Forums > General Industry > how do you get yourself signed.....????


Sexiest Carly

Posts: 530

Los Angeles, California, US

so...i have a great portfolio, a bit of experience, and a good look....what now? where do i go from here other than sit around and wait on blind luck?

Nov 28 05 10:45 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

go to an agency.............?

you're gorgeous by the way smile

Nov 28 05 10:46 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

At 26 you'll have a very hard time.

A lot of the NYC agencies have branch offices in Texas, but if you want to work with a real modeling agency it's either New York, Miami, or Chicago.  LA also has real agencies, but most are skewed towards actors.

It basically comes down to looking for open castings, comparing your look to the look that the agency has, and going to the open castings that fit what they're looking for.

Other than that you can look for brick and mortar agencies in the larger cities near you; Austin, Huston, Dallas, Atlanta.

Good luck

Nov 28 05 10:51 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Take thee hence straight away to an agency. Walk in with a couple of polaroids or snapshots, hair off face, clean, no make-up, headshots and body shots. Just that simple. And see what they say. Look to target agencies with good commercial divisions because of your age. You've got a slight bit of a fashion look to you, and that's a good thing, but it's really hard to get signed to a fashion agency as a new face if you're over 19.

And I agree with a previous poster that you're gorgeous, and I'm of the opinion that you might well have a chance at this.

Nov 28 05 10:51 am Link


Sexiest Carly

Posts: 530

Los Angeles, California, US

wow what feedback.

so basically i need to fly to NY or chicago. I know that miami is flooded in the winter with all the NY models lookin for work.

thanks for your kind words. and damn don't i wish i was 19 again! lol.

how about sending in photos? do they really get looked at or is that just a waste of postage?

Nov 28 05 10:54 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

carlyerin wrote:
wow what feedback.

so basically i need to fly to NY or chicago. I know that miami is flooded in the winter with all the NY models lookin for work.

thanks for your kind words. and damn don't i wish i was 19 again! lol.

how about sending in photos? do they really get looked at or is that just a waste of postage?

Honestly waste of postage. I won't say the NEVER get looked at, but it's a bit like a telemarketer making a cold call.

Re: those polaroids/snap shots. You know what you're supposed to do for that, right? No make-up, hair off your face. Head shots (straight on, 3/4, profile) and then full body in bikini or underwear no shoes. Basically the model version of a mug shot. LOL And it's not exactly illegal to smile.

You'll need portfolio work as well, but that's something you can discuss when you get there. Don't bother getting a lot of portfolio work done in Texas to go to Chicago or especially NY, most if not all of it will end up in the waste basket anyhow. YOU in person is what can get you signed.

Nov 28 05 11:15 am Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

carlyerin wrote:
how about sending in photos? do they really get looked at or is that just a waste of postage?

I'm going to give you a different take, forget the polaroids and much of what is found in your portfolio as well.  In fact, forget fashion altogether.  Agencies want polaroids from younger models primarily as a means of determing stark reality of bone structure and facial composition (eyes, nose, jawline).  You don't need that requirement, they want someone your age with the ability to sell through an image.

Seek out a photographer (perhaps Andy Hamilton - MM 2846) that can shoot great lifestyle shots...find those shots in mags not related to fashion...then create some.  Approach the shoot with client sensibility, impeccably styled in hair, make-up, wardrobe and setting. 

Modeling is local, the predominance of modeling is commercial lifestyle.  Texas has (3) metro areas in the top fifteen of US population, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio.  There is work there and lots of it...but it ain't fashion. 

After you complete those shots, knock on local agency doors that cater to local/regional office ad agencies.  They'll sign you in a heartbeat with a look like yours, you just need to go about it the right way.

Nov 28 05 11:59 am Link


Sexiest Carly

Posts: 530

Los Angeles, California, US

so are my photos on the right track, or should i tone them down a

Nov 28 05 12:07 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Answer always depends "where and for whom are you gonna work?"

Nov 28 05 12:11 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

carlyerin wrote:
so are my photos on the right track, or should i tone them down a

Do any of them look like this lifestyle example?

Nov 28 05 12:12 pm Link


Sexiest Carly

Posts: 530

Los Angeles, California, US

THAT's lifestyle....ok.

bleh. but ok.

Nov 28 05 12:27 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

carlyerin wrote:
bleh. but ok.

Perhaps that was a rude awakening, but that's what the majority of modeling is at the agency level and that style of imaging is your "in."   Then the opportunities will present themself for more of your interest. 

Or, you could be more content with staying put on the 'net doing a ton of what you want through TFP...

Nov 28 05 12:35 pm Link


Sexiest Carly

Posts: 530

Los Angeles, California, US

no i mean i totally get what you are saying. i wasn't trying to invalidate your advice or that area of work, but being behind the camera as much as in front, i would feel as though i was 'settling for' that type of offense to the photographer.
~wow i've really dug a  hole here. *sigh* what i'm trying to say is that while i don't mind NOT being the center of the photo, i would hope that there would be purpose to the photo other than that. 
busy morning....lack of language skills....*arg.*

Nov 28 05 01:18 pm Link


Sexiest Carly

Posts: 530

Los Angeles, California, US

Then the opportunities will present themself for more of your interest. 

so this i work work. i don't mind starting there. i just don't want that to be it.

Nov 28 05 01:20 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Lifestyle is EXTREMELY broad. That's a small sampling, but that's the majority of it at the regional level.

You want a wider sampling of national-level lifestyle? Pick up a bunch of the following titles at your newsstand and look at both the editorial and the advertising therein. Spin (not the celeb portraiture but the other stuff, same with all these titles), BPM, Skateboarder, Salt, Parenting, InStyle, Gear, The Robb Report, Conde Nast Traveller, Elle Decore, Time Out, Cosmopolitan, Flaunt, Nylon.

That teeny little sampling covers much of the gamut. Some of it stylish, some of it sexy, some of it edgy, some of it kinda artistic, some of it soft and fuzzy and romantic, some of it glossy, some of it boring.

Nov 28 05 02:57 pm Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

Marko Cecic-Karuzic wrote:
Lifestyle is EXTREMELY broad. That's a small sampling, but that's the majority of it at the regional level.

You want a wider sampling of national-level lifestyle? Pick up a bunch of the following titles at your newsstand and look at both the editorial and the advertising therein. Spin (not the celeb portraiture but the other stuff, same with all these titles), BPM, Skateboarder, Salt, Parenting, InStyle, Gear, The Robb Report, Conde Nast Traveller, Elle Decore, Time Out, Cosmopolitan, Flaunt, Nylon.

That teeny little sampling covers much of the gamut. Some of it stylish, some of it sexy, some of it edgy, some of it kinda artistic, some of it soft and fuzzy and romantic, some of it glossy, some of it boring.

Check out the lifestyle work of Ron Chappel and you'll see how varied it can get.

Good luck

Nov 28 05 03:07 pm Link


Sexiest Carly

Posts: 530

Los Angeles, California, US

i see what you are saying about how broad lifestyle can be. and that is a relief. and i'm on my way to walmart now! wink j/p. everyone knows the best time to go to walmart is @ 3 am.

I've updated my profile on here, changed out a lot of pics and i'd like to know what you think of it now that i've edited it with your advice in mind.

i still have to throw together a book, and i'm just not sure on what to put in it.

Nov 28 05 03:15 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

carlyerin wrote:
i see what you are saying about how broad lifestyle can be. and that is a relief. and i'm on my way to walmart now! wink j/p. everyone knows the best time to go to walmart is @ 3 am.

I've updated my profile on here, changed out a lot of pics and i'd like to know what you think of it now that i've edited it with your advice in mind.

i still have to throw together a book, and i'm just not sure on what to put in it.

Some of it is a bit edgy, and some of it is on target, but I've seen models get booked for lifestyle with both more and less edgy work.

The best advice so far was not mine, because you can get lifestyle work being signed out of a minor market just as easily as out of new york...Keep in mind however that if you are signed in the minor market by an agency that exists in the major markets, you will get more exposure and more work.

You really do have a great look, and I'm sure I'll see you around.  If you ever get to the New York/Philly area let me know, and we can pull together a catalog/lifestlye test big_smile

Nov 28 05 03:25 pm Link