.. nothing
I looked up on the BBB for a company named Babydollz.. Nothing

Get more info!!!

1. His full name
2. His company address
3. How long has he been in business
4. Where can  you view his work
5. If he doesn't have an online portfolio have him mail you information
6. Get referrals from him. Check who he puts down and also check if they are legit referrals!
7. Lots of peeps go to the playboy mansion for parties.. that's all they are are parties. I've been it's not going to land you a job. You want an opportunity for playboy get with a good phototag and have your photos's submitted or contact Playboy yourself
Playboy Enterprises Inc.
2706 Media Center Dr,
Los Angeles, CA 90065
(323) 276-4000
ask how submissions work.
8. Never ever meet with someoone you don't feel comfortable with. Your life isn't worth putting yourself in a situation you're not sure of.
9. Says he knows people from Hustler and you say you shot for them then call your contact and ask if they ever heard of him. Also, if you shot for Hustler I'd say the person you worked with would probably have better connections to refer you to playboy.
10. Scared to death? it doesn't feel good don't do it

If you'd like a few self-defense techniques that will put a guy out of commission so you can get away feel free to write me wink (no not kicking him you know where, that only pisses them off)

May 24 05 03:28 am Link


Glamour Studio /Gary

Posts: 1237

Posted by AshleyDanielle:
If you'd like a few self-defense techniques that will put a guy out of commission so you can get away feel free to write me wink (no not kicking him you know where, that only pisses them off)

Ouch! Trust me, it may piss me off but if she ran afterwards she'd be long gone before I got up again!

May 24 05 03:51 am Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

one word... references.

May 24 05 03:54 am Link



Posts: 7840


You didn't need any of us to tell You this is a hot potato to drop. You are in charge and you are NOT desparate.


May i point out possibly your ex-husband has made you still doubt your intuition? and your own power and wits!  DONT second guess, know what you KNOW. Trust your intuition. Always.

You know this isnt kosha...and if it was, with great web site. credentials, a job you applied for and real people you want to meet and past models full refs you still shouldn't do it if to you feel negative about the situation in any way. k? xox

May 24 05 04:59 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Scary, But I have actually heard of Babydollz!

First, Let me say that if this is the same organization, then you could very easily become their spokesperson.

Only criteria you do not have yet is sleeping with Mr. Scumbag.

Again, If this is the same guy / group (It is 3 poeple I believe)

They take you to a hotel to shoot.
they will actually take you to a public place to start, then to a private room.
Once in the room, you will get more and more revealing, because after all they are shooting playboy - hustler style pics.
Once you are through the Hustler solo thing, he will suggest simulated sex. Then it will progress to static sex (something akin to oral without any movement.)

Then it goes to actual oral sex Etc..etc...

Finally, he will offer you the position of spokesmodel only if you have sex with him.

After you are done, he gives you the title of spokesperson. but nothing to do, no pay.

Leave this offer alone.

May 24 05 07:24 am Link


David Holloway

Posts: 713

Liberty Lake, Washington, US

Trust your Instincts!!!!!!!!

Sounds like bad news to me. Stay away from this so-called agency.



May 24 05 10:01 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

It is unprofessional to ask one personal questions when interviewing for employment position...  Kick him to the curb...

May 24 05 10:15 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Angie Rae: 
I don't trust him. ... No offense to anybody, but I just don't trust men very much. I was married to a very abusive man for 14 long years is the main reason why, I guess. ...He doesn't have a website for his business, so I can't even see a portfolio. He asked me to go on a trip with him, so he could take me to some shing-dig they're having at the Playboy Mansion in the middle of June, so he could introduce me to some "people". He did tell me a few things about Hustler magazine, in which I took pictures for last month, that nobody else would know but somebody in this business.... I am supposed to go meet him in June. He says he wants to shoot me in a hotel at first, so I can build my trust up with him. ..... I never applied for this job, he found me somewhere on the internet and e-mailed me about it. What should I do? I am scared to death. ....How can I verify his legitamacy?? I really need a manager, because I know I am capable of shooting some awesome pictures..and need better exposure, but this business does not mean enough to me to risk my life or get raped or assaulted. I have to give him an answer about coming down to Austin, in which he said he will pay for...but I have to respond to him ASAP.

The body of the victim, Miss Rae, was found in a dumpster outside of a flea-bit hotel in Austin, Texas.

In the video confiscated by police, the last words she was told were, "If you won't do porn, you're doing a snuff film."

May 24 05 10:19 am Link



Posts: 57

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

"The body of the victim, Miss Rae, was found in a dumpster outside of a flea-bit hotel in Austin, Texas."

Thanks for posting that Eric. Far fetched? Maybe, maybe not.
I CAN'T BELIEVE that you models even read these e-mails, nevermind consider replying to them.

The guys who shoot for Playboy and go to partys at the mansion, are the ones with Playboy covers and tears in their portfolios.

May 24 05 10:41 am Link


Angie Rae

Posts: 99

Lawton, Iowa, US

Thanks for your responses. His name is Jon Collions. He has a secretary named Carrie, but I don't know her last name, or if she even exists. She is the one who has been e-mailing me about the spokesmodel job. And by the way..regarding my credentials..yes, I did chose to shoot for Hustler, but couldn't shoot any of the "disgusting" poses like you see so much of in the magazine. The photograher who shot me for Hustler told me, since I couldn't shoot pics like that..some of my "virgin" nudes may be published and may not be. This guy was a crook too. He told me that he makes absolutely no money off of shooting for Hustler, but I found out from Jon that they pay you $2500 if they chose to publish you, and Hugh told me I'd get paid $1000 for the shoot when the pictures are published..which means he would pocket $1500 of the money. You can't send in your own pics to them have to have somebody representing you to send them in...which I think is bullshit. At least with Playboy, you can submit your own pictures and don't have to worry about getting ripped off if they decide to publish you. I didn't know this until after the fact. He did mention a couple of people's names from the Playboy thing..but I can't remember me old and senile, haha. Plus, he talks really fast and it's hard for me to remember things with words flying a hundred miles an hour. Thanks for your feedback also Anjel. I got your message and I hear what you are saying. need to worry, I have never done and never will shoot any kind of pornography. I also will never "sleep" with any man to get a job. He's S.O.L. with that idea, if that's whats floating around in his head. I'd have to kick him in the balls, or poke his eyes out if he even suggested that perverted thought to me. I would also appreciate knowing where you got this information about Babydollz from..if it's a model or photograher, I'd like to talk with them. I heard something about the dead body found in a dumpster outside of a hotel in Austin too Eric. Don't know the full details, but will try to look it up on the internet. Jon says he is a single father of 1 child whom lives with him. He says his mother is a nurse, like me and seems to know what my 12 hr. schedules are like. He says his dad is a doctor. He also told me he is mixed, Puertorican and white..(don't know if I spelled that right). smile He says he is a handsome man and looks like Will Smith..haha. I really don't care what he looks like. He talked more about himself and asked me personal questions, more than he talked about this "supposed" job. Why do these guys think that us models will sleep with them for jobs?? I am seeing a neuro surgeon from OKC who I care for very much and am not a "desperate for sex" type woman. Do these guys think we sit home all the time and don't get dates or something??..haha. I just don't understand their way of thinking. I will send him Ashley Danielle's questionairre and see if he sends it back. I will also muster up the guts to be frank and to the point with him about my misconceptions about this job offer tonight. If he gets mad..oh well. I am going to take you all's advice and just trust my instincts on this one...God knows they're never wrong. I will let you all know what happens. Thanks for your feedback! smile

May 24 05 02:35 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Angie Rae: 
I heard something about the dead body found in a dumpster outside of a hotel in Austin too Eric. Don't know the full details, but will try to look it up on the internet.

Well, good luck. Since it was a facetious reference to your own possible future (hence the reason your name was in it), I'll be shocked if you find anything online regarding the incident.

May 24 05 07:46 pm Link

Makeup Artist

The Beauty Artist

Posts: 918

Troy, Michigan, US

Like the others said considering all the red flags that i see, I would defiantely walk away from this guy.

May 24 05 08:00 pm Link



Posts: 4144

Spartanburg, South Carolina, US

     The reference to "things only someone in the business would know", remember,....
predators are very, very good at what they do.
Always listen to your "gut compass"! You know that little queasy feeling you get when something's just not right.

It always knows!
And I would suspect it's kicking in now, or you wouldn't have posted the original message.

May 24 05 08:24 pm Link



Posts: 168

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I don't know if this will help you but Babydollz is a strip club in Dallas, I am from DFW, it is by a club called DMX, if you have any friends in the DFW area ask them they should be able to tell you exactly where it is.

May 25 05 01:57 am Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Run far, run fast! That guy is a fraud and likely a dangerous predator. Trust your instincts and avoid him like the plague. BTW, a  friend of mine who is an experienced pro model did a hotel shoot with a 'photographer' she didn't know but who made all sorts of claims. She ended up being knocked unconscious, tied up and forcible raped. Be careful!

May 27 05 12:04 pm Link